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Dark Magic Comes Unbidden



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  Dark Magic Comes Unbidden

  Copyright © 2011 by Geltab

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Dark Magic Comes Unbidden

  Magic in all its earthly disciplines has been taught in the magical city of Kurlam since before recorded history. There were various schools participating in many different styles. Throughout the numerous ages the magic had never been corrupted, dark magic had never existed other than in theory. There had never been a student that dared to take that dark path.

  Varias was the master instructor for the fire discipline school. Several students of his had gone on to become famous and proficient in many different elemental magic styles. Varias was the epitome of the perfect mage, bright and upstanding, a teacher of light, a guide at one of the most important of elemental schools. For generations the powerful mage, called the timeless because he never seemed to age guided fire mages to their next level of development. From the day he arrived out of the blue in their magical lands to this day he had not aged, he was well respected for that fact. There were very few mages powerful enough to delay time and death indefinitely or at least give that appearance. The council of magic and the seven ruling magi has honored him several times with awards of magical and personal valor. Because of Varias, there were now more schools of elemental and light magic than ever before and the heresy of ancient dark magic only whispered about along with necromancy had been completely removed from the mind of the populace, both magical and non magical lands.

  When there was a need within the community Varias, being very proficient in various other schools of magic and would often fill in for their corresponding instructors teaching the students on ice, plasma, wind, proper placement and preparation of spells etc. The headmasters for the current schools of both ice and earth magic had been taught by Varias as children. That is how long he has served the magical city of Kurlam, the surrounding magical lands and the council of magic. The council of magic for the city of Kurlam administered the magical needs of the city as needed and was part of a much broader spectrum of ruling councils, spread across the entire reach of the magical lands. Theirs was a peculiar land, the cities and lands of magic were administered by councils of seven magi, yet there was no single ruler or central government holding them together. No single standing army. The magic they all shared was left to fill that role.

  Their record of virtuousness in keeping magic pure is unblemished. Every magician that has learned at the various schools of magic throughout the lands has gone on to further the purity of magic and light, not one has defiled a single spell in eons. The council of magic has been watching and considering fire master Varias for some time, due to the fact that many of the more successful magi had been his students. His perfect record of longevity and service has given them reason to promote him to grand head master of the magical lands schools throughout. After all, there has been no other teacher that has been personally involved with and guided so many pupils, raising them as his own children who went on to become legends in their own right. It was decided with a unanimous seven point vote by the council of magic that Varias would become the new grand headmaster of all magical instruction across all disciplines. He would be the shining star of Kurlam, guiding all with magical tendencies from both magic and non magic lands to come and learn, as one of the seven magi said about him.

  Varias was informed of the council’s decision while he was practicing his flame wall spell in his spare time within his private training room. The mage Enriz sent to inform him of this honor from the council waited patiently for Varias to finish his flame wall meditation. Trying to yell through a wall of roaring fire is not conducive to holding a conversation. After a few moments and ripples of flame the fire wall died down and Varias seemed to notice the mage was present in the room for the first time.

  “I apologize Enriz, my complete attention was focused within my spell, I have been having some difficulty completing a circle and holding it as of late.”

  “No apology necessary master Varias, I have been sent here to you with wonderful news. I am to inform you the council has this day named you as only the second grand headmaster for all magical schools throughout the magic lands, due to your tireless instruction and priceless dedication imparted to our young magicians.”

  “The council honors me with their trust, I shall report to their hall at once to thank them and of course accept the position.”

  The messenger spoke again. “Upon being named grand headmaster of all schools, you of course know you will be presented with the three most powerful and sacred objects in all the magical lands. The robe of the magical ancients, the ring of judgment and most powerful of all the staff of creation, these priceless three have only been given to one other, the first grand headmaster and they are given to only the most trusted, honored magi due to their tremendous power.”

  “Understood Enriz thank you, I will leave now to accept this honor from the council of magic. I am so grateful for their faith in me that I feel the need to go immediately in person and show my respect.”

  “As you wish master Varias, we will blink there now.” Varias moved across the room, his robe trailing him, reaching the messenger mage Enriz they faced one another. Enriz raised a pendant upon his neck and in that instant they were both blinked to the cavernous chamber within the council of magic.

  “Master Varias,” spoke the eldest mage Xon in the center of the seated council of seven. “Thank you for coming with such immediacy.” Varias moved forward and bowed to them respectfully.

  “You honor me great council, I came as soon as Enriz informed me of your decision.” The entire council stood in unison, the eldest mage in the center spoke again.

  “Rarely, perhaps never has there been a mage the equal in both skill and heart as you fire master Varias, yet he is so much more to us than just a fire master. With his proficiency in various schools of magic he has guided countless students from unknown children to distinguished old men. Today we honor you lord Varias, we hereby name you grand headmaster for the magical lands.” Varias got down on one knee with his head bowed. There was complete silence in the room, the council then stood and began walking, three went to the left and three to the right, the center elder mage Xon stayed where he was. The other magi approached and formed a circle around Varias.

  “Arise grand headmaster Varias,” spoke the elder mage. “As grand headmaster you shall be armored and adorned with our most powerful and precious magical implements. Most trusted grand head master, you are hereby presented your first magical garment, the robe of the magical ancients. Handed down through the millennia from each ages’ most powerful magician, it is now yours for use in the instruction of our students.” Varias stood and one of the magi surrounding him came forward and placed the robe of the magical ancients on him, clasping it about his neck. “Next, is the ring of judgment, allowing its wea
rer many powers, one of which is the ability to read and manipulate any mind, use it wisely in the teaching of our pupils.” Another mage came forward and placed the ring on the right middle finger of Varias. “Lastly, the most powerful gift in all of known magical existence only trusted in the hands of our grand headmaster, an ancient and wise sage such as you master Varias. Please accept the staff of creation, it shall serve you well, its full magical capability is unknown to us. Perhaps your heart and magic will be pure enough to divine all of its hidden secrets.” The magi placed the staff in the right hand of Varias and began making their way