Read Dark and Deadly 00 - Secrets Exposed Page 16

  Recognizing how near losing control he was, Mark forcibly pulled them both back to reality. If he didn’t, he would have kissed her, and it wouldn’t have been the kind of kiss that should be made public. With the throbbing awareness in his lower body now making him immensely uncomfortable, it would have been the kind of kiss that would have gotten them thrown out of the casino.

  Taking Lindsey’s hand in his, he looked directly at the dealer. “Cash us both out.”

  There was no mistaking the disappointment in the other man’s eyes. He had hoped to gain Lindsey’s interest. Too damn bad. He shoved aside his caveman-like feelings and brought Lindsey’s hand to his mouth. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as she let out a sexy, satisfied sigh.

  When the dealer slid a five-hundred-dollar chip her way, her head popped up, surprise in her eyes. “It’s more than I thought,” she said, reaching for it, and then smiling at Mark. “I swear, I love winning.” The dealer slid Mark two thousand-dollar chips. She stared at the chips as Mark reached for them. “Two thousand dollars in one hand. That’s amazing. What a high.”

  Mark tossed a chip in the air and caught it. “Not bad for five minutes,” he said and winked at her. But money was the last thing on his mind. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  Lindsey gave him a hot look. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

  Draping his arm around the soft curve of her bare shoulder, he anchored her body to his side as they began walking. Once they were near the restrooms, Mark flattened Lindsey against a wall and planted his hands on either side of her head. Her arms immediately slid to his waist. “You have no idea how mad I was at you.” Unable to resist, he ran his tongue across the sensitive flesh of her earlobe.

  Lindsey wet her lips, her eyes searching his, her voice hopeful. “Was?”

  “Mmmm, still am,” he said, in a voice that came out a hoarse whisper that echoed how much he wanted to get her alone and naked. Gently grabbing her chin in his thumb and finger, he locked her in a challenging stare. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Lindsey swallowed and blinked, a moment of indecision flashing in her eyes. Then her fingers were in his hair, and she pressed to her toes, so that her lips could reach his. He took her invitation, his hands going to her cheeks, and his tongue past her teeth, kissing her with slow, sensual absorption.

  He groaned into her mouth, feeling his body harden with the roar of demand. There was so much shared longing in the kiss, so much passion. When their lips parted, she looked up at him, her arms having found their way around his neck. A slow smile turned up the corners of her lips. “Let’s go to my room, and I’ll show you how I plan to make up with you.”

  He arched one brow, surprised she wasn’t at least going to fight a little. After all, Lindsey ran from what was between them by coming here. He knew it and so did she. “No resistance tonight? No angry words because I followed you?”

  She shook her head from side to side. “Did that feel like resistance?” She didn’t give him time to respond. “You already wore me down.” She paused, and then shocked him by adding, “Why do you think I put distance between us?”

  Mark could only stare at her, taken aback by her words. Hearing her admission was more than he had began to hoped for. “Lindsey—”

  She stopped him as she had before, putting two fingers on his lips. “Wait,” she whispered. “One more thing first. I need to say this.” Mark nodded, and she removed her fingers. “As for being mad that you followed me,” she averted her gaze, looking at his chest, “I should be. With anyone else I would be.” Her eyes lifted, and her voice dropped a notch. “With you, I’m not mad at all.”

  There was so much to discuss. But right now all he really wanted to do was take her back to the room and make slow love to her. Fighting the haze of his desire, he reasoned with himself. He needed to take advantage of her state of mind and settle some things between them once and for all. If they went straight to the room, there wasn’t going to be any talking. Hell, he could barely think at present.

  He needed to get them someplace where they could cool off and talk. “Have you eaten?” he asked, considering her with an intent stare.

  Her eyes narrowed, a frown filling her face. “No, but—”

  “Then let’s get some food. Spago’s is right around the corner. We can talk there. It’s quiet.”

  She stared at him, her expression showing her confusion. Her look said food was the last thing on her mind. “No,” she said stubbornly. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Mark raised an eyebrow in amusement. That she was so quick to admit her desire was an accomplishment. Brushing a strand of loose hair from her eyes, he said, “I want that very much Lindsey, but we need to talk.” He nuzzled her ear. “We both know we won’t do that in the room.”

  She leaned back to look at him, her eyes wide. “We’ll talk,” she said quietly. “I promise. Just not now.” She grabbed his shirt in her fist and leaned against the wall, tugging until he flattened against her. “At this moment I just really need you to hold me.”

  Mark was only human and damn if he could resist a request from Lindsey that was seductively laced with need. Not to mention the fact that he was so damn hard his zipper was about to bust. A low growl escaped his throat as his hands settled on her waist. He could feel her soft curves pressing into his body.

  Unbidden, a thought came to mind. Greg. He needed to know exactly where she stood with him before this went any further. “What about Greg, Lindsey?”

  She frowned as she met his gaze. Reaching up with one hand, she palmed his cheek. “Greg is nothing to me. Not now, not in the past, not ever.”

  He wanted to believe her, but he had to be certain he could. “Then why did you go with him the other night?”

  A fretful look crossed her face. “He promised to tell me the inside scoop on Williams. I didn’t think I could pass on a chance to help the case just because of my own selfish desire to avoid him.”

  Mark digested and accepted her words as truth. He knew Greg well enough to know he was a manipulator. For him to use the case to get to Lindsey was easy to believe. “What are we waiting for?” he whispered. “Let’s go to the room.”

  Chapter Ten

  Standing in the back of the elevator, Mark pulled Lindsey in front of him, wrapping his arms around her stomach. People flooded into the compartment until they were crammed together in a tight shuffle of bodies.

  Lindsey leaned back into him, not shy about molding her backside to his hips. It was a tease of a moment. “Stop,” he murmured, near her ear.

  She glanced up at him over her shoulder and touched his cheek with her fingers as she ground her hips a little firmer. “What?” she asked in feigned innocence.

  Then she let her head fall back against his chest, giving him a view of her creamy white neck, making him envision her dropping her head just like that in a moment of passion. Unable to resist, he moved his hand to her neck and watched as her eyes fluttered shut, her full lips parting.

  Glancing at the elevator lights, he felt the impatience of his desire to get her alone. Payback was coming Lindsey’s way and she could bet on it. When the elevator reached their floor, Mark was forced to follow her out of the car, but he grabbed her hand in the process. Surveying the hallway, he found them alone and took advantage of the moment. In a quick movement, he had her in his arms, his mouth claiming hers in a possessive kiss, deep and passion-filled.

  He wanted her to taste just how aroused he was.

  His hand slid to the side of her breast and squeezed it gently, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. She shivered, and moaned into his mouth. Knowing he had pressed them both too far for the hallway, he forced himself to draw back. “Come,” he said, taking her hand again and pulling her with him.

  As he struggled with the key, for the first time in his life, Mark felt unsteady. Burning up with pure animal need, he couldn’t seem to get the key in the door. Success came far too slow, and when they were finally i
n the room, he shoved the door shut. Before he knew what hit him, Lindsey became the aggressor. She pushed his back against the wall, her palms flat against his chest. He knew his surprise was in his face, but he couldn’t help it. Her unexpected aggressiveness was not only a shock, it was a downright turn-on.

  He reached for her, but she braced her knees around his, pushing his hands to his sides. “No, not yet.” There was a forceful order to her voice.

  Her hips pressed into his, soft curves framing his aroused, more than ready body. They rested thigh to thigh, hip to hip, perfectly molded together as one. He was so hot, it felt like he might explode. Harder, and hotter by the minute, he wanted to act, to touch her, and taste her, and yes, find his way inside her.

  But he could see the intent in her eyes. She was in control. Palms on his chest again, she moved so that her eyes met his. “I can’t believe you are here.” It was a husky whisper.

  Everything about her, about the moment, was so damn sexy, he could hardly keep from ripping off her clothes and burying himself inside her. He was glad the curtains were open, so he had the night light to see her by. He’d have hated to miss the gorgeous sight she made. Her hair was a wild, blond mass of silk flowing over her shoulders, her eyes glossy with passion and emotion, her lips swollen from his kisses.

  “How could you think I wouldn’t come for you?” he asked, his voice alive with his desire, low and a bit rough.

  “Why’d you come?”

  He had the feeling this was a test. Mark wasn’t sure she was ready to hear the real truth about his feelings for her . . . but deep down he thought she knew. He reached up and wrapped a silky strand of her hair around his finger. “Are you sure you want an answer to that question?”

  Her lips trembled, confusion flashing in her eyes. “What I want,” she said softly, “is to forget everything but you tonight. I want you, Mark.” She traced his jaw with her fingers and then flattened the softness of her open palm on his cheek.

  Mark absorbed her words, her touch, and her every move like liquid fire in his veins. To hear Lindsey openly admit she wanted him felt more than right. Maybe because he felt it as an admission beyond physical need. “I want you too, baby. You have no idea how completely crazy you make me.” His hands went to her hips, and then her perfect, round ass, caressing, and molding her even tighter against his hips.

  She began unbuttoning his shirt, her hands moving impatiently to the bare skin. He wanted to kiss her, but she seemed intent on her task. Taking control from Lindsey was not something he wanted to do. Okay, so maybe he did, but he wouldn’t.

  “God, I love your body,” she told him as her hands and mouth moved across the taut, rippling muscles now exposed.

  Shoving aside the shirt, her tongue flicked his nipple. The impact was white lightning in his blood. He sucked in a breath, struggling to remain still and allow her to lead. “You like?” she asked, her fingernails lightly scraping both of his nipples at once.

  His eyes fixed on hers. “Your hands and mouth on my body?” he asked. “The only thing better is my hands and mouth on yours.”

  And that was the end of his restraint. He had to kiss her. His fingers entwined in her hair, as he pulled her mouth to his, hungrily kissing her, tasting her as if she was sweet nectar, perfect and addictive. He couldn’t get enough of her flavor, her mouth, her smell. Ah, her smell . . . soft, floral, and something more primal. There was something addictive about her, something that set him on fire, and made him burn with a need so intense, so potent, it consumed.

  “Ah, Lindsey, you are amazing. I can’t get enough of you. I don’t think I can ever get enough of you.” He murmured the words against her lips even as his hands moved to cup her breast.

  She made a little sound of pleasure and her hands began a slow slide up and down his thighs. Her fingers spread, moving so close to his groin, he almost came undone. And just when he thought she would continue to tease him, she cupped his erection. She nipped at his bottom lip, even as her fingers stroked and teased.

  With no warning she stepped backwards, out of his reach. He looked at her, his eyes full of questions. She gave him a seductive smile in return. Slowly, she unzipped her dress and then let it slide to the floor, stepping out of it and kicking it to the side.

  Mark’s eyes slid down her curvy, delicate body, taking in the provocative sight she made. Very small, very sheer black lace was all that covered her rosy, pebbled nipples. The panties were nothing but a swatch of lace that teased him with its perfect placement. His body was throbbing, hard with his desire. He couldn’t remember ever having such a potent reaction to a visual. A woman’s body turned him on, no doubt, but Lindsey downright made him burn.

  “Come here,” he ordered hoarsely, his hand raised towards her.

  She slid into his arms, no hesitation, as if she too, could wait no longer. He buried his face in her hair, soaking in her fragrance and how amazing she felt in his arms. As much as his body raged, he had a sudden need to savor the feel of holding her.

  He found her mouth, needing to taste her. His lips brushed hers, and he could have sworn hers trembled. Once, twice, three times he tasted those full, sweet things, before his tongue slid along hers in a long stroke. A slow, perfect kiss, he took his time, making love to her with his mouth. But as she moaned, her hands roaming his body, he grew more urgent, unable to hold back.

  And then he was devouring her mouth with his, tasting her like a starving man would food. Even as he lost himself to the moment, to Lindsey, his mind registered the uniqueness of his need. Never before had he wanted so completely, in such an all-consuming way.

  Lindsey was on fire, burning with sensations that only Mark could make her feel. Her need for him scared her yet made her feel whole in a way she wasn’t certain she had ever felt in her entire life. She wanted to make him feel as good as he made her feel. She wanted to make love to him. Sinking to her knees, she quickly found the hard ripples of his stomach and began laying soft butterfly kisses on his warm skin. As her mouth distracted him, her hands worked to unbutton and unzip his pants.

  Reaching for his belt hoops, she dipped her tongue into his belly button as she slid his pants, and then his briefs, down his legs, freeing his erection. Lindsay’s eyes widened, her mouth going dry. How she didn’t know, but she had forgotten how big he was, and just how perfect.

  Mark stared down at her, and she could see the question in his eyes. Intentionally, she teased him, leaning down, and unlacing his shoes. She could almost feel the tension in his body. He wanted to tell her to leave his shoes alone. A hidden smile on her face, she finished her task, enjoying the tease as she drew it out.

  She tugged at one of his shoes and pulled it off his foot, throwing it across the room. Then the other. Her hands slid under his pant legs, around his calves, greedily explored his muscular legs. Mark dropped his head against the door, his palms flattening against the wooden surface. She loved what that meant . . . that he had caved to submission.

  Her hands moved to his waist, to his belt hoop. That got his attention. He raised his head, giving her a heavy-lidded stare. “Can I,” she asked, wanting his clothes gone.

  Mark groaned. “You can do anything you want to me, sweetheart.”

  She smiled, and then pulled his pants down, making sure his underwear came too. Her hand closed around his erection as she pushed to her feet. He moaned, and she smiled. She loved the power she had over him. Seeing this gorgeous, always-in-control man at her mercy was the ultimate high.

  They stared at one another, her hand so intimately touching him, stroking him. “I want—”

  He cut her words off with his actions, his hands going into her hair, his mouth claiming hers. Their bodies pressed together, his erection nestled between her thighs. It was a slow, sexy kiss that had them clinging to one another, their tongues caressing and loving.

  He palmed her breasts, kneading with delicate, perfect pressure. She was falling into a sensual haze. Her bra fell loose around her body. She never ev
en knew he unhooked it. And his hands were on her bare breasts, fingers rolling and pinching her nipples. His hands moved to her butt, and he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him, wanting him.

  He sat her on the edge of the mattress, dropping to his knees in front of her. “God, you’re gorgeous,” he said, a gravely quality to his voice.

  She slid her hands to the side of his face. “You’re gorgeous.” And she meant it. He was perfect.

  “Ah, Lindsey,” he whispered, emotion in his voice.

  She pressed her lips to his forehead, to his temple, to his cheek. He moved so that his mouth found hers, kissing her, tasting her. His mouth moved down her jaw, her neck, and then to her breast. Inch by inch he kissed, touched, and teased until his mouth closed over her nipples.

  Hands in his hair, she arched into the sensation, her body burning with the feel of his lips, teeth, and tongue. “I want you, Mark.”

  “I want you too, baby,” he said, but his teasing continued, his mouth nipping, licking, tasting until she thought she would die from pleasure.

  And then he stood, urging her to her back, and then raising one of her legs. He kissed her ankle, her calf, her inner thigh, his lips and teeth making her squirm with heat. And when he was oh-so-close to her panties he switched legs and started all over. This time when he reached the lace, his mouth moved over it, the heat of his breath burning through the lace.

  His hands went to her hips, and he leaned back to pull her panties off. The final barrier gone. His hands settled on her waist, moving her higher on the bed as he settled above her. His erection slid along her core, sending a rush of desire through her body.

  His mouth covered hers, his tongue sliding along hers, even as he eased his body inside hers. Purposely slow, he inched his way to her core until their bodies were molded as one.