Read Dark Creations Boxed Set (Books 1-3) Page 30

  Chapter 21

  Nerves had awakened Melissa from a fitful night of sleep. Each hour was interrupted by an incessant need to check the alarm clock on the nightstand by her bed. Her restlessness was not entirely unpleasant, though. It was generated by excitement, pure and simple. She was genuinely eager to see Gabriel. Waking multiple times was a small price to pay to know that she would be able to see him for even a short while before school.

  She stayed in bed until six, daydreaming and fretting over her less than glamorous wardrobe before deciding to primp.

  For forty minutes, Melissa passed her time preparing for Gabriel. She showered, brushed her teeth, dried her hair, dressed and applied a small amount of makeup. Then she turned to her closet only to be disappointed by a hodgepodge of sweatshirts, T-shirts and jeans.

  Her wardrobe was pathetic by teenage girl standards, but fashion had not been that important to her before meeting Gabriel. Now, however, she wished she had been more judicious when spending the money her father allotted her for clothing. She searched and searched though the sea of frumpy, lackluster garments before settling on a fitted, long-sleeved, button-down shirt and her favorite go-to pair of jeans. She took a quick look at herself in the mirror then gathered her books and backpack and dashed downstairs.

  She checked the clock on the microwave on the counter between the stove and the refrigerator. It read 6:40 a.m., about five minutes before Gabriel’s anticipated arrival. She took a deep breath to steady her anxiety then set about rummaging through the cabinets, food pantry, refrigerator and freezer in search of something for breakfast. She intended to piece together a meal to be packed into a cooler and shared with Gabriel. But after examining the sad contents of the cupboard and the fridge, Melissa came up empty. She desperately wanted to do something for Gabriel, to express her affections for him and convey a fraction of the gratitude she had for his presence in her life.

  Instead, the best she could offer him were two overripe bananas, one frozen chocolate chip waffle and a box of granola bars with an expiration date of more than six months ago. Abandoning her breakfast idea, Melissa chose, instead, to open the front door and wait for Gabriel.

  At precisely 6:45 a.m. Gabriel’s hunter-green Ford explorer pulled into her driveway. He was smiling at her from behind the safety glass of the windshield. Leaving the engine running, he stepped out of his SUV and made his way up the footpath to Melissa’s front door.

  Facing due east, Melissa’s house on Blackstone Drive boasted spectacular sunrises. This morning was no exception. The eager sun surged from the horizon in a dazzling spectacle. Pure gold illuminated the skyline melding into shades of orange and intensifying as it swelled, blending hues of rich pink and purple then deepening to violet as it shepherded night to day.

  In the luminous light of the dawning day, Gabriel was stunning. His chiseled features, punctuated by deep-set sapphire eyes, the linear structure of his nose and the fullness of his lips were splendid. His appearance made Melissa’s breath catch in her chest. She had to look away from him, distract herself to avoid the possibility of hyperventilation. She turned and grabbed her backpack off the kitchen table then opened the storm door. Gabriel held it ajar for her as she stepped out.

  “Good morning,” Gabriel said, smiling as he spoke.

  “Good morning,” Melissa replied as she shut the front door and locked it behind her. “How did you sleep?”

  “I had some trouble. I was looking forward to today,” he admitted sheepishly.

  “Me, too,” she confessed.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Do you want to get something to eat?”

  Melissa had not eaten during the time she was awake. And, although being with Gabriel offered her comfort, anticipation of his company had the opposite effect.

  “Sure, sounds great. What did you have in mind?” Melissa answered.

  “I don’t know. We can go to Joe’s Deli and look around. Everyone says they make a great egg sandwich. Or we could go to McDonald’s if you want.”

  Preferring to not waste time at the deli instead of spending time with Gabriel, Melissa chose, instead, the familiar menu choices of the fast-food restaurant.

  They pulled out of her driveway and traveled to Route 9. After visiting the drive-thru window and receiving their meals, Melissa and Gabriel headed toward Harbingers High School.

  Gabriel navigated the length of the winding, paved pathway leading to Harbingers High and parked in a spot in the rear lot. Once the ignition was turned off, Melissa set about distributing their respective breakfasts, napkins, straws and cutlery.

  She watched as Gabriel chewed his bacon, egg and cheese biscuit before asking playfully, “What do you think of my diabolical plan for the weekend?”

  Melissa thought about his question for a moment as she cut her steaming hotcakes with a plastic knife. “Well, I wouldn’t necessarily call it diabolical,” she joked. “I mean, I definitely want to be together, and spend time outside of school this weekend.” Melissa blushed as she continued, “I’m just so worried that you’ll get caught and be, like, banned from seeing me ever again.”

  “That’s not a possibility,” he answered quickly without the faintest trace of humor.

  He seemed repulsed at the thought of punishment involving separation from her. Though she could not be certain, such a notion sent a tremor of delight through her stomach. She smiled and took a bite of her food to avoid passing out from excitement-induced fasting.

  “Do you really think Alexandra or Daniella will agree to help us?” Gabriel inquired.

  “Umm, yeah, I’m pretty sure. Besides, they’re such romantics.”

  “So let’s see, Friday night works for me. But so does Saturday night.”

  “It’d be great if Alexandra took one night and Daniella took the other,” Melissa dreamed aloud. She caught herself amid a fanciful dialogue and a faint pink blush spread across her cheeks.

  “That’s a great idea! Do you think they would do that?”

  Pleasantly surprised that Gabriel shared in her desire to spend both weekend evenings together, Melissa contemplated the enormous favor she intended to ask of her friends. She sincerely hoped they would at least consider extending such an enormous service to them. A vague “We’ll know soon enough,” was the best she could offer.

  They finished their breakfast and engaged in light conversation. Too quickly though, the clock on the dashboard radio indicated that their breakfast date was over. Much to Melissa’s disappointment, the adage about time flying when one is having fun proved true. First period was about to begin.

  Leaving the SUV, Melissa and Gabriel crossed the parking lot to the rear entrance of the high school. Beyond the doors were the cafeteria and a wide corridor known as the common area that featured over a dozen finished wooden benches that lined the perimeter of the windowed walls. “The Commons,” as they were called, offered students a place to assemble indoors yet enjoy nature through a panoramic view of the park-like campus.

  Directly across from the commons were two sets of widely spaced double doors that opened into the gymnasium.

  Melissa and Gabriel passed the cafeteria and the common area and paused past the first set of double doors. Loud, rhythmic thumping could be heard.

  Peering into the gymnasium to locate the source of the pulsating noise, Melissa eyed a large boom box perched high on the bleachers. The sound system issued blaring beats. On the hardwood floor, a group of about twenty cheerleaders were assembled for an early morning practice session.

  Clad in various skimpy articles of workout wear, the girls strutted and gyrated in a formation similar to that of a line dancing troop but with choreography more closely matching strippers at a gentleman’s club.

  Kevin Anderson, Chris Mace, John DeNardi and Eric Sala grouped in the gym as well. Melissa knew their predatory presence was not a show of support for their cheerleaders. They leered and gestured obscenely, making plain their intent to survey prospec
tive conquests. But the cheerleaders did not seem to mind. Rather, it incited their behavior.

  The bass of the song rumbled as the cheerleaders, aware of their appreciative male audience, performed each move more erotically than Melissa had ever seen them perform, writhing and shaking seductively. Melissa could not help but stare at what looked like a perverse mating ritual, unbridled and animal. She immediately worried that Gabriel, too, was as tantalized as the other boys. He looked on just as she did. Their overt sensuality was undeniable. Yet when she turned to face him, she realized he was not looking at the girls. He trained his gaze, instead, on Kevin Anderson’s pack.

  “Wow. That’s something, huh?” Melissa asked.

  “What? What’s something?”

  Melissa was relieved by Gabriel’s response. It did not seem contrived or artificial. It seemed genuine. Gabriel seemed oblivious of the vulgar display in the gymnasium, of the girls.

  “Them. I mean, those girls, the way they move.”

  “Oh, them,” he muttered, disgust lacing each word. “Yeah, there’s a word for that. Gross.”

  Thrilled by his aversion, Melissa celebrated silently, but was still bothered by sporadic bouts of self-doubt. After all, she could not writhe and slink about as they did. She rejoiced over not falling as she roamed the halls of her high school. The thought of attempting to dance and gyrate seductively invited disaster–or at least a trip to the emergency room.

  “They have talent. I mean, I’d land myself in the hospital if I tried to do what they’re doing.”

  Looking Melissa directly in her eyes, Gabriel affirmed, “You don’t need to be half naked and prancing around like a stripper. You’re too good for that. You’re beautiful and smart and have self-respect. Those girls in there, they’re auditioning.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look over there,” Gabriel gestured to the far corner of the gym where Kevin and his friends gathered. “You see Kevin and his crew? Why do you think they're there?” he asked. “I’ll tell you, they’re not there to offer any kind of help, that’s for sure. They’re there because this practice session is like a sick buffet to them.”

  “Oh,” was all Melissa could manage.

  Blushing, she turned away from the spectacle in the gym in revulsion.

  “Melissa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you with my crassness,” he began. “Really, I just get so mad when I see that guy, after what he did to you, what he wanted to do to you, and here he is objectifying these girls.”

  Melissa waited while Gabriel paused and glared at Kevin.

  “And the sad part is that the girls don’t seem to mind. They seem to be willing participants in their objectification.”

  It became clear that Gabriel interpreted her blush as shock at his frank talk. She was not offended, though. To the contrary, she was impressed by his perception and sensitivity.

  “I get pissed too. Believe me,” Melissa admitted. “That’s why I can’t even look in there. I wasn’t mad at you. You weren’t crass as you said. I mean, really? I’m best friends with Alexandra for heaven’s sake. She curses like a sailor. I don’t even notice anymore,” Melissa laughed aloud.

  “And if anyone knows what Kevin Anderson is, it’s me,” she added solemnly.

  Gabriel’s face relaxed as he questioned the truth of her explanation.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “Because I would never want to hurt you in any way. You mean…so much to me.”

  “Gabriel, you didn’t hurt me. I promise. You make me feel the opposite of hurt,” Melissa fumbled, blushing. “I mean, you make me happy.”

  Then Gabriel took her hand. Interlacing his fingers with hers, he gave a gentle squeeze as they began walking. They continued down the hallway, side by side, to Melissa’s locker.

  “By the way Gabriel, when did you become such a smarty-pants? Objectification?” Melissa laughed again. “You can’t use words like that on me this early in the morning. It’s like 7:30 a.m. You have to wait at least until lunchtime to start working the SAT power words,” she teased.

  Gabriel laughed aloud. His mirth was infectious. Melissa found herself laughing too.

  Approaching her locker, she was reluctant to release Gabriel’s hand. She adored his deep understanding of people and shuttered at the thought of parting with the warmth of his personality. She noticed his unwillingness to let go as well.

  Satisfied that the need to stay was mutual, Melissa turned to face Gabriel. Emboldened by an overwhelming urge to express her affection for Gabriel, she leaned toward him, positioning herself closer.

  Her heart began to pound, threatened to beat out of her rib cage. She never acted so boldly before. And she did not have a plan. Unsure of exactly what she was doing, Melissa arched her body toward his and silently hoped he did not recognize her complete inexperience. Dizzied by an unrelentingly racing pulse, she said nothing but leaned in even further and tipped her head slightly. She was drunk with adrenaline, overtaken by the profound need to press her lips against his, feel the tender skin of his mouth touch hers.

  Her pulse thundered in her ears. Gabriel seemed to grasp what her positioning suggested. He bent forward in expectation, dipping his head lower. As their faces drew closer, her mind flooded with racing thoughts. Worry filled each. She panicked.

  She worried she was going about things incorrectly. After all, a boy as attractive as he was had surely kissed many girls before. What if her skills were subpar? Did she even have skills? She had little practice. Each question swirled as they inched closer to each other slowly. Then suddenly, with their lips about to touch, all of her negative thoughts were quieted. In her mind there was complete silence; peace. She abandoned all fears and, instead, proceeded with the most natural, exhilarating action she could possibly begin. But just as her lips grazed his, a familiar voice grated in her ears.

  “Hey Bitch!” Alexandra greeted Melissa. “Ugh. I feel like shit. I’m getting my period. I have such cramps and I’m so gassy and constipated.”

  Melissa felt frustrated and disappointed simultaneously. She cringed then looked at her best friend with a look of puzzlement and watched as Alexandra patted her chest, and belched before asking, “What the hell? Am I interrupting you guys or something?”

  Reluctantly, Melissa stepped away from Gabriel. The distance pained her. She feared her disappointment was etched on her face.

  “Hello?” Alexandra continued. “Are you people deaf? Do you hear me?”

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Melissa replied, “Wow, mental pause, sorry Alex. It’s been an interesting few days. Sorry you’re not feeling well.”

  “Yeah, you know how backed up I get before my period. If the cramps and bloat are not enough,” she began.

  “I apologize for interrupting you, Alexandra,” Gabriel interjected. “But I have to get to my locker before first period. I’ll leave you two to chat privately. Melissa, remember what I said. My phone is on. I’ll see you in third period.”

  Melissa watched as Gabriel walked away toward the staircase. His locker was on the second floor. Even though he had just left her, she missed him already.

  He was out of sight when cheerleading practice concluded and the cheerleaders began leaving the gymnasium. Three were approaching their lockers beside Melissa’s.

  Kelly Primrose, Marci Davis and Kristen Taft, a trifecta renowned in Harbingers High School for the malicious nature of their gossip and supreme bitchiness, strode up to Melissa and Alexandra.

  As they passed, each turned and looked over her shoulder to glare at Melissa.

  “Slut,” one hissed.

  “Whore,” another condemned.

  “Bitch,” one denounced.

  Melissa looked nervously to Alexandra and pleaded, “Let’s just go. Come on. I need to get to class anyway.”

  Ignoring her friend, Alexandra spun around to confront the trio.

  “Excuse me?” She demanded. “Do any of you fucking bitches have something to

  Refusing to meet her eyes, the threesome just tossed their heads back and laughed. More cheerleaders advanced. Some pointed and whispered and made slanderous remarks while others just stared at Melissa. She felt vulnerable, withered by their stares, weakened by their words. Yet, she had nothing to feel ashamed of. She had done nothing wrong. In her mind, her words rang true. In the court of public opinion, Kevin Anderson was judge, jury and executioner.

  She could do nothing but watch as Alexandra began, at their goading, to defend her friend and distribute her wrath.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are!” she shouted at the group. “You have no idea what happened. You’re just a bunch of sheep. You believe whatever bullshit that asshole Kevin feeds you! You’re too fucking stupid to question him! He tried to rape her!”

  As if on cue, Kevin Anderson rounded the corner and moved toward the scene unfolding.

  “Ladies, what’s all the drama? I certainly hope a fight results from this. You know, clothes get ripped off when girls fight.”

  “Only on your porn channels, asshole,” Alexandra spat.

  Before Kevin could retort, Arlene Cardwell, a retired prisonguard who was now the hall monitor for Harbingers High School, came out of the cafeteria. Hearing the commotion and sensing an impending skirmish, Arlene made her way down the hallway toward them and ordered everyone to get to class.

  “Come on guys. Let’s go,” Arlene instructed. “Everyone has a class they need to be in! The first bell rang already!”

  The group disbanded slowly at first. The closer Arlene got, however, the more quickly the process proceeded.

  As the group dispersed, some of the cheerleaders made comments, snickered. Kelly, Marci and Kristen lingered the longest, as did Kevin Anderson.

  “I’m sorry, Melissa. I have to get to class. If I’m late again, I’ll get detention,” Alexandra explained.

  Despite feeling a knot form in her stomach that squeezed intensely, Melissa knew it was not her friend’s battle to fight. She did not want someone else she cared about getting into trouble trying to rescue her.

  “Don’t be silly. Go. I’ll be fine,” Melissa offered. “And thank you.”

  Alexandra embraced her friend. “No problem,” she said sincerely. “See you later.”

  From behind the open locker door of Marci Davis, Melissa heard one of the nasty trinity of cheerleaders sarcastically jest, “Aww. Her babysitter is gone now. Hope she’s able to find her way to class all by herself.”

  Snarky laughter followed as the three remaining girls continued their scathing interaction aimed at her.

  Melissa slammed her locker shut. She summoned as much courage as she could muster at the moment and fired back.

  “Why don’t you three go to hell?” she said.

  Then she turned on her heels and headed with trembling legs toward the stairwell. Footsteps were heard behind her. Too heavy to be one of the girls, she guessed it was Kevin Anderson that followed.

  “What’s your hurry, princess?” he asked mockingly confirming her presumption.

  “Just go away Kevin. This is your fault.”

  “This is only the beginning. You think this is bad?” He warned. “Just wait and see how much worse it’s going to get if you don’t.”

  Kevin did not finish his sentence. Instead, he let the last word hang in the air to draw a response from her.

  Baited, she asked, “If I don’t what, Kevin?”

  “Call this off. Take back your statement to the police, call off the cops and end this crap with me.”

  She could not believe what he was proposing. He wanted her to recant her statement–the truth–and absolve him of any offense. In doing that, she would not only pardon his actual and intended acts but also sully her reputation further. She struggled to fathom how he could be so arrogant, so presumptuous. She never imagined she could find him more vile than she did on the night he tried to rape her. Yet by threatening her to get her to retract her statement, he had managed to make himself even more despicable.

  “Kevin, you and I both know what happened, what would have happened if Gabriel hadn’t come when he did,” she said careful to keep her voice calm and controlled.

  “Yeah, well you got roughed up. Who cares? You’re such a tease anyway. You’ll be begging for what happened then once you get a load of what’s gonna happen next.”

  “What? What do you mean?” Melissa asked incredulously.

  “Oh, you’ll see. You know you can avoid all of this if you just cooperate.”

  “We both know that is not going happen.”

  “Suit yourself. Can’t say I didn’t warn you,” Kevin laughed. “I am going to make your days here a nightmare,” he threatened before taking the steps two at a time ahead of Melissa.

  Shaken, Melissa felt as though she would vomit. She took deep breaths to try to calm down. Sweat beaded her forehead, lightheadedness disoriented her. She wanted nothing more than to call Gabriel, have him leave the class he was in and whisk her off school grounds again. But she knew that that was not an option. She understood that she would have to survive the day–and many more like it–before it all ended, before the truth was finally revealed. Melissa took a moment and steadied herself before continuing up the staircase to attend her first period class.