Read Dark Shadows of the Past Page 10

  “No, I’m just going to stretch out on the bed for a couple of minutes. The armchair is not that comfortable, after all.”

  Christina relaxed in his arms and went back to sleep. At some point, she felt him climbing out of bed, but being too tired, she drifted off again.

  The bright sunlight, sneaking into the room, woke Christina up. She glanced around startled, and her eyes rested on Dan, sitting on the armchair in the bedroom, next to the window overlooking the front yard.

  “Come and get some sleep,” she murmured, still halfway asleep. “I’ll watch for a while.”

  He smiled and walking over to the bed, he laid a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll go take a shower,” he said. "And then we’ll go eat something."

  While he was in the shower, Christina sat by the window watching outside, ready to call him if she saw anyone approaching.

  When Dan came back to the bedroom, with his hair shining still wet from the shower, and his muscular body half covered by the towel, Christina’s pulse accelerated and her mouth went dry. Hastily, she jumped up from her seat and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, as well… A cold one.

  Getting out of the shower, she heard Dan talking on the phone. He’s probably talking to Miles, she thought. I hope we have some news…

  “The good news is that your friend Johnny is okay,” Dan told her, as soon as she walked into the bedroom.

  “Oh! Thank God!” Christina cried out. “I was so worried about him.”

  She didn’t miss the sideways glance Dan gave her. “Where is he?” she asked.

  “He’s at the police station.”

  “What happened to him? Where was he all this time?” Christina bombarded Dan with questions.

  “I don’t know any details,” he replied, and his voice sounded somewhat cold and distant.

  Christina stared at him, puzzled, but didn’t say a word. A warning bell went off inside her head. Something is wrong, and he doesn’t want to tell me about it.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, cautiously.

  “Everything is fine,” he replied. “We just need to move on.”

  Already? Christina wondered. She thought they were going to stay there for a couple of days.

  “Get your stuff, and we’ll have some breakfast on the way,” he said and started packing his things.

  Christina did the same, silently, glancing at him from time to time.

  All of a sudden, she remembered him telling her that Johnny being okay was the good news. “And what is the bad news?” she inquired, carefully watching his face.

  Dan stared at her for a moment. “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “You said that the good news is that Johnny is okay…that means there is some bad news, as well.”

  “No, there is no bad news,” he reassured her, but Christina didn’t believe him.

  However, she didn’t press the matter any further. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it, which meant that whatever was going on was serious, and he didn’t want to frighten her.


  Fifteen minutes later, they were on their way. Dan stopped at the mansion to drop off the key to the chalet and pay the bill, and then they headed to I-85 north. A little bit farther up, they turned left onto a country road, driving toward the Blue Ridge Mountains.

  “We’re going to the mountains?” she inquired.

  “Helen,” he replied.

  “What’s in Helen?” she wondered out loud, wondering why they were heading for this Alpine village in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Georgia.

  “I’ve spent some weekends up there, and I know the area. It’s remote enough to hide for a while.”

  “Did you tell Miles?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

  “Nobody knows where we’re heading,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the road. “I can’t trust anyone right now.”

  “Something happened…didn’t it?” she asked him, searching his face.

  However, Dan kept silent.


  They stopped at a small country inn and had some breakfast—biscuits with gravy, sausages, and some orange juice—and then Dan stopped at a country store to pick up some groceries.

  Christina kept her eyes fixed on the road, lost in her thoughts. She felt his gaze on her a couple of times, but she remained silent, too upset with him for keeping secrets from her.

  They stopped a couple more times to fill up with gas and grab some hamburgers, and they finally made it to Helen late in the afternoon.

  Christina was drawn from her thoughts and started noticing the surroundings. She remembered her first visit to Helen—a beautiful town built like a Bavarian village with Alpine-styled houses, numerous restaurants, craft shops, and cobblestone alleys—during her first months in Atlanta.

  It was around this time of year, late September, that she and two other girls from work had come up to Helen for the Oktoberfest—one of the biggest events here, attracting thousands of tourists every year.

  Christina recalled that first visit and how excited she was. On their way up, they had visited the spectacular Anna Ruby Falls in the heart of the Chattahoochee National Forest and had enjoyed the beautiful color of the leaves on the trees turning all shades of red and brown.

  The three of them had spent an unforgettable weekend in Helen, visiting the Christmas factory—an Alpine-styled store with an old-world tower, filled with hundreds of Christmas decorations and toys from all around the world—and other craft shops, eating Bavarian delicacies, and having a great time. Thinking back, it was one of the best times in her life; a weekend away from her everyday routine and all the problems casting their shadow over her.

  “Oh, hell!” Dan cursed out loud, and Christina glanced at him worried.

  “What?” she inquired as dread washed over her.

  “I’d forgotten about the Oktoberfest,” he admitted and glanced around, frustrated. The place was packed with tourists. “I should have thought about that,” he added. “It’s too crowded.”

  “Well, maybe it’s better this way,” Christina suggested, trying to make him feel better. “We can blend in among all these tourists.”

  Dan kept quiet and drove right through town. On the outskirts, he stopped the car on the side of the road.

  “Wait here,” he said and jumped out.

  Christina watched him walk to a small, remote office building across the street.

  “Rental cabins,” she read out loud the sign outside the building.

  A few minutes later, Dan came back and told Christina that he’d picked up the key for a cabin. He started the car and drove down a country road going through the forest.

  The peace and quiet of the amazing countryside surrounding them left Christina spellbound. She felt as if time stood still. At some spots, the brilliant sunlight was sneaking through the trees and shrubbery, creating an amazing spectrum of light. At other places, the canopy of trees was so dense that it blocked out the sky.

  Approaching the cabin, Christina drew a deep breath. It was charming and very secluded, built at the edge of a cliff overlooking the beautiful countryside. Another lovers’ nest, she thought and shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  Glancing over at Dan, she noticed he was driving slowly, scanning the area.

  He parked the car behind some trees. Then he climbed out and walked around the cabin, coming out from the other side.

  Christina climbed out of the car and stretched her arms and legs to release some tension. Besides, after all those hours of driving, her body felt pretty stiff.

  Keeping her eyes away from him, she glanced around her, drawing deep breaths of fresh mountain air.

  Feeling his eyes set on her, she took her stuff out of the car and walked up the wooden steps leading to the front porch, which provided a spectacular view of the mountains.

  Dan grabbed his stuff from the car and followed her up the steps. He unlocked the door and stepped inside first.

  Christina ste
pped inside behind him and noticed that the place was nice and cozy, even though a lot smaller and less lavish than the chalet. It was one room with a stone fireplace, a small kitchen, and a bathroom. A wooden staircase led to an open area upstairs, which served as a bedroom.

  “It’s pretty nice,” she dared to say. She could tell he was in a foul mood and felt as if she was walking on thin ice.

  Dan didn’t respond to her comment. He walked back outside and carried the groceries to the cabin.

  Christina felt her temper rising. She walked out and over to the edge of the hill. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stood there looking down at the magnificent view of the Chattahoochee River. The beautiful scenery, however, couldn’t make her feel any better.

  He probably heard some bad news, she decided. He just didn’t know how to break it to her. Great! Just when I thought that things couldn’t get any worse.

  Chapter Nine

  CHRISTINA SQUEEZED HER EYES tight as dread washed over her. What was it that Dan was so upset about? And what about Johnny? What was the deal with him, and where had he been all this time?

  She grabbed hold of the railing and drew some deep breaths, trying to clear her mind. As a few more minutes went by, and Dan didn’t come outside, she strode back inside.

  He was in the kitchen, putting the groceries in the refrigerator and the cabinets. “Are you hungry?” he asked as soon as she walked inside, without looking at her.

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?” Christina inquired, ignoring his question.

  “Nothing is wrong,” he responded, flatly.

  “Then why have you been in such a bad mood ever since you spoke to Miles on the phone?” she insisted.

  He walked over to the back window and glanced outside. “Your friend has gotten himself into some serious trouble,” he replied.

  “Johnny?” Christina asked, anxiously, staring at his back. “What happened? Is he all right?” She steeled herself, knowing she wouldn’t like his answer.

  “Oh, don’t worry. He’s fine!” Dan replied, with a touch of sarcasm in his voice, and turned to face her.

  Christina stared at him, trying to figure him out. “Why are you so mad at him?” she asked. “What did he do?”

  “I’m not mad,” he insisted. “I just don’t think that he treated you right.”

  “What do you mean?” Christina asked, confused.

  “He should have never gotten you involved in all this,” he replied.

  “It wasn’t his fault,” Christina protested, even though, deep down inside she knew he was right.

  Dan didn’t seem convinced. “He knew the kind of people he was dealing with. He should have kept you out of all this,” he insisted.

  “He tried. He told them I had nothing to do with all this, but they didn’t believe him,” Christina pointed out. “However, I never understood why they took me with them?” she added.

  “They were looking for a tape,” Dan said.

  “Oh, yes!” Christina remembered. “They were asking about a tape.”

  “We found out that your friend had managed to get his hands on an incriminating tape. They wanted that tape pretty bad.”

  “So that’s why they searched me and my purse,” Christina mumbled, feeling a chill caressing her spine as she remembered the frightening moments in Johnny’s apartment.

  “Yes,” Dan agreed. “We also found out that Beavers was involved with them. But he was spooked because his voice was on that tape, too. They probably feared that he might try to make a deal with the police and got him out of the way.”

  “But what about me?” Christina inquired.

  “It seems that after they had found out you were still alive, they decided to abduct you from the hospital and use you to put pressure on your friend to give them the tape,” Dan said. “Then again…”

  “Then again, what?” she inquired, feeling a warning bell going off.

  “I told you before. Something doesn’t feel right,” he replied, staring at her. “The attack with the helicopter was to kill you, not capture you… Is there something you’re not telling me, Christina?” he inquired.

  Christina knew she would have to confide in him sooner or later…but she was unprepared for this conversation right now. “I don’t understand what’s going on,” she lied.

  Dan didn’t seem convinced. Turning on his heel, he walked to the kitchen and came back with two steaming cups of coffee. He put one down on the table in front of Christina. Then he took his cup and went outside.

  Christina sat lost in her thoughts. She could tell Dan hadn’t told her everything, but she didn’t press the matter anymore. She knew that everything he did was for her protection. She trusted him with her life and felt bad that she hadn’t been quite honest with him.

  She decided that she would find the right moment and tell him about her past. She knew he would understand. After having made up her mind, she felt a lot better. It was a heavy weight she’d been carrying inside her for so long, having no one to confide in. I can trust Dan, she thought and smiled thinking of him.

  It was getting dark in the room as they hadn’t switched any lights on. Christina picked up her coffee—cold by now—and walked outside to the front porch. Dan was sitting on the porch swing, staring out into the woods, and didn’t move as Christina sat next to him. She glanced at him and then reached over and covered his hand with hers. He turned his hand upwards and intertwined his fingers with hers while staring deep into her eyes.

  “I just wish for this nightmare to end,” she whispered and let out a deep breath.

  Dan raised his arm and placed it around her shoulders, drawing her closer to him. They sat there in silence for a long time, staring out in the dark. It was very peaceful and quiet, and the only things they could see were the lights of a couple cabins up the road.

  After a while, it got chilly. Dan stood up and pulled Christina to her feet. They walked inside and sat by the fireplace.

  “Would you like me to start a fire?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” Christina replied.

  Dan walked to the wood storage outside. Coming back inside carrying some logs, he kneeled in front of the fireplace.

  Drawn by his powerful presence, Christina sunk on a pillow next to him. She curled up her knees, wrapped her arms around them, and watched the flames, feeling a blissful numbness spreading throughout her body.

  Dan rose to his feet and checked the locks on the doors and windows. Then he drew the curtains and turned all the lights out. The only light in the room was coming from the flickering flames in the fireplace.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “No, not really,” Christina replied. “I would love some wine, though,” she added, having seen him buying two bottles of cabernet sauvignon while at the grocery store.

  Dan strode to the kitchen and came back with a plate filled with grapes. Then he brought a bottle of wine and two glasses. Kneeling down next to her, he filled up their glasses and lay down on his side, supporting his body on one elbow. They sat in silence, watching the flames, eating their grapes, and sipping their wine.

  I could get used to this, Christina thought, amazed by the emotions of warmth and intimacy she was experiencing with Dan. Feeling the sweet lethargy of the wine spreading throughout her body, she leaned back and laid her head on his lap. Her eyes fluttered, heavy with sleep, and the last thing she remembered was his amazing blue eyes staring right into hers.


  It was late at night when Christina woke up. The fire had died down, and the room was bathed in mysterious shadows. Her eyes rested on Dan, who had leaned back against the sofa and dozed off.

  Her light stirring woke him up.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she whispered, apologetically.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her. “I’d better have a look around.” He added and rose to his feet.

  Alarmed, Christina saw him reaching for his gun. “Danny,” she whispered, and he turn
ed to glance at her.

  A reassuring smile appeared on his sensual lips, and he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

  Christina waited anxiously until he came back in, a few minutes later.

  “All clear,” he said. “Let’s go to bed.”

  They went upstairs and lay on the large bed dominating the room. Christina curled up next to him but found it impossible to go to sleep, tormented by blazing images of their passionate lovemaking. Warmth simmered between her thighs, and when she felt his hands softly caressing her body, she responded, more than willingly. They were soon wrapped up in their lovemaking, shutting the whole world outside. Dan took her to places she’d never been before. She’d never imagined making love could be so intense. They seemed perfect for each other.


  The first light of dawn was sneaking into the bedroom when Christina finally drifted off to sleep. Dan climbed out of bed and strode to the bathroom to throw some cold water on his face, blaming himself for not getting any sleep. I have to be careful and alert, he contemplated, realizing that he couldn’t do his job right and protect her if he made love to her every chance he had. Then again, staring at the flawless face with the sensual lips begging to be kissed, and the hard-to-resist body with the full breasts and the silky skin scattered any attempt for sensible thinking in every direction.

  Putting his clothes on in a hurry, he grabbed his gun and went downstairs to the kitchen. He made some coffee and took the cup with him out on the front porch. Sitting on the swing, he inhaled deeply the fresh mountain air and watched the brilliant sunrise. This place is so beautiful. I would love to come back here with Christina when everything is over.

  Gloomy thoughts stormed inside his mind, wondering whether they would ever have a chance to come back here. What if Christina had to testify? Then she would have to be put on the witness protection program, and he would never see her again.


  A sudden noise coming from the side of the house made him jump. He rushed around the corner to find a beautiful golden retriever sniffing around the trashcans. The dog stood still for a moment, sniffing the air, and then moved close to him wagging his tail.