Read Dave Porter in the South Seas; or, The Strange Cruise of the Stormy Petrel Page 16



  "I should not believe it, had I not seen it with my own eyes."

  It was in this fashion that Roger expressed himself on the followingday, when discussing the affair of the night previous with Dave. Shadowwas around, as usual. He looked sleepy, but otherwise acted as ifnothing out of the ordinary had happened.

  "It certainly is remarkable," was Dave's comment. "The question is, whatmade him go to the castle? I think I know, but I cannot speak about it.But I'll tell you what I should like to do, Roger: go up to the castlewhile it is daylight and take a thorough look around."

  Roger was willing to do this, and the upshot of the talk was that Daveand the senator's son paid the old brick-and-stone structure a visit onthe following Saturday half-holiday, taking Phil and Ben with them. Theywent up in a boat by the short route, arriving there about half-pastthree o'clock.

  There was not a soul about the deserted mansion, and the few birds flewaway at their approach. It was a clear, sunny day, and they lost notime in throwing every door and window wide open, so that they mighthave the full benefit of the light and fresh air.

  "Here is the room in which he moved around the most," remarked Roger,gazing around earnestly. "But I can't say that I see anything unusual,do you?"

  They were all searching around, and after a few minutes had passed Benuttered a low cry and held up a small object, almost covered with dustand dirt.

  "A class pin!" cried Dave. "We must see if we can find any more ofthem."

  It was not long before Phil came upon two pins sticking on a board of acloset. Then Roger ran into the next room and, after a short hunt,uncovered a flat pasteboard box with several more of the class pins,each a bit tarnished by the dampness, but otherwise uninjured.

  "He must have come for the pins," said Ben. "That solves the mystery ofhow they disappeared from Mr. Dale's possession."

  "Here is a postage stamp!" ejaculated Phil, and held it up. "It's an oldGerman issue," he added. "And here are half a dozen others, allevidently torn from a sheet. Boys, Shadow must have taken the doctor'scollection!"

  Dave said nothing to this, for he had discovered a cupboard in acorner, tightly closed and with the wooden button of the door missing.He now opened the door of the cupboard with a knife.

  "Hello, what's in there?" asked Roger, who was behind him.

  "Seems to be some clothing," answered Dave, and hauled forth some loosegarments and also an old satchel. The garments formed part of a sailor'sgarb, and the satchel was marked on the bottom with the name, "WilliamDill."

  "It's Billy Dill's missing outfit!" cried Dave, eagerly. "Oh, Roger, howglad I am that I have found this! It's the best yet!"

  All the boys were interested, for they knew Dave's story and the tale ofthe strange sailor. As Dave ran to the light with the satchel, theycrowded around him.

  "I think I am fully justified in opening this grip," said the countryboy. He was so agitated he could scarcely speak.

  "Why, certainly," cried Phil. "Open it, by all means. It may throw lighton some things which Billy Dill has been unable to explain."

  The satchel was not locked and came open with ease. Inside was a bagcontaining some loose silver and a roll of forty-six dollars inbankbills. There was also a locket, containing the picture of a motherlyold lady, probably the sailor's parent. Under the locket were a smallBible and a work on ocean navigation, and at the bottom a thick, brownenvelope containing a photograph.

  "Let us see whose picture that is," said Phil, and Dave opened theenvelope and drew the photograph forth. As he held it up there was ageneral cry, in which he was forced to join.

  "That's the man who looks like you, Dave!" cried Roger.

  "What a striking resemblance!" exclaimed Phil.

  "And he has the mustache, just as the sailor said," added Ben. "Dave,that man looks enough like you to be your older brother, or yourfather!"

  Dave said nothing, for he was too much overcome to speak. As he gazed atthe picture, he began to tremble from head to foot. Taking away themustache, the face was exactly like his own, only older and morecareworn. He did not wonder that Billy Dill had become confused becauseof the resemblance. He turned the picture over. There was not a scrap ofprinting or writing on it anywhere.

  What was the meaning of this mystery? What was this man to him? Was hethe man who had once lost a child through a crazy nurse? In hisperplexed state of mind, the questions were maddening ones to the boy.

  "What do you think of it, Dave?" asked Phil, after a pause, and the eyesof all the others were turned on the poorhouse boy.

  "What do I think of it?" he repeated, slowly. "I think this: I am goingto find this man, if he is alive, even if I have to go around the worldto do it. He must know something of my past--most likely he is arelative of mine. I am going to be a poorhouse nobody no longer. I amgoing to establish my identity--and I am going to do that before I doanything else."

  Dave spoke deliberately, weighing every word. It was almost as if he wasregistering a vow. The others saw a look of determination settle on hisface, and knew that he would do as he said.

  The boy from the country had suddenly lost interest in clearing up themystery surrounding Shadow Hamilton, and allowed the others to finishthe search for class pins and postage stamps. One more pin was found andthree rare stamps from Brazil, and then the search was abandoned, andthey returned to Oak Hall, Dave carrying the sailor's possessions.

  That evening there was an interesting interview in Doctor Clay's office,in which Dave and his friends took an active part. The worthy master ofOak Hall listened to all the boys had to tell with keen attention, andsmiled quietly when told how Dave and Roger had first followed Shadow inhis somnambulistic feat. He took possession of the class pins and thestamps, and said the latter were undoubtedly from his collection.

  "We now have nearly all of the class pins," he said. "But fullynine-tenths of the postage stamps are still missing and they represent avalue of at least twenty-five hundred dollars. I am tolerably sure thatMaurice Hamilton took them in his sleep, but the question is, did hedestroy the others, or did somebody else come along and take them?"

  "I believe Chip Macklin came to see you, sir," said Dave, significantly.

  "He did, Porter, and I am going to follow that clew up--if it is aclew," answered Doctor Clay, gravely.

  After the others had departed, Dave showed the things he had foundbelonging to Billy Dill. The master of the Hall was as much astonishedas anybody over the resemblance between his pupil and the photograph,and examined the picture with care.

  "I do not wonder that you wish to investigate this," said he. "I shouldwish to do so, were I in your position."

  "I have simply got to do it, Doctor!" cried Dave. "I shall not be ableto settle my mind on a thing until it's done. Would you go home and seeMr. Wadsworth and Professor Potts first, or go direct to that sailor?"

  "Why not send a long letter to your friends, telling them what you havetold me? You can add that I agree that the photograph resembles youclosely, and that you wish to talk the matter over once again with thisWilliam Dill."

  As impatient as he was, Dave concluded to follow this advice, and aletter of ten pages was sent to Mr. Wadsworth and to Caspar Potts thenext morning. In the meantime, it may be added here, Doctor Clay had acloser watch than ever set on Shadow Hamilton's movements, and he alsobegan a quiet investigation of Gus Plum's doings.

  The letter that Dave sent to Crumville created a sensation in theWadsworth household, and was read and re-read several times by themembers of the manufacturer's family and by Professor Potts.

  "There is undoubtedly something in this," said the professor. "Itcertainly is entitled to a strict investigation. If you will permit me,I will run up to Oak Hall to see Dave, and then take him to see thisBilly Dill."

  "I will go with you," answered the rich manufacturer. "The outing willdo us both good, and I am greatly interested in Dave's welfare. I onlytrust that there is a happ
y future in store for him."

  "And I say the same, sir, for no boy deserves it more," answeredProfessor Potts.

  A telegram was sent to Dave, and on the following day Oliver Wadsworthand Caspar Potts journeyed to Oakdale. Dave met them at the depot withthe Hall carriage.

  "There he is!" exclaimed old Caspar Potts, rushing up and shakinghands. "My boy! my boy! I am glad to see you again!" And he fairlyquivered with emotion.

  "And I am glad to see you," cried Dave, in return. He shook hands withboth men. "Mr. Wadsworth, it was kind of you to answer my letter soquickly," he added.

  "I knew you would be anxious, Dave. My, how well and strong you look!The air up here must do you good."

  "It is a very healthful spot," answered the youth, "and I like it betterthan I can tell."

  "A fine school--a fine school!" murmured Professor Potts. "You could notgo to a better."

  On the way to the Hall, Dave told his story in detail, and exhibited thephotograph, which he had brought with him, scarcely daring to leave itout of his sight.

  "It is just as you have said," remarked Oliver Wadsworth. "A mostremarkable resemblance, truly!"

  "That man must be some relative to Dave," added Caspar Potts. "Therecould not be such a resemblance otherwise. It is undoubtedly the samestrain of blood. He may be a father, uncle, cousin, elder brother--thereis no telling what; but he is a relative, I will stake my reputation onit."

  The visitors were cordially greeted at Oak Hall by Doctor Clay and madeto feel perfectly at home. They were given rooms for the night, and inthe morning the doctor and his visitors and Dave had breakfast together.

  It had been decided that a visit should be paid to Billy Dill that veryafternoon, and by nine o'clock Mr. Wadsworth, Professor Potts, and Davewere on the way to the town where was located the sanitarium to whichthe sailor had been taken. Dave had the tar's satchel and clothing withhim, and the precious photograph was stowed away in his pocket. Justthen he would not have parted with that picture for all the money in theworld.