Read Darkened Page 11

David hills, Aja, Lagos, Nigeria.

  Chichi rang the doorbell, but there was no answer, even after fifteen minutes. She sighed heavily. Chichi, after the prayers had her lunch in an eatery beside the church-she wasn’t sure if Bisola had put ‘something’ in the food. Stooping down to see what was bulging under the floor mart, she found the bunch of keys which lay under the floor mart, with a folded paper .She tried unfolding the paper and saw it was a letter. Chichi stood up, grabbed her bag and opened the door. After shutting it behind her, she sat on the sofa and inquisitively read the letter.

  To my sister, friend and Bestie.

  I write this letter, with a great burden in my heart. At each word, I feel tears about to run down my cheeks. You know, I can’t thank you enough for introducing Christ to me. What could have ever healed me but knowing Christ? I walked out not because I wanted to, but I had to. God had been telling me to be careful ever since, but you know -I have to confess; Seven days ago, I left the door opened and went to get pizza from the pizza shop. I thought locking the door wasn’t so necessary-you know, nothing frightens me-I wouldn’t spend so much time there. Surprisingly, I saw our neighbour in the house when I got back. That old deserted woman, who loves satan, walked out from your room-I challenged her but I knew she had done something in there. I just want you to be okay and pray harder against her. She looked as though, she was casting spell on you.

  Anyway, I’m on my way to the deliverance ground to pray about this too. With our prayers, may we conquer any satanic spell cast by that witch? Love you.

  Chichi knew Bisola was only creating a fake plot, as an excuse to her running away. Their prayers back at the pastor’s office must have chased her out. Chichi smiled, but another thought came to her mind.

  What if it’s true?

  Sweet Orchid Hotel, London.

  Joseph awoke in fear. He was panting and profusely sweating. His dream terrified him. He looked at his mobile it was one am. He was surprised; why did he not wake up to pray -why did he sleep like a baby? His mind soon reflected back to the heavy meal he ate some hours ago.

  The sight of the dream was frightening and shocking! He kept on saying to himself,

  “This can’t be true.”

  He had just dreamt that Chichi and Bisola were having sexual intercourse on his own bed! He sighed. How could that be possible? He felt so terrible.

  This is impossible.

  He tried to reach for his bible, but he felt a hand grab him and prevent him. All of a sudden, he started hearing strange, demonic noises in the room. He just lay there on the bed for an hour unable to move, speak or think, for he was ‘trapped’. He was almost lifeless. Then a light came from above and the strange noises died down. It was then, he said, “Jesus” in his mind, since he couldn’t use his lips. After he did that, the strange presence left, Joseph was scared. This was his first near-successful attack in more than fifteen years now. This meant trouble. He motioned to pray, when a deep sleep fell upon him.