Read Dark Reality 7-Book Boxed Set Page 36

  Chapter 7

  Hours had passed since Arianna had called for Desmond in the woods, and in those hours her thoughts had continually returned to their discussion, to his words. He had attempted to explain away his disregard for Lily by saying his mission was to protect her, and only her, the Sola. That hadn’t been what she’d wanted to hear. She’d wanted to hear that her friend was okay, to have her worries allayed and questions answered. Yet, she had left their meeting with more questions than she’d arrived with, questions that nagged at her brain.

  She needed answers. And if Desmond did not have them, she would find out for herself. After a night of restless sleep, she awoke and decided she would ask Luke for yet another favor. She would ask him to go with her to Rockdale, back to the town she’d fled with her mother less than a month ago. With all the help he’d given her already, she felt like an ingrate asking again. Of course, he had offered to repair her motorcycle, as well as taking her to school each morning until the work was finished. But she had accepted. Accepting help had been foreign to her then, was foreign to her still. Though she liked Luke and he seemed more than willing to help, motivated by his own unique set of reasons, she did not like feeling indebted to anyone. A thin smile touched her lips as she recalled Luke telling her he was helping in hopes of someday bedding her. He had been blunt, almost to the point of offense, yet completely charming all at once. Yes, she liked him. And he liked her.

  After showering and dressing, Arianna waited outside her trailer. Before long, she heard the faint rumble of Luke’s pickup truck. Within seconds, it came into sight then wheezed to a stop in front of her porch. She noticed that Stephanie was not with him and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Sorry, Miss Personality will not be joining us today,” he said as he climbed out of the driver’s side. He walked around the front of the truck and opened the door for her.

  “Not giving up on the whole wooing thing, huh?” she teased.

  “Not until I get what I’m after,” he said and patted her backside playfully.

  He shut the door and rounded the truck then climbed behind the steering wheel.

  “Is Stephanie all right?” she asked and tried to mask her concern.

  “No need to worry about her,” he said picking up on her worry. “I’m sure that the stick up her butt bothers her some days.”

  He laughed at his own joke and she smiled.

  “Seriously, she’s okay, right?”

  “Yes Arianna. She’s fine. Just has a cold, that’s all.”

  “Oh good,” Arianna blurted accidentally.

  “Well, not so much for her, I’m guessing,” he said and quirked a dark brow at her.

  “No, no, that’s not what I meant,” she began.

  “I think you did mean it,” he kidded. “I think you’ve been trying to get me alone for a while to, you know, have your way with me. You probably even planted a sick person’s snotty tissue in her purse, all part of your elaborate plot to claim my virtue.” He’d used a feminine, sugary Southern accent she didn’t know he could possibly produce with his deep voice as he’d said claim my virtue and she laughed out loud. She laughed so hard, tears sprung from her eyes.

  “Hey, it’s not that funny,” he pretended to pout.

  She found a rumpled tissue in her purse and was about to blot her eyes with it when she paused. “Should I be worried about this tissue?” she asked him.

  “No, why?”

  “With the rash of snotty tissue droppings, I just want to be sure I’m not a target,” she said and started laughing again.

  “What?” he asked with mock indignation. “Are you suggesting it was me who planted the snot bomb? Little ole me?” he finished with his accent again.

  Arianna laughed so hard her sides ached. She doubled over clutching her stomach and could not compose herself until they were nearing the driveway of Herald Falls High School. It had felt good to laugh, to truly let go, even if just for a few minutes. Luke had a knack for making her forget her problems, for making her laugh; for making her happy.

  “Let’s take a road trip together, you and me. Let’s skip school for a day and go to Rockdale,” she heard herself say and couldn’t believe the words had actually fallen from her lips.

  Luke slid her a glance, his silver eyes dancing with delight.

  “What’s in Rockdale?” he asked casually.

  “My friend Lily. I lived in Rockdale before I came here,” she began.

  “Yeah, I heard you telling Mike and the gang when you first met them. Why not just call this Lily?”

  “I’ve been trying since I got here. I can’t get in touch with her. I’ve tried her house phone, her cellphone, sent her text messages and emails, and haven’t heard a word from her.”

  “Maybe she’s pissed at you, you know? Maybe she just doesn’t want to talk to you,” he said gently.

  Arianna was quiet for a moment, thinking about what he’d said. The possibility existed that what he said was the case; that Lily was simply done with her, their friendship terminated. But something inside of Arianna, a feeling she could not explain, niggled. She had known Lily well, as well as she could in the nine months she had spent in Rockdale. Cutting off all contact so abruptly was not Lily’s style. She was not like that. She was not rude or cruel. In fact, there did not seem to be a mean or vindictive bone in her body, which is likely why Arianna had felt so protective of her, not the theory Desmond had suggested.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Luke said and broke her concentration. He reached a hand across the console and placed it on her hand tenderly. He had clearly misread her silence as sadness.

  “You didn’t,” she replied. “I was just thinking about her. She wasn’t like that. She wasn’t the kind of person who would do that, I think. And if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I’ve just been worried about her and wanted to see her with my own eyes. At this point, I’d be happy to get there and find out she’s blown me off. At least I’d know she was okay.”

  Luke directed the truck down the drive of their school and searched for a parking spot. The lot was emptier than normal, their arrival earlier than most. Arianna was grateful for the extra time they would have now, without Stephanie, and hopefully on their trip to Rockdale.

  “Rockdale, huh?” he said. “That’s what, five, six hours away?”

  “I’ll give you money for gas and pay for our motel room,” she offered.

  “Motel room? Why didn’t you lead off with that?” he joked and was back on his game.

  “We’d have to stay in a motel room,” she flirted. “We’d be leaving after school, today if you want, and we’d need to rest, naturally.”

  “Naturally,” he agreed and his cheeks flushed.

  “Why Luke, I do believe you’re blushing,” she said leaning across the console and touching the tip of her finger to his chin. “Aren’t you ready to be rewarded for all your wooing?”

  She did not give him time to respond. And judging from the expression on his face, she doubted he had a response. She climbed out of his truck and slung her backpack over her shoulder, satisfied she’d intrigued him by turning his tactic on him. She had bluntly offered him exactly what he claimed he’d been wanting. Whether either of them would go through with it remained to be seen. She glanced over her shoulder at him and saw that he smiled his broad, mischievous smile at her from behind the windshield.

  “Come on,” she called to him and gestured for him to follow.

  He rolled his window down and called back, “Just give me a second okay. I just need a second.”

  She laughed and leaned against the passenger side door, waiting for whatever physiologic response he’d been beset by to pass.

  After a few minutes had passed, Luke jumped out. “I’m in,” he announced. “Let’s take a road trip.”

  “Yay!” Arianna cheered. “When do you want to leave?”

  “Let’s go today, after school.”

  “Really? Are you serious?”

  “Yep. We can miss school tomorrow. There’s a stupid assembly that’s gonna eat up half the day anyway. Let’s do it.”

  “All right. Sounds like a plan!”

  “We can meet here after school, go back to our houses and grab a few things then leave. Will your mom be okay with you and me going away overnight together?”

  “You’re joking, right?” Arianna asked sarcastically. “I’m eighteen, and even if I wasn’t, my mom doesn’t say a word about where I go and who I go with. I’ve been coming and going as I please for as long as I can remember.”

  “Sounds like my mom,” he said tightly.

  “So it’s settled. I’ll see you here in a few hours,” she said and rose on to her tiptoes. She wrapped both arms around his neck tightly, her body pressing to his and kissed his lips.

  She kissed him for several seconds then released him and dashed off.

  “Oh, that’s just wrong!” he called after her. She turned to look at him and saw that he held his books low over his waist.

  “See you soon,” she called back and smiled.