Read Darker Page 34

  She reaches up and clasps my face in her hands, wiping my tears, then pulling me down so that her lips are on mine. I drive into her. Trying to find my equilibrium, but I'm lost. Lost to this woman. Her breath is at my ear: Short. Panting. She's reaching. She's close. But she's holding back.

  "Let go, Ana," I whisper.


  "Yes," I plead, and I shift and roll my hips, filling her.

  She moans, loud and clear, her legs tensing.

  "Come on, baby, I need this. Give it to me."

  We need this.

  She lets go, convulsing around me and crying out while she wraps her arms and legs around my body and I find my release.

  HER FINGERS ARE IN my hair while my head rests on her chest. She's here. She didn't leave, but I can't shake the feeling that I nearly lost her again. "Don't ever leave me," I whisper. Above me, I feel her move her head, her chin lifting in that mulish way she has. "I know you're rolling your eyes at me," I add, pleased that she's doing so.

  "You know me well." There's humor in her tone.

  Thank God.

  "I'd like to know you better."

  "Back at you, Grey," she says, and asks me what torments me when I sleep.

  "The usual."

  She insists that I tell her more.

  Oh, Ana, do you really want to know?

  She remains silent. Waiting.

  I sigh.

  "I must be about three, and the crack whore's pimp is mad as hell again. He smokes and smokes, one cigarette after another, and he can't find an ashtray."

  Does she really want this shit in her head? The burn. The smell. The screaming.

  She tenses beneath me.

  "It hurt," I mutter. "It's the pain I remember. That's what gives me nightmares. That, and the fact that she did nothing to stop him."

  Ana's hold on me tightens.

  I lift my head, meeting her eyes. "You're not like her. Don't ever think that. Please."

  She blinks a couple of times and I lay my head on her chest again.

  The crack whore was weak. No, Maggot. Not now.

  She killed herself. Abandoning me.

  "Sometimes in the dreams she's just lying on the floor. And I think she's asleep. But she doesn't move. She never moves. And I'm hungry. Really hungry. There's a loud noise and he's back, and he hits me so hard, cursing the crack whore. His first reaction was always to use his fists or his belt."

  "Is that why you don't like to be touched?"

  I close my eyes and hold her tighter. "That's complicated." I nuzzle the space between her breasts, surrounding myself with her essence.

  "Tell me," she asks.

  "She didn't love me." She can't have loved me. She didn't protect me. And she left me. Alone. "I didn't love me. The only touch I knew was...harsh. It stemmed from there."

  I never had a mother's loving touch, Ana.


  Grace respected my boundaries.

  I still don't know why.

  "Flynn explains it better than I can."

  "Can I see Flynn?" she asks.

  "Fifty Shades rubbing off on you?" I try to lighten the mood.

  "And then some." Ana squirms. "I like how it's rubbing off right now."

  I love her levity, and if she can joke about this, there's hope. "Yes, Miss Steele, I like that, too." I kiss her and stare into the warm depths of her eyes. "You're so precious to me, Ana. I was serious about marrying you. We can get to know each other then. I can look after you. You can look after me. We can have kids if you want. I will lay my world at your feet, Anastasia. I want you, body and soul, forever. Please think about it."

  "I will think about it, Christian. I will. I'd really like to talk to Dr. Flynn, though, if you don't mind."

  "Anything for you, baby. Anything. When would you like to see him?"

  "Sooner rather than later."

  "Okay. I'll make the arrangements in the morning." I glance at the clock: 3:44. "It's late. We should sleep." I switch off the light and pull her to me so we're spooning. I only spoon with Ana. I nuzzle her neck. "I love you, Ana Steele, and I want you by my side, always. Now go to sleep."

  I'M WOKEN BY A commotion. Ana is leaping over me and onto the floor and heading for the bathroom.

  She's leaving?


  I check the time.

  Shit. It's late. I think this is the latest I've ever slept. She's going to work. Shaking my head, I call Taylor through the internal phone system.

  "Good morning, Mr. Grey."

  "Taylor, good morning. Could you take Miss Steele to work today?"

  "With pleasure, sir."

  "She's rather late."

  "I'll wait for her outside the front door."


  "Come back for me."

  "Will do, sir."

  I sit up, and Ana hurries out of the bathroom, drying herself and gathering her clothes at the same time. It's quite the floor show, especially when she dons a pair of black lace panties and a matching lace bra.

  Yes. I could watch this all day.

  "You look good. You can call in sick, you know," I offer.

  "No, Christian, I can't. I am not a megalomaniac CEO with a beautiful smile who can come and go as he pleases."

  Beautiful smile? Megalomaniac? I grin. "I like to come as I please."

  "Christian!" she sputters, and throws the towel at me.

  I laugh. She's still here and I don't think she hates me. "Beautiful smile, huh?"

  "Yes. You know the effect you have on me." She wraps her watch strap around her wrist and stops to fasten it.

  "Do I?"

  "Yes, you do. The same effect you have on all women. Gets really tiresome, watching them all swoon."

  "Does it?" I can't hide my amusement.

  "Don't play the innocent, Mr. Grey, it really doesn't suit you." She yanks her hair up into a ponytail and puts on a pair of high-heeled shoes.

  Baby's in black. She looks sensational.

  She bends down to kiss me good-bye and I can't resist. I pull her down onto the bed.

  Thank you for still being here, Ana.

  "What can I do to tempt you to stay?" I whisper.

  "You can't," she grumbles, and makes a feeble effort to fight me off. "Let me go."

  I pout and she grins. Outlining my lips with her finger, she smiles, leans up, and kisses me. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of her lips on mine.

  I release her. She needs to go. "Taylor will take you. Quicker than finding somewhere to park. He's waiting outside the building."

  "Okay. Thank you," she says. "Enjoy your lazy morning, Mr. Grey. I wish I could stay, but the man who owns the company I work for would not approve of his staff ditching just for hot sex." She picks up her purse.

  "Personally, Miss Steele, I have no doubt that he would approve. In fact, he might insist on it."

  "Why are you staying in bed? It's not like you."

  Crossing my hands behind my head, I lean back and give her a broad smile. "Because I can, Miss Steele."

  She shakes her head in mock disgust. "Laters, baby." She blows me a kiss and hurries out the door. I hear her footsteps clatter down the hallway and then all is quiet.

  Ana's left for the day.

  And I miss her already.

  I grab my phone with the intention of writing an e-mail to her. But what should I say? I told her so much last night--I don't want to frighten her off with any more...revelations.

  Keep it simple, Grey.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Missing you

  Date: June 15 2011 09:05

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Please use your BlackBerry.


  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  I look around my bedroom and ponder how empty it feels without her. I type an e-mail to her personal account. I need to make sure she's using her phone, because I don't want anyone at SIP reading our e-mails

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Missing you

  Date: June 15 2011 09:06

  To: Anastasia Steele

  My bed is too big without you.

  Looks like I'll have to go to work after all.

  Even megalomaniac CEOs need something to do.


  Christian Grey

  Twiddling His Thumbs CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  I hope that will elicit a smile. I press send, then call Flynn's office. I leave a message. If Ana wants to see Flynn, she should see Flynn. With that done, I climb out of bed and head into the bathroom. After all, I do have a meeting with the mayor today.

  I'M RAVENOUS AFTER YESTERDAY evening's events. I never ate dinner. Mrs. Jones has prepared a full breakfast for me--eggs, bacon, ham, hash browns, waffles, and toast. Gail has gone to town; she's in her element. While I'm eating, I get a response from Ana. Her work e-mail!

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele

  Subject: All Right for Some

  Date: June 15 2011 09:27

  To: Christian Grey

  My boss is mad.

  I blame you for keeping me up late with your...shenanigans.

  You should be ashamed of yourself.

  Anastasia Steele

  Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP

  Oh, Ana, I'm more ashamed of myself than you will ever know.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Shenaniwhatagans?

  Date: June 15 2011 09:32

  To: Anastasia Steele

  You don't have to work, Anastasia.

  You have no idea how appalled I am at my shenanigans.

  But I like keeping you up late ;)

  Please use your BlackBerry.

  Oh, and marry me, please.

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  Mrs. Jones is hovering about in the background while I eat my breakfast.

  "More coffee, Mr. Grey?"


  Ana's response comes through on my phone.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele

  Subject: Living to make

  Date: June 15 2011 09:35

  To: Christian Grey

  I know your natural inclination is toward nagging, but just stop.

  I need to talk to your shrink.

  Only then will I give you my answer.

  I am not opposed to living in sin.

  Anastasia Steele

  Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP

  For fuck's sake, Ana!

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey


  Date: June 15 2011 09:40

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Anastasia, if you are going to start discussing Dr. Flynn, then USE YOUR BLACKBERRY.

  This is not a request.

  Christian Grey

  Now Pissed CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  My phone rings, and it's Flynn's PA. He can see me tomorrow evening at 7:00. I ask her to have Flynn call me; I'll need to ask him about bringing Ana to the session.

  "I'll see if I can schedule a call later."

  "Thanks, Janet."

  I also want to know how Leila is this morning.

  I send another e-mail to Ana's account. This time my tone is a little softer.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Discretion

  Date: June 15 2011 09:50

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Is the better part of valor.

  Please use discretion...your work e-mails are monitored.


  Yes. Shouty capitals as you say. USE YOUR BLACKBERRY.

  Dr. Flynn can see us tomorrow evening.


  Christian Grey

  Still Pissed CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  I hope that will please her.

  "Two for dinner?" Gail asks.

  "Yes. Mrs. Jones. Thanks."

  I take a last swig of coffee and set my cup down. I like bantering with Ana over breakfast. If she marries me, she could be here every morning.

  Marriage. A wife.

  Grey, what were you thinking?

  What changes will I need to make if she agrees to marry me? I get up and stroll to the bathroom. I stop by the stairway to the upper floor. On impulse, I head up the stairs to the playroom. Unlocking the door, I step inside.

  My recent memory of this room is not a good one.

  Well, you are one fucked-up son of a bitch.

  Ana's words haunt me. A vision of her tearstained, anguished face comes to mind. I close my eyes. Suddenly I'm empty and aching, feeling a remorse so deep it cuts through sinew and bone. I never want to see her that unhappy again. Last night she was sobbing; she cried her heart out, but this time she let me comfort her. That's a huge difference from last time.

  Isn't it?

  I gaze around the room. What will become of it, I wonder?

  I've had some amazing times in here...

  Ana on the cross. Ana shackled to the bed. Ana on her knees.

  I like your kinky fuckery.

  I sigh and my phone buzzes. It's a text from Taylor. He's outside waiting for me. With a last lingering look at what was once my safe place, I shut the door.

  MY MORNING IS UNEVENTFUL, but there's a certain excitement running through GEH. It's not often that I host delegations to the company, but the mayor's visit is causing a buzz throughout the building. I get through a few early meetings and all seems in place.

  At 11:30, when I'm back in my office, Andrea puts Flynn through to me.

  "John, thanks for calling me."

  "I assumed you wanted to talk about Leila Williams, but I noticed that you're in my schedule and I'm seeing you tomorrow evening."

  "I asked Ana to marry me."

  John says nothing.

  "You're surprised?" I ask.

  "Frankly, no."

  That's not what I expect him to say. But I let it go.

  He continues. "Christian, you're impulsive. And you're in love. What did she say?"

  "She wants to talk to you."

  "She's not my patient, Christian."

  "But I am, and I'm asking you."

  He's silent for a moment. "Okay," he says eventually.

  "Please, tell her whatever she wants to know."

  "If that's what you wish."

  "I do. How's Leila?"

  "She had a comfortable night and was forthcoming this morning. I think I can help her."


  "Christian." He pauses. "Marriage is a serious commitment."

  "I know."

  "Are you sure that's what you want?"

  It's my turn to pause. Spend the rest of my life with Ana..."Yes."

  "It's not all rainbows and unicorns," John says. "It's hard work."

  Rainbows? Unicorns? What the hell!

  "I've never shied away from hard work, John."

  John laughs. "That's true. I'll see you both tomorrow."


  MY PHONE BUZZES, AND it's another text from Elena.


  Can we do dinner?

  Not at the moment, Elena. I just can't deal with her at this time. I press delete. It's after midday and I realize I've heard nothing more from Ana. I type a quick e-mail.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Crickets

  Date: June 15 2011 12:15

  To: Anastasia Steele

  I haven't heard from you.

  Please tell me you are okay.

  You know how I worry.

  I will send Taylor to check!


  Christian Grey

  Overanxious CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  My next meeting is lunch with the mayor and his delegation. They want a tour of the building, and my PR guy
is beside himself. Sam's all about raising the profile of the company, though sometimes I think it's about elevating his own profile.

  Andrea knocks and opens the door. "Sam's here, Mr. Grey," she says.

  "Show him in. Oh, can you update the contacts on my phone?"

  "Sure." I hand her my phone and she stands aside to let Sam enter. He gives me a supercilious smile and starts a run-through of the various photo opportunities he's planned for the tour. Sam is a pretentious man and a recent hire I'm beginning to regret.

  There's a knock on the door and Andrea pokes her head around. "I have Anastasia Steele on your phone. But I can't bring it to you--it's downloading your contacts, and I'm not brave enough to stop it mid-sync."

  I leap up, ignoring Sam, and follow her to her desk. She hands me the phone, which is on such a short cable I have to bend over her computer.

  "Are you okay?" I ask.

  "Yes, I'm fine," Ana replies. Thank goodness.

  "Christian, why wouldn't I be okay?"

  "You're normally so quick at responding to my e-mails. After what I told you yesterday, I was worried." I keep my voice low. I don't want Andrea or the new girl to hear me.

  "Mr. Grey." Andrea is holding her phone to her neck and trying to get my attention. "The mayor and his delegation are in reception downstairs. Shall I ask them to come up?

  "No, Andrea. Tell them to wait."

  She looks stricken. "I think it's too late; they're on their way."

  "No. I said wait."


  "Christian, you're obviously busy. I only called to let you know that I'm okay, and I mean that, just very busy today. Jack has been cracking the whip. Er...I mean--" She stops.

  What an interesting choice of words.

  "Cracking the whip, eh? Well, there was a time when I would have called him a lucky man. Don't let him get on top of you, baby."

  "Christian!" she scolds.

  And I grin. I like shocking her. "Just watch him, that's all. Look, I'm glad you're okay. What time should I pick you up?"

  "I'll e-mail you."

  "From your BlackBerry," I emphasize.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Laters, baby."


  I glance up and see the elevator is climbing to the executive floor. The mayor is on his way.

  "Hang up," she says, and I hear the smile in her voice.