Read Dave Porter in the Gold Fields; Or, The Search for the Landslide Mine Page 5



  "Some rain, believe me!"

  It was Dave who uttered the remark, as the touring-car commenced thelong and dangerous descent of Sugar Hill. A sheet of water was dashingagainst the wind-shield, which had been raised as high as possible.

  "I wish it was driving the other way," answered Roger, who was peeringforward. "It covers the glass so I can hardly see."

  "Better take it slow," suggested Dave.

  Another flash of lightning lit up the scene, accompanied by a crack ofthunder that made some of the boys crouch down for a second. Then camemore wind and more rain.

  "I hope the wind and lightning don't throw a tree down across theroadway," cried Phil, loudly, to make himself heard above the fury ofthe elements.

  "We've got our eyes open!" answered Dave. "I'll look over thewind-shield," he added, to Roger, and lifted a corner of the frontcurtain for that purpose.

  "You'll get wet, Dave."

  "Not a great deal, and I'd rather do that than have an accident," wasthe reply.

  Roger had thrown the car into low gear, so that the power was reallyacting as a sort of brake. Slowly they slid along, over the wet stonesand dirt. Then came a sharp turn, and the senator's son slowed downstill more. The touring-car skidded a distance of several feet, and allheld their breath, wondering if they would go down into a small gully,or waterway, that lined the road on one side. But in another moment thatdanger was past, and all breathed more freely.

  But almost immediately a fresh peril confronted them. At another turnDave sent up a warning cry:

  "Brake up, Roger, there's a tree or a big limb ahead!"

  Through the rain-covered shield the senator's son saw the obstruction.He set both the hand-brake and the foot-brake, and all heard the wheelsand the chains scrape over the stones and dirt. But the car could not bestopped, and two seconds later crashed into the tree limb, a branch ofwhich came up, striking the wind-shield and cracking it.

  "Look out for that glass!" yelled Bert, in fresh alarm. "Don't get anyin your eyes, Roger!"

  The youth at the wheel did not reply. Dave, quick to act, seized alap-robe that was handy and held it up in front of Roger, who did notdare to leave the wheel. Then came a jingle of glass, but the piecesfell at the feet of the boys in the front of the car. The automobileitself slid on another ten feet, dragging the tree limb with it.

  "Say, that was a narrow escape!" muttered Phil, when the danger seemedover.

  "We'll have to see how much damage has been done," declared Dave.

  He crawled from the car and Roger followed. The other boys were alsocoming out in the storm, but the senator's son stopped them.

  "No use in all of us getting wet," he said. "I don't think the damageamounts to much. A mud-guard is bent and the hood is scratched and theglass broken, but I guess that is all. But we'll have to get the limbfrom under the car before we can go ahead again," he added, after aninspection.

  "Can't you leave it as it is and use it as a drag down the hill?"questioned Bert.

  "I wouldn't do that," advised Dave. "It might hurt some of the machineryunder the car. I think we can get it out somehow, Roger."

  Both set to work, in the wind and rain. It was far from a pleasant task,and despite the fact that each had donned a dust-coat, both were prettywell soaked before the limb was gotten away from the car. Then Rogermade another inspection of the automobile.

  "I think it's O. K.," he said. "Anyway, we'll try it." And then theycranked up once more; and the journey was continued.

  It was a slow trip, and at each turn on the hill the senator's son camealmost to a stop. He was thinking they might meet a wagon coming theother way, but neither vehicle nor person appeared. Sometimes thevisitors at the lake went to Sugar Hill for a picnic, but evidently theconcert, and the thoughts of a possible storm, had kept them away thisday.

  "Down at last!" cried Roger, presently, and a moment later thetouring-car rolled out on the smooth and broad highway that connectedwith that running around Lake Sargola.

  "And I am mighty glad of it," declared Phil, as he breathed a deep sighof relief.

  "Now for the hotel, and there I will see if I can't get you fellows somedry clothing," said Bert. "I guess each of you can wear one of my suits.You are both about my size."

  They took the shortest route to the hotel, arriving there fifteenminutes later. Roger ran the automobile to the porch and allowed theothers to alight and then took the car to the hotel garage.

  "Well, I am glad to see you boys back!" exclaimed Mr. Passmore. "How didyou come to break the wind-shield?" And then he listened with interestto the story the lads had to tell.

  "Can't they stay here to-night, Dad?" asked Bert, a little later, whenRoger came in. "I want to let them have some of my dry clothing, and itis storming almost as hard as ever."

  "Certainly, they can stay, if they will and we can get rooms for them,"replied Mr. Passmore.

  The matter was talked over, and Roger called his parents up on thetelephone. A big room containing two double-beds chanced to be vacant inthe hotel, and the lads took that. Then Dave and Roger donned someclothing that Bert loaned them while their own garments were being driedand pressed. A little later all went into the dining-room for dinner.

  "This will knock out the concert for to-night," remarked Bert, duringthe meal.

  "Yes, and we can be glad we attended this afternoon," answered Dave.

  "They are going to have a dance here this evening," said Mrs. Passmore.

  "Oh, we don't want to go to any dance!" cried her son. "They are notdressed for it, and besides, I've got it all arranged. We are going tobowl some games--Roger and I against Dave and Phil."

  "Very well, Bert, suit yourself," answered the mother. "But if you wishto dance, perhaps I can introduce your friends to some of the youngladies."

  But the boys preferred to bowl and so went to the basement of the bighotel, where there were some fine alleys. They bowled five games, Daveand Phil taking three and Roger and Bert two. In one game Dave turned awide "break" into a "spare," and for this the others applauded him not alittle.

  The games over, the boys washed and then went upstairs to watch thedancing. Bert and Phil danced a two-step with some young ladies thatBert knew. Just as they started off, Dave caught Roger by the arm.

  "What is it, Dave?" asked the senator's son, quickly.

  "Maybe I'm mistaken, but I just thought I saw Job Haskers!"

  "Where?" and now Roger was all attention.

  "Going into the reading-room with another man."

  "Humph! Say, let us find out if he is really here."

  "He isn't staying here, I know that."

  "How do you know?"

  "I asked the clerk."

  While speaking the two youths had walked away from the ballroom of thehotel. Now they found themselves at the entrance to a long, narrowapartment that was used as a writing and smoking room for men. Half adozen persons were present, several writing letters and the otherstalking in low tones and smoking.

  In an alcove two men had just seated themselves, one an elderly personwho seemed somewhat feeble, and the other a tall, sharp-faced individualwho eyed his companion in a shrewd, speculative manner.

  "That's Job Haskers, sure enough," murmured Roger, as Dave pointed tothe sharp-faced man. "Wonder what he is doing here?"

  "Well, he has a right to be here, if he wishes," returned Dave.

  The two former students of Oak Hall stood at one side and watched theman who had been their teacher for so long and who had proved himselfdishonorable in more ways than one.

  "Unless I am mistaken, he is trying to work some sort of a game on thatold gentleman," whispered Dave, a few minutes later. "See how earnestlyhe is talking, and see, he is bringing some papers out of his pocket."

  "Oh, it may be all right, Dave," replied the senator's son. "Not that Iwould trust Job Haskers too far," he added, hastily.

  The two lads continued to watch the former te
acher of Oak Hall. He wasstill arguing with the old gentleman and acted as if he wanted to getthe stranger to sign a paper he held in his hand. He had a fountain penready to be used.

  "I'm going a little closer and look into this," said Dave, firmly."Perhaps it's all right, but that old man may not know Haskers as wedo."

  "We can go around to the back door; that is close to the alcove,"suggested Roger, who was now as interested as Dave in what was takingplace.

  By walking through a narrow hallway the boys reached the door thesenator's son had mentioned. This was within a few feet of the alcove,and by standing behind the door Dave and Roger could hear all the formerteacher and the elderly gentleman were saying.

  "It's really the chance of a lifetime," urged Job Haskers, with greatearnestness. "I never knew of a better opportunity to make money. Theconsolidation of the five mills has placed the entire business in thehands of the Sunset Company. If you sign for that stock you'll be doingthe best business stroke you've done in a lifetime, Mr. Fordham."

  "Maybe, maybe," answered the old gentleman, hesitatingly. "Yet I reallyought to consult my son before I do it. But he is in Philadelphia. Imight write----"

  "Then it may be too late," interposed Job Haskers. "As I told youbefore, this stock is going like wildfire. And at thirty-five it's abargain. I think it will be up to sixty or seventy inside of a month--ortwo months at the latest. You'd better sign for the hundred shares rightnow and make sure of them." And Job Haskers held out one of the papersin his hand and also the fountain pen.

  Roger and Dave looked at each other and probably the same thoughtflashed through the minds of both. Should they show themselves and letthe elderly gentleman know just what sort of a man Job Haskers was?

  "I guess we'd better take a hand----" commenced Dave, when he paused ashe saw the old gentleman shake his head.

  "I--I don't think I'll do it to-night, Mr. Haskers," he said, slowly."I--I want to sleep on it. Come and see me again in the morning."

  "The stock may go up by morning," interposed the former teacher of OakHall. "It went up day before yesterday, two points. Better bind thebargain right now."

  "No, I'll wait until morning."

  "Well, when can I see you, Mr. Fordham?" asked the other, trying toconceal his disappointment.

  "I'll be around about ten o'clock--I don't get up very early."

  "Very well, I'll call at that time then," said Job Haskers. "But youmight as well sign for it now," and again he held out the paper and thepen.

  "No, I'll wait until to-morrow morning," answered Mr. Fordham, as hearose. "It's time I retired now. I--I'm not as strong as I once was."

  "I am sorry to hear that. Well, I'll be around in the morning, and I amsure you will realize that this is a good thing, after you have thoughtit over," said Job Haskers, with calm assurance, and then he and theelderly man left the room. Dave and Roger saw them separate in the mainhall of the hotel, the old gentleman going upstairs, and Job Haskers outinto the storm.