Read Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane; Or, Daring Adventures over the Great Lake Page 11


  "N. A. L."

  "Stolen!" exclaimed Dave, in dismay.

  "It startles you?" spoke the manager of the Interstate Aeroplaneconcern. "So it did us."


  "You are mystified--unusual occurrence rather. You can follow thetrack of a stolen automobile. But when it comes to pursuing anairship, you won't find many familiar roads in the clouds."

  "How did it happen?" inquired Dave.

  "Why, we had tested the machine and it was to have been shipped toyou yesterday. The day before, our expert made a very fine andsatisfactory demonstration. The tanks were full, everything inperfect shape for another spurt early yesterday morning. During thenight some one scaled the fence, evaded the watchman, and broke intothe aerodrome."

  "It must have been some one familiar with the place here," suggestedDave.

  "We don't know that. It is certain, though, that they knew allabout airships."

  "Why so?"

  "Because from the trail they left we could trace where they ran themachine outside. They gauged its ground run just right. They musthave put on the muffler, for the watchman heard no sounds. Thenthey flew away."

  "Do you suspect anybody?" questioned Dave.


  "Could it have been a business rival?"

  "Scarcely. We have some hard competitors, but we have canvassed thesituation and do not believe they could afford to mix up in adeliberate steal."

  "It is strange," commented Dave, in a musing tone.

  "Our belief is that the Drifter was selected as the nearest andhighest type of aircraft in existence. The people who stole it didso with some definite purpose in view."

  "What could that purpose be?" asked Dave.

  "We cannot as yet decide. One thing is certain--they will notventure to use it at any of the aero meets."

  "Then they must design to take it to a distance."

  "Of course."

  "You have no trace of it?" asked Dave.

  "None whatever. We can account for that, however. The night wasdark, they started out when everybody was asleep, and they couldhave gone in one certain direction and struck a positive wildernessin a few hours time."

  "You mean north?"

  "Among the pineries, yes."

  "Or over the Canadian border?"


  Dave sat silent and thoughtful for some moments. The situation wasa novel one. He had never heard of any one stealing an airshipbefore. The Interstate manager aroused him from his reverie withthe words:

  "We sent for you, Dashaway, because you are our most active man inthe field."

  "That sounds pretty grand for a young fellow like me," returned Davewith a smile, and flushing up, too.

  "We gage out men by what they do," replied Mr. Randolph in amatter-of-fact tone. "We have found blood the best in our business.You have made good, Dashaway."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "Mr. King said you were the most promising aviator in the field."

  "Oh, he is always saying something good about me."

  "You proved it in your ideal work with the Baby Racer."

  "Who wouldn't, with any pride and that perfect machine?" challengedDave.

  "That dash of yours after that Lyon order when you outwitted theStar people was simply brilliant. It showed your loyalty to us.The newspapers have given your hydroplane work so far the biggestkind of a send off."

  Dave was silent. He looked modest and embarrassed at all thispraise. He could not, however, feel otherwise than pleased at allthese eulogies bestowed upon him.

  "The Drifter has got to be found," resumed the manager. "It is ourfirst perfected model, and we can hardly build its counterpart intime for full seasonal exhibitions. We think you are the man tofind it, Dashaway."

  "Oh, Mr. Randolph," said Dave with a slight start.

  "I am expressing the opinion of the head men in the company here,who knew your good record. You are young, ambitious, a capableairman, and above all you are loyal to the interest of youremployers."

  "I should hope it," exclaimed Dave, roused up to genuine emotion."Just think--you picked me out, a mere boy, and trusted me. And seewhat you helped me do, already!"

  "Exactly," interrupted Mr. Randolph quickly. "That is just thepoint--you've outdone some of the veterans in the service and jumpedto a high place in a bound. That's why we trust you."

  "I don't know about what you propose, though," said Dave, soberingdown.

  "Yes, it's a pretty hard task to set. We're all at sea."

  "So am I," admitted Dave.

  "Put those keen wits of yours at work, Dashaway," urged the managerencouragingly. "I know after thinking this affair over you'll beready to suggest something."

  "Well, all airmen should know of the theft of the Drifter, and be onthe lookout."

  "We notified every association and meet in the country after wefound that the newspapers had got onto the theft. That advertisesit widely. The persons, however, who stole the Drifter knew thatwould come about. Rest assured of on point, therefore--they won'tstay within range of possible identification any longer than theycan help."

  "That's so," acknowledged Dave musingly.

  "The company wishes you to take charge of a search for the Drifter,"went on Mr. Randolph. "Any machine we own, half a dozen of them ifyou like, are at your disposal. You may proceed regardless of theexpense. If Mr. King could be induced to assist--"

  "I think he is under contract clear up to the end of the season,"explained Dave.

  "Sorry for that, but he is such a good friend to you and to us, andI fancy he would gladly cooperate with advice and direction."

  "Yes, indeed," assented Dave.

  "We owe you a good deal more than your contract income already,Dashaway," said the manager. "I don't think there's an aviatorliving ever had a finer settlement than you will have if you succeedin running down the Drifter."

  "I'll try," said Dave.

  "That's capital."

  "Give me a few hours to think it over," suggested Dave.

  The young aviator left the Interstate plant very thoughtful andserious. Dave decided that he had assumed a big responsibility. Heseemed to feel an actual ponderous weight on his young shoulders.

  A score of theories ran riot through his mind its to the motive forthe theft of the Drifter. Then he decided that it must be someprofessional who had done the act. It was hard to fathom theultimate plans of such an abstractor, who would not dare to use themachine in any public way and could scarcely sell it.

  "It's a puzzle, a big, worrying poser," said Dave, walking slowlyfrom the factory grounds.

  About half a mile city-wards from the plant Dave passed through asquare devoted to public park purposes. He sat down on atree-shaded rustic bench. There, alone, quiet and undisturbed, heset his wits at work.

  Whoever it was who had committed the theft must have been aprofessional airman. Dave formulated a plan to ask Mr. Randolph ifanybody in Bolton, or any employee of the plant was missing. Incase this was not discovered then some stranger must have come toBolton. There might be a trace found of the party at some of thehotels.

  "There's a bit of detective work to do by some one besides myself,"decided Dave. "I'm going to suggest this plan to Mr. Randolph."

  "Hello, boss," spoke an approaching voice as Dave got up to returnto the plant.

  He observed a man he had noticed on a bench directly opposite to theone he had occupied sidling towards him. The fellow was ragged andtrampish looking. There was a queer leer in his face and his eyeswere fixed on the coat Dave wore.

  "Well, what is it?" inquired Dave.

  "Excuse a question, matey?"

  "Oh, that's all right."

  "Noticed a badge you're wearing," said the tramp.

  "Oh, that?" spoke Dave lifting his hand to his coat lapel, andwondering at the man been so observant.

  "Yes--N. A. L.," nodded the tramp.

  Dave eyed the speaker
keenly. At the distance he was, it wasdoubtful that he could have dearly made out the monogram, yet henamed the letters glibly and correctly.

  "N. A. L." stood for the National Aero League. Dave was not amember and neither was Hiram Dobbs. Mr. King was and during themeets it had become the custom with professionals to furnish theirassistants with duplicate badges, which enabled them to enter andleave the aero grounds unchallenged by the gateman, and tickettakers.

  "You must have pretty good eyes to make out those letters on thatbadge at a distance," said Dave.

  "I've seen them before," readily explained the tramp.

  "Oh, you have?"

  "Yes, and I've got a badge for sale just like the one you'rewearing."