Read Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery; or, Adrift on the Pacific Page 22



  "Hooray!" said Pat Stoodles, as soon as they were out of the presence ofCaptain Broadbeam and the diver.

  "All right now, eh?" insinuated Bob curiously.

  "Shure I am. Now, my friend, I've done you the honor of selecting youto go with me. You're willing?"

  "Try me," cried Bob stanchly.

  "The first thing," said Stoodles, "is to see Doctor Barrell."

  "What! You're not thinking of taking him with us?" cried Bob.

  "Not at all," responded Stoodles, "but I do want to take with mesomething he has got."

  "And what's that, Pat?" asked Bob.

  "His phonnygraph."

  "Aha, I see," cried Bob, grinning. "The time you visited your subjectsbefore you worked on their superstitious fears by rubbing phosphorus onyour face. This time----"

  "I'm reckoning on giving them a spaach, lad. Lave that end to me. WhatI want you to do is to make another of those paper balloons you sent upinto the air the Fourth of July out at sea."

  "Sure," said Bob; "a dozen, if you like."

  "No, make two, for one might get disabled. Have you any of the fireworksleft?"

  "No, but I can make almost any kind of a sizzer with powder and fusesthe purser will let me have."

  "All right," approved Stoodles. "I may want to send up a balloon at theproper moment. If I do, I want it to send out lots of sparks when itgets aloft."

  "You leave all that to me, Mr. Stoodles," said Bob. "I'll guarantee aperfect job."

  "It's all for Dave's sake, lad, so I know you will," declared Stoodles.

  The eccentric but loyal Irishman now went to the stateroom occupied byDoctor Barrell.

  "Docther," he said, entering the presence of the old scientist, "I'd betelling you something."

  Doctor Barrell was very busy examining some seaweed specimens he hadfished up in the cove, but he graciously received the visitor, who wasquite a favorite with him.

  "Speak right out, Mr. Stoodles," he said.

  Pat narrated his plans in behalf of Dave Fearless. Doctor Barrell wasinterested.

  "And how can I help you?" he inquired, when Stoodles had finishedtalking.

  "Docther dear, it's the loan of your phonnygraph I'd be wanting."

  Doctor Barrell looked serious. He had a remarkably fine phonographoutfit, receiver and transmitter attachments, and all up to date.

  This he greatly valued, for he was accustomed to talk his scientificdeductions into a receiver, preserving the records for future referencewhen he got back to the United States.

  "Tell me about what you want to reach, Mr. Stoodles," said the kindlyold fellow, "and I'll see if I can fix you out properly."

  Stoodles explained his scheme. After that he was shut up with thedoctor for several hours. When he rejoined Bob his face was beaming.

  "It's all right, lad," he reported. "Ah, but a wise old fellow isDocther Barrell. It'll be amazing what we are going to do to thenatives."

  It was just before dusk that evening when Stoodles and Bob left the_Swallow_. They each carried a good-sized parcel. The captain had seento it that they were furnished with small-arms.

  The ship's yawl took them out of the cove and landed them about fivemiles down shore, the boatswain in charge.

  "It's understood, then," said Drake, "that we be here again with theboat at six, twelve, and six to-morrow?"

  "If we're alive and well," answered Stoodles, "you'll find us on hand onone of those three occasions."

  "That has saved us a long, hard tramp," said Bob, shouldering his loadas they started inland.

  "Two-thirds of the journey, lad, if the native town is where I think itis," answered Stoodles. "Now, everything depends on getting to the townand into it without being seen."

  "Yes," assented Bob, "and it may prove a hard task."

  "Not if you do exactly as I say," declared Stoodles. "Just follow me.I know all the short cuts."

  The journey was not a pleasant one. There was no beaten path to follow.They had to breast their way at places through whole acres of thornybushes. At other places they had some steep rocks to climb.

  They rested frequently. It was about two hours later when Stoodlespressed through the last canes of a great brake with an expression ofintense satisfaction.

  "The hardest part of our tramp is over and done with, lad," heannounced.

  "That's good news," said Bob, who was pretty tired.

  "Now you rest here till I get up into a tree and take a peep in acertain direction."

  Stoodles selected a high, lonely tree near at hand, and was soon upamong its loftiest branches. He came down speedily.

  "It's all right, Bob," he stated. "A mile more and we will be at theedge of the town."

  "The new town?" asked Bob. "The old one was destroyed by the cyclone,you know."

  "Yes, the new town. It's not far away. I can tell by the lights."

  It was now, as they reached a moderately level plateau, that they foundpaths evidently used regularly by the natives.

  One of these lay right through a large field of flowers that resembledpoppies. These appeared to be under cultivation.

  "What's the flower garden for?" asked Bob.

  "These are the royal flowers, lad," explained the Irishman. "They usethem for royal celebrations and funerals. Bad cess to it! If we shouldbe found here by the natives."

  "Why?" inquired Bob.

  "Taboo. No one is allowed here except the women who give their life totending to the flowers, unless by direct permission of the native king."

  "Well," observed Bob quizzically, "you had ought to be able to get afree pass, seeing that you was king once."

  Stoodles chuckled as if some pleasant idea was suggested to his mind.

  "I'll be king again," he observed. "I've got to be. 'Tis only for anhour maybe, but Dave Fearless and I want to make that ten thousanddollars."

  "What ten thousand dollars?" asked Bob eagerly, as Stoodles paused insome confusion.

  "You'd better ask Dave that," suggested Stoodles.

  "Oh, I know what you are hinting at," said Bob. "It's some schemesconcerning those two boxes Dave got at Minotaur Island."

  "Ah, is it now?" said Stoodles, with an expression of vacancy on hisface.

  "I am sure it is," persisted Bob, "and I know what is in those boxes."

  "Hear him! Well, well!" commented Stoodles.

  "It's a little printing outfit. Pat, what are you and Dave going to mixup these natives with a printing outfit for? Won't you tell me?"

  "Lad," pronounced Stoodles solemnly, "that is a dark and deadly saycretfor the present."

  Bob had to be satisfied with this. He followed his guide in silence.Stoodles halted.

  "Do you see that old building yonder?" he asked of his companion.

  "Yes," nodded Bob, curiously regarding a rude broad hut occupying anelevated space just beyond the flower field.

  "Well, take my bundle. That's it. Now don't sthir till I come out.Crouch down among these bushes. I've got to get into that building tomake my plans good."

  "What is it, anyhow?" inquired Bob.

  "They call it the House of Tears," was the rather singular reply ofStoodles.