Read Dark Flame Page 10

  The fae weren’t big on traditional marriage, but those couples who grew committed to a relationship shared a powerful connection that enhanced an aura around each of them, especially when they were close. Her fae sage advisor, Agnes, had that kind of relationship with the man in her life. It had been unsettling at first to witness the faint silvery light that pulsed when they were near each other.

  Agnes had also told her that the stronger the fae connection, the more powerful the sexual urge became, even at times overwhelming.

  Right now, as she held Brannick’s hand, her need to be with him physically had her chest in a stranglehold. She could hardly breathe, and she ached all over again between her legs.

  Fergus folded his arms across his chest and took a step back. Then another.

  Juliet stared at the floor. Her skin was so hot, she felt as though she was on fire.

  “I’ll give you two a minute.” Fergus whirled around and headed back out onto the patio.

  Brannick turned to her, and his eyes widened. “Juliet, what the fuck is going on? You’re all silvery. Wait a minute. I know what this is. Juliet?”

  She lifted her gaze to him and at the same time, tugged her hand from what had become a tight grasp. He stared at his own hand. “Shit. I’m glowing as well. This is so fucked up. We’re not connected you and me. We can’t be.”

  She held her hands to her face. She was trembling with pure sexual need. All Brannick had to do was push her up against the wall, press his hips to hers and she’d come apart.

  She knew Brannick was upset, but she was having the worst time calming herself down. She finally forced herself to move into the kitchen. She opened the freezer and pulled out a handful of ice cubes. Taking them back to the sink, she held them up to her neck and closed her eyes. She focused on the birds in her patio earlier and the yellow cat that kept disturbing their feeding.

  Thinking about birds helped. A lot.

  Brannick’s resonant voice, edged with anger, poured into the kitchen space. “Is this how it’s going to be? Are you going to keep trying to seduce me?”

  “I promise that’s not what’s going on here. Just give me a minute.”

  She took deep breaths and moved the ice cubes over her throat and up and down her arms.

  “The glow is receding.” Brannick sounded calmer as well.

  When the intensity of the experience passed, she stood upright. “Brannick, I don’t want this kind of connection any more than you do. Let’s just go get Mary, then you can go home. We’ll never have to see each other after this.”

  The furrow between Brannick’s brows grew more pronounced.

  She dropped the half-melted cubes into the sink, then walked back into the living area. “I’m going to change into some pants, then we can go.”

  She passed by Brannick and headed to the master bedroom. She had no intention of levitating while wearing a dress.

  She put on a dark blue top and a pair of matching slacks. Adding a pair of brown leather flats she made her way back to the patio. Brannick was already there talking with Fergus.

  When she arrived, Fergus inclined his head to her, but quickly looked away.

  Brannick asked Fergus if he’d talked to the rest of the security detail. He nodded, then tossed his chin toward the south.

  Juliet followed the line of his gaze. One of the warlocks assigned to the alley levitated in their direction.

  “He’ll be taking over for me,” Fergus muttered.

  As soon as he arrived, Brannick offered Juliet his booted foot, but she shook her head. She wanted to say something more to him, even to apologize for how much her faeness had encroached on his life.

  Instead, she slowly rose into the air. “I meant to tell you sooner. In the same way Emma took on Vaughn’s ability to fly, seems like I’ve got yours.”

  “So I see.” Brannick’s voice sounded subdued. She wasn’t surprised. This thing between them kept taking hard, uncomfortable turns.

  Though Juliet was worried about what was going on, she set aside her concerns and focused on Mary.

  She rose into the air, slowly at first, getting used to her new vampire-based levitating skill. Some of the more powerful fae could levitate on their own, but she’d never been able to, though she’d tried countless times. Of all the magical alter abilities to possess, this one felt like freedom to her, like maybe she could truly find a new life in Five Bridges, even if she and Brannick parted ways. She could sense the ability belonged to her now, no matter what happened in her relationship with Brannick.

  She entered Brann’s mind. Follow me. I’ll take us to the front entrance of the Fae Cathedral. Also, I can shield myself now.

  With that, she covered herself in Brannick’s vampire disguise and began moving swiftly toward the southeast. She heard Fergus call out, “Where’d she go?”

  She also heard Brannick’s explanation and that he’d shield Fergus.

  It was better this way. Brannick and Fergus could work together, and she could go solo.

  She didn’t glance back at the men. Instead, she plowed forward. If her heart was weighed down with a desperate feeling of disappointment, she ignored it. She’d finally allowed herself to put a name to her relationship with Brann, but even thinking the word, brought tears to her eyes.

  Oh, God, she couldn’t be falling in love with him.

  Dammit, why hadn’t she seen this as a possibility when she’d first seduced Brannick into a dreamglide with her?

  Or maybe she’d known from the moment she sat across from him at the White Flame that here was a man she could love.

  ~ ~ ~

  Brannick’s gaze was stuck to Juliet’s ass. Was it the way she was levitating that had him fixated on the subtle sway of her hips or was it the searing attraction that kept hitting him like a punch to the gut?

  For a hot moment he was right back in her small study, the round swells of each cheek waving in front of him, begging for his cock to pierce her from behind. And what kind of bizarre fae thing had created a silvery glow around each of them?

  When she’d gone into the kitchen and covered her neck with as much ice as she could hold in both hands, it had taken every ounce of strength he possessed not to follow her. He’d wanted to strip her naked and release more of his seed deep between his legs, to mark her as only a man could show his claim on a woman.

  Now he was flying behind her and feeling his leathers shrink.

  But he knew the Fae Cathedral wasn’t far and that he’d need to start thinking about something else or he’d embarrass himself once he landed.

  The early night air was balmy as Juliet began her descent and he and Fergus followed. Fifty yards out, he saw the absurd stone spire at the center of a massive, round building. Additional rectangular buildings stretched toward the north and south, anchoring the otherwise dome-like shape. When he saw cars going in and coming out, he knew he was looking at the Village parking garages.

  Whatever religious connotations the name and structure possessed were belied by the dozens of chasing gold lights on the front of the building that showcased the name, ‘Fae Cathedral’.

  Juliet landed thirty feet to the north on the sidewalk, away from the dozen or so males milling around the front. Cars drove up and down the street. The Fae Cathedral was definitely a Five Bridges hot spot.

  Brannick dropped down beside her. Fergus landed on Brannick’s far side.

  No one looked in their direction, which told Brannick what he already knew; his vampire cloak was working.

  Juliet turned toward him, but didn’t make eye-contact. Not a bad thing. Focus right now was critical.

  Telepathy? she asked.

  Good idea. He glanced at Fergus. The shifter had lifted his nose to the street. He was about to contact Fergus telepathically when more of his encroaching fae instincts told him he had the ability to shape a group conversation.

  He let Juliet know what he was doing, then opened up their shared telepathy to Fergus. Hey. We’re talking as three going in.
You good with that?

  Fergus’s nostrils flared as he glanced first at Brannick and then at Juliet. His lips turned down. Guess I’ll have to be.

  Juliet didn’t seem bothered at all by Fergus’s reluctance to engage with her. But then she would have sensed what Brannick knew to be true; Fergus was working hard to avoid any kind of contact with her.

  We’ll go in single file. Fergus, take up the rear.

  He started marching before either could argue. But he felt their compliance.

  Some of the group out front, all fae males, mostly addicts, called out to each other in loud voices. Each occasionally sniffed like they’d been snorting cocaine and made no effort to hide the tattoo-like flames that rose up their necks and onto their faces. The colors of the flames varied, which meant a number of drugs, including dark flame, were in play. He saw red for blood flame and a violet color for the amethyst flame drug. It gave each a severe look and since most of the addicts were emaciated, he had an impression of skeletons and Halloween.

  He threaded his way, hearing both Juliet and Fergus side-step the erratic movements of the loiterers.

  The entrance had a large bank of automatic double doors.

  Once inside, he had the impression of an old movie theater. The walls were wood paneled, and the floor was covered with a thick black and maroon carpeting.

  A long reception desk, also paneled but with ornately carved wood, served the clientele with a large display of pamphlets. Two young woman, wearing heavy make-up and low cut halters, sat behind the desk on swivel stools. Each smiled at the guests as they came and went and answered questions for any who approached.

  To the left was the broad descending pathway, curving in the corkscrew pattern Juliet had mentioned earlier. Two cement posts broke up the entrance to keep vehicles from attempting to go into the subterranean region. Three burly fae warrior-types blocked the entrance, and anyone wanting to use the path had to present some kind of identification before they were allowed to pass.

  Off to the right, guests moved in and out of three very different doors. When they went in or came out, depending on the venue, sometimes he heard music, other times laughter.

  Fergus moved up next to him. How far away from you can I move and still remain cloaked?

  In the same space, thirty feet.

  He was on the move as he said, I’ll check for Roche in the far room.

  As Juliet headed to the middle one, Brannick took the remaining door. When a patron opened it wide, he glanced in. He didn’t dare go inside, because of the shared disguise with Fergus. He needed physical proximity in order to sustain the cloak.

  A band was playing alternative rock. Customers sat around a large number of small tables. It all looked harmless enough. Roche wasn’t inside.

  Both Juliet and Fergus returned to him. He shared what he’d seen.

  Juliet shrugged. Just as I remembered. A lot of drunks in there, and a gifted fae doing kinetic tricks. But no Roche.

  He glanced at Fergus who grimaced. It’s a goddamn restaurant and no, that bastard is not inside. So, where do we go from here?

  Brannick glanced back at the guarded pathway leading to the Village. We know it’s rumored Roche’s drug organization operates from the Village. And we know he has at least one sex club that caters to wealthy clients. My instincts tell me he’s keeping Mary imprisoned somewhere close to his interests.

  He glanced at Juliet. How about you? What are you getting from this environment?

  He liked the stern set of her face. She was all business and her vampire cloak was tight as a drum. I’ve focused my energies on Mary, but I’m not sensing her anywhere in the vicinity above ground. I say we go below.


  The wolf nodded his agreement. Roche wouldn’t keep her in a place so easy to get to. I say we head down as well.

  Brannick weaved his way through the increasing number of people entering the foyer. Juliet followed, and as before, Fergus guarded the rear.

  Just as he reached the nearest guard, however, a strange communal awareness hit him, a very fae sensation. He glanced at Juliet. She’d turned toward the automatic doors, which suddenly opened up for a number of tough-looking security types.

  To his surprise, Juliet took his hand and squeezed hard.

  A moment later, Roche walked through.

  Oh, shit.

  At least ten more security men followed, maybe eighteen in all. Each bore a sword, a holstered handgun and AR-15s slung over their shoulders.

  The predominantly fae crowd instinctively moved out of the way.

  To Brannick’s shock, Roche headed straight for him, though he quickly realized his object was the descending path that led to the underground Village.

  The guards stepped aside for the entire crew.

  Brannick held himself very still as Roche drew near. He could feel Juliet do the same.

  Roche carried himself like a man who ran a small empire, keeping his dark feral eyes forward as he moved.

  When the last of his men trailed through, Fergus’s voice entered the group conversation. Shit, that was close. Even in Brannick’s head, the wolf’s rough voice made him sound like he was chewing on sawdust.

  Juliet looked up at Brannick. Should we follow after them?

  Brannick’s lips twisted. I think we should. Maybe Roche can do us a favor and show us where he’s keeping Mary.

  As soon as the last of the detail crossed the threshold, Brannick slid in behind him. He then shunted off to the side to give Juliet and Fergus room to move in fast before one of the entrance guards unwittingly bumped into either of them.

  Once inside, Brannick saw that the corkscrew led off in three different directions, which probably helped accommodate the constant flow of traffic.

  He was about to follow after Roche and his men, but Juliet held him back.

  What is it?

  Juliet shook her head. I can sense Mary, though faintly. Give me a sec. We might need to take a different route.

  You got it.

  It didn’t take her long. She pointed toward the far passage. She’s down there.

  Lead the way.

  To his continuing surprise, Juliet levitated and flew swiftly, careful to avoid anyone walking up the corkscrew.

  He joined her, moving fast as well. He knew Fergus would have no problem keeping up.

  He liked that she’d gone a different direction entirely from Roche and his men.

  But even as this thought went through his head, he knew it was only a matter of time before Roche figured out they were somewhere in his domain.


  Juliet had never been to this part of Revel Territory, the subterranean world where hundreds of fae, possibly even thousands, lived and rarely left.

  The ramp she levitated down was a broad spiral with tiled, curved walls all in a flowing mosaic of colors that ran the entire spectrum then repeated. It was so beautiful. She got lost in it for a moment and was surprised when the ramp opened onto a vast court with trees, planters filled with flowers and shrubs, and a host of food stalls. Dozens of fae milled about.

  She moved off to the side. Brannick and Fergus joined her.

  She was completely awestruck by what lay before her. There were even vendors selling all kinds of things, watches and jewelry, specialty t-shirts, hair extensions, and even some hardback books.

  What the hell?

  Juliet stared at Brannick. I know, right?

  Fergus added, It looks like an airport food court or something at a mall. I wasn’t expecting this.

  Light poured down from dozens of massive fixtures, some mounted on the walls, others on the rock ceiling. No wonder the plants thrived.

  Brannick drew closer to her. Your people have created something amazing here. Why hasn’t the rest of the province heard about this place?

  You have to remember, we’re a secretive bunch. And even though I knew it existed, I never imagined it would look so modern and cared for. I suppose I always pictured huts or s
omething. I don’t know.

  Fergus glanced up at the ceiling. A lot of ducts and venting as well. He groaned softly. Am I smelling barbecue?

  Brannick added his own grunt of interest. You are and maybe some pulled pork. Yeah, definitely.

  Juliet glanced at both men. She was about to remind them that they weren’t here to eat, when it occurred to her she no longer sensed Mary’s presence.

  Shit. She’d uttered the word telepathically, forgetting for a moment she was linked with Brannick and Fergus.

  Both men turned their heads in her direction.

  What? Brannick frowned. What’s going on?

  I’m not feeling Mary anymore. I was the entire way down then I got sidetracked by the view. Now, nothing.

  Brannick looked around. He took Juliet by the elbow and began guiding her in the direction of a poorly trafficked area of the court. Come this way. Fergus, stick close. We’re going to have to get creative.

  Juliet ended up with the two men behind a row of planters, her back against a wood paneled wall. She had no idea what he was thinking. But as she met his intense green eyes, his brow lined from endless concern, she could feel the faeness in him. He might be a vampire in essentials, but he was part fae now and the change felt permanent.

  Brannick, what’s on your mind?

  I think you need to dreamglide her. We’re not going to find her otherwise. Either Roche is blocking her or all these people are having an effect.

  Fergus’s nostrils flared. You think she’s asleep right now?

  Brannick shifted his gaze to the wolf. More like drugged out. He sounded so certain. But even if she wasn’t, Juliet could dreamglide to her location. Right?

  When he settled his gaze on her again, Juliet nodded.

  He asked, Are you willing to try to find her this way? In the dreamglide?

  Of course I am. There’s only one problem.



  Fergus bristled at the sound of the man’s name. What about him? Why will he be a problem if Juliet invokes her dreamglide?

  Brannick turned to look at Fergus, his gaze intense. Roche found Juliet in her dreamglide recently. He’s got some kind of fix on her now, and he’ll probably be alerted when she reenters it.