Read Dark Horizon: PORT 101 - Book One Page 5

  At the end of the hallway the walls were capped by a large metal door. A circular panel illuminated by a glowing green sensor, stood watch.

  As the trio neared the door, the bases computer welcomed them.

  Good evening Sonya. Good evening Herbert. Welcome and good evening, Private Avery Simmons. I am the Central Interactive Neural Dynamic Intelligence, but I prefer CINDI. Before I can allow you access to more sensitive areas of the facility, your optics must be scanned and tagged. Please approach the panel and look directly into the sensor.

  As Avery approached the door. Beams of light scanned his body from the floor up. He'd had this done before, but the computer never bothered to warn him first. A second beam swept across his eyes. Scan completed, said CINDI. Please specify preferred ID. Avery looked back at Sonya with a confused look on his face.

  She wants you to tell her how she should address you, said Sonya.

  Avery nodded. Turning back to the door, he responded. Avery, he said. You can call me Avery.

  Thank you, Avery. Identity encoded and confirmed. Welcome to team Heinlein. Access granted. CINDI fell silent and the panel light dimmed. Once again, the hissing sound swelled, reverberating through the hallway, as the door slid open. Awash with light, Avery raised his hand to shield his eyes. A soothing grey-blue light flooded into the hallway and the trio entered the main lab.

  Chapter 13, Exodus

  He'd had his own quarters for more than 10 weeks now, but somehow he couldn't get over how quiet it was. Avery had gotten use to the coughs, the sounds of restless sleep, the half sleep stumbling of a bathroom run, and the screech of a stubbed toe. Two years of nocturnal nuance had tucked him in and kept him company, but now he was on his own and sleeping through the night. So, he made do. His quarters were small, featuring the same rounded corners that were a key component of Heinlein's architecture. The room was boxy and just big enough for a twin bed, a footlocker, a small desk and a chair. The entrance was just off of the main hallway, not far from the main the barracks. The desk sat against the opposite wall, beneath a large round window. The Earth sat just to the right, hanging high above the primary test facility, located on the outermost edge of Heinlein One. The bed sat against the wall, just to the right of the desk, with the footlocker to the left. It was small and a little too quiet, but it was home.

  Avery had just lain down when CINDI called.

  Avery.... she whispered... Her voice reverberated from the comm badge on the desk.

  Avery sat up, straightening his shirt and hair as he spoke.

  What's up CINDI? He asked, searching the floor for his boot.

  The supply ship has arrived. We are preparing to unload. Lt. Perkins requires your authorization to proceed. I told him to refuel while he was waiting. I thought that it was best to occupy his time while I woke you. CINDI's voice trailed off...

  Avery smiled.

  That's fine CINDI, it was a good idea. You know how relaxed Perkins makes himself when we make him wait. Let him know that I'm on my way.

  From his window, Avery could see the landing pad airlocks. Perkins' ship sat nestled on the same pad where Avery had arrived several years earlier.

  Avery chuckled, picturing himself saluting Sonya and Herb, as they laughed. Putting on his boots, Avery turned and entered the hallway. The halls were barren. The bulk of the staff was down at the landing pad, off loading supplies. The intermittent sounds of shuffling feet and the chatter of water cooler conversation echoed down the hallway. As Avery approached the airlock locker room, Perkins walked into the hallway.

  Nice to see you again Tim, said Avery. Perkins smiled and held the box he carried out to Avery.

  I thought that you'd like to take care of these supplies yourself. I know how long you've been waiting for these. And don't worry… it isn't any of that new synthetic stuff. Who knows what kinds of cancer that stuff will be the cause of in 50 years?

  Avery's eyes widened as he took the box from Perkins. Pulling back the seal, Avery caught the aroma of the contents. The grin on his face seemed to envelope his whole face, as he thanked Perkins. Squatting down, placing the box on the floor, Avery pulled the lid. As he did, CINDI's voice boomed in his ears, emanating from hidden speakers along the passage walls and from Avery's and Perkins' comm badges.

  ALERT! ALERT! Radiation levels are nearing critical in the Heinlein Primary Test Facility. ALERT! ALERT!

  Still clutching the box, Avery ran towards the main lab. Perkins followed close behind. Avery called out to CINDI, demanding to know what was happening.

  CINDI! Clarify! Avery yelled, as he dropped the box and approached the access tube, leading to the primary test facility.

  You are entering a high security area. Authorization required, said CINDI.

  Authorization, Beta, 1, Omega!

  Now open the damned door, shouted Avery, at the top of his lungs. Perkins stood near by with a look of terrific confusion, the entire base started to shake. Perkins staggered, falling over, accidentally flipping switches on the main control panel. The main view screen switched on, displaying the surface of the moon, just beyond the base. Perkins cried out to Avery.

  Look! Avery stepped back from the door as he turned to look at the screen. Traveling down the center of the view, a massive crack traced the planet surface, approaching the base at a frightening pace. A strange grey-blue glow billowed forth as the crack crumbled and split to form a monstrous fissure.

  Horrified, Avery called out to CINDI.

  CINDI! Initiate Emergency Evac, Priority One! Where are Sonya and Herbert?

  Initiating Emergency Evac...

  Sonya and Herbert are in the Primary Test Module, attempting to stop their experiment. I've been trying to contact them, but fluctuating radiation levels have disrupted communications in the test module. All that I can tell is that they're still alive. Please Avery, get out of here. I'll get them out, if I can, but I don't want to lose you to, said CINDI.

  Avery grabbed Perkins. Perkins was still fixated on the fissure outside. Avery shook him to attention. Tim, Avery shouted! Perkins' gaze drifted from the screen to Avery.

  Avery's face was glistening with cold sweat, as he spoke.

  Get back to your ship. Grab anyone that you find along the way. Give me as much time as you can, but if you don't hear from me, get as far away from here as you can.

  Perkins was about to argue, but the look on Avery's face told him that it was a bad idea. Perkins turned and ran back towards the hallway, yelling back to Avery as he did.

  Watch yourself, Perkins shouted!

  By then, Avery was back at the test facility access door. Passing his palm over the scanner to the right, the door slid open. As it did, a blast of hot air rushed forward, making Avery feel a little light headed. He staggered and stumbled into the passage. The lights were out, but his path to the test facility was being lit by an intense blue glow, pouring out of the facility doorway. Waves of heat washed over his body. An unseen force pressed against his flesh, ripping the moisture away from his skin. Avery shielded his eyes, leaning into the searing heat. As he neared the facility, he could feel his skin flaking off, as the newly exposed layers began to inch, burn, and cook. Just as he was about to step through, Herbert tumbled out into his arms, send them both backwards onto the floor. Sonya stood in the doorway, wearing a radiation suit, scorched and smoldering. Sonya pointed at Herbert and then back towards the main lab. Avery could scarcely see her face in the suit and mounting heat, but he could see that she had been badly burned. He reached for her, but she pushed him back, smiled, and slammed the door shut, sealing it behind her. Herbert cried out.

  Sonya! No!

  Stop her, Avery! Stop her! Please... Herbert clutched at Avery's arm.

  Avery could hardly recognize Herbert's face, which had been reddened by an eruption of bloodied sores and burns. The look in his eyes was ghastly horrific. Avery hefted Herbert to his feet an
d dragged him back to the main lab. Stepping out of the passage, an explosion shattered the silence, as the facility door shuttered against the walls of the passage. The passage door slid closed and hissed, as a shower of debris collided with it on the inside. Herbert and Avery reached the main screen, just in time to see the Test Facility Explode in a blue ball of light and fire.

  Herbert fell to his knees sobbing, cursing Avery for not letting him die with Sonya and cursing Sonya for saving his life. CINDI was in a panic. She screamed.

  Go, you've got to go! Whatever happened in there has caused a chain reaction. Go! There's nothing I can do to stop it. Please... go... Avery, go!

  For a moment, Avery just stood there, looking at the blue vortex enveloping the remains of the test facility. The ground around the facility cracked and swallowed half of the foundation. Suddenly, he felt the salt of a single tear moisten and then burn his chapped skin and lips. Sonya... he said...

  Then, remembering what he'd told Perkins, Avery forced Herbert to his feet and out into the hallway. Herbert continued to sob, but he was mostly walking on his own. The walls shook and strained against the bulking lunar surface. As they hurried, walls creaked, seals burst, and the sound of emergency doors and barriers slamming shut reverberated down the hallways. Explosions seemed to emanate from every direction, but they kept moving. The locker-room was just ahead and hopefully, so was escape.

  Stripping off they're clothes, Herbert and Avery dressed in their EV suits.

  CINDI bellowed, Avery!

  Yes Avery, she sobbed...

  Are we the last? Are Herb and I the only ones left?

  Yes, but there is a ship waiting. The engines just powered up. I've already informed Lt. Perkins of your approach. CINDI sniffed, as if she had a runny nose.

  Avery smiled.

  Thank you CINDI. Thank you for everything, said Avery. Herbert still sobbed.

  CINDI let them into the airlock, sealing the door behind them, before responding.

  Don't thank me, just get out of here. Now go... CINDI sobbed...

  The airlock opened and the inner airlock exploded behind them. CINDI screamed, but her cries soon fell silent as the main lab exploded. Herbert and Avery were thrown forward into the side of the waiting ship. Herbert fell limp to the ground. Avery scrambled to his feet and dragged Herbert inside, as the foundation beneath the base crumbled into dust. The blue glow rose all around them. Strapping Herbert into a seat in the rear, Avery strapped in next to Perkins as they lifted off. As the glow rose, so did the temperature in the cabin.

  Avery yelled... Get us out of here! The rockets flared, sending the supply ship skyward. As they climbed higher, Avery could see that the entire Moon had been enveloped by the blue glow, flooding out of every crater, crevice, and fissure. Perkins looked back at Herbert and then at Avery. Avery looked at Perkins and said she's dead. Then, in a blinding flash, the Moon exploded, sending out a shower of blue-grey light, throwing the supply ship into an uncontrollable spin. Perkins' eyes stood open wider than Avery had ever seen them. His eyes were wild with fear and excitement, as flocks of lunar debris enveloped the supply ship.

  Herbert sat up and spoke, saying only one word.


  Chapter 14, Reunion

  By the time Simmons arrived, the police station had been overrun by the press, sci-fi fanatics, and conspiracy theorists. When they saw Simmons and his men, the crowds pressed in on them as they made there way to the door. From every direction, questions and accusations flew. Some accused them of chemical warfare, illegal experimentation, and of collaborating with alien invaders. Simmons headed up the stairs, flanked by his men and several officers, who had been doing crowd control. Two officers guarded the doorway at the top of the stairs. Mounting the final stair to the entrance, Simmons turned. Glancing over the crowd, Simmons marveled and shuttered. Despite their reasons or reasoning, Simmons realized that the reporters, the nut jobs, and the conspiracists had a lot in common. They were afraid and so was he. Simmons sighed and shook his head at the crowd that pressed in on him, looking for answers that he didn't have. Simmons slipped inside and approached the desk sergeant. Perkins sat slumped over his desk, apparently asleep. Simmons knocked on the desk, saying excuse me, in a stern but polite fashion. Perkins merely slumped further away from him. A little less polite, Simmons leaned in and shook the man, hard. This time, the man groaned and started to sit up. Simmons smiled, speaking under his breath.

  Son of a bitch... Tim. Tim Perkins, he said.

  Perkins looked up at him and spoke in a semi-sleepy manner.

  Well, well... If you're here, we must be completely screwed. The last time that I saw you, I needed a change of underwear and a good shrink.

  Simmons' face became serious and grave, as he responded.

  Nice to see you too Perkins. I'd love to discuss your lack of bowel control and your psychiatric needs, but we're here about your spook problem.

  Perkins stood and gestured for Simmons to follow him.

  Right this way Avery. I'm guessing that you're still baby sitting mad science and cleaning up the mess. Are these glowing blue ghosties one of you're side effects or are they lost lab rats?

  Simmons followed Perkins into the station room. Most of the flat foots were out front, but a few had stayed behind to process the blue ghosties, as Perkins had so elegantly dubbed them. Simmons asked where his guys could get setup. Perkins showed them into a large interrogation room, while Simmons looked around. He'd never spent any time in jail, so he was surprised how small the station was compared to the ones in old cop shows. As he looked, he saw a young woman dressed in a short red leather jacket, jeans, and an old Apple Intel t-shirt, talking to a very green looking cop. A newbie, he thought.

  Simmons loved vintage t-shirts. Not long after his return from Heinlein One, he'd become obsessed with them. At first, he only collected car T's, but eventually he'd expanded into cartoons, and computer companies. He hadn't been able to find and early Apple t-shirt, so while his guys got things ready, he decided to indulge his obsession.

  As he approached, Simmons couldn't help but think that he knew her. As he drew closer, she glanced in his direction, having noticed him when he'd arrived. She had been talking to the newbie, but now their eyes were fixed on Simmons. The officer stood, introducing them both.

  Hi, I'm Officer Dirk Smithy. I assume that you're one of the special ops guys that called about our blue ghosts.

  Simmons stopped mid-stride, less than 6 feet away from Dirk's desk. His face had become drawn and pale. He felt a little unsteady. His knees seemed to have become gelatin. He steadied himself, sitting back on the desk next to Dirk's. Simmons couldn't believe his eyes. The young woman stood and put her hand on Simmons' shoulder, asking him if he was alright. Now, his heart was beating so hard that it was all that he could hear. In silence, he looked at her, thinking how impossible this was and that he must be hallucinating. Dirk offered him some water.

  Simmons took a sip of water, ran his hand down his face and said, "I'm fine. It's been a long day. Thank you."

  Simmons still felt the woman's hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and asked her who she was. Dirk quickly apologized.

  Oh, I'm sorry. This lovely young ghost, my personal savior, is Ms. Riley. Dirk smiled, as he gestured in her direction. Simmons' face almost went pale again upon hearing the word ghost. He took another sip of water, asking savior?

  Yes, said Dirk. I would have cracked my head open on the sidewalk if she hadn't caught me. She blushed, shyly smiling in Dirk's direction.

  Would you stop saying that? All I did was steady you. You wouldn't have gotten more than a bruised ego. And stop calling me miss. My name is Sonya.

  Simmons unconsciously parroted her name back to her. She patted him on the shoulder.

  See, Mr. special ops can say it, said Sonya.

  Trying clear up the growing amount of confusio
n that he was feeling, Simmons started to ask questions.

  Dirk, you referred to Sonya as a ghost? So, she just appeared out of nowhere?

  Yes and no, said Dirk.

  It was more like she faded in. At first, the sky got all swirly and weird. Then the next thing that I knew, there were a bunch of blue glowing blobs floating in the street. The one nearest me turned into Sonya, when it, I mean she reached out to catch me.

  Sonya nodded, confirming Dirk's story, suffixing it with but.

  But what, asked Simmons?

  I saw it a little different, said Sonya. I was walking home from a night class in theoretical physics when I saw Dirk. I was crossing the street and he just appeared. I've seen ghosts before, so it didn't really freak me out, but it was kind of freaky. It was the same street, but it was broad daylight where he stood. It was like he was glowing. It was like I was looking into a hole. I could see him, the builds, and even the daytime sky. As I moved closer to the hole, he backed up. When I saw that he was about to trip, I warned him. But he couldn't hear me, so I tried to grab him. When I did, night was gone. It was daylight and people started telling me that I appeared out of thin air.