Read Dark Tears Page 2

waning away. It was big and beautiful with old plants reaching up its walls. A dead, but somewhat alive garden was around them. And there it was the tallest tower, the West Wing, where Victor Blackwood forever slept.

  Anna thought they were just going to dare each other into going into the manor. But Garret said. “Alright, were going to go see it, were going to go see if the legends are true.” Anna began to tremble with excitement, as Erik pushed the wooden door into the West Wing open.

  They walked inside, to find a long, wooden spiral staircase going up. Pigeons and other birds had made their homes in the window seals of the tower. Anna pulled herself from Garret, and then started up the stairs without a second thought. “Wait Anna, have you forgotten all about us!” Isbell said chasing after her, taking Erik by the hand, and of course Garret not far behind. After a few feet, Anna slowed; this really was the tallest tower. She couldn’t imagine walking up and down these all the time. “So what do you think he’ll look like?” Isbell asked, “I don’t know, some say he always looked freshly dead. Others say he turned to ash.” Erik answered as they made their way up. “Anna, you know when we were kids you always claimed you would meet Victor Blackwood.” Isbell said, giggling. “Does, somebody have a crush on Victor Blackwood?” Isbell said, seeing half of Anna’s face, Anna turned around and said. “No, I don’t ever know what he looks like.” Isbell and Garret giggled as they could see Anna was lying.

  When they took their finally step they were on a wooden platform. Where a black door stood, Anna suddenly found herself scared, Garret seeing his chance. Stepped forward and pushed open the door, Anna felt her knees go weak.

  The room was circular, and in the middle facing the right hand side. Was a moth eaten purple canopy bed, where there was a dusty white sheet on the bed. Under it was someone no one has seen for years. In the middle of the white, something long and big stuck out.

  Right where his chest would be, Anna remembered from Eva’s story. How Victor Blackwood was struck through the heart, Anna didn’t feel so scared anymore. Anna walked forward with her friends next to her, then Anna curled her fingers around the edge of the sheet.

  She closed her eyes, and then wiped off the sheet, as she heard it fall to the ground. She heard nervous gasping come through the room. Anna allowed her eyes to open and couldn’t believe what she saw. He was the most handsome man she ever laid her eyes upon. His hair, black as a starless sky, tall, slightly tan. His hair gelled back from so long ago, it stayed that way. All of his hair pushed back and out of his face. High cheek bones, a thin and pointish nose. Dimly colored lips and dark cheeks.

  His chin aligned perfectly with his jaw line to his ears. His eyes were closed, Anna then noticed the dagger. It stuck out like a sore thumb; the blade had strange writing written all over it. The handle was of a crooked boney hand. Anna turned her attention back to his face. She took her hand and stroked the side of his face lightly. “Why don’t you go ahead and kiss him while you’re at it.” Isbell commented, Anna blushed and said. “Why don’t we see you kiss a dead man Isbell?” Anna asked, Isbell pointed and said. “Only if you try and pull the blade out while kissin’ him.”

  Anna thought she may as well; it would be her first kiss. Isbell had already had her first kiss, but Anna would have an interesting story she thought. To her children she would say, Victor Blackwood was her first kiss. It sounded so amazing, but she wanted to see if Isbell would really do it. “Alright but you have to kiss him and try and pull the blade out first.”

  Isbell laughed and said. “Alright, come here Victor.” Isbell said making her way to the bed. Anna stepped back with Garret and Erik. Isbell looked down then looked around and said. “Me?” They group of three started to giggle. “How, yes this do is real how could you tell?” Isbell drunkenly said as she pretended Victor Blackwood was really talking to her.

  Isbell gasped playfully and said. “No, no, no, dear Victor Blackwood, how romantic of you to propose marriage to me on a first date. When fine Anna over here she is perfectly single.” Anna laughed loudly with the boys when Isbell finally got close and listened. “Oh, Anna he said, he doesn’t want any kiss, he wants your kiss. He wants you to pull the blade, awaken him! And become his bride!” Isbell saying standing and bowing. “Now wait a second Isbell, you had to kiss him first.” Isbell laughed and said. “But you’d be the first women to kiss him, and he’d be your first kiss. It’s really romantic, come on Anna.”

  “Yeah Anna.” Garret said poking her shoulder.

  “Fine, move out my way.”

  Isbell moved over, and let Anna through. Anna stood over his body; she wrapped her fingers around the cold blade. “Remember you have to really try and pull the blade Anna, or it wouldn’t work.” Anna giggled nervously, Anna leaned in. She closed her eyes, and felt his cold dead lips press against her’s. She tugged on the blade, as hard as she could.

  Then her hand lifted with something in her hand, she opened her eyes in shock. She looked at the blood stained dagger; she dropped it to the ground and looked at Victor. She was now sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked back at Garret, Erik, and Isbell. Isbell went red; Garret’s jaw was wide open. And

  Erik was too drunk to care, Isbell then waited then said. “Um, see old myths, it’s not true. Wow, I was worried he was going to come back to life, steal you, and make you his bride.” Isbell said with a nervous laugh, Anna then looked down at him.

  “Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!” Garret and Isbell started to chant, Anna then couldn’t help herself, but be the center of their attention, and she didn’t want to disappoint him. Anna leaned down again, and kissed his once more. But something was different, his lips weren’t cold anymore. In fact they were warming up, she opened her eyes. Something was very wrong.

  Anna then in panic pulled back breaking the kiss when, he decided to kiss back. He Anna sat up, and then eyes flashed open at her. They were bright red, then he frowned. He deeply into Anna and she found herself unable to move, his handsome gaze peered into her. She looked with her eyes to see her friends. They were perfectly still; he looked back where Anna’s gaze was headed. His frown deepened, he tired to lift himself, but found it challenging. He groaned as he gave up, Anna found herself to move again. She jumped off the bed, but his hand caught her’s. Anna then felt Garret at her side trying to urge her out. “Anna what are you doing!? Come on!” He hoarsely whispered Anna couldn’t bring herself to look away from the man in the bed. His pleading look towards Anna, but his dangerous look towards Garret.

  Anna then felt sorry for him, and then she asked herself. If you just woke up to remember the person you thought you loved just killed you. To soon find out your home was in ruins, and soon find out your family was dead. And it was fifty years later; you’d be pretty scared and angry too. And to only have a stranger in your mitts you think you can trust, and soon have to marry .Just because she pulled the blade from your wounded heart.

  “Garret we have to help him.” Anna said looking at Garret, Garret was shocked and angry and said. “You want us to help this thing! Nobody comes back to life! Only He can do that, not witchcraft. He’s a demon! You can’t trust him!” Anna looked into Garret’s eyes, and suddenly became very protective over Victor. “He’s not a thing! He’s just a human who’s deathly scared!” Anna said sternly looking at Garret, Isbell walked over and said. “Garret’s right Anna how do you know we can trust the undead!” Anna looked at all of them and said. “Please! Let this be a secret! He wouldn’t hurt anybody, look at him! He can barely get out of bed!” Anna said pointing at him, she turned back to Victor to see slightly hurt in his eyes.

  Garret backed away with the drunken Erik by his side, then said. “If that’s the way you want it, Isbell. You can either come with us, or go with the demon bride! Anna, were going to kill him, right here right now. Either you get out of my way, or you die with him! I don’t want to do this, come with me, and be my wife.” At the proposal, she felt the pressure around her
hand tighten. Anna walked closer back to the bed, taking his hand tighter. Anna looked at Isbell, then said. “Go, Isbell, I don’t want you to get hurt, go.” She urged, Isbell didn’t want to abandon her friend, but she respected Anna’s wishes.

  Isbell back away leading Erik out of the room, Isbell left the door wide open. In case a quick escape for Anna was needed. “Garret please, just stop. He may not be a demon; he may just be trapped here, trapped in his own body. Garret please, just leave him be, he scared, hurt, and weak.” Anna placed her body between Victor and Garret, Anna felt Victor squeeze her arm. Then tried to pull her out of the way, Anna turned around. He looked at her with desperation; he didn’t want Anna to get hurt.

  Anna looked at him, and he got the message he understood what she had to do. He took her hand and placed it on the left side of his hip. Anna grasped the handle of a sword, and then Garret spoke again. “Fine, Anna I loved you, but to protect the town, and your soul.” She heard Garret slightly whimpering, then he charged for Anna and Victor. Anna pulled on the handle, the sword slid out. Anna whipped around and pointed the tip at Garret’s throat.

  He stopped and held his hands up, Anna walked towards him and through the door. “Garret please, if you really loved me you’d wait for me. I will marry you, if you promise to give me at least a mouth. Just a mouth! I promise, I will return and marry you.” Anna spit out the words, with regret filling the promise. Garret looked wide eyed, then said. “Fine, a mouth, that’s it. If you can prove he’s human, still, I’ll let the poor bastard live. Good-bye then Anna” With that Garret peacefully walked down the stairs and outside again.

  Anna watched him exit the tower from up above he let the sword fall in her hands. Then she turned and jogged back in the room. She saw Victor’s efforts into trying to move, but in no avail. Anna leaned the sword against the wall. Then walked over to the bed. “He’s gone; you don’t have to get up.” Anna said lying him back down on the bed. He gripped Anna’s arm, then tried to say something. But his voice was dry; he couldn’t even make out a word.

  Then he drew a shape on Anna’s forearm with his finger. It felt like a tear drop, then Anna figured water, he needed water. Anna got up and said. “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” Then ran down the stairs, she had to find a cup or something inside the manor. Then catch some rain water.

  Anna fined an umbrella, next to it, was the glass Isbell had been drinking out of earlier. Anna picked up the glass and held it out the door. The rain started to pour heavy enough to get the glass full in only a minute. Anna quickly walked up the stairs, her black gloves slightly soaked. Her red lipstick smeared a bit from kissing Victor. She opened the door again, to find Victor groaning. Anna walked to the bed, and held the cup to him. He almost shoot up, he took the cup from Anna and inhaled the water down his throat. He drank the whole thing before lying back down. He huffed, then managed a. “Thank you,” Anna nodded and went to the window, she busted it open. Held the cup out again, and then brought it back him. He drank the whole thing down in one gulp.

  After about a few minutes of doing this, he was speak able again. His voice was no longer dry; he was finally ready to speak to Anna. Anna sat on the bed with him, then curious she moved the bloodstained cloth. To her surprise, the dagger mark was no longer there, but left a scar. “Hey, hey are you okay?” Anna asked, as he turned his head and groaned. She placed her hand to cup his face,