Read Dark Nightmares of a Lost Soul Page 12


  “Oh, mother, it is so beautiful,” Scarlet said as she lifted the ruby necklace up and placed the chain around her neck.

  “The ruby will prevent all evil and impure thoughts,” her mother said.

  “What impure thoughts, my mind is innocent of such wickedness.”

  Her mother looked into her eyes. “It’s not the thoughts that concerns me it is your body and the dirty men in town that desire your curvaceous body. The ruby will protect you from their evil intentions since you feel it your duty to parade around them with your scantly clothed figure.”

  “Mother, are you calling me a strumpet?” Scarlet asked. She was shocked at the words her mother had implied. She never had desires for the men in town, Scarlet thought them to be vulgar. She did crave the attention from them; it made her feel good about herself. “I am a virgin.”

  “Yes I know you are still pure and I know you are not a whore, it is only that you are too beautiful and that you enjoy the attention of those men. This ruby that you are to wear at all times will protect you from the evil that they possess that ejaculates from their manhood.”

  Scarlet stared at her mother in surprise, and then she laughed. “Mother, you are so superstitious.”

  “You should be too,” her mother said.

  Scarlet was also superstitious, not about dangers to herself but with love. She was truly a beautiful girl; her long red, wavy hair flowed down her back. Scarlet had sparkling blue eyes that held just a speck of the minx within her. She always wore silk blouses that fell sensually off her shoulders revealing her soft, flawless skin that every man in the village has yearned to touch. Scarlet’s slender legs were visible under the ruffled lace skirts that she wore. She refused to wear the undergarments that decent young women should wear, Scarlet felt it too constricting.

  She loved to feel the silkiness of the material in her blouse as it caressed her breasts. Scarlet liked the sensation of a soft breeze flowing under her skirt against her skin. It made her feel free and to be closer with nature without the confines of so much clothing. She would have loved to run around with nothing on at all, be one with nature as how it was in the beginning. Scarlet’s mother would not approve, so she kept her nakedness covered with little clothing as possible that felt stimulating against her flesh.

  Scarlet would go to town dressed like that; she was not ashamed of her body. The women in town would look at her and purse their lips like Scarlet was dirt in their godly eyes, a whore. It was their problem, not hers. It made her feel good to see the desire in every man’s eyes when she passed by them and smiled sweetly. Scarlet would lick her lips seductively, and watch as the bulge in the man’s pants grew hard right before her eyes.

  Scarlet so loved the power she had over all men but she was not happy or satisfied with them. Scarlet wanted to find her true love and soul mate, the one in which to spend her whole life. She could not find that one man who would extinguish the desire that burned inside her. Scarlet began to question if he was even out there awaiting her too. She knew what to do, Scarlet had to find out about the man she would spend eternity with before it was too late. She was concerned that her innocence would be wasted on one of the wicked men in the village.

  It was a warm July evening when Scarlet walked out to the abundant flower garden in their backyard. She picked a sprig of mistletoe and walked, smiling back into the house. “Now I’ll see who my true love is and spend my life with him.” Scarlet went up to her room and placed the mistletoe under her pillow.

  That night she dreamt, dreaming of her true love, the one that she would spend all eternity with in each other’s arms. He was tall, muscular and oh so handsome; the mystery man had short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She would never forget what he looked like, the vision engraved into her mind; Scarlet watching them together, awakened a sexual yearning that needed to be satisfied. She wondered when the man of her destiny would enter her life. Day after day, she hoped that her love would appear to her.

  The day came on All Souls Day; Scarlet went for a walk on a path not far from her home. It led to an open field of wild flowers and soft grass next to an abandoned graveyard, a peaceful place she had visited often to daydream of finding her love. While walking on the path, she came across a man also walking ahead of her. She quickened her pace, excited to have someone to talk with for once while she walked the lonely trail. Scarlet caught up with him and said, “excuse me sir.”

  When he turned around, a gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at the man before her, the man in her dream. She could not believe he was real. His skin was pale, which brought out the blue vividly in his eyes. The blonde hair was short but with slight waves that laid against the side of his handsome face. The man was tall, maybe a foot taller than Scarlet, but was skinny. She could see his muscular body under the white silk shirt that he wore. It was halfway unbuttoned in front and Scarlet could see the fine curls of hair on his chest.

  A sweet longing began to build up in her as she lowered her eyes more, taking in every inch of him. He had on tight pants that were tan, it revealed every inch of his manhood. Her heart began to beat faster as she gazed back at his face. His mouth was small and his thick lips just asked to be kissed. Scarlet licked her own lips while she thought about his lips pressing against hers; that image caused a burning sensation to stir within her.

  “Yes, young lady,” he spoke in a soft, low voice.

  Her heart quickened a little more at the sound of his voice. She only stood there; Scarlet did not know what to say. He stood there and watched her; he was smiling. His eyes penetrated her very soul. A desirous sensation overwhelmed her when he took her hand into his. Their love was meant to be and he felt it too. “What is your name?” Scarlet asked him.

  “Sullivan O’Brian,” he answered and moved closer to her. “Now I know why I had an overwhelming urge to walk along this lonely road.”

  It was warm for November, but it could have been the fiery of their urgent lust. The sky was black with glittering stars and the almost full moonlight was their only light. Scarlett and Sullivan held hands as they walked along the pathway and talked of the love for one another that they both so strongly felt.

  The young couple walked into the field of flowers, and stopped near the cemetery. He turned to Scarlet and looked into her eyes. He said, “my love, it is time we bond our love for eternity.”

  “Yes, for eternity,” she whispered.

  Sullivan pushed back her long blood-red hair, revealing her pale soft neck. He gently caressed her face and leaned forward until their lips met briefly.

  Scarlet’s desire increased with the brush of his lips on hers. She only stood there, unable to move because suddenly Scarlet felt bashful and apprehensive about the knowledge of the forbidden fornication that her seductive body was about to partake in. He smiled at her and Scarlet’s heart melted as she stared into his loving eyes.

  Sullivan wrapped his strong arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Scarlet could feel the massiveness of the bulge under his pants become hard. They both could feel the pressure of each other’s bodies through the flimsy material of their silk blouses. He leaned forward again and this time when their lips met, it was with more intensity. His tongue parted her lips and penetrated deep inside her mouth searching for her tongue.

  Her erotic sensuality began to reach its peak. Scarlet reached one arm up around his neck and ran her fingers through his thick hair while her other arm stayed down and reached forward to find the long and hard member that she so longed to have inside her.

  She found it and squeezed tightly but ever so gently, his moan that escaped his mouth into her own made her passion surge throughout her aroused body. As they pressed against one another, he slowly moved his one hand down from her face. Sullivan slowly lowered it further, sliding his hand down until he found the curve of her breast. He barely touched the nipple through the silk as he lowered his hand even further down Scarlet
’s slim body, until it reached the bottom of her shirt.

  Sullivan could not contain himself anymore; he gently laid her down in the soft flowers and quickly pulled his pants off. Scarlet laid there staring at his perfect physique, she spread her legs apart and waited in lustful urgency. He laid down next to her, her arms went around his neck and she pulled him closer to her. Sullivan kissed her moist lips gently as he moved on top of her and entered Scarlet with such force that painful screams of ecstasy escaped her lips. Sullivan pressed his mouth to hers and stifled the screaming her lust could not contain.

  Soon their bodies moved as one with the same rhythm as the quick beating of their hearts. They were as one, united together with love and passion. He took her savagely but with gentleness at first and it grew into a passion that they could not control. Their rapture grew in both until together had reached that dramatic climax. The thrusting had reached its peak, and as one, their screams of ecstasy echoed throughout the field when both reached their earth shaking orgasm together, as one.

  They fell back into each other’s arms, exhausted and more deeply in love. Their lovemaking was sensual and forbidden, sex before marriage was a mortal sin. Both of them could not help fornicating before being wed, they were too carried away by passion to care about the consequences of the sin they were to commit.

  Maybe Scarlet should have worn the ruby necklace and her impure thoughts avoided, because it was with that ill-fated embrace that defined their love, now they must be together for all of eternity. She was not too worried, no one would know about how they had lost control of their sexuality. Sullivan was her soul mate and they would marry soon. The intimacy would not be wicked lust, but the pureness of true love.

  “It is time for me to go now,” Sullivan said as he looked to the pink horizon where a new dawn was approaching.

  “You cannot leave me, we are to be together forever,” Scarlet said.

  “I am sorry love, but I don’t belong here. I will love you forever.” Sullivan kissed her lips softly and stood up.

  Scarlet grabbed his hand and stood up. She said to him, “no, I will not let you leave, please stay by my side.”

  Sullivan gently pulled his hand out of hers and briefly touched Scarlet’s face. He turned and walked away from her.

  “No, please stay, we are to spend eternity together,” Scarlet screamed after him. She turned and saw him walking through the graveyard. She thought, “he must live in that village beyond it.” Scarlet began to run after him. She saw him pause and turn to look toward her. Scarlet ran faster, he was waiting for her to catch up. When she reached the area he stood only a moment ago, he had vanished. “Sullivan, where are you?” Scarlet looked around and her gaze stopped at a headstone in front of her.

  Scarlet’s eyes widened in shock, it must be a mistake; the name must be wrong. She stared at the stone, the name on the grave marker read, ‘Sullivan O’Brian’. Scarlet screamed in horror when she realized what had just happened. Her true love, whom she had just made love to, was dead. She ran home and shut herself up in her room. The anguish she felt overwhelmed her confounded mind. Scarlet sat in front of her dressing table and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her blue eyes glistened with tears and her cheeks flushed from her fornication with the dead.

  She looked away from her reflection in shame. Her eyes fell upon the ruby necklace that sat on the table. Scarlet picked it up and held the ruby in her hands. “Oh why did I not wear the ruby, it would not have happened and the heartrending pain I feel would not exist.”

  Scarlet lay in her bed and slept the whole day. She dreamt of her lost love, his kiss still warm on her lips and his caress still tingled her skin. She awoke that night with a hope-filled thought; maybe it was not him and was someone with the same name. The revelation drove into her heart, there still may be a chance; Scarlet knew what she must do.

  She stood up and went out into the night; Scarlet stopped at the shed and grabbed the shovel. She would see if it was truly, her Sullivan buried under that headstone. Scarlet walked quickly to the graveyard, she stopped at the stone marker and began to dig. Scarlet dug through the night, until the glowing streaks of dawn began to arrive and she hit the wooden coffin with the shovel. Scarlet stepped into the deep hole she had just dug and moved the dirt out of the way. She paused for a moment and thought about what she was going to do, “what am I thinking, I must be mad to do this; but I must know because it will haunt me my whole life.” Scarlet opened the coffin.

  Her love, Sullivan lay silently in his coffin; it was him. The one she was supposed to spend eternity in his loving embrace. All hope was lost, she was in love with a corpse; it cannot be. Scarlet gazed into his handsome face, Sullivan’s eyes opened. Scarlet jumped back and screamed. He lifted his arms up to her, wanting to hold her in his arms one last time.

  Scarlet continued to scream as she tried to climb up out of the hole. She kept slipping on the soft dirt, sliding closer toward his open arms. Scarlet tried again, desperate to be free of the grave; she made it half way and lost her balance; Scarlet fell back and landed in the coffin, on top of Sullivan. Scarlet looked into his lifeless eyes, he smiled at her. She screamed again as her eyes widened in terror, Scarlet tried to escape again but could not move.

  Sullivan opened his mouth and a decayed stench reeked out. He spoke to Scarlet, “now we will be together forever.”

  It repulsed Scarlet when Sullivan's handsome face began to melt away. Right before her eyes, she watched him rapidly decompose into the rotted flesh corpse that was his true self. She struggled to stand up but could not; he had wrapped his skeletal arms tight around her waist. He pulled her into his loving embrace. Scarlet’s scream stopped short when Sullivan leaned forward and met her soft lips in an unending kiss. The lid to the coffin fell down on the loving couple with a loud bang that echoed in the abandoned graveyard, sealing the ill-fated Scarlet with her true love forever.

  The headstone that bore the dreaded name of her love, had changed so that it now read, ‘Sullivan O’Brian and his true love for all eternity, Scarlet’.

  Chapter 8

  A dead preacher possessed by a demon is holding onto the souls of the Indians that he had slaughtered. The Indians held captive try to get help from a psychic to release their souls to heaven.