Read Dating Dilemma (Book 1, Dilemma series) Page 9

  I'll make sure I enjoy every second of being Matthew's girlfriend for however long we're together. Even though I know there's a chance he might not be long term, I know that my three best friends will be there.

  I'm sure nothing can ruin our hyper mood as we dance the night away?but then Lee appears beside Gina and I know immediately our night out is ruined?

  Read the next book in the series!

  This story is told by Gina.

  GINA is happy being with Chad, but when her ex-boyfriend Lee begs her for a second chance, she's not sure what to do.

  CHLOE is annoyed with her boyfriend Dave. He's always jealous and telling her what not to wear.

  KATE is worried that something is going on with Jamie, but he doesn't want to talk about it.

  VANESSA loves Matthew, but her mates say they're spending way too much time together. Should she choose seeing her boyfriend over her friends?


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  Ven (Vanessa)

  Age: 15

  Relationship status: In a relationship with Matthew.

  Facebook status: So happy to finally have an amazing boyfriend!

  Hobbies: Horse riding and reading teen romance books.

  Gina (Georgina)

  Age: 15

  Relationship status: Single.

  Facebook status: Still upset over my break-up, but my mates are helping me through it.

  Hobbies: Acting and watching TV soaps.


  Age: 15

  Relationship status: In a relationship with Dave.

  Facebook status: I have a hot college boyfriend! Sorry guys, I'm taken.

  Hobbies: Fashion and following hot celebs on Instagram.

  Kate (Katie)

  Age: 14

  Relationship status: In a relationship with Jamie.

  Facebook status: Can't wait to play footie with the lads tomorrow.

  Hobbies: Playing football and watching comedy movies.

  Cool guide to

  flirting and dating

  By Chloe, Gina, Ven and Kate


  What to do:

  - Give compliments:

  Tell a person they look nice, have nice hair, nice clothes etc. Even if they don't fancy you back, they will still be pleased that you're saying something good about them.

  - Say you look forward to seeing them:

  Implying that you enjoy their company will make them feel good.

  - Ask them to go somewhere with you for a date.

  If things don't look good, you can always make out you were inviting all your mates along too, so it sounds like a normal hang out.

  - Look at them and smile.

  If they smile back, that's a good sign. If they just look away, they might not be interested or they're just being shy.

  - Talk to them about something that their interested in. They'll like to talk about their hobbies/interests.

  - When talking by email or message, add a wink sometimes to make the conversation more flirty; but don't put them too much or they'll get freaked out by it.

  What not to do:

  - Don't follow them around, they won't like stalkers.

  - Don't be way too obvious or throw yourselves at them, guys sometimes get scared off by that kind of thing.

  - Don't try touching them or hugging and kissing if you're not up to a dating or relationship stage, it'll make them feel uncomfortable.

  - Don't constantly talk, email or text them. You don't want them to think you're their new stalker.

  - Don't try to make them jealous to get their attention. This will either put them off or hurt them.

  - Don't flirt with other people around them, even if you're single. They like to think that they have your full interest.

  How to tell if they like you too:

  - They'll smile at you.

  - They might flirt back.

  - They talk to you and act friendly.

  - They try to impress you.

  - They talk to you about something you like.

  - They remember stuff about you.

  - They text, email or talk to you a lot.

  - They give you compliments.

  If they haven't done any of the above, don't worry too much. They might be too shy or embarrassed, or haven't had the chance to do it yet.

  How to tell someone that you're not interested

  What to do:

  - Tell them when they're alone. They won't want to be upset or feel embarrassed in front of other people.

  - If you have fair reasons for not liking them, be honest. If you don't want to be with them for reasons like because they smoke or other things that can be changed, let them know and they could change for you.

  - If the reason is because you don't feel attracted to their looks, try getting to know them instead of judging them based on that. It's pretty shallow and you might like them once you see the real them.

  - If you don't like their personality, just tell them you don't think of them in that way and that you can only be friends. Telling them their bad points could hurt their feelings so be careful about what you say.

  - If the reason is for bad habits, like having a reputation, cheating or sleeping around, tell them straight that it puts you off. You should also suggest fixing bad behaviour such as being rude or selfish.

  - If it's for an unfair, mean or hurtful reason, just say you aren't interested and don't say why. If you do, you'll hurt their feelings and probably regret what you said and feel very guilty.

  What not to do:

  - Don't tell them in a bad way, unless they have done something to deserve it.

  - Don't gossip about it to everyone and make fun of them about it. You wouldn't like to be treated that way.

  - Don't pretend you are interested just to spare their feelings; it will just lead them on and make you feel unhappy.

  - Don't say you're not interested because they're not good looking enough or they are "out of your league". It can make you look shallow and arrogant if you don't give someone a chance and get to know the real person they are.

  - Don't say you're not interested if you secretly are. Guys like you to be honest, so tell them the truth. If you feel embarrassed or shy to say you are, try to work on it.

  Best places to meet guys:

  - School, college or work.

  - Clubs (under or over sixteen), bars and pubs.

  - Parties

  - Restaurants, take out places or cafes.

  - Sports centres

  - Town Centre

  - Shops

  Guys to consider before going out with:

  - One of your friend's/family member's ex-boyfriend:

  Your friend or family member might feel upset or jealous if you go out with a guy who used to be with her. If you really want to be with him, talk to your friend and see what she feels about it. She might be okay and not mind; but if she does have issues, try to work them out. It's best not to choose a guy over friends.

  - Someone who your friend or family member fancies:

  They'll be really upset if the guy chooses you over them, so talk to them and give them time to get over it. They might fall out or avoid you for a while, but hopefully you can work things out and stay friends eventually.

  - Your friend's brother or cousin:

  Your friend might have issues or find it awkward, so talk to them about it first.

  - Your Cousin or Step-Brother

  It's not exactly illegal to marry them in the future, but people might think it's weird.

  - An ex-boyfriend

  You finished with them for a reason, so make sure the problems are resolved or it won't work out.

  - Your friend

  Changing from friend to boyfriend would be a big th
ing. Make sure it's what you really want. Remember that there's a risk of losing him as a friend if your relationship doesn't work out.

  - A guy who has a bad reputation:

  Always be careful before going out with them. If they aren't a nice person, they can sometimes treat you badly too. Don't forget about their bad points just because you fancy them.

  Guys NOT to go out with:

  - Someone else's boyfriend

  Never do anything with a guy who is already in a relationship. He is unavailable so nothing can happen between you. If you both really like each other then it's better for him end his current relationship first before starting one with you.

  - A teacher or manager

  This isn't allowed no matter how you feel about them. Having relationships with them can get you into big trouble with your school, college or work place.

  - Someone's parent

  It's better not to go there. They are a lot older than you and it will be so embarrassing and awkward if the person finds out you want to be with their parent.


  (going on a date with someone who isn't your boyfriend yet)

  What to do:

  - Make plans for something interesting to do, something you'll both enjoy, otherwise one of you will be bored.

  - Try not to eat awkward foods before or during the date. The last thing you want is stains on your clothes or bad breath.

  - Always tell a friend or family member where you'll be, just in case anything bad happens.

  - Take your mobile and keep it turned on and with you at all times, just in case you need it.

  - Be on time. It's better to be a little early and risk looking too eager, than being late and looking like you don't really care.

  - If you are running late for some reason, try to get there as quickly as possible and be sure to text them to let them know. You don't want them to think you've stood them up.

  - Offer to share the costs or pay for yourself. Guys will often try to pay for you and you can accept, but it would seem impolite just to assume they will pay. If they do pay for you, thank them.

  - Ask questions, it'll show that you're interested in getting to know them.

  - Research what they like and talk about that.

  - Try not to go all quiet and shy, it'll make them feel awkward if you don't talk to them.

  - Don't feel nervous, just relax and enjoy it.

  - Try to laugh at their jokes. Guys love to make girls laugh, so this will make them feel good. If it's not a funny joke, don't act rude and just smile politely.

  - If the date gets kind of scary, go to the toilets and phone your friend or family member. They can talk and come over to find you if needed. Being on your own with a scary guy isn't good.

  - Make sure you have a friend or family member to pick you up or walk you home. Having a guy take you home can sometimes be polite; but it can often give them the wrong signals, especially if you're alone with them in their car.

  What not to do:

  - Don't wear anything tarty. Wearing revealing tops or too short skirts might get their attention but it'll give the wrong impressions and make you look cheap and easy.

  - Don't wear too much make-up. It will look wrong and guys often don't like to kiss or hug girls if they will get covered in make-up.

  - Don't wear lipstick. This will make it obvious if you kiss and make the guy embarrassed about getting it on his lips. Wear lip gloss or Vaseline instead.

  - Don't let them make you pay the bill. Make it clear that they either pay for you or you both pay your share. It's rude to make a girl pay for both and can also show that they're just using you to get free stuff.

  - Don't try to hug, kiss or hold hands, unless they seem as if they want to. They'll think you're being too forward if that's not what they want at the time.

  - Don't talk about something that won't interest them, it'll just bore them.

  - Don't laugh at or make fun of them if they say something that you think is stupid. If you embarrass them, the date won't go well.

  - Don't let them go too far. If they want to do something and you don't, tell them to back off.

  - Don't do anything more than a kiss, it's way too soon for that and will make you seem cheap, easy and slutty.

  - Don't think just because you're dating that they are your partner or future partner. Dating is a test of whether you like someone or not, so remember that they can still turn you down and change their mind. They're not your boyfriend just yet.

  - Don't agree to a date unless you think there's a chance you can be together. You'll just be leading them on or using them if you don't.

  - Don't go on a date to make someone else jealous or because you have no better offers. This is unfair on them and will waste yours and their time.

  Feelings Scale

  These are the different types of feelings from the less to most powerful.

  Attracted to someone:

  - You are physically attracted to their looks and/or personality.

  - You like to admire them.

  - If they weren't interested or broke up with you, you'd be upset and disappointed, but would get over it after a few days or weeks.

  Fancy someone:

  - You feel the above statements.

  - You want them to be your partner.

  - They make you blush or make you feel shy.

  - You experience feelings of lust.

  - You enjoy kissing, hugging, talking or being with them.

  - You think, fantasize or dream about them.

  - You are or would be happy as their girlfriend.

  - You'd cry a lot if they weren't interested or broke up with you; but you'd probably get over it in a few weeks or months' time and move onto someone else.

  Have strong feelings and really care about someone

  - You feel all the above statements.

  - You really want to be in a relationship with them or really need to stay with them.

  - You're really happy to be with them and it feels special.

  - You'd be very upset if they said they weren't interested or broke up with you.

  - You miss them when they're not around.

  - They make you feel really happy.

  - You always want to be with them.

  - You put their needs before yours.

  - You'll be there to help and support them at any time.

  - It would take you up to a few months to get over them.

  True love

  - All of the above but a lot stronger.

  - You would do anything for them.

  - You would risk your life for them.

  - You hate spending time away from them.

  - They are the most important person to you.

  - You definitely want a future with them and think your relationship will last.

  - Seeing them hurt would hurt you ten times more.

  - You feel strange feelings like: walking on air, feeling light, being extremely happy for no reason, getting forgetful, unable to concentrate and you can't stop thinking of them.

  - Your heart fills with love when you see them.

  - If they ever hurt or upset you, your heart feels as if it's been pieced with a knife.

  - If they ever left you, you would be devastated, heartbroken and you'd feel dead inside.

  - You feel as if you will never get over losing them and it can take years to get over them or stop having feelings for them.

  Which character are you?

  Ven, Gina, Kate or Chloe?

  Find out with this quiz!

  Keep a record of how many As, Bs, Cs and Ds you choose.

  1.What's your fashion style?

  a)Skinny jeans with a t-shirt.

  b)Vests and denim shorts.

  c)Sporty, t-shirt and tracksuit.

  d)Dresses, skirts or high heels.

  2.Do you wear make-up?

ometimes, not every day.

  b)Basics, mascara and lip gloss.

  c)Can't be bothered with make-up.

  d)Every day and lots of it.

  3.What is/was your favourite lesson at school?



  c)Physical Education


  4.Which of these would you most like to work as?



  c)Sports player

  d)Fashion Designer

  5.What hairstyle do you like to have?

  a)Natural and shoulder length


  c)Pony tail

  d)Long and straightened

  6.Do you diet for your body image?

  a)I don't diet but don't eat too much.

  b)I eat what I want, no diet for me.

  c)I exercise regularly, no need to diet.

  d)I sometimes diet if I want to be slimmer.

  7.What do you like doing for fun?

  a)Watching movies and reading books.

  b)Watching TV soaps and acting.