Read Dark Shadows of the Past Page 21

  “Well, it seems that when your grandmother was young in Palermo, she fell in love with some poor guy and got pregnant. Her family never forgave her for that and made her give up the child to an orphanage and leave Palermo immediately. Her father, a very rich and powerful man, made a deal with Lorenzo Rosetti, your grandfather. He was to marry your grandmother and take her to the States, and in return, her father would give him a very large amount of money to build his first hotel and casino.”

  “Oh, my God!” Christina cried out. “How could people do things like that?”

  “Well, they did,” Dan said. “And in some parts of the world, they still do.”

  “And what happened to that child?” Christina inquired.

  “Well, your grandmother was secretly searching for years, and after her husband’s death, she found out information about her son. Unfortunately, he was already dead—killed in a car accident—but she was able to locate her grandson, Marcello Fabiani.”

  “Fabiani? The owner of the house? So that’s who he is,” Christina said. “But what does that have to do with me?” she asked.

  “I can only guess that your grandmother wanted to find a way to give Fabiani the Rosetti’s fortune. He wasn’t a Rosetti to be able to inherit the money. You’re the only heir of the Rosettis, so she probably came up with some kind of scam to deprive you from your inheritance and give it to Fabiani.”

  “But why?” Christina asked. “I’m her granddaughter, too.”

  “I don’t know, Christina. People think in strange ways. Maybe she felt guilty all those years that her first-born son suffered because of her. So now, she’s trying to make it up to him by helping her grandson. Besides, from what I understood, she never liked your mother, and she probably has projected that dislike to you.”

  Christina rose to her feet and placing her empty glass on the bamboo table, she walked over to the edge of the balcony. Overwhelmed by mixed emotions of anger and bitterness, she wrapped her arms around her body. Damn the Rosettis! Damn my grandmother, too! They never cared about me. I was nothing but someone to be eliminated.

  Dan sprang to his feet and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him. Christina leaned back against his body and rested her head on his chest. They stood there like this for a few moments both lost in their thoughts.

  The ringing of Dan’s cell phone startled them. He released her and answered it, walking a little farther from her.

  “It was Miles,” he said as soon as he hung up.

  Christina stared at him, but Dan remained silent. She watched him as he picked up the empty wine glasses and walked inside.

  “Come on!” he said. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Christina followed him inside. Dan took off his clothes and climbed under the comforter. She sat at the edge of the bed, staring outside.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she replied. “I just don’t feel like sleeping. I have too much on my mind.”

  “I understand,” he said. “But you need some rest.”

  Christina curled up beside him. He took her in his arms and held her close. Slowly, she felt the tension leaving her body, and she started feeling his warmth. When she felt him caressing her, she responded willingly. They made love in a breathtaking, desperate way as if it was their last time together. They both tried to release the tension and bottled-up emotions, and their lovemaking left them breathless.

  Later on, they lay there in each other’s arms both lost in their thoughts. The first rays of sunshine were sneaking into the bedroom when Christina finally drifted off to sleep. Up until then, she could feel Dan tossing and turning; he had no sleep, either.


  The sun was shining bright when Christina woke up and stretched lazily in bed. Dan was already gone, probably to the police station to meet with Alexis. The thought brought her back to reality, and she swung her legs off the bed and sat up. I need to get my ducks in a row.

  As soon as she arrived back in the States, she would have to look for another job. Of course, that was no problem since she was good at what she did, and her name was known in the Atlanta market. But still, the circumstances of her leaving her previous job would probably puzzle every new employer. Not to mention the fact that, if they needed any references, it would be more than awkward to tell them that her previous boss is in jail.

  Well, she decided, lifting her shoulders in despair. I still have to do something. The truth was that she was counting on that inheritance money to start something new, maybe a business of her own. But now, she was sure that the money would never be transferred. Her grandmother had lied about her living on the island, and God knows about how many other things. Why wouldn’t she lie about the money, too?

  Christina thought about the paperwork that she’d signed. I’m so stupid! She was furious with herself. She was so overwhelmed by meeting her grandmother and so eager to settle things that she hadn’t been thinking straight. Besides, the old lady was a very smart woman. She probably realized that Christina had a soft spot—the bitterness she carried inside for not having any memories of her biological mother—and used it to lead her right where she wanted her.

  Thinking back, Christina had to admit that her grandmother never said anything about her mother. She made a comment about her eyes and a couple of other things, but that was it. She avoided the subject carefully. So Dan was probably right—she most likely hated Natalie.

  Thinking about her mother, Christina felt a hollow in her stomach. She must have been so unhappy, she realized one more time. Nobody loved her in that house, except maybe Perdini. It’s no wonder that she decided to leave, risking her life.

  Christina tried to imagine what it would be like living in a house with a husband who loved his mistress and didn’t care about her, with a mother-in-law who hated her, not to mention the brother-in-law and his criminal dealings.

  She drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. Tears welled up in her eyes. Oh, how she wished she had met her mother. She must had been a wonderful person, putting up with all this and having the strength to walk away and, at least, save her child.

  The old lady probably sensed all these bottled-up feelings of Christina’s and came up with the idea of the charity foundation. Oh, she played it beautifully! Christina had to admit. She made the whole thing seem like Christina’s idea. The shrewd old lady used Christina’s feelings and twisted them around to her own advantage.

  And what about that Fabiani? What kind of person is he? Christina wondered. Does he know what their grandmother is up to? He probably does, Christina decided. They’d probably planned everything together. And she fell right into their trap. And there she was now, having to count every penny, trying to figure out a way to take care of things. Of course, she still had some money coming from her work, but not much. It would probably take care of the immediate bills and keep her going for a couple of months.

  I can always turn to Dan for help, she thought for a minute and immediately dismissed the thought. No way! she decided. I’m going to make it on my own. It’s time to take back control of my life. As soon as I get back, I’m going to look for another job, she decided. You’re fooling yourself! She heard a little voice inside her head. You can’t do anything until after the trial. What if you have to testify? She leaned back on the bed and closed her eyes. She was so overwhelmed by everything.

  All of a sudden, she sat up. And how am I going to take care of this place on a salary like mine? she thought panicking. And then another thought crossed her mind. What about this property? Do I still own it or did they steal it away from me as well with that paperwork I signed?

  She remained there for a few minutes, trying to clear her thoughts. I don’t gain anything by losing my nerve. I have to think straight. I probably have a good chance to fight them in court for fraud. Christina stood up and walked downstairs; she was in desperate need for caffeine. She walked to the kitchen where Kalliopi had already made some coffee.

  Christina murmured, “Good morning,” poured some in a cup and walked back to the living room, taking the cup with her. There’s no need to panic, she told herself. I’m going to make it; I always do.

  She walked outside and sank onto the soft cushion of a bamboo armchair. With the money I have coming from work, I’ll take care of the most urgent bills. The rest will have to wait for now. In the meantime, I can work from home and try to sell my designs to make some extra cash until after the trial. Then she would decide what to do. I can always go to New York, she thought. There were a lot of opportunities in her line of work there. She even had a couple offers for work in the past. But she didn’t want to leave Atlanta. I'll just have to see how things work out there first and then decide what to do.


  When Dan returned to the mansion, he found Christina typing away on a PC she had found in the office downstairs.

  “What are you up to?” he asked, and walking behind her, he laid a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I’m just checking my e-mails and bank account,” she said. “I’ll be done in a minute,” she added and turned to glance at him.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked, seeing the worried expression on her face.

  “Everything is fine,” she replied.

  “Christina, if you need anything…” he started, but she didn’t let him go on.

  “Everything is under control,” she reassured him, and a smile appeared on her lips.

  He wasn’t fooled, though; he could sense that she was worried. He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I love you,” he said. “And I’m here for you. I want you to remember that!”

  “I know,” she said simply and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

  He was about to say something, but she silenced him by putting her index finger to his mouth.

  “I’m fine for now,” she said. “I’ll tell you if I ever need anything.”

  “Okay,” he agreed, unwillingly, and let out a deep breath. That girl is so stubborn, he realized. But I love her just the way she is.


  That same evening, they had a candlelight dinner on the veranda, enjoying the amazing, almost surreal view of Myrtos wrapped in a mysterious haze, although all around the atmosphere was crystal-clear. It resembled an amazing jewel wrapped in a fairy tale-like ethereal veil while in the backdrop, the full moon generously scattered liquid-silver hues on the almost black waters of the Ionian Sea.

  For a while, Christina was spellbound by the beauty and silence surrounding them. I wish I could leave everything behind and stay here forever with him…the love of my life. She glanced over at Dan. He seemed as affected by the beauty surrounding them as she was. However, his life is back in the States. And so is mine… But maybe, we can visit as often as we can…

  Eventually though, her thoughts flew back to everything that had happened during those last few days, and she tensed up.


  Dan felt her uneasiness and standing up, he pulled her into his arms and squeezed her reassuringly. “Don’t worry, my darling,” he said. “It’s almost over.”

  “I just want everything to return to normal,” she admitted. “I just want to be able to enjoy my moments with you, without worrying about anything else.”

  “We have our whole life ahead of us,” he reassured her. “We have plenty of time to live and enjoy things together.”

  “I would like to visit Palermo, Italy,” Christina said suddenly.

  Dan stared at her surprised.

  “It must be pretty, as well. Besides, I want to see the place my father’s side of the family is from.”

  “Whatever you want,” Dan replied, thoughtfully.

  “Do you think we can go there before the trial?” she asked.

  “So soon?” Dan asked, surprised. He didn’t expect that at all. He needed time to adjust. Only a few days ago, he left his job and life behind and flew halfway around the world to find her in Greece. Now she was talking about going to Italy.

  Dan stared at her. Ever since she had come to this island and after she met her grandmother, she had started talking about her family and thinking about the past. It was like she had made a full turn.

  Chapter Nineteen

  DAN LEFT EARLY next morning to meet with Meyers and, afterwards, with Alexis. Besides, it was a lot easier communicating with Miles when Christina wasn’t around. He didn’t want to keep reminding her of the difficult situation they were still in.

  Dan drove by Meyers’s hotel to compare notes with him. Meyers knew about Christina’s grandmother but had no information on Fabiani. He was going to check with the Bureau and let Dan know what he found out.

  Leaving the hotel, Dan tried to call Christina, but his battery was dead. Damn, I forgot to charge it again, last night. I’ll charge it at the police station, he thought as he was heading there to meet with Alexis.

  “Let’s go,” Alexis said, the moment Dan walked into his office.

  “What’s up?” Dan asked.

  “Fabiani is due on the island any minute now.”

  “Let’s go then,” Dan agreed and followed Alexis outside and into the unmarked police Jeep.

  By the time they drove to the airport, the plane had already landed. Alexis parked the Jeep, and they rushed inside to the arrivals. He showed Dan a photo of Fabiani and then they split up searching for him.

  The airport was pretty crowded. Dan walked around, keeping his eyes open, but Fabiani was nowhere to be found.

  Dan walked over to the cafeteria and decided to sit there for a while and watch the front entrance of the airport. It was then that he saw her. There she was, wearing a beautiful white dress with a wide green belt around her tiny waist and a pair of green, high heel sandals. She had her hair pulled up in a green ribbon and looked lovelier than ever.

  His stomach did a somersault flip, and his pulse accelerated. Fabiani was holding her by the waist as they were walking side by side, following a uniformed chauffer who was carrying his luggage. They walked out the front door to a black limousine that was parked outside.

  Dan jumped up and followed them from a distance. He felt numb inside. The chauffeur put the luggage down and held the door open for them. Right before they climbed into the car, Fabiani took Christina in his arms and kissed her passionately on the lips. Christina returned his kiss and then pulled back and stared into his eyes.

  Dan stood there, watching Christina and Fabiani getting inside the black limo, unable to comprehend what was happening. The whole thing was so surreal. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he was awake, and this wasn’t just another nightmare.

  As the limo took off, Dan snapped out of it and rushed to the Jeep to find Alexis waiting for him, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  “Don’t ask,” Dan said angrily. “I have no idea!”

  Alexis started his unmarked police Jeep and followed the limo down the street, keeping a safe distance.

  Dan was furious and all tangled up inside. He couldn’t believe that he’d been fooled like this. His love for her had affected his judgment—he shouldn’t have trusted her. She had lied once before about her real identity. Why not lie again? Only God knew what other lies she had told him. That’s it, he decided and clenched his fists. “Don’t lose them,” he urged Alexis.

  “I won’t,” Alexis replied. “But I don’t want them to spot us, either.”

  The limo pulled up in front of an office building. Alexis stopped the Jeep, and they sat in silence, watching the couple exit the limo and enter the building.

  Alexis climbed out of the car and went to check the signs at the entrance of the building. “A law firm, a real estate agency, and some doctor offices,” he said coming back to the car.

  They waited out there for a couple hours until the couple came back outside, climbed into the limousine, and left.

  They followed them until they got on the road to Fiscardo. Then Alexis turned around and headed back to town. There was no need to foll
ow them any farther. They knew where they were heading.


  Christina was restless. Around ten o’clock, she jumped in the car parked in the mansion garage. I should drive to town and buy a map, she contemplated, but then again, Argostoli was the opposite way, and she didn’t want to waste any time. Besides, the way to Fiscardo and the house she’d met her grandmother at was burned indelibly in her memory banks from watching the road, terrified of where they were taking her. Fortunately, she had no problem driving to the seaside town and finding the house again.

  Arriving there, she parked a little bit down the street. She got out of the car and marched to the house, checking for any sign that someone might be there. The house seemed empty; the garage door was closed, and the shades over the windows drawn. She walked up the driveway and around the back. Same thing there—all doors locked and shades pulled.

  She glanced at the house next door, which could hardly be seen through the trees. Without a second thought, she walked over and rang the bell—no one seemed to be home.

  Christina gave up and started walking down the driveway when an older couple pulled up in an old, dark blue Mercedes. The car stopped, and the older guy behind the wheel opened his window and gave Christina a bright smile.

  “Good morning,” he said in English. “It’s good to see you, again.”

  “Good morning,” Christina replied, confused.

  “When did you come? How long have you been here?” the lady sitting next to the guy asked, and Christina didn’t know what to say.

  The lady turned and looked at the man, puzzled for a minute, and then back at Christina. “Why don’t you come in?” she finally asked, and they parked the car in their garage.

  Christina followed them inside the house, feeling a little awkward. What am I doing? she wondered, stepping into a large living room. But she was curious; she wanted to find out what they knew about the tenants of the house next door. Besides, these people acted as if they knew her.