Read Dark Light Present Today: Book Two of Forever Tomorrow, Volume One of The Book of Tomorrows Page 5




  Jacob and Harvey were arriving at the front gate of Guardian Administrator Cain’s mansion around the same time Owen went flying out his bedroom window. The heavily armed guards kept their guns cocked and loaded, and even the presence of GP Sally behind the wheel did not put them at ease this time. Given advanced notice to expect visitors, the guards were under orders to stand down for no one as an approaching vehicle alerted them into position. Told to search all in coming vehicles (including the ambulance that came in several minutes earlier), they performed a visual inspection of the interior and scanned under the vehicle for incendiary devices. Once satisfied it was completely safe to let them proceed, the guard opened the gate and waved them through, saluting GP Sally in a show of respect.

  “You need to be careful from now on, Jacob. You can never tell how unstable the ground might get. The road ahead may be rocky and can lead onto dangerous terrain filled with sinkholes large enough to swallow up whole cities or anyone trying to trample over them. Tensions are running high, so do not let anyone provoke you into acting hastily, no matter how upsetting you may find the news.”

  “Believe me, Harvey. I have a firm feel for the ground beneath my feet. But before taking to the hills, let’s see if we can prevent it from becoming a full scale seismic event.”

  “There is something else you need to consider when digging around in the dirt looking for answers. By proving your friends innocent, you inadvertently shed a dangerous light on someone else hiding in the shadows.”

  “I know. I know. The person behind these attacks has to be someone real close to Alex. The victory I won in court could end up costing us everything. I may have underestimated the other side’s resolve.”

  “You do realize there are not many people who are that close to him. It is a very short list. So it is imperative you do not allow anyone to separate us for any reason.” GP Sally stated the obvious.

  “Harvey, I know you have a job to do, but so do I. It might become necessary for you to give me some elbowroom in there. We don’t want to raise any suspicions by acting overcautious. Besides, I doubt anyone would move against me so soon, unless we do something to cause someone to worry. The person behind this cannot afford to lose public favor and will need my cooperation to ensure they keep it. I can use that to my advantage. It gives me leverage they do not have.”

  They pulled off to the side halfway up the driveway to make room for the exiting ambulance leaving with the GAC. Jacob looked back at the emergency vehicle with only its lights flashing and siren muted, lamenting the silent egress.

  “Alex also believed he could win over those opposed to change with the widespread approval of the people. Unfortunately, he forgot how irrational some people could act when afraid of losing their power. Some will do anything to make sure they kept it.”

  “Fear has always been the universal x-factor motiving people to commit unconscionable acts when caught in its grip. But if left unchecked, it will grow more powerful until finally consuming everyone and everything.”

  Continuing up to the house, they were just in time to see Dr. Penelope, the personal physician to the GAC, as he was leaving. GP Sally was an old friend of the trusted doctor. Harvey pulled over and parked next to Dr. Samuel Penelope’s car as he was getting in it with Warren’s cherry pie to have analyzed for poison. Sliding down their perspective windows, Dr. Penelope exchanged quick pleasantries with Harvey before updating them on Guardian Administrator Cain’s condition.

  “Hello, Harvey, sorry we have to meet again under these dreadful circumstances. I wish I had some good news to tell you, but I don’t.”

  “Why? How bad is it, Samuel?”

  “Truthfully, I have no idea. I have never seen anything like it. I can tell you he is stable and breathing on his own. His condition does not appear to be deteriorating or advancing at the moment. It is as if something is preventing the higher brain functions in his cerebral cortex from integrating the sensory impulses of his motor skills, inducing a total paralysis. I never heard of such a toxin. We need to do some more tests. I am calling in the top neurologist in the country and every expert or specialist there is.”

  “I know you will do everything you can for him,” Harvey said with complete confidence. Friends since their schoolboy days, Harvey knew Dr. Penelope would be loyal to the end.

  The early morning sun had nearly risen all the way into the dawn of day by the time Jacob and Harvey arrived, almost an hour after the good doctor. They exited their vehicle with Jacob walking around to Harvey’s side for a final word with the Doc.

  “Can you tell me when it happened, and how long before you were called?”

  Dr. Penelope shot a quick glance over to the front porch of the mansion where Atera just appeared and stood waiting with Dawson Flowers, the head of the DOS and personal protector to the Guardian Administrator. Dawson assigned himself to the position after the GAC delegated Harvey’s duties over to Jacob’s protection.

  “The Guardian Administrator’s wife told me she found him around five this morning. Said she saw him before going to bed in the kitchen eating a piece of cherry pie, around midnight. I am taking the pie to have it checked for toxins. There is no physical evidence directly disputing her statement. I cannot do anything more at this point, except to wait and see what the tests reveal and the specialists have to say.”

  Harvey and Jacob instinctively gazed over toward Atera with doubtful thoughts pertaining to the accuracy of her statement running collectively through their heads. Seeming to be clairvoyantly sensing their thoughts, Atera instructed Chief Protector Flowers to escort them to her before heading back inside in a bit of a huff.

  “You know I do not have to tell you the absolute faith Alex and I have in your professional integrity and loyal devotion, Samuel, which is more than I can say for some others.”

  “Thank you, Harvey. I appreciate it and understand your cause for concern. Speaking strictly from a psychological evaluation, having no medical data to back my opinion, I must say there is something very peculiar about Atera’s emotional affect. In so, she does not appear to have any. She is displaying a total disregard for her husband’s condition and seems more concerned over what people are going to think or say.”

  “I already briefed young Mr. Rose on the importance of following protocol when dealing with unpredictable situations.” Harvey said with a slight insinuation Jacob had not taken his words to heart. He was concerned for the brash young man’s determined spirit to seek out the truth, no matter how hazardous the path to enlightenment might be.

  “I will be sure to keep you apprised of any changes in Alex’s condition,” Dr. Penelope told them as he started his car. “Take care of yourselves.”

  “You too, Samuel,” Harvey replied as the Doc drove away.

  With his six foot tall, 225lb, body builder physique, sparkling blue eyes, pale skin, and cue-ball baldhead, Dawson Flowers cut a striking resemblance to 20th century advertising icon Mr. Clean. Other than the physical similarities, he had little else in common with the friendly neighborhood cleaning product trademark. His gruff manner and stern rule transformed him into an alter ego of the animated spokesman with the more appropriate moniker branding him Mr. Mean.

  While there were not many who called Dawson Flowers a close friend and many more who did not care for him at all, Harvey Sally had a particular disdain for the man. The two kinds of people Harvey despised most were liars and hypocrites, holding the latter in the most contempt for being an amalgamation of the two. Compulsive liars could not help what they were any more than you could blame a snake for being a snake. Hypocrites did not believe in what they fought for, instead they manipulated others to do their dirty work for them, which was how Harvey felt about Dawson.

  Second only to the Committee Expert of the Department of Security, Chief Protector Flowers had authority over every branch division of the DOS. The only military force he did not have contact with or d
irect knowledge of was the ultra-secret spy network created by the present GAC and run by him alone—no one in the group even knew how large their numbers were due to the near total autonomy of each agent.

  Once good friends, Dawson took Harvey under his wing when he first joined the DOS, getting him assigned to HOUSE. He wanted to groom Harvey to be his second in command, but felt betrayed by his friend after the GAC recruited Harvey into his new spy network. Dawson thought Harvey used his friendship with the GAC to become his personal Guardian Protector—a highly coveted position.

  Believing his friend left him behind, Dawson was not aware of the real reason Harvey left HOUSE had nothing to do with glory seeking nepotism, not knowing the spy group existed. When the GAC first approached him, Harvey asked if Dawson would make a good recruit, only the GAC imparted some disturbing information about his friend, leaving him to feel Dawson was the true hypocrite he came to believe Harvey was after quitting on him.

  Harvey came to realize Dawson split his allegiance between Guardian Administrator Cain V and Atera. He was more dedicated to her from the years his family spent protecting hers, dating back to her great, great, grandfather—who was one of the first genetic biologists to make startling advancements in the field of gene splicing.

  Walking over to the front door where CP Flowers waited for them, Jacob could sense the building tension in the atmospheric space between the two old warriors.

  “What can you tell me, Dawson?” Harvey asked, foregoing any recognition of rank, social conventions, or introductory familiarities.

  “Nothing other than what I am sure Doc Penelope already told you,” Dawson answered in the same straightforward tone sans greetings and salutations.

  “Were you here when it happened?” Jacob asked, trying to stay on topic, more curious if it still would have happened had Harvey been here, instead of watching him.

  Before Dawson could reply, Harvey answered for him, having prior experience with the SOP for in-house protection protocols.

  “Alex does not want his Guardian Protector staying in the house overnight. He says, if a man cannot be safe in his own home then he might as well tear everything down and start all over again.” Harvey reflexively mimicked the GAC.

  The often-heard words echoed in Dawson’s ear with the voice of the GAC reverberating through his head in a residual memory, bringing on the slightest of grins cracking through his stone countenance.

  “Come on, Mistress Cain is waiting for him,” CP Flowers said in more of a command than an invite.

  GP Sally instantly stepped between the door and Jacob, holding him back with his hand held up as he reminded Dawson why he was there.

  “Before we take another step, you better tell me what this is all about.”

  “What makes you think I know any more than you do? I am not given any proprietary information unnecessary to the performance of my duty.”

  CP Flowers reminded Harvey of the parameters of his position, along with how close to the vest Atera could play it sometimes. With fingers in many different pies, she did not confide all of her plans with even someone of Flowers’ stature.

  “I am aware of what a well-trained dog you are. You always did know how to fetch, but you should remember why I am here, and just how far I will go in the line of duty.”

  “Relax, gentlemen, I am sure she only wants my consultation on the best way to release the news about Alex to the media. I am Mr. TV, after all.” Jacob said intervening before things boiled over between the two stubborn mules, refusing to drink from the waterholes where led to. “So please, Harvey, stand down or if you cannot manage that, then step back and give me some space. I am sure I will be perfectly safe here.”

  Harvey reluctantly acquiesced to Jacob’s request, stepping aside after he made sure Dawson got the message and understood the weight it carried. Harvey knew Jacob did not want any conflict arising from their visit, but felt the need to make sure Dawson knew actions had consequences, even if Jacob did not realize the significance of putting your adversary on notice. A message Dawson would be sure to deliver to his superiors as a symbolic line drawn in the sand.

  Following Dawson down the hallway to the Guardian Administrator’s office den, Jacob found it oddly inappropriate Atera wanted to meet him there. He figured she wanted to make a statement by marking recently claimed territory and to lay down the new law, which turned out not to be too far from reality—actually spot on.

  Reaching the open door, Dawson stopped and announced her visitor.

  “Excuse me, Mistress Cain. Mr. Jacob Rose is here at your request, if you are ready to receive him.”

  “Send him in.”

  Dawson stepped aside so Jacob could enter with GP Sally following behind.

  “If you do not mind, I want to speak with Mr. Rose in private.”

  Atera stated her preference for the meeting from behind the Guardian Administrator’s big desk, glancing up from some papers she pretended to be reading long enough for Harvey to see as he attempted to enter the room.

  Harvey stopped mid-step and was about to object, except Jacob spoke up after noting the concentrated conviction in Atera’s eyes, omitting a warning her wishes better be honored out of respect for the position she now held.

  “That is fine by me, Atera. Let me offer my best wishes for Alexander’s speedy recovery. I do not have to tell you what a great loss it is to us all not having his sound leadership abilities during these hard times. He is the rock we all depend on to see us through on the dark days. The longer he is absent, the darker it will become.”

  “Thank you for your good thoughts. I am well aware of my husband’s important role as our nation’s leader. Unfortunately, until he can resume the position, we will have to make do with the limitations of my leadership abilities. I will be grateful for the advice of those more knowledgeable than I am on matters of public opinion and morale.”

  Stepping back and shutting Harvey out of the room, Dawson stood by the door exuding a smug demeanor for effectively isolating protector from his charge.

  At present, Atera meant Jacob no physical harm. She did bare a malevolent ill will toward the man her husband held in higher regard than his own son, and her as well. Constraining the strong urge to subject Jacob austerely to her will, Atera poetically choose to put on an antic disposition to prevent him from knowing aught of her.

  Solemnly rising up from behind the large desk, she walked around with a blithely courageous façade, attempting to alleviate any dubious suspicions about her sincerity. She gave Jacob a supportive hug of condolence, seemingly reinvigorated by his presence.

  “I cannot tell you what a comfort it is having you here to help guide me through this dreadful hardship that will affect the entire nation, along with those closest to Alex.”

  Like two highly skill chess masters, strategically maneuvering around the board for more favorable position, they broke from their awkward embrace with Jacob making the bold move of offering to sacrifice the obligatory pawn, if necessary.

  “If there is anything I can do to help, you have my full support. I give you my word of honor I will follow every clue, run down every piece of evidence, no matter where it may lead. I will also personally prosecute whoever is responsible for this heinous act, now that Ricardo is out of the picture.”

  “A great relief to hear, knowing the passion with which you defended your friends, however unnecessary at this time. Nevertheless, I will need your assistance in presenting the news to the public without causing a panic.” Atera said as she moved back around the desk to put some space between them for when she delivered the next bit of potentially disruptive news.

  “I have already reinstated Ricardo Danielle. Well, promoted would be a more accurate way of putting it. He is the new Chief Magistrate of the Land granted the authority to enforce the law using the iron fist of justice to root out these rebel traitors.” Atera held her hand under the desk and her finger on an alarm button, ready to alert CP Flowers in case the next bit of in
formation incited a dramatic reaction. “As a matter of fact, he should be re-arresting Warren Stacy and Owen Sandy on crimes of treason right about now.”

  Jacob remained non-responsive, not giving her the satisfaction she sought in getting a rise out of him.

  “I imagine you must have some real hard evidence proving their guilt to cause you to take immediate action.” Jacob said in a calm voice, denying her the satisfaction of any visible change in his composure, being she could not hear his heart rate increase.

  Realizing this must be the reason she sent for him, to prevent him from warning his friends, Jacob had no choice other than to continue playing her game to see if he could find an opening to make a good move of his own.

  “You spoke with Dr. Penelope before he left. He must have told you about the cherry pie Warren sent over as a thank you gift. Alex sat down for a slice just before I went up to bed. When I came back down in the morning, he had only taken one bite when overcome by whatever highly toxic concoction Warren baked into it.” Atera confidently deduced the delivery method of the poison from having firsthand knowledge of the toxin’s source, neglecting to mention the ice cream on top she spiked after seeing the pie delivered, along with the baked cherry dessert after the fact.

  “I have to admit that sounds like pretty incriminating evidence.”

  Jacob let her think he believed her feasibly implausible theory to avoid throwing suspicion on the only other conceivable suspect—her.

  “I just do not understand why he would do such a thing, especially now.” Jacob questioned Warren’s motives while culpably insinuating his guilt, giving Atera lead to inject a possible alternate theory.

  “It did not make sense to me either at first. But I tried to warn Alex of the dangers of letting them off on the unlawful physical conduct charges. I told him it would be a big mistake to go through with this new reformation project you two proposed. I knew it would lead to no good. I just could not fathom the depths of depravity their disease had on their minds, manifesting and breeding a self-hatred for their unnatural sexual behavior. Inherent in their subconscious psyche, they must know what they are doing is wrong, but cannot fight the urge. They feel they should be punished for the aberrant act, and by removing the guilt factor and condoning their abnormal predilections, they strike out at those advocating their way of life as being an acceptable alternative.”

  Atera put forth a credibly convincing argument, which easily could have been one Jacob might have promoted himself with almost as much verve at one time.

  “I guess anything is possible when it comes to the inner workings behind the mysteries of the human mind. As soon as I have incontrovertible proof of their guilt, I can use it to lessen the shocking news about the GAC when breaking the story to the public. If permitted, I will make another announcement. One I think you will agree is a good idea, live coverage of the trial to avoid any public backlash. By making a media circus out of the whole fiasco, people will be too distracted to be angry. I just hope the doctors can find a cure by then, having the GAC available to judge the trial would be a real morale booster. Something the people could rally behind.”

  “Jacob, I do not know what to say or how to thank you for being so gracious in repudiating past beliefs after learning the awful truth about your recently misguided reasoning. I too have complete faith Dr. Penelope will find a cure with all of his diagnostic medical expertise at his disposal.”

  “Michael said when he was imprisoned in his coma he had to use every fiber of his being to find a way to break out of his subconsciously locked journey through the center of his mind. He said it was like being stuck in your own private Twilight Zone, whatever that means.”

  “Then have faith, my dear boy. If anyone can break free of whatever has a hold on him, it would be my Alex. He has always been proficient at finding his way out of dark places.”

  Jacob let out an unintentionally paradoxical sigh after a piously reflected observation, compelling Atera to inquire its import.

  “May I ask what you find so amusing?”

  “Just the odd thought passing through my mind about how in days past, this would usually be when somebody said something about praying to god for a cure.”

  “Yes, it is amazing how much we used to depend on religious mythology to guide and even save our lives. Thank, whoever, we no longer govern our lives that way.”

  “They also used to say it couldn’t hurt. There is no denying the powerful healing properties a placebo can have on the mind. Maybe by believing in some deeper meaning to life, something greater than ourselves, is what initially gave us purpose. People might have had more self-worth in their lives and evolved with the changing times if they believed in themselves, instead of praying to a higher power. They should have just kept faith in knowing we all have the free will to be a source of greater good that serves the whole or else risk becoming a greater evil that indulges only the self.”


  Sitting on a park bench, eying every movement, noting every sound, and checking every shadow, the decrepit old man waited in the noonday sun looking for those with bad intent, inconspicuously feeding the ducks waddling up from a pond to get the generously offered pieces of broken bread.

  The old man had been sitting there since early morning waiting to meet someone at noon. He appeared to be around seventy-five, when his actual age was twenty-five years younger. It was a normal everyday occurrence for retired citizens of New America to spend hours soaking in the fresh air and sunshine sitting in the park section of the New San Diego Recreational Park and Zoo.

  Professor Maximilian Valentine, the onetime venerated lecturer of philosophy and literature, had been in hiding ever since having the blame shifted onto him for the stadium bomb blast that killed Michael’s father. Not wanting to draw any undue attention his way, Max wore dated clothing to blend in with the older generation. It was easier than trying to mingle in with the campus youths where someone might recognize him from one of his lectures. To stay under the radar and off the grid in New America, the only viable places to mix in with the scenery was amongst the two different demographic age groups found where the young or old gathered and played.

  Max was aware of the possibility he could end up being the scapegoat for something he didn’t do. It was the cost of living under the auspices of the espionage game. Working for a cause you believed in was a risk any true spy would be willing to take. There were things in this world worth fighting for, and Max was a true believer in their cause. His only regret rose out of his forced separation from Jean. Any contact he made with her might put her in danger.

  Then he came across the time sensitive information he felt imperative to pass on and determined it to be a necessary risk, thinking the valuable information essential to their cause.

  There were not many safe locations where they could openly meet. Moving around in the dark of night left too many unknown contingencies to factor in, leaving the best place to hide in the plain view of daylight. There were a limited number of areas available for people to gather unnoticed without the chance of someone spotting them in a crowd. It made certain venues like sports stadiums or anyplace with video surveillance untenable rendezvous spots for clandestine meetings.

  Large, outdoor, open spaces were the most conducive to the requisite needs of their surreptitious objective to remain undetected. City parks and outdoor recreational centers, marine life aquariums and wild life zoos, amusement park rides and carnival fairs, rural campgrounds and hiking trails, along with secluded lakes, ponds, and even some still accessible shoreline beaches were the safest choices and readily available in New America. Although, the logistical aspects of travelling to far off rural areas, or the noticeably conspicuous sight of old people hiking up long, arduous trails, did not fit their needs any more than youth-oriented, thrill-seeking rides, making them illogical choices for their purposeful meeting.

  The New San Diego Zoo and Recreational Park offered a variety of unobtrusive, secluded areas for them to rem
ain out in the open without attracting any prying eyes. One of the few surviving zoological habitats in the country, the zoo housed animals from every corner of the globe. It started out as an animal rescue shelter before expanding into a wild life preserve.

  The trapping and holding in captivity of wild animals was not done for sport or people’s amusement. They did it in a humane effort to prevent their extinction. Initiated by philanthropic, benevolent humanitarians, they cared for and nurtured many different species back from the brink of total annihilation.

  As a duck waddled away with a piece of bread in its beak, another duck attempted to pluck it out. Max looked up from the scavenging beasts to reveal a true beauty standing before his eyes. Jean stood in the middle of the walkway holding a picnic basket in her hand, giving off a presence of being lost and uncertain of her destination, also showing a disassociated interest in the presumed stranger sitting on the park bench.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Are you lost? Can I help you find something?” Max volunteered his assistance, pretending not to know her.

  “Oh no, I have not lost my way. But you are very kind to ask. You see, the thing I was wondering is what I am going to do with this lunch I packed now that my friend called and cancelled on me at the last minute. Perhaps you would care to join me?”

  “Why, thank you very much. I would be very pleased to break bread with you.” Max said, getting up throwing out the last handful of bread for the ducks to squabble over.

  “Here, let me take that for you.” Max offered to carry the picnic basket, which was really filled with a tasty lunch.

  “Thank you very much, you are a real gentleman.”

  “If I may be so bold, I believe I see a nice spot over there under that big tree.”

  Spreading out a blanket on a grassy knoll under a big willow tree, they settled down for lunch with Max slowly getting on one knee, then another, before taking a seat.

  “Max, are you still playing your part or has all this been taking its toll you? Maybe we should have gotten a picnic table. Have you been getting enough to eat? You look like you lost weight, my sweet.”

  “Just keeping in character,” Max lied, not wanting to worry her over his old bones, especially when there were other more important matters for them to discuss. “Something you should remember, we are not supposed to know each other.”

  “I know you still have to be careful about being arrested. But since the GAC announced the big changes in the SBP system, I doubt anyone is looking too hard for you anymore. As soon as they settle everything, I am sure Eve can get Michael and Jacob to help clear your good name.”

  Max slowly bowed his head with a somber sigh escaping his lips as he found it hard to dampen her good spirits by passing on the yet unreleased news to the public of the latest attempt on the life of the GAC.

  “What is it, Max? What has happened now?”

  “There has been another attempt on Guardian Administrator Cain’s life. He is in a coma. They are accusing Warren Stacy of poisoning him with a cherry pie.”

  “How can this be?” Jean asked in shocked disbelief.

  “That is not all. Atera has enacted Executive Special Order 228 and is now the acting Guardian Administrator. Her first official decision was to release Ricardo and promote him to Chief Magistrate. The last thing I learned before leaving to meet you was that Atera dispatched him to re-arrest Warren and Owen.”

  “I cannot believe this is happening all over again.”

  “I understand how you feel. But we need to remain strong or else risk losing everything we fought so hard for all these years. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel, yet.”

  Feeling the need to clarify his words, Max continued. “It is why I needed to see you today. You have to get word to Eve telling Michael to find a way to get to this address in Old California.”

  While no one was around them for as far as the eye could see, Max cautiously slipped her a small note with the address on it. Taking the note and quickly glancing at the address, Jean folded it back up and tucked the note under her bra. Paranoid to write it down and carry it on him out of fear of losing or getting caught with it, Max felt relief in passing it on, but still warned Jean to proceed with caution.

  “While I am positive your excellent choice for its safekeeping is absolutely secure, I would prefer you just memorized it.”

  “Don’t worry, I will,” Jean promised him with her cheeks blushing rosy red. “But I do not get it. Whose address is it?”

  “I am not quite sure, but it just might be the last known address of The Author.” Max said, reflexively causing her to hold her hand over her breast with the hidden treasure concealed under it.

  “I do not know where you get your information. But keep it flowing, if you can.”


  At the sight of his high-ranking Magistrate uniform, Ricardo passed right through the front gate security and headed up the driveway at an accelerated pace. Parking directly in front of the mansion, he hurried inside and down the hallway to where Dawson and Harvey stood watch by the closed office door.

  “I need to see Atera, right away.” Ricardo said, barking his command at Dawson in a strong authoritative voice, trying to conceal his nervously stressful apprehension over how the news he brought might cause others to react.

  “Yes, Chief Magistrate Danielle. Let me just announce your arrival. Atera is in a meeting with Mr. Rose going over the press release on Guardian Administrator Cain’s condition.”

  “That is exactly what I need to talk with her about.”

  Sensing he did not want to say anything in front of Harvey, Dawson knocked on the door and opened it far enough to call out to Atera.

  “Mistress Cain, I have Chief Magistrate Danielle here to see you on an urgent matter.”

  “Send him in.”

  Dawson opened the door the rest of the way as Ricardo walked right in, followed by Harvey and himself. Noting Atera’s look of concern after reading Ricardo’s face the moment he walked in, Dawson remained inside with an alerted presence.

  Harvey could also sense the rising stress level in the room.

  Thrown off by Ricardo’s uniform, Jacob was the only one not alerted by the foretelling harbinger of bad news. Without given voice to his, the similar thought Owen vocally expressed also ran through Jacob’s mind about Ricardo’s ridiculous uniform.

  Ricardo stood a few feet in from the doorway seeming hesitant to give his report, realizing Jacob’s presence could escalate an already volatile situation. Desperate for revenge on the man who tried to ruin his life, he knew a violent confrontation would serve no good purpose for anyone at this point in time, however unavoidable the prospect seemed in the near future. Looking over to Atera for an acknowledging confirmation of approval to proceed, Ricardo received the necessary opening response he required.

  Leaning casually back against the big desk with Jacob standing in front of her, Atera stood up and moved a couple of feet in front of Jacob, preemptively placing herself between him and Ricardo.

  “Have the perpetrators of this diabolical deed been brought to justice, Chief Magistrate Danielle?”

  “In a manner of speaking, that would be one way of putting it.”

  “Mr. Danielle, this is not the time for vague suppositions. I expect to hear a full and detailed report.”

  “Please, pardon my disconcerted manner. I meant no disrespect. I just been through a harrowing experience, and I am still getting my bearings about me.”

  “What do you mean by a harrowing experience?” Jacob asked, stepping up alongside Atera and narrowing the distance between them.

  The offensive annoyance of Jacob challenging his authority agitated Ricardo into another excitable kneejerk response.

  “Owen Sandy tried to kill me when I went to arrest him and Warren.”

  “What kind of nonsense is this? What did you do to Warren and Owen?”

  Both Harvey and Dawson started strategically positioning themselves in case an altercat
ion ensued, except not even Atera could stop this can of worms from popping open.

  “Gentlemen, let’s keep it civil now.”

  “I have Warren locked up and tightly secured.”

  “What do you mean tightly secured? Where is Owen? What did you do to him?”

  “I did not do anything to Owen. He did it to himself when he tried to push me out a fifth floor window, but he only ended up killing himself.”

  Jacob did a non-reactive double take after hearing the disheartening news, unable to comprehend it at first. He started to wonder the affect it had on poor Warren, a thought he did not have to ponder long.

  “Warren had to be restrained afterwards for his own safety. He completely fell apart the moment Owen took flight out the window.”

  Ricardo’s last facetiously callus comment was all Jacob could take as he once again stepped outside his mind with his body involuntarily reacting to the inciting words.

  As his right fist flew through the air, circling round and impacting into Ricardo’s left cheek, it appeared to be moving in slow motion to Jacob, but to everyone else in the room—especially Ricardo—it happened within a sudden flash of real time speed. The force of the blow sent Ricardo stumbling backwards a few steps, temporarily causing him to lose his balance before regaining his stance.

  Reaching over to his right side with his left hand, Ricardo pulled a pistol out from inside his jacket and whipped around with it pointed at Jacob’s forehead.

  Staring down the shiny gunmetal barrel, Jacob never flinched as he made his stand, not allowing his natural instinct for self-preservation to deter him from speaking out. But before his words could find an audible vocalization from the thought forming in his mind, Harvey and Dawson were also on the move. Within a split-second of Ricardo pulling his gun, Harvey drew his own weapon and had it pressed against the back of his head before Ricardo could even cock the hammer on his .38 caliber revolver.

  “I would not do that if I were you,” Harvey said with a deadly serious tone he kept for the rest of his menacing words. “You twitch a finger and I will blow your brains out.”

  “I cannot allow you to do that, Harvey.” Dawson warned him while pointing his own gun at Harvey’s back.

  “Stop this nonsense right this second.” Atera yelled out her orders. “Holster your weapon Mr. Danielle or be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.”

  Understanding her meaning and knowing its import, Ricardo lowered his gun and put it away. Harvey then eased back and lowered his as well, except Dawson felt the need to give comment before following suit.

  “Harvey, you must be getting old, leaving your six unguarded like that.” Dawson said.

  “You might want to get your eyes checked out.” Harvey said pointing out with a downward gaze to the long knife extending from his sleeve and held less than an inch from Dawson’s crotch. “Sorry about the trajectory, I had to move rather quickly.”

  “What did you do, Ricardo? Threaten Owen and Warren, telling them they would never see each other again. Did you try to take away any sense of hope to force him into a corner?” Jacob demanded.

  “Mr. Rose, we will not have any more unmerited accusations thrown around. I may be disappointed with Mr. Danielle’s attitude, but as far as I know he acted within the bounds of his authority.” Atera said diplomatically stating the facts as she knew them and gave warning against further altercations. “If I find he has overstepped his authority there will be severe penalties. And the same goes for everyone, Mr. Rose. Your friends, Michael and Eve, could still be charged with aiding and abetting, along with Hanna for the warning call she made to Warren before his first arrest.”

  “Atera, please accept my sincerest apologies for losing my head a moment ago. I allowed my personal feelings to overrule my better judgment. I am sure Chief Magistrate Danielle did everything he could to bring them both in unharmed.” Jacob said, cautiously feeling the need to regroup with the stakes swiftly raised so drastically high.