Read Dave Porter in the Gold Fields; Or, The Search for the Landslide Mine Page 30



  It was another landslide, crashing and roaring down the side of themountain, carrying rocks, dirt, and brushwood before it. The earthroared and shook, and it was said afterwards that the slide could beheard many miles away.

  Down in the mine that he had but just discovered, Dave remainedcrouching against a wall of rock, murmuring a prayer for his safedeliverance from the peril that encompassed him. Every moment heexpected would be his last--that those rocky walls would crash in on himand become his tomb. Roar followed roar, as the landslide continued andmore rocks fell. Then the air around him seemed to be compressed, untilhe could scarcely breathe.

  "Oh, if I were only out of this!" he thought, and at that moment hewould have gladly given all he was worth to have been in the outer aironce more.

  Gradually the roaring and the quaking ceased, and Dave breathed a littlemore freely. He groped around in the darkness and managed to locate thefallen torch, which still glowed faintly. He swung it into a blaze withnervous energy.

  Was the landslide at an end? Fervidly he prayed that it was. Torch inhand, he tried to make his way to the spot where he had entered themine.

  He soon found this impossible, for the reason that the passageway hadshifted, and huge rocks blocked his way. Several times he tried to climbover the rocks, only to fall back helplessly. He cut his hands and brokehis finger-nails, but this availed him nothing.

  "But I've got to get out! I've got to!" he told himself, over and overagain. "I can't stay here!" And then he tried to climb the rocks infront of him once more.

  It was hard work, especially with the torch in hand. Once Dave tried tocarry the torch between his teeth, but it was too short, and his facewas scorched, while the smoke almost strangled him.

  Suddenly he slipped on some wet rocks and went down and down, he knewnot whither. He was stunned by the fall, and the precious light slidfrom his grasp and rolled several yards away.

  "Oh!" he murmured as he gathered his scattered senses and arose slowlyto his feet. Then he saw that the torch was on the point of going outand he made a dash for it, and swung it once again into a faint blaze.

  As he stepped around he noticed something else that added to his dismay.In his fall he had twisted his left ankle, which gave a twitch that madehim shut his teeth hard, to keep from crying out with pain.

  "Oh, I hope I haven't broken it!" he muttered. "However am I going towalk on it, even if it is broken?"

  In sheer desperation he commenced to climb up the wet rocks down whichhe had tumbled. The ankle hurt not a little, yet in his excitement theyouth scarcely noticed the pain. His one thought was to get out of thecave before another landslide or earthquake occurred.

  A few minutes later found Dave on the level from which he had fallen. Ashe scrambled over the rocks something caught the glare of thetorchlight. The youth picked up the object.

  "Another nugget!" he told himself. "The place must be full of them!"

  But what good would these nuggets be to him or his friends if he couldnot get out of the mine-cave? He was deep underground and this newlandslide or earthquake might bury him and the contents of the mineforever!

  "I've got to get out!" he repeated over and over again. "I've got to getout somehow!"

  Trying to pierce the gloom ahead, Dave swung his torch behind him. Washe mistaken, or was that a glimmer of daylight in the distance? Hestumbled forward, over some loose stones, and presently came to a splitin the narrow passageway.

  From overhead came a faint ray of daylight! He almost felt like giving ashout of joy, so welcome was the sight. But then his heart sank oncemore as he realized that the thin shaft of light came from a split insome rocks which were fifty or sixty feet above his head. The walls wereso steep and slippery that to scale them was utterly out of thequestion.

  In front of Dave was now a solid wall of rock, so the youth knew that hecould not get out in that direction. With a heavy heart he retraced hissteps, trying to locate the opening by which he had entered the cave.But the landslide, or earthquake, had changed the surroundings to suchan extent that he hardly knew how to turn to make the next move.

  A youth less stout of heart than Dave might have sat down and given upthe case as hopeless. But our hero was not made of such stuff. He movedon slowly, in one direction and then another, trying out what looked asif they might be passages to the outer air.

  And then came another distant rumble, showing that the earthquake, orlandslide, was not yet at an end. The boy held his breath, wondering ifit would come closer and annihilate him. But the rumble remained at adistance, and in less than a minute passed away completely.

  "Thank fortune, that didn't come here!" he murmured, and passed his handover his forehead, upon which the thick beads of cold perspiration hadgathered. He strained his ears for several seconds longer, but allaround him was now as silent as a tomb.

  "Oh, I must get out!" he muttered, despairingly. "I must! There must besome kind of an opening somewhere!"

  Again he stumbled onward, into one passageway after another. Once theplace was so narrow that he became fairly wedged fast and had all hecould do to draw back. Then a sudden chill swept through his body,making his teeth chatter.

  Must he give up? Was that cave to become his tomb?

  The thought forced itself upon Dave in spite of his effort to take amore cheerful view of the situation. He was hemmed in--not an avenue ofescape seemed open.

  "I won't give up! I won't! I won't!" he muttered, half savagely, and gotup from the rock on which he had sunk down to rest. Climbing around inthat place where the footing was so uncertain had taken both his windand his strength, and he was panting, and his knees shook beneath him.Only a short time had elapsed since that dreadful first shock had come,yet to the youth it seemed an age.

  He looked at the torch. It had burned well down and would not last muchlonger. And when it was gone he would be left in total darkness!

  This was a new cause for fear, and it made Dave move around faster thanever.

  Suddenly he stopped short. A new sound had reached his ears--a strange,weird sound that made his flesh creep and his hair stand on end.

  It was the cry of a wildcat--shrill and uncanny in that pent-up space.Slowly it came nearer, although from what direction our hero could notat first make out.

  He waited behind a spur of rocks and the cry--it was more a whine offright than anything else--came closer. Then, on a shelf of rocks but ashort distance away, Dave caught sight of the beast.

  It was limping along on three feet, dragging a bleeding hind leg and ableeding tail behind it. Evidently it had been caught between thefalling stones as in a trap and had pulled itself loose in a mad effortto save its life.

  For the moment Dave forgot his other perils as he faced the beast.Evidently the wildcat had scented the youth, for it gave a savage cryas of defiance. Perhaps it thought that Dave was responsible in some wayfor the pain it was suffering.

  The youth's hand was on the rocks and almost unconsciously it closed ona sharp stone about as big as his fist. Raising the stone, he took quickaim and threw it at the wildcat.

  As my old readers know, Dave was a good baseball player and, at OakHall, had often filled the pitcher's box with credit. He threw the stonewith accuracy and vigor, and it landed fairly and squarely on the headof the wildcat.

  There was a weird screech, and the beast whirled around and around onthe rocks, coming closer and closer to our hero. Once it clawed savagelyat Dave, but he shoved the creature off before any damage was done. Thenit fell down in a cleft of some rocks, where it snapped and snarleduntil Dave sent down a heavy boulder on top of it, thus ending itsmisery.

  "Phew!" gasped the youth, after the excitement was over. "That wasalmost as bad as when we shot the mountain lioness!"

  He had dropped the end of his torch, but now picked it up once more andcommenced to move around as before. He proceeded blindly, not knowing inwhat direction to turn to reach the outer air.
  "Where can the others be?" was a question he asked himself more thanonce. Were they, too, caught underground, or had the awful landslidecarried them down into the valley and buried them?

  In the course of his climbings Dave presently came to a new turn, onewhich had before escaped his attention. This turn led upward and gavehim fresh hope. But, just as he fancied that he was getting close to theouter air, he reached a flat wall, and further progress in thatdirection was out of the question.

  His heart sank like lead in his bosom, and he walked slowly back to thepoint from which he had started. How to turn next he did not know.

  Half an hour passed, and Dave was almost in despair. His torch hadreached its end and was on the point of going out. Then, not knowingwhat else to do, he set up a cry for help.

  There came no reply, and he cried again. Then he pulled out his pistoland fired a shot.

  The discharge of the weapon echoed and reechoed throughout the cave andbrought down several small stones. Then, to Dave's intense surprise andjoy, an answering shot came back.

  "Who is it?" he yelled. "I am here! This way! _This way!_"

  "Hello!" was the long-drawn-out answer, coming from some point thatappeared to be over his head. "Where--are--you?"

  And then, as Dave's torch gave a final flicker and went out, our herosaw a shaft of light move over the rocks above his head.

  "It's Roger's flashlight!" he told himself, and then he set up anothercry.

  The rays of the flashlight became stronger and of a sudden they shotdownward, directly in Dave's face.

  "It's Dave!" came in Roger's voice. "Are you all right?"

  "Yes," was the ready reply. "That you, Roger?"

  "Yes. Phil is with me."

  "Were you hurt?"

  "Shaken up a bit, that's all," replied Phil, and now Dave saw his chumsstanding in an opening that was about eight feet above his head.

  "We had better get out of here," went on Roger, quickly. "Anotherlandslide may bury us alive!"

  "I've found the mine!" cried Dave. "I've got some nuggets from it--and apick, a crowbar, and a broken lantern, all with your uncle's initials onthem!"

  "Good for you!" cried the senator's son. "Phil and I found someevidences of the mine up here--an old coat of my uncle's and some of hisstakes. But we had better get out now--we can talk this thing overlater."

  "I can't get out down here--the passageway is blocked with rocks."

  "Did you get in from below?" cried Phil. "We got in from up here."

  A few words more passed, and the two boys on the upper ledge of rockspassed down a length of rope they carried, and by that means Dave wassoon enabled to climb up and join them. There were no more quakes, soall began to breathe more freely. Yet they felt that it would beadvisable to leave the cave-mine without delay.

  "It certainly is the lost Landslide Mine!" exclaimed Roger. "Oh, howglad I am that it has been found! And how glad my folks will be to getthe welcome news!" Even the peril of the present situation could not robhim of his joy over the discovery that had been made.

  He and Phil had picked up several small nuggets, so that all were surethey had really discovered the lost mine.

  "But they will have to be careful how they work this mine," said Dave,as he walked along with his chums. "They can't work it from below--itwill be too dangerous."

  "Oh, they'll find some way, don't fear," answered Roger. "As long asthey know the gold is there, they'll find a way to get it."

  "Where are the others?" went on Dave, as he saw daylight ahead, much tohis satisfaction.

  "That we don't know," answered Phil. "But we are hoping they are safe."

  "By the way, did you see Merwell and Haskers?" cried Dave, suddenly.

  "Why, no--not since they ran away from our camp," returned Roger.

  "I saw them--just before I found this opening. They were below me, thetwo of them and Sol Blugg."

  "Maybe they got caught," muttered Phil.

  No more was said just then, for the boys had to do some climbing overseveral big rocks, and needed their breath. Then they made a turn, and amoment later came out into the sunlight.

  "Oh, how good it seems to be out in the air once more!" murmured Dave.

  "Thank heaven, none of us were killed," added Roger.

  "No more underground exploring for me," avowed Phil. "More than once Ithought we would be buried alive!"

  "That is what I was afraid would happen to me," said Dave, seriously."Yes, we can all thank heaven we are out of it."

  "And now to hunt up Blower and Mr. Dillon," came from the senator's son.

  "If only they are safe!" murmured Dave. For the time being those who hadbeen on the mountainside below them were forgotten.

  It was hard work to make their way from rock to rock. All the trailswere gone, and they had to proceed with extreme care, for fear ofdislodging some rock and rolling down into the valley with it.

  "There they are!"

  It was Dave who gave utterance to the cry, about half an hour later. Hepointed to a distant spur, and there, sure enough, they beheld AbeBlower and Tom Dillon. The old miners had the horses with them.

  "I wonder if they were hurt?" queried Phil.

  "They seem to be all right," returned Roger. "I wish they would lookthis way."

  "We'll have to signal to them," said Dave.

  "How are you going to do it?" asked the shipowner's son. "You can't callto them at such a distance. They wouldn't hear you."

  "We can give 'em a pistol shot, Phil."

  "Why, to be sure! How foolish I was, not to think of it!"

  "I'll fire a shot," said Roger, and brought out his weapon.

  To the first shot there was no reply, but when a second was dischargedboth Abe Blower and Tom Dillon were seen to turn around. Then the boyscommenced to wave their hands vigorously.

  "They see us!" exclaimed Dave, half a minute later. They saw the two oldminers wave their hands in return, and Abe Blower discharged hispistol.

  "See, they are doing some kind of signalling!" cried Phil, a littlelater.

  All watched with interest. They saw that Abe Blower had taken up a longbit of brushwood and was waving it in a circle to the northwestward.

  "They want us to come around in that direction!" said Roger. "Don't youthink so, Dave?"

  "That's the way it strikes me," was our hero's reply. "See, what is leftof the trail is in that direction. But, my! how the whole face of themountain is changed!"

  "Not much trail left!" grumbled Phil. "If we are not careful we'll breakour necks reaching them!"

  "We'll have to take it slowly," answered Dave.

  The three youths set out, and they were glad to see the two miners dothe same. The men were on horseback, and the other steeds came behindthem.

  As the boys had surmised, progress was difficult, and often they had tohalt, not knowing how to proceed. Here and there they could see a smallportion of a trail, but for the most part the way was new andexceedingly rough.

  "If they ever do any mining here they'll have to spend a lot of timefirst building a roadway," was Phil's comment.

  "If the mining pays it won't take long to get a roadway--and bridges,too," answered Roger. "Money can do almost anything, you know."

  "Oh, I know that."

  "The main thing will be to guard against the landslides," said Dave,grimly. "But I guess they'll know how to do that, too."

  On went the boys, over the rough rocks and across patches of freshlyturned up dirt. All were utterly worn out, yet not one of themcomplained.

  "There they are!" cried Dave, some time after noon, as they made a turnaround some rocks; and in a few minutes the friends were together oncemore.

  "All safe?" asked Abe Blower, anxiously, and then, when assured that noharm had come to the boys, he added: "Mighty glad to know it!"

  "So am I glad!" put in Tom Dillon, heartily. "It was sure somelandslide! Almost as bad as the one that wiped out the mine!"

  "We've got good news!" cried Roger. "We
have relocated the lost mine!Dave did it!"

  "You and Phil did it, too," said our hero, modestly.

  "Wot! Have ye located the Landslide Mine?" roared Abe Blower.

  "We sure have," returned Phil. "Look here!" And he brought out some ofthe nuggets he carried. And then Roger and Dave did the same.

  "This is grand!" exclaimed Tom Dillon. "Nuggets, an' pretty big ones,too. But how do you know it's the mine?"

  "We found some landmarks," answered Roger. "And my uncle's coat and anote-book----"

  "And his pick, crowbar, and lantern," added Dave. And then the threeboys told their story in detail.

  "It must be the lost mine," said Abe Blower. "An' if it is, Icongratulate ye!" And he shook hands all around. "Tom, they got ahead o'us," he added, with a grin.

  "So they did," was the answer. "Well, I'd rather have it that way thanhave those other fellers locate the mine. By the way, I wonder how theyfared in the landslide?" the old miner continued.

  "Three of them, Merwell, Haskers, and Blugg, were below me," answeredDave. "They were over yonder," and he pointed with his hand.

  "Wot! Down on thet ledge?" cried Abe Blower.


  "Humph! Then I reckon it's all up with 'em," went on the old miner.

  "What do you mean?" asked Roger.

  "I mean it's likely they was wiped out," was the reply. "When the fustquake an' slide came I was lookin' down towards thet ledge. I saw someheavy rocks go down, and a big mass o' dirt, too, an' the ledge wasburied out o' sight. If they was down thar, it's more'n likely they wasburied alive!"

  "Oh, I'd hate to think that!" cried Dave, with a shudder.

  "Do you think the landslide is at an end?" asked Phil, anxiously.

  "There is no tellin' about that, lad. We'll go up on the mountain, andto the safest place we can find, and then wait," said Tom Dillon.

  This was done, and an hour later, worn out completely, all sat down torest and to partake of lunch. They could look far along the mountainsideand see just where the avalanche of rocks and dirt had swept downward, aportion halting here and there, and the remainder going clear to thevalley far below.

  They had been resting about an hour when they saw a figure approachingon foot. It was a man, hatless, and with half his clothes torn from hisback. As he came closer they recognized Larry Jaley.

  "Jaley, where are you going?" demanded Tom Dillon.

  At the sound of the miner's voice the man halted and then threw up hishands. Then he staggered forward once more.

  "Save me!" he yelled, wildly. "Save me! Don't shoot me! Save me from thelandslide!" And then stumbling, he fell at the feet of Dave and hisfriends.

  "Are you alone?" asked Abe Blower.

  "Ye--yes! Save me! Oh, save me!" whined Jaley, and he turned a face fullof fear on those before him.

  "Where are Merwell and Haskers and Blugg?" asked Dave.

  "All gone--swept away by the landslide!" was the whining reply. "Oh, itwas awful! It smashed them all up--and smashed up the horses, too! Oh,save me! Save me!" And then Larry Jaley gave a gasp and fell in a heap,unable to say another word.



  "Poor fellow, he is scared stiff!" said Dave, as he bent over theshrinking man.

  "I reckon the landslide made him about loony--thet an' seein' themothers carried off to death," murmured Abe Blower.

  "I wonder if they really were killed?" said Roger. "If it's true, whatan awful death to die!"

  "Men before now have been killed by landslides," said Tom Dillon. "Andjust remember, we ain't out of it ourselves, yet," he added, gravely.

  Larry Jaley was cared for and given something to eat and to drink, andthen he told his story. The landslide had come upon his whole crowdwithout warning and he had escaped by what was little short of amiracle. The sight had so weakened and sickened him that he had rushedaway, not knowing in what direction, until he had come to our friends'camp.

  "Jest help me to git off o' this mountain an' I won't never follow yeag'in," he whined, to the miners and the boys. "Jest help me to gitaway, thet's all!"

  "You can take your chances with the rest of us, Jaley," answered TomDillon, somewhat sternly. "And you mind how you behave yourself, too!"he added, by way of a warning.

  By the following morning the scare was over, and the boys took AbeBlower and Tom Dillon into the upper entrance to the mine. Just a briefexamination was made, but it was sufficient to prove to the oldprospectors that the lads had really rediscovered the lost LandslideMine. Then the old miners put up the proper stakes, as a new claim forMrs. Morr.

  In the meantime, Larry Jaley had been given some stores and told to goabout his business. Abe Blower had directed him to a trail to thesouthward. This was a long way around, but the trail seemed to beperfectly safe, and Jaley was only too glad to take to it. It was thelast the boys saw of the man.

  "And now to get back to town and establish this claim," said Roger, sometime later. "Won't my folks be pleased!" And his face showed hissatisfaction.

  "And then to get to Yellowstone Park for a good time!" returned Dave."We'll have to wire the folks that we are coming."

  The journey down the mountainside was by no means easy, and it took theparty two days to get to a point where traveling on horseback was safe.When they came down they kept their eyes open for some sign of Merwell,Haskers, and Blugg, but all they found was a portion of the latter'scamping outfit and the body of one of their horses.

  "Poor chaps! They must be buried under tons and tons of earth androcks!" murmured Dave.

  "It certainly looks like it," answered Phil.

  "What a fearful end!" said Roger, with a shudder.

  The coming of our friends into Black Cat Camp created quite a stir, andmany wanted to learn the particulars of the landslide. These were toldin detail, but not a word was said about relocating the lost mine.

  "The news will leak out soon enough," said Tom Dillon. "We want thecream of the chanct up there." It may be as well to state that he hadlocated a claim for himself on one side of the Morr claim, and AbeBlower had located a claim on the other side.

  As soon as the boys got back to Butte the claims were properly filed,and the lads lost no time in sending off half a dozen telegrams andletters. Then they took a good wash and changed their rough miningclothing for more presentable suits.

  "And now for a first-class, six-course dinner!" cried Phil. "I say,doesn't it feel good to get back to civilization again!"

  "It certainly does," answered Dave. "But I'll feel more at home when wejoin the folks in the Park."

  "Huh! you're thinking of Jessie!" cried the shipowner's son, slyly, andat this "knock" Dave blushed deeply.

  The boys had hardly eaten their dinner when there came a telegram fromSenator Morr.

  "Listen to this, boys!" cried Roger, and read the following:

  "Good news received and we are much delighted. You boys are certainly wonders. Will await letter with interest."

  "I wish I could have seen mother's face when dad read my message toher," went on the senator's son, wistfully. Later on he received aletter written by both his parents in which they told of the joy thenews had brought. Later still, the newly-located mine was opened, underthe directions of Abe Blower and Tom Dillon, and the three claims werethrown into one, a stock-company being formed for that purpose, withSenator Morr as president. Both Dave and Phil were given stock in themining company, and it paid very well.

  "Now, if only your father can hold his position," said Dave, to Roger,one day, "your folks will be well fixed."

  "He is going to try to hold it, in spite of his political enemies,"answered Roger. And this Senator Morr eventually did, being elected toanother term at Washington.

  It was a happy day for the three boys when they bade good-by to AbeBlower and Tom Dillon and left Butte to go to Yellowstone Park. The oldminers were sorry to part with the lads.

  "Never mind, we'll be back here some day!" cried Roger.

/>   "Surest thing you know!" added Dave.

  They had already sent word ahead as to what train they were taking, andwhen they arrived at Livingston they found Dunston Porter on hand togreet them. Then a quick run was made to Gardiner, and there all took astage into the Park to the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel.

  "There they are! I see them!" cried Laura.

  "Oh, look how sunburnt they are!" exclaimed Jessie, and then both girlsmade a wild dash from the hotel veranda to where the stage was stopping.In the meantime, Dave had jumped from the seat and soon he was shakinghands with Jessie and had kissed his sister. Then the others came up,and there was general rejoicing.

  "We have been around the Park once, on a stage," said Laura.

  "But we are going again, on horseback and to camp out!" declared Jessie.

  "Fine!" cried Dave. "Couldn't be better!"

  "And to think you found that mine!" cried Laura, to Roger. "Oh, how gladI was to hear it!"

  "We were all glad!" put in Mrs. Wadsworth.

  "And you shot a mountain lion!" cried Jessie. "Oh, Dave!" And she fairlybeamed on the youth.

  "I suppose you'll be after fresh adventures before long," said DunstonPorter, with a twinkle in his eyes.

  "Maybe," answered Dave. "But I think I'll be content to stay here for abit and take it easy," and he smiled openly at Jessie, who had to turnaway to hide her blushes.

  What next befell our hero will be related in another volume, to beentitled "Dave Porter at Bear Camp; or, The Wild Man of Mirror Lake." Inthat we shall learn the particulars of a queer mystery and what Dave didtowards solving it.

  It was certainly a happy gathering, and the boys were sorry that Ben andShadow and some of the others were not there to enjoy it. But they haddeparted for the East with the others on the personally-conducted tour.

  "You'll have to tell us the whole story from beginning to end," saidLaura to her brother. "Jessie and Belle and I are just dying to hearevery word of it."

  "Poor Link Merwell!" sighed Belle Endicott. "I feel sorry for hisfolks!"

  "Yes, what a fearful ending for Merwell and for Haskers, too!" murmuredLaura.

  "And so you will be rich after all, Roger!" cried Laura.

  "Yes, and I am very thankful," returned the senator's son, and then hetook a long walk with Laura, while Dave paired off with Jessie, and Philwent with Belle. The young friends had a great deal to tell each other,and nobody thought of disturbing them.

  "Well, it certainly was some trip," said Phil, to Dunston Porter, Mrs.Wadsworth, and Belle. "And that landslide! Excuse me from falling inwith one of those again!" And he shook his head gravely.

  "You can be thankful you were not buried alive," said Mrs. Wadsworth.Belle said nothing, but she looked at Phil in a manner that warmed hisheart.

  That evening all of the party had a grand celebration at the hotel.Every one was in the best of spirits, and the boys fairly outdidthemselves telling jokes and funny stories.

  "I can tell you, it was a trip well worth taking," said Roger, whenabout to retire.

  "So it was," declared our hero. And here we will leave Dave Porter andsay good-by.




  "Mr. Stratemeyer has seldom introduced a more popular hero than Dave Porter. He is a typical boy, manly, brave, always ready for a good time if it can be obtained in an honorable way."--_Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis._

  "Edward Stratemeyer's 'Dave Porter' has become exceedingly popular."--_Boston Globe._

  "Dave and his friends are nice, manly chaps."--_Times-Democrat, New Orleans._

  DAVE PORTER AT OAK HALL Or The School Days of an American Boy

  DAVE PORTER IN THE SOUTH SEAS Or The Strange Cruise of the _Stormy Petrel_

  DAVE PORTER'S RETURN TO SCHOOL Or Winning the Medal of Honor

  DAVE PORTER IN THE FAR NORTH Or The Pluck of an American Schoolboy


  DAVE PORTER AT STAR RANCH Or The Cowboy's Secret

  DAVE PORTER AND HIS RIVALS Or The Chums and Foes of Oak Hall

  DAVE PORTER ON CAVE ISLAND Or A Schoolboy's Mysterious Mission


  DAVE PORTER IN THE GOLD FIELDS Or The Search for the Landslide Mine

  DAVE PORTER AT BEAR CAMP Or The Wild Man of Mirror Lake

  DAVE PORTER AND HIS DOUBLE Or The Disappearance of the Basswood Fortune

  DAVE PORTER'S GREAT SEARCH Or The Perils of a Young Civil Engineer

  DAVE PORTER UNDER FIRE Or A Young Army Engineer in France

  DAVE PORTER'S WAR HONORS Or At the Front with the Fighting Engineers

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