Read Dark Creations Boxed Set (Books 1-3) Page 14


  Melissa sat in her fifth period chemistry class listening to Alexandra Georgopoulos, her lab partner, gush about the new student at Harbingers High School.

  “He is so hot. I’m telling you, Gabriel James is even hotter than Kevin.” Alexandra said.

  “He seems really nice, too. We went for a walk together at lunch.”

  Alexandra gave Melissa a furtive glance and leaned in. “What? Really! You went for a walk with him and you’re just telling me about it now? And just what happened during this walk, hmm?” Alexandra could not contain her excitement and arched one of her meticulously groomed eyebrows in expectation of juicy gossip.

  “What?” Melissa asked distractedly as she dipped a piece of litmus paper into a green solution in a test tube. The paper turned blue. “Alex, write down that test tube A contains a basic solution.”

  “Ah she won’t answer my question. Something happened between you and Gabriel,” Alexandra teased.

  “You’re horrible! And what are you implying? Nothing happened during our walk. I mean, we walked and talked. That’s it.”

  Melissa watched as Alexandra brushed a hand through her shiny black hair. Even with safety goggles on, she managed to look sensational. Her rubber apron fit her like slinky lingerie, accentuating all her best assets.

  Anyone standing next to her could not help but feel inadequate. Her perpetually sun-kissed skin, deep chocolate-hued eyes and generous curves made for a striking presentation. Then, without apology, Alexandra produced a loud belch. Surrounding students turned to gape at her. Embarrassed, Melissa contemplated crawling under their workstation. But her friend did not seem to share in her embarrassment. To the contrary, she appeared oblivious.

  Alexandra continued her interrogation. “So you spent lunch with the hot new guy. I hope this means that jackass Kevin is out of the picture for good.”

  “Actually, Kevin and I spoke just before lunch,” Melissa offered, “He wants me to go to the bonfire with him tonight. I told him I was going with you and Daniella and that I would talk to him for a few minutes if I saw him.”

  “You cannot be serious. After what happened last night? Seriously? You’re actually going to hang out with him again?”

  “No! No way! I only said I’d talk to him to shut him up. Gabriel was waiting for me. I just wanted to get the hell away from him.”

  “Good because after what happened, that asshole proved he’s nothing but a dog.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me, Alex. He is an asshole,” Melissa said and they both giggled.

  They finished their lab assignment, laughing and chatting until the bell rang and ended fifth period chemistry. They quickly cleaned up their workstation and submitted their findings to their teacher. Both girls had a free period next.

  “Hey let’s go see if Daniella will cut class and hang out with us,” Alexandra suggested mischievously.

  “No way! That girl is going to go to Harvard. I know I don’t want to mess with that.”

  “Ah, you’re no fun.”

  Melissa and Alexandra walked down the corridor toward their lockers. As Alexandra fumbled with the combination to hers, Melissa’s noticed someone waiting at her locker. Gabriel James stood smiling at Melissa.

  “Hey. How’d you know this was my locker?” Melissa asked.

  “I asked the girl with the curly blonde hair and blue eyes I saw you standing with this morning. I think her name is Danielle or Daniella.”

  “Daniella,” Melissa corrected. “She’s been my best friend since kindergarten.”

  “Cool. She was very nice and very helpful.”

  Alexandra, who had been watching from her locker, approached. She brushed her raven locks out of her face and over her shoulder turning her head ever so slightly. Melissa marveled at how her friend managed to make an ordinary gesture such as removing hair from her face sensual. She had applied a fresh coat of lip gloss and, standing with her back arched more than usual and her lips slightly pursed she looked as though she were ready for a photo shoot for a men’s magazine.

  Melissa was relieved that Gabriel made no attempt to gawk at Alexandra with mouth agape as all other men did. Instead, he seemed oblivious of her. His focus remained on her.

  “I’m glad,” Melissa continued. “What’s up?”

  Alexandra cleared her throat.

  “Oh, sorry. This is Alexandra Georgopoulos, my other best friend since kindergarten,” Melissa said.

  “Nice to meet you,” Gabriel said barely looking at Alexandra.

  “Likewise,” Alexandra replied slightly irritated.

  “Anyway, Melissa, I heard that there is this bonfire tonight and a party afterward. Are you going?”

  “Umm, yeah, I am going. I mean, I’m going with Alex and Daniella. I’m supposed to meet someone after, you know, at the party, but I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to go for a little bit and head home.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m going to the bonfire too,” he began. “I was hoping we could go together, you know hang out for a while. But I don’t want to ruin your plans with your friends. I’ll just see you there. You can give me all the goods on everyone another time.”

  Alexandra spoke next. “We can all hang out at the bonfire. That’s not a problem for me. I’m sure Daniella won’t mind either.”

  Melissa and Alexandra exchanged a quick glance.

  “Yeah, that sounds like good idea,” Melissa agreed. “Why don’t we do that?”

  “Great I’ll see you there,” Gabriel said to just Melissa.

  As Gabriel walked away, Melissa felt excitement bubbling despite her many self-doubts. Every cell within her buzzed and hummed. But pure excitement was replaced by negative self-talk. She watched Alexandra. Her best friend looked as if she were about to burst as she waited for Gabriel to walk far enough away for her to begin gushing. And she did not try to conceal that she enjoyed watching him stride away as much as she enjoyed watching him approach.

  “Hello! Earth to Alexandra!” Melissa began.

  Completely enthralled by his backside, Alexandra was oblivious of her friend’s words. Instead, she shook her head and muttered to herself, “That boy is just too damn fine.”

  After Gabriel was far down the hall and about to round the corner, safely out of earshot, Alexandra turned to Melissa. Wide eyed and expressive, she said, “Holy shit! He is so into you.”

  “Oh, you’re back,” Melissa chided.

  “Huh?” Alexandra asked genuinely confused.

  “Never mind,” Melissa giggled.

  “He’s hot for you,” Alexandra said confidently.

  “No, he’s not. I’m the only person he knows here,” Melissa reasoned. “He’ll probably ditch me once he hooks up with his own kind at the party.”

  Melissa shifted uncomfortably.

  “His own kind; what the hell are you talking about?”

  “You know, guys and girls that he belongs with; the ‘in’ crowd, jocks and cheerleaders.”

  “Excuse me. You are his kind. You’re beautiful and sweet and smart and funny. That is everybody’s kind. And, furthermore, you don’t even know that he’s a jock,” Alexandra contended.

  “Come on Alex, with that body. How could he not be?” Melissa countered.

  “Good point. But still. He seems into you. Go with it. Wear that blue shirt of yours. You know, the one that brings out your eyes, and your good ass jeans. You got to bring you’re A game tonight, girlfriend.”

  Melissa walked with Alexandra the remainder of the locker-lined hallway past the door to the gymnasium and out to the rear parking lot. She could not wait until the end of sixth period to tell Daniella everything that had happened.