Read Dark Horizon: PORT 101 - Book One Page 8

  Alex tended to Simmons, while Herb comforted Sonya and told her how he knew her. What did this to you, Alex asked?

  If I didn't know better, which apparently I don't, I'd say that it was a pack of dinosaurs, said Simmons. He winced, as Alex started to clean the blood from Simmons' mangled hand. They were about five to six feet tall, with long necks, clawed hands and feet, and long narrow skulls. That sound like dinosaurs to you? Simmons asked.

  Simmons smirked and dropped a severed claw on the table in front of Alex. Alex stepped away from the oozing artifact. Herb had been listening to their conversation. Herb ran over to the table, where Simmons had dropped the severed claw. Using a pen, he poked and prodded at the claw. Shaking his head, Herb started to mutter again. It can't be too late, not yet, said Herb.

  Too late for what? Sonya asked.

  To stop it, to save us all, said Herb.

  Years ago, when you and I started these experiments... the other you, we opened Pandora's Box. Sonya, how would you describe time? Herb Asked.

  Like a river or a stream, she said.

  Right, said Herb.

  Well, our early experiments had unforeseen side-effects. When you drop a pebble into any body of water, a ripple is created. Our experiments did the same thing to the flow of time. These rifts or ripples in time were inert and relatively harmless, at first. But once the Moon base exploded, the resultant release of chronetic radiation changed everything.

  Julius, display the global chronyte grid. Maximize, commanded Herb.

  The cluster of virtual windows on the display, shrank and aligned themselves to the right, as a transparent map popped into view. As it did, small blinking spheres faded into view all over the map.

  Gesturing towards the areas highlighted by the spheres, Herb continued. As indicated by the map, the explosion scattered chronyte all over the surface of the Earth. Eventually, it accumulated in various locations around the world. Once the accumulation occurred, many of the ripples were drawn to these concentrations, which focused and magnified their forces. This magnification turned these ripples into rifts or windows in time. Even though they drew their power from specific regions of the globe, they remained adrift in time.

  Julius, overlay the grid with the geographical map of famous locations depicted in myths and folklore.

  Simmons let loose a snort, trying not to laugh out loud. Alex remained quietly curious, while Sonya remain noticeably intrigued.

  Throughout human history, there have been tales of magic, monsters, and mysterious disappearances. Most of them can be chalked up to paranoia, superstition, and insanity. But there still remain those that we can't or couldn't explain, until now. Sonya, you said that you saw our time through an opening in space, a window that appeared in the street.

  Yes, that's right. I see what you're getting at, she said. But could chronyte really possess that kind of power?

  If you'd seen what I saw on the Moon, you would have no doubts, said Herb.

  Alex cleared his throat, interrupting. So, you're saying that these ripples are traveling upstream, against the flow of time?

  Herb smiled. Not exactly, but you could say that. Imagine that you're walking through the forest. You're a citizen of the middle ages. You don't even have a fundamental understanding of temporal mechanics and science. All of a sudden, you see an opening in the woods. Beyond it, you see a strange forest and a massive reptilian beast. What did you see? Did you see a dragon, a demon, or a mystical guardian of the forest? In that time, you might have said yes to all of this. But what if it was something a little more complex and infinitely simple by comparison? What if what you really encountered was a window... a window in time, a window that allowed you to see into the distant past, one in which dinosaurs roamed and ruled the Earth?

  Simmons interrupted this time. So, you're saying that your experiment is responsible for Big Foot, the Loch ness Monster, and alien abductions?

  Alex chuckled, but only for a second.

  Well, think about it, said Sonya. Have you taken a good look at where those chronyte fields are? Just look... Stonehenge, Loch ness, The Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island, Egypt, Machu Picchu, the Nazea Plateau... All of these places are deeply rooted in myth and legend. The existence of temporal distortions and chronyte in the same locations is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.

  Exactly, said Herb. But there's more. In general, I believe that the windows initially functioned as viewports, allowing for the occasional glimpse at the past, present, and future. However, it is my belief that my second set of experiments initiated and active state of temporal flux. Basically, the windows became doorways and finally funnels, draining past present into our present, the source of the temporal distortions. If the process isn't stopped, we could all cease to exist. Even if we manage to stop it now, it may already be too late. Either way, our entire solar system could devolve into a massive black whole.

  What can we do Doc? You wouldn't be explaining all of this unless you already had a plan. So spill it, said Simmons.

  I do, said Herb. Since this whole thing started, all of the worlds chronyte has been seemingly inert, all except for the chronyte in the P.O.R.T. power chamber.

  And how exactly does that help us? Transporting stuff caused this, said Simmons.

  Yes, it did, said Herb.

  But it may also be the only way to save us. Or should I say, Alex may be the only one who can save us.

  Whoa, there... Exactly how am I supposed to do that? Alex asked. Oh I know, I can drink time under the table or bore it to a standstill with my impeccable study skills.

  I wish that it was that simple, said Herb. Since you're accidental arrival was part of the catalyst, I believe that your return home is a key component in undoing this all.

  Going home sounds good to me, but what's the catch, ask Alex?

  Well, since I'm pretty sure that the generator is partially fueling time's collapse, taking it with you might reverse the process. The test that brought you into the present was only partially successful, said Herb. He cleared his throat as he did.

  As if on cue, Alex, Simmons, and Sonya responded all at once.

  What do you mean partially successful, they asked?

  He looks like he's in one piece to me, said Simmons.

  In a sense, he is, said Herb. When Alex was drawn out of the past, his molecular structure was temporarily converted into energy. If you recall, the experiment was conducted with a small amount of human blood, Alex's blood. Unfortunately, our systems hadn't been calibrated to handle much more than that. The fact that he materialized at all was a miracle. Based upon our tests and on recent events, Julius and I believe that part of you never materialized, at least not here. Herb smiled.

  The dream? Alex asked.

  Is that scar on your leg a dream? Herb Asked.

  Wait... wait... I'm willing to consider the possibility of windows in time and dinosaurs downtown, but time hopping twins... Come on Doc, please. Get serious, said Simmons, shaking his head in disbelief.

  Alex closed his eyes, picturing the desolation and emptiness he'd experienced in what he'd once called a dream. Is that what the world will become, he wondered?

  Sonya approached the display. Julius, she said.

  Yes , Dr. Riley. How may I be of assistance? Julius asked.

  The “doctor” caught her off guard, as did the very strong sense of comprehension and recognition in the voice.

  Do you know me, she asked?

  Only by reputation, said Julius. Dr. Li has told me a great deal about the past future you. Also, prior to my I.A.D. I was...

  Julius's voice trailed off, as Herb whispered in Sonya's ear. Initial Activation Date, said Herb. Sonya smiled.

  Julius paused, making the throat clearing noise, when he heard Herb speak. Sonya laughed.

  Excuse me. Please continue, said Herb.

  As I was saying, on my I.A.D., many of the research reports and personal logs f
rom the Heinlein Project were encoded into my memory. So, I am very familiar with you and your potential achievements. Now, how may I assist you? Julius asked.

  I assume that you and Dr. Li have been taking regular medical scans of Alex and the distortions, said Sonya.

  I have, said Julius.

  Alex and Simmons laughed. Herb smiled and shook his head.

  It is standard procedure to regularly scan test items or subjects to be sure that residual radiation dissipates and to confirm that the subject's molecular structure has fully stabilized. Since Alex was and is our first human trial, we were not sure what to expect. We'd hoped that his scans would exhibit the same patterns as previous tests, but no such luck. Despite his limited exposure to it, Alex continues to emit high levels of intermittent chronyte resonance. Furthermore, his molecular structure tends to loose cohesion, fluctuating from a material state to energy and back. To date, every time the temporal distortions grow or show new activity, so does Alex. Without realizing it, Alex bent over and rubbed the leg he'd cut in his dream. It no longer throbbed like it had a few hours earlier, but it had been itching for awhile.

  How's that leg? Herb Asked.

  It's fine, just a little itchy, said Alex.

  Maybe I should take a look at that, said Herb.

  Alex sat on the table next to Simmons, rolling up his pant leg as he did. The cut had completely vanished. Not even a scar remained. The lights dimmed.

  Please keep watching Mr. Marsters, said Julius.

  As the lights dimmed, Alex's skin appeared to be radiating a very distinctive blue-grey glow. Simmons slid away from Alex and got to his feet. Just like chronyte, he whispered.

  Oh my God, said Sonya.

  One of them maybe, said Herb, smiling.

  Alex's levels have been steadily increasing since you're arrival, as have the temporal disturbances around the world. People are no longer appearing. Now, entire populations are starting to vanish, said Julius.

  Herb's face went pale as he turned to face the display. What are you talking about? What cities? He demanded.

  In order to monitor global activities, I've interfaced with dozens of key systems around the world. Recently, I've started to notice a growing number of discrepancies between my database and theirs. Initially, they were primarily consistent with my records, but now they're off by millions. Also, at least 30 percent of the systems that I originally contacted have ceased to exist. Aside from my own records and logs, there is no evidence that they've ever existed.

  Herb approached the display. Dancing effortlessly over the keyboard in front of it, he searched. Data and images flashed in and out, census, voter registrations, data stream distributions, and more. One after another, he compared Julius's database with information siphoned from the global net. Alex sat staring at the ever increasing glow emanating from his skin. Sonya and Simmons stared at the display. Herb muttered and cussed after each soul crushing comparison.

  After a few minutes of searching, Herb stepped back from the keyboard. Julius... you're sure about this data? Herb Asked.

  If I were not certain, I wouldn't have called it to your attention. But perhaps you require a little more than a few terabytes of illuminated information. Sighing, let's see..., said Julius. Here's an easy one. Anyone, who's heard of Canada, please raise a hand?

  A fluttering flag, featuring a red maple leaf appeared on the display.

  Making the throat clearing noise, hands please, Julius demanded.

  Simmons pounded his fist and yelled. No one cares or has heard of a Canada. What kind of game are you playing?

  It was a country, said Alex.

  Yes... was, said Herb.

  Canada faded just before Commander Simmons and Dr. Riley entered the compound, said Julius.

  Sonya was amazed by the arrogance in Julius's tone, but she was more interested in what he'd said, not how he'd said it. So, how is it that you and Julius still remember? If Alex is somewhat unstuck in time, that might explain his memory. But what about you two, she asked?

  I can't be sure, but its possible that our proximity to the chronyte generator is protecting us somehow, said Herb.

  More likely, said Julius, the ambient radiation from the generator is interacting with the facility's security barrier, creating a temporal displacement or stasis field.

  Yes... or something like that, said Herb.

  Sonya smiled. Alex just shook his head.

  I love watching you kids bicker, but maybe we should find a way to bring Canda back and stop anything else from going bye bye, said Simmons.

  Let's do it, said Alex. Some of my favorite actors are from Canada. Alex stressed the word Canada and smiled at Simmons.

  Sad, you really are from a different time, said Julius.

  Chapter 23, Gone

  We're only going to get one shot at this. Once the initial charge enters the regulator, I can only restrict the particle conversion process for a few seconds. By a few, I mean 15.31675 seconds. If I delay the transport any longer than that, a sizable chunk of the Earth will become about a thousand smaller chunks. Before that happens, Dr. Li will have to detach the chronyte generator, hand it to Alex, and be clear of the departure zone before conversion. Once the generator is detached, it is very likely that the field protecting us from the changes in the timeline will fail. There will be no time for a second chance. Time is almost up. Population densities have dropped from the billions into the millions. Is everyone clear? Julius asked.

  Where do you want me? Alex asked.

  Herb directed him towards a tarp covered object at the far corner of the lab.

  Alex removed the tarp to reveal a small hexagonal pad, with a glowing disc at its center.

  That's the Port Pad that I designed for human testing, said Herb. Just stand in the center and we'll handle the rest.

  Not a problem, said Alex. Just one thing... What am I suppose to do with the generator once I get home?

  Nothing, said Julius. If all goes as predicted, the generator will invert the funnel effect created by your original port. The system is only programmed to send you through. The generator should be absorbed into the time stream, theoretically repairing it.

  Okay, said Alex.

  And what are we suppose to do while you three are saving the world? Simmons asked.

  Herb smiled and said, well... Sonya can help monitor the Port systems and you can get the generator into Alex's hands before he's converted into energy.

  Yes sir, said Sonya.

  You've got it Doc, said Simmons.

  Sonya walked over to Alex and kissed him on the cheek. That's for luck, she said.

  Initiating Port… Good luck to us all, said Herb.

  Sonya positioned herself at the panel next to Herb. Simmons positioned himself near the generator across from Alex. A dull blue glow emanated from its surface. Julius started the final countdown.

  Charging particle converter in 5, 4, 3, 2... go!

  Herb ran over to the power chamber and began uncoupling the leads from the generator.

  Sonya, how are the readings? Herb Asked.

  Overload in 9, 8, 7... Sonya continued to countdown.

  Just as she said 6, Herb yelled. Done! Go!

  Simmons grabbed the generator.

  Hurry! 4 seconds, screamed Sonya!

  Simmons scrambled up to the pad and hefted the generator into Alex's arms.

  Clear, shouted Julius!

  The conversion field pulsed into view. Simmons cleared the pad and Alex faded into a stream of shimmering white. As the light grew brighter, they all shielded their eyes. Suddenly, the light pulsed and blinked out. Alex and the generator were gone. An eerie silence filled the lab. Herb tried to speak, but nothing came out. Sonya tried to scream, as she point towards the empty port pad, but the silence remained.

  At first, it was small… floating just above the center of the pad, but in an instant it filled the lab. It touched Simmons first. Arcs of light speckled dark energy enveloped
his arm and body. As he turned to smile at them, his body exploded into a shower of black pulsing orbs, which faded into nothingness. Wrapping his arms around Sonya, Herb kissed her on the forehead and they too exploded and faded in a shower of black pulsing orbs. In moments, the entire facility was enveloped and vanished, leaving a superheated crater of molten earth.

  Chapter 24, Back

  As the light intensified, Alex closed his eyes, but it made no difference. For a moment, he looked for his friends beyond the beam, but they were gone. Everything was gone. He could still feel the generator he'd been holding. Despite his best efforts, he could feel it slipping away. With each passing moment, it seemed to diminish, lessen in size. The time stream appeared to be doing exactly what Herb and Julius had guessed. Before very long, the generator was completely gone.