Read Darkened Page 9

Sweet Orchid Hotel, Roseville, London.

  Joseph unbuttoned his shirt and sighed. Today’s service was eventful. In fact, he had never felt so taken over by the Holy Spirit. There were miracles and the hand of Lord was upon many lives. The praise worship made him so moved that for the first time, he really danced at the altar. The thought of praise worship made him remember Chichi-he just hoped she was safe, he had ‘tried’ her number repeatedly, but it was still switched off. He should have allowed her to stay with him and not sent her to back Nigeria; how foolish he felt! He got on his knees and prayed for her and also Bisola’s salvation. He felt he needed to take a shower, so he began to undress. He was barely clad and only in a towel, when the doorbell rang. He wondered who the person was. No one knew he was in this hotel aside Chichi - it certainly could not be the hotel attendant downstairs, he just talked to her now. Out of curiosity, he walked to the door. Only when he had unlocked the door, did he remember that he was in a towel. A lady was standing at the doorway; she was his nice mannered PA. Joseph wondered why she was dressing in an overly casual, camisole-like dress today.

  “Martha,” he said smiling. “…How are you doing?”

  She smiled back, batting her lashes. “I’m fine sir. Can I come in?”

  He wanted to make her wait so he could put on some clothes, but since he didn’t feel like wasting time, he opened the door. She took in a deep breath,

  “I just wanted to let you know that all the files ready and say hi to you also”.

  It was a quite unusual of her, but he was impressed.

  “Thank you so much, you really are God sent.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t call you before I came. Actually, my battery was flat. Is my apology accepted?”

  He nodded. This lady was so nice. Then he felt a ‘check’ in his spirit. He ignored it.

  ‘‘Can I offer you something? Don’t mind my manners, take a sit.’’ She sat. It was then he discovered her gown was unusually short.

  “Coffee will do.’’

  He was glad. He just made coffee some hours ago. He went into the kitchen to heat it. When was back with a cup of coffee, he found her looking at the mirror and arranging her hair. He handed the coffee to her and sat on the bed. She thanked him. Joseph’s mind wandered again to what happened at the glorious service. It was so miraculous, he couldn’t even explain it. He was about to ask Martha why she wasn’t present, when he noticed she had been staring at his chest for some time now. He coughed. She drew closer. Then he stood up and walked close to the cupboard. He didn’t even know what he searching for- he was trying to do something to keep himself ‘under control’. He looked back, only to see Martha Obi had pulled off her dress and was standing before him, naked. He was about to move back, when he heard a voice in his head;

  But she’s so beautiful.

  Actually, Joseph hadn’t noticed this since her four years of faithful service as his personal assistant. However, on this fateful day, he ‘realised’ Martha Obi was extremely beautiful. He smote his head and looked away, muttering; “Jesus help me.” She moved close enough now and placed her palms on his chest.

  “Stop,’’ he said calmly, trying to move back, until his back was against the wall. She reached for his towel.

  “Stop this Martha!”He got angry. “…just stop! What are you trying to do?’’ She ‘feigned tears’ now.

  “I love you Joseph. I’ve always loved you, don’t you think-’’

  ‘’Look,’’ he started; raising his voice, “I AM MARRIED, I CAN’T DO THIS!” She paid deaf ears to him and began unloosening his towel. He pushed her to the bed.

  She rubbed her hair. Joseph had never seen such ‘Jezebellic’ eyes in his entire life. He certainly had to do something. He was just confused. He kept on muttering; “Jesus help me”.

  Martha started sobbing harder.

  “Don’t you love me? Don’t you feel the same way?”

  Things were getting ‘out of hand’, Joseph had to do something. She ran towards him and succeeded in grabbing off his towel. His towel was in her hands now. She moved close to the window and threw it down the tall building. She moved towards him seductively and said in a soft tone,

  “Make love to me Joseph; you’re the finest man in the world. Forget about Chichi. I love you, I need you. Please baby, I’ve waited for this for a very long time now. Show me how manly you are.’’

  This temptation was so terrible; Joseph could not control himself anymore. He was becoming passive by the minute. This was really a demonic spirit in human form. As she took each step forward, he became weaker and weaker. In confusion, he knelt down.

  “Martha, please don’t do this to me. You’ll destroy my ministry, you’ll ruin my image, you’ll-’’

  “Ssshh, I love you. That’s more important.” She moved so close to him and was now breathing heavily on him. He couldn’t even push her off; he was just like a shadow. He didn’t know why, but he had no strength in him. He never thought he could be so weak. She moved to kiss him and it was then, he knew he had to act fast; in a second or two, he would be in bed with Martha. Not thinking of any possible solution, Joseph ran out of his hotel room, naked.

  David hills, Aja, Lagos, Nigeria.

  This is too good to be true? D**n!

  Bisola was going through a CD collection at a shopping mall. She could see Chichi’s ‘face’ on almost every CD cover! Chichi was a very influential songstress. Chichi had left their home, some minutes ago and Bisola in boredom, strolled to this shopping mall. She was indeed surprised, at the success of her friend. She was becoming jealous.

  “I didn’t even know that Chichi -”

  She was interrupted by a certain ‘sound’ at the mall. She turned behind, to see an excited crowd had gathered at a television stand in the shopping mall. Bisola stood still in amazement. A beautiful lady tapped her from behind,

  “Aren’t you going-this is the most watched event in the world, right now.”

  Bisola followed the lady. The crowd was really ‘staggering’, it was obvious that no one was interested in shopping anymore. Bisola asked a smiling, white woman what the excitement was about.

  The lady, who was with a toddler, appeared shocked at first, but she later replied,

  “This is a recap of last week’s World Wide Worship - Chichi Adams will soon perform.”

  On display, was a futuristic stage. The thrilled crowd clapped and made a joyful noise. The MC made a brief introduction;

  “Now we’ll like to call on a virtuous woman, one the world now celebrates; we bring to you, Chichi!”

  Bisola saw her friend mount the altar in a glittering gown. Chichi held the microphone confidently,

  “I really have to bless God for making me present tonight, for this wonderful programme. Actually, this is my first time performing here and you know, I can feel the glory of God in this place, HALLELUYAH!”

  The crowd shouted in response. Bisola could see people in the mall clapping also.Chichi motioned the whole world to lift their hands and sing from the spirit, and then she started the song;

  What can wash my sins away?

  Nothing but the blood of Jesus………..

  The vocals tripped Bisola off. She was dazed. Bisola saw people getting healed and delivered-even people at the mall! Bisola walked out of the shopping mall, green with envy.

  Bisola was in her room now, all alone. Just then, her cell phone buzzed. She picked up her ‘new’ cell phone. Then she received a call, while laying on the bed- it was Jake Weaver.


  “Oh, how are you doing?” The husky voice replied.

  “Oh Jake, so you got my text?’’

  “Yeah. What happened to your phone?

  “It fell into the toilet bowl.” She lied, ‘‘…It’s damaged, completely damaged.”

  “Sorry about that. How is my little girl doing?”

  “She’s fine and how’s big cousin doing?’’

  “Cool. I would be going back to the UK on Monday.’’

  “So soon? Come on, why?”

  “It is business dear, but you know I am troubled-Annie Dollar has left the music industry.”

  “What? Why? How?’’

  “That b**h thinks she can just make so much money with my help and leave. She put me in a tight corner now!”

  “Calm down.”

  “F**k her! Damn her! Now how do I appease her huge fan base? She even threatened to go to the press and tell the world about our underground, cloning centre and my secret affair with Sasha Zolanski. She wouldn’t make me a loser in this game. I’ll kill her, I swear.”

  “But why did she leave like that?”

  “Skinny b***h says she’s tired of all the manipulation in the music industry and that she has found Jesus.”


  “I give you my word, I’ll kill her. I am supposed to make a million dollar off her tonight at a club in Rwanda, now she’s making me lose money. B***h! I aint gonna forgive her. I’ll kill her. You know I was thinking of using someone to replace her.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m short of singers. I need a sweet sounding whore I can use to make up for that stinking b***h’s vocals. She’s the only one with real, natural vocals. The others use auto tunes, pitch shifters and all kinds of technical manipulation, even in their so called ‘live’ stages. I can’t afford to just let that go, I need one who has an exceptional vocal quality, I don’t know who brainwashed that girl –d**n!.”

  “Cousin, I think I have a friend.”

  “F**king awesome! Where in hell can I meet her?

  “Look, leave that to me. I would get her for you. She’s quite popular here as a gospel singer y’ know-”.

  He cut in, “My d**n spirit tells me that girl is called Chichi Adams.” Bisola blinked, “When did you get spiritual cousin?

  “We all do the masonry stuff at times, gives our b***hes more attention. So if you gonna get this girl do something bad, to put her in our web, I’m gonna offer you a million dollars.’’

  “Oh my! Oh my! Oh!” Bisola was excited. “…Leave it to me, I’m a bad girl remember.’’

  “Yeah! Bad girl, just let me know when you’ve got the girl. Love you.’’

  The line went dead

  Chichi Adams drove to her apartment. She had just gone to minister at a university; she was told THE youths about God and educated them on morality. One girl had asked;

  “I watched a popular television show and it said a female should learn to empower herself with concepts like sexuality, then beauty strategies like plastic surgery. Do you think it is right?

  She answered carefully,

  “I don’t think a woman acting OVERSEXED; can do anything but destroy her integrity. You know it is high time, women knew their role in the society. Let us live the true LIFE. I think many feminists are misguided, sexuality it’s confined to marriage. You are respected and loved by your husband once you are submissive and it IS worth it, but telling everyone you’re available to be experimented upon-that you’re a sex engine through your clothing, acts and speech, it makes you cheap and WORTHLESS. Many girls who would do anything to get beauty, often times end up in the hot flames of fire. God, when He created you, gave you all the pleasantness He requires of you; YOUR complexion, lip colour, lash length, hair type, and everything that you were made with were intentional. It is now your RESPONSIBILITY to maintain it, not to undo it. I spend time and money on my skin, hair and clothes, but I do it the natural way. Plastic surgery IS caused by inferiority and self-pity. When you hate the way you look, the devil laughs out loud and says; ‘She doesn’t know what she’s worth!’ Our new agenda is TO manipulate her!”

  Another question that caught her interest, was the one asked by a handsome, young man:

  “Madam, do you have any idea on how one can KILL an addiction to video games, porn and the social media. Also is there anything really wrong with THIS IDEA; LIFE IS ALL ABOUT MAKING GOOD MONEY.

  She answered,

  “Well, let’s talk about my past. I spent my early years in High school, masturbating. When I tried to stop, it got worse, what you need to kill any addiction is spending more time in God’s presence and aggressive prayers. When you surrender all to God, you are above your weaknesses and you live in His STRENGTH.” All the students stood up and applauded. Chichi continued,

  “Secondly, if everybody had that mentality [Life is all about making good money], we will all be ‘dead’ by now. You know, greed will kill us all.”

  Everybody burst into laughter .She laughed too. Then she continued,

  “We all have something great, the world wants to see. Money is a good

  Thing, but everyone should start by: living the true life-finding all the talents

  And gifts Inside of you, trusting GOD and working hard, then SUCESS would run after you.”

  The students applauded. It was a nice outing. She sang for them the song she composed a night before; ‘I Surrender ’.

  She turned off the engine, clutched her purse, locked her automatic car and walked towards the door. It took two minutes for Bisola to open the door. When Bisola did, she looked quite teary eyed. Chichi was worried,

  “My dear are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said forcing a smile. “…welcome.”

  Chichi knew everything was not okay. She dropped her purse at the centre table and turned to Bisola.

  “Cheer up. Let me have my shower”. She sighed and disappeared out of the sitting room. Bisola sat on the sofa, after taking Chichi’s purse. She smirked as she emptied the contents from the purse. Bisola bit her lip,

  “You are a bad a**, Lady B.” Bisola seized her best friend’s cell phone. Then she quickly typed a composed message after switching on the phone:

  Sweetie, I’m so sorry that my phone has been switched off for days now. I’ve been on the prayer ground since September 4th. I got a revelation about you falling down a well so I knew I had to do something. So from now on my phone would be switched off till we meet again. I also had a dream about Bisola -she’s a witch. I’ve cut her off a long time ago. Love you sweetie, don’t bother calling.

  Bisola put on a devilish smile and sent the text message, and then she deleted the report. She placed every item into the purse gently and put it back on the centre table. After some minutes, Chichi walked in and sat beside Bisola. Bisola started crying. Chichi looked worried.

  “Bisola, what’s the problem?”

  “I was just thinking about my life while I was alone. I now understand that there’s really nothing in this world. Everything in this world is foolishness.’’ Chichi nodded. “Yes dear.”

  “I’ve decided,’’ Bisola turned to Chichi, her eyes were blood shot.

  “…to give my life to Christ,” she lay on Chichi’s shoulder, crying harder.

  “Let’s pray.”

  As they held hands to pray, she felt something in her spirit. It was weird, but she felt Bisola was lying. She nearly stopped, but something kept urging her to continue and she obeyed that voice.

  “Father, I am a sinner…”

  September 15.

  Chichi lay on her bed troubled. She felt so weak in her spirit. She stretched. For the past five days now, Chichi had not really prayed, she was always tired. She couldn’t even read her bible anymore. She could not feel connected anymore. Why was she not even feeling the need to connect and get deeper in the faith? The words flashed in her view, now more distinctly;

  Be careful for nothing.

  In the living room, Bisola dialled her cousin, Jake’s nu
mber.. He spoke first,

  ‘‘Hello, whore.’’

  “Hi, pimp. I’ve tried the weakening spell on the doll- exactly how you told me to do it; the three lit candles and the powerful mantra. You know, I never believed in this “Voodoo thing”. I thought it was all bunkers until I tried it five days ago. I swear, it worked. I’ve not even heard her prayers again,’’ she looked around and lowered her voice to whisper. “…she’s not even serious with God anymore, I love this Jake. Magic is from SATAN, himself. You know, I feel powerful and on top of my world, send me more spells please.’’

  “Yeah. I’m the real devil. Jake CREATED it all.”He laughed, “I am kidding. I’ve got tons of them. I will get some fine ones to you through your email. Abracadabra .Let’s keep on with the witch hunt, whore. Happy HALLOWEEN.”

  “Love you Bad boy. We live in our fairy-tale world; witches and warlocks.”

  “B***h what would you like for this CHRISTMAS AND next year’s VALENTINE?”

  Bisola paused to think. Then she responded excitedly,

  “I need more money.”

  “I knew it! I will give you two of my houses at Miami and a blank cheque, when you get the job done.”

  The line went dead. Bisola sighed. She felt so happy. Now she thought of plan B.

  Sweet Orchid Hotel, Roseville, London.

  Joseph shut his window and put off the light. He had just prayed for four hours, non-stop. He was doing prayer challenge, [he was increasing his prayer time by twenty minutes each day]. .He was really doing well. Just then, the scene of Martha - about five days ago, flashed in his memory. He remembered how he ran out, with no clothes on him. He was fortunate that a male hotel attendant was at the stair way and surprisingly, he was with a kitchen towel alongside his silver tray. The ‘shocked’ hotel attendant gave him the towel and asked him what happened. When he briefed the middle aged man about the scene, the man in a smile, shook him for his bravery and said,

  “Thousands-millions of men would have seized this odd opportunity to mess up. I thank God that today, I’ve seen MAN.” He also apologized for the receptionist’s wrong doing-for not calling him to let him know he was expecting a visit. He sounded as if Martha gave her tip to act that way. He never knew the devil was capable using anyone to tempt you. The hotel attendant acted so kindly and took him to an empty store room. He also promised to check his room to make sure the ‘whore’ was out and he did just that.

  Now, Joseph wondered why he ‘disbelieved’ the message, which was ‘supposedly’ sent by Chichi. He just knew it was a forged text.

  Was Chichi lying? Or was someone else handling her phone?

  He was a little bothered about ‘these’ things, before he fell asleep on the king sized bed.

  David Hills, Aja, Lagos, Nigeria.

  Chichi turned to her side and was surprised at what she was seeing. Bisola was sitting on the bed in an unusual way. She also wore a devilish grin. The lights were turned off. What chichi could hear was the sound of splattering rain and fierce thunder. Chichi frowned at Bisola, what was she trying to? Now, Chichi could see that Bisola had something in her hands and she was lifting it up. She could not really ‘decipher’ what it was. Bisola’s face was contorting into a bizarre scowl. Now Chichi could see it clearly- the moonlight reflected on its shiny surface. Chichi tried to scream, but Bisola covered her mouth tightly and Chichi saw the sharp knife in Bisola’s clutch sinking into her heart.

  Chichi woke up from the terrible dream. Perspiration beaded on her forehead. She was panting now in fear and confusion.

  “Oh Lord!” She exclaimed.

  One thing was sure; this was definitely not just a dream but a ‘divine revelation’