Read Dark Shadows of the Past Page 8

  If only we could stay like this forever, Christina wished inwardly, but then she pulled away, feeling embarrassed by her thoughts. He’s only doing his job, she reminded herself. Then again, deep down inside, she knew that wasn’t all…

  They had some ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, and then Christina watched TV while Dan went to his room to go over his notes one more time.

  “Why don’t you lie down for a while?” he’d asked her, but she was too anxious to sleep.

  When it got dark, they took a walk by the water. Christina knew he was doing it for her, in order to not make her feel captive in the house all day long. However, she couldn’t relax, feeling him so tense. Dan was carrying his gun—Christina could see it from his open jacket—and was scanning the surroundings the whole time. Only when they were back inside the house, she heard him breathing out in relief.


  Without a word, Christina walked into her room. Dan followed her and stood outside, undecided. When he heard her crying, he opened the door and saw her lying face down on the bed.

  Sitting at the edge of the bed, he softly caressed her hair while she released all the anxiety and pain she felt. It’ll make her feel better, he thought.

  She cried for a long time and then sat up and leaned in his arms.

  Dan held her until she raised her face and glanced at him. Then he took a tissue and wiped the tears from her face. She looks like a little girl, with her eyes all puffy and her nose all red and swollen from crying.

  He squeezed her in his arms, and without realizing what he was doing, his lips covered hers. He felt her tensing up for a moment but then her lips parted and closing her eyes, she responded to his kiss with a passion that took his breath away. I have to stop, he urged himself. However, deep down inside, he knew this was destined to happen all along.

  His lips left her mouth and kissed her all over her face and down her delicate throat. Her velvety skin and the soft moan escaping her lips drove him crazy. Unable to control himself, he pushed her back on the bed, covering her with his body…


  His lips—ravishing and demanding—returned to her mouth. His hands reached inside her shirt, cupping her breasts over the lace bra. A jolt of desire rushed through Christina as Dan gently stroked her nipples with his thumbs. He lowered his head to her breast and sucked on one nipple while his thumb continued tantalizing the other. Throwing her head back, Christina arched her back. She dug her fingers into his silky hair and pulled his head even closer to her. She should ask him to stop, but her body had a mind of its own. She was on fire, experiencing feelings she never had before. The few romantic encounters she had in the past were nothing compared to the searing passion he stirred up inside her. Deep down, she was a romantic who believed in true love—as it was described in the romance novels she enjoyed so much. That was the reason, at her age, she hadn’t gone all the way with anyone yet. His hand unzipping her pants brought her back to reality…


  Dan felt her tensing up and raised his head to glance at her. Christina placed her palms against his chest and tried to push him off. He stared into her eyes and saw the fight going on inside her. Not wanting to force her into anything, he rolled away from her. Springing to his feet, he walked to the door. At the doorway, he stopped and looked at her for one more time. He wanted her so much that it hurt. Oh, my God, he thought as the realization hit him like a freight train, I’m in love with her.

  Inhaling deeply, he walked outside. As soon as the door closed behind him, he leaned against it and drew some more deep breaths. Walking away from her wasn’t easy at all. Agitated, he clenched his fists and walked into the bathroom to take a cold shower…


  Christina lay there in her bed half-naked, without making any effort to cover herself up. She could still feel his hands and lips all over her and couldn’t stop shivering. Oh, my God! I’m in love with him, she realized, astonished. What a mess? What am I going to do now? Things couldn’t get any more complicated than this. Having to conceal her real identity, she might have to move from one place to the other quite often. She wouldn’t be able to do that if she were involved with someone, and especially Dan—a police detective who could uncover her secret at anytime.

  Rolling over to her side, she listened to the water running in the bathroom next door. She waited until after she heard him finishing his shower and going to his room. Feeling too tired to get up to take her clothes off, she reached out and pulled the covers over her.


  Christina woke up in the middle of the night from a horrible nightmare that wouldn’t let her go back to sleep. All sweaty, she needed a shower but didn’t want to wake Dan up. So she just lay there until she saw the first light of dawn sneaking inside from behind the closed shades. Only then, she climbed out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. She started with some warm water but then turned it to cold and let it run for a few minutes. Even though it shocked her at first, it felt reviving afterwards.

  Stepping out of the shower, she glanced at the mirror. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face revealed how tired she was. Christina shrugged her shoulders and wrapped a large, fluffy towel around herself. Despite the way she looked, she felt a lot better after the refreshing water washed away the sweat, along with the worries and fears that tormented her the night before.

  Going back to her room, she put on a pair of white shorts and an emerald top that matched her eyes and headed for the kitchen, following the tempting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Dan was already there, preparing breakfast with his back turned to her.

  She stood at the door, admiring the broad shoulders and the slender waist of his tanned, muscular body, and licked her lips as a tingling sensation rippled through her. This man was far more delectable than anyone she had ever met before. He wore a pair of dark blue shorts and a white sleeveless T-shirt that showcased his well-built muscles. His dark-brown hair was shining in the morning sun, sneaking inside through the bay window.

  I could get used to waking up in the morning to this tempting sight, she thought and felt a hollow in her stomach, realizing that having to hide her identity she wasn’t allowed the luxury of an intimate relationship.

  All of a sudden, Dan turned around and caught her staring at him. A wave of warmth rushed to her cheeks as his amazing blue eyes captivated hers.

  “Good morning,” she whispered, jerking her gaze away from him, and walked over to the coffee maker.

  “Good morning,” he replied, and Christina could feel his eyes burning into her back.

  She hastily poured herself a cup of steaming coffee and sat down.

  From the corner of her eye, she watched him preparing two plates and bringing them to the table. He placed a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and sausages in front of her and sat across from her, silently.

  Unlike yesterday, she hardly touched her breakfast, and after a few minutes, she walked downstairs and out on the deck. Dan followed her outside and stood right behind her. He didn’t touch her, but she could feel his presence with every part of her body.

  “Christina…” he started and hesitated for a moment, “I wanted to apologize for last night.”

  Christina turned and lifted her face, staring at him straight in the eyes. “It was not your fault,” she whispered and swallowed hard. “I wanted you as much as you wanted me,” she admitted and felt her face turning red from embarrassment.

  She saw him taken aback by her confession. As he opened his mouth to say something, she placed a finger against his lips. “Let’s just forget about it… I can’t deal with this right now…” Then she turned on her heel and walked inside, leaving him standing alone on the deck.


  They spent the rest of the day trying to act normal, but they could both feel the electricity in the air.

  Dan kept thinking about the previous night and was cursing himself for the mess he’d created. He felt as if he’d taken advantage of her. She was just scared and needed somebo
dy, and he was foolish enough to think she shared his feelings. On the other hand, she said she wanted me as much, he argued with himself.

  He kept watching Christina when he thought she wasn’t paying attention, and his heart was breaking not been able to touch her. I won’t say a word, he decided. I won’t pressure her in any way. I’ll wait until after the trial and make sure she’s safe before I talk to her about my feelings.


  Christina was also watching Dan. Even though he appeared calm on the outside, it was obvious that there was a fight going on inside him. She was mad at herself for acting so foolishly; she had led him on and then turned him down. He probably thought she was just a tease. Oh! My God! I wish I could tell him the way I feel about him and explain why I’m trying to keep my distance…at least for now. I don’t want him to think I’m the kind of girl who goes around leading men on.


  Christina went to her bedroom early that night, even though she didn’t feel sleepy at all. She just wanted to stay away from Dan. She couldn’t stand his silence and the cold, impersonal way he’d behaved all day. He was mad at her, and she couldn’t blame him for that.

  She took off her clothes, put on a long T-shirt that came down to her hips and sat on the love seat by the window, staring out into the dark. Even though she had turned off the light, she still couldn’t see much outside. However, she just wanted to sit there and think.

  What am I going to do? What if I have to testify? She was scared to death of getting on the stand against those people, but on the other hand, she couldn’t allow herself to back out now.

  And if she did testify, then she would have to go on the witness protection program, which meant that she was going to have a new identity and not be able to keep in touch with any of the people she knew before.

  That didn’t bother her much since she had no family left once her brother was killed in a car accident. From the few friends she had, Johnny was the only one she was going to miss. If he’s still alive, she thought and felt a shiver caressing her spine. Dan hadn’t found anything out about him yet. He had told Christina he’d given Miles all the information she knew about Johnny and was going to call back next morning to find out if the police had come up with something.

  Christina knew Dan was being very cautious, and that made her feel a little better on one hand, but on the other, it painfully reminded her of how serious this whole situation was. Dan had told Miles he was going to check in three times a day, so no one would know where they were. It was obvious that at this point he trusted no one, except Miles. Dan had explained to her that Miles was an old and very trustworthy friend, but Dan was afraid that someone else could overhear something, and then Christina would be in grave danger.

  What about Dan? she wondered. If I go into the witness protection program, would I be able to see him? She already knew the answer to that, but didn’t want to accept it.


  Christina had dozed off to sleep when a loud noise startled her. She jumped out of the love seat and scanned the darkness surrounding her. Recognizing the sound of a helicopter, terror washed over her like a cold wave.

  All of a sudden, the bedroom door swung open, and someone launched into the room. She drew a sharp intake of breath, dizzied by the frantic acceleration of her heartbeat. The man stopped dead in his tracks, and Christina felt her breath catch in her throat. A sudden bright light shining from outside allowed her to recognize Dan standing in the middle of the room with a gun in his hands. He stared at the empty bed and then spotted her by the window.

  Astonished, Christina saw him diving for her. He pulled her down to the floor, away from the window. She almost hit her head on the corner of the bed, but Dan pulled her in time. The moment she hit the ground, she heard a burst of gunshots. Crouched down beside him with her hands over her head, she heard windows smashing. Things were falling all around them. The helicopter was flying around the house. The window of her bedroom smashed into pieces. Abruptly, Dan pulled her to her feet and out the door.

  They ran downstairs to the family room. Broken glass was everywhere on the floor. Christina turned toward the garage, but Dan pulled her the other way. They rushed outside through a back door she hadn’t noticed before.

  The helicopter had a spotlight on and was searching the area. They ducked and ran toward the woods, trying to avoid the spotlight. Dan rushed downhill toward the lake, dragging her behind him. Christina was out of breath. What now? A chill rippled up her spine, and her throat tightened. They’ll probably search the area on foot and sooner or later, they’ll find us.

  Chapter Seven

  ALL OF A SUDDEN, Dan pulled Christina behind some rocks and into a boathouse hidden in the thick foliage of pine trees and bushes. In the dim moonlight, she saw a dark gray boat tied up, swaying softly on the calm waters of the lake. Anxiety mixed with relief washed over her. A way out!

  “You have a boat? You’re full of surprises,” she whispered.

  Dan let go of her arm and marching to a cabinet, he took a pair of oars out and threw them inside the craft. Then he helped Christina climb on board and followed right after her. “You’re the one who’s full of surprises,” he replied.

  “What do you mean?” she inquired, puzzled, but Dan remained silent.

  She watched him, dumbfounded, as he started rowing. The feeling of relief was replaced by desperation. How far can we get like this? she wondered but kept her mouth shut. The frantic beating of her heart was the only sound Christina could hear as the boat slid on the black waters. You’re so stupid, she rebuked herself, realizing that he couldn’t possibly start the engine without attracting attention. I’m glad he’s here with me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t stand a chance... But what did he mean by that remark?

  Dan kept close to the shore, trying to remain hidden by the canopy of trees flanking the waterfront with branches all the way down to the water. Chill bumps covered Christina’s arms as the night breeze hit her skin covered with a light layer of perspiration. Taking deep breaths to prevent herself from throwing up, Christina whispered a prayer.

  Coming to a clearing, they saw Dan’s house all lit up and two men out on the deck.

  Dan kept on rowing, quietly. In a few minutes, the men were gone, and the helicopter took off. Dan stopped rowing and pulled the boat into a small canal leading down to some other houses built on the lake. He stopped next to two other crafts, tied their boat, and helped Christina to climb out. Slipping and sliding on the wet ground, they rushed into the trees and remained hidden for as long as the helicopter was searching the area.

  “What did you mean I’m full of surprises?” she asked, unable to hold back any longer.

  “I don’t know, Christina,” he replied, and she could hear the doubt in his voice.

  She turned to stare at him, but couldn’t see his face in the dense darkness surrounding them.

  “The helicopter and all this,” he went on, “it just seems too extreme...”

  “I don’t understand...”

  “It almost seems personal,” he added.

  Christina’s breath caught in her throat. Oh, my God! He suspects something isn’t right. But what did I expect? He’s too smart to be fooled that their vengeance after me is just because I witnessed the scene in Johnny’s apartment. However, she couldn’t possibly tell him the truth…at least, not yet. So she remained silent.

  The lights on a few of the houses had come on. Christina heard some loud voices and the sound of a siren in the distance.

  “Some of the neighbors must have called the police,” Dan said and breathed out in relief.

  Christina noticed that the two houses closer to them were still in the dark. Most houses are occupied only during the summer months, she thought.

  Dan led her back in the boat and turned the engine on. They left the canal and turned toward the house.

  “We have to grab some things and get out of here as soon as possible,” he said, probably seeing the surprised look on her face.

  They reached the boathouse and very carefully climbed uphill. Stepping inside the house, Christina froze, immobilized by the shock of seeing the condition the house was in—busted doors and windows, overturned furniture, and pieces of broken glass and other items thrown all over the floor like debris from a shipwreck washed ashore.

  “Go grab your clothes!” Dan yelled over his shoulder, running to his room.

  Christina snapped out of it, rushed to her bedroom, and put on a pair of jeans and a jacket. Then she threw some things in her suitcase, which was still pretty much packed. Running out to the hallway, she almost collided with Dan. He was carrying a small backpack in one hand and his gun in the other.

  Going to the garage, they saw that his car was also hit by bullets. Dan jumped inside and tried to turn the engine on. It started on the third try.

  “Get in!” he snapped, and Christina did as he told her, throwing the suitcase in the back seat. As Dan was backing out of the garage, a police car pulled in the driveway. Dan stopped the car and waited for the policemen to get out of the car and come closer. They approached with caution with their guns in their hands and only after Dan talked to them and showed them his badge, did they put their guns away.

  “Call Detective Miles at the Gwinnett County Police Department and let him know what happened!” Dan told them. “I need to take my witness to a safe location,” he added before they climbed back inside their car.

  They backed up the driveway, and Dan followed them. The police car pulled out of the way, and Dan took the same route they had come from, heading back to Atlanta.

  Now what? Christina wondered. She glanced over at him, but he kept his eyes straight ahead. Silence stretched in the car as they flew down the road in the dark. They reached I-85 and turned on it, going south.

  By the time they pulled up in front of the police department, Christina’s nerves were all tangled. Dan jumped out and rushed around the car. He carefully scanned his surroundings and then opened her door and pulled her into the police station.