Read Dawn Study Page 39

  Unable to match the superfast speed, Valek scrambled to block but remained a hair too slow. The edges of Ambrose’s blades sliced the skin on Valek’s arms. Pain burned, but he ignored it. Valek had a much bigger problem. He was running out of room to maneuver. If that happened, Valek would leave a smear of blood on the wall as he sank to his death.

  Deflecting the Commander’s double thrust up instead of to the side, he kicked the Commander in the stomach. The solid impact pushed Ambrose back a few steps, giving Valek a little more room.

  Valek sidestepped and dropped to one knee, thrusting his knife toward the Commander’s thigh, aiming for the femoral artery. Ambrose dodged the attack and once again Valek was on the defensive. As the fight lengthened, Valek’s energy ebbed. He sucked in air and his throat burned with the effort.

  Valek rallied and tried a number of offensive techniques. Familiar with each of them, the Commander countered with ease. The man wasn’t even sweating.

  After a few more exchanges, Valek sensed he was about to reach the limit of his skills. The certainty of failure brought desperation, which reminded Valek of his rooftop fight with Onora. It was clear there was no way he’d beat the Commander. Not with his knives. And not using conventional fighting tactics.

  Bracing for pain, Valek blocked a double jab to his midsection, then dropped his weapons. He grabbed the Commander’s wrists and found the pressure points. The tip of a blade pierced Valek’s left bicep, but he clamped down hard, pressing his fingers and thumbs on the points.

  Ambrose yelled as the all-consuming pain traveled up his arms. Using a pressure point created a unique sensation that dominated the entire body and scattered all thought and reason in the victim. Devlen had taught them to Valek a year ago. In any other fight, Valek would never have resorted to using them, because in any other fight, Valek wouldn’t need them to save his own life and ensure his family’s safety.

  The Commander’s weapons clattered to the floor. Valek kept his hold until the Commander sank to his knees. Then Valek released one wrist. He picked up the closest knife and rested the sharp edge on the Commander’s neck. Valek let go of the man’s other wrist. The fog of pain cleared from Ambrose’s golden gaze. He stared at Valek, waiting for death. No fear shone in his eyes. No requests for mercy. No promise to stop the invasion of Sitia in exchange for his life. Not his style.

  Valek tensed, preparing to end the Commander’s life. But he was unable to execute that final move. Valek couldn’t kill him. If he slit the Commander’s throat, Valek would regret it. They’d shared too much history, friendship and even love. Ambrose was a part of Valek’s family. Owen had ruined everything between them, but Valek wouldn’t let the dead magician force his hand.

  “Finish it, Valek,” Ambrose said. “If you let me live, I’m going to invade Sitia.”

  And Valek would have to live with the consequences. War and death and no hope for a peaceful life. Or was there hope? Valek’s comments to Leif about trust came to mind. Perhaps he should trust the Sitians. They’d certainly proven their resourcefulness in the past. Valek released the Commander. “You can try. Sitia will surprise you.”

  “Then why the assassination attempt?”

  “Because I forgot.”

  “You forgot what?”

  “That I’m a Sitian now, and we don’t solve our problems by assassination.” Valek found his knives and sheathed them. “I’m retiring as Chief of Security. Effective immediately.” Valek headed for the door. He only had a few days to warn Sitia.

  “I can’t let you leave,” Ambrose said.

  Valek spun with weapons in hand.

  The Commander stood and smoothed his uniform. The other knives remained on the floor. “You can’t leave without having a drink with me.”

  Valek stared at Ambrose in confusion. The Commander strode to the chairs by the fire and poured two drinks. Was this an attempt to delay Valek long enough for the security guards to arrive?


  “Relax, Valek. I’m not going to invade Sitia. You’re not going to be executed.” He sat in his favorite chair, waiting for Valek to join him.

  This seemed too good to be true. “Is this because I spared your life?”

  “No. Once I learned Sitia knew about the Harman sap, I figured that they would have already discovered a way to block the darts. An invasion would be a waste of time and resources right now. But if the Sitian Council loses control again, I will invade. They won’t get another chance, and I can assure you that the magicians will be a casualty. But for now, I’m betting that when you’re hired as Chief of Security for the Council, you will do a much better job of keeping the rogue magicians in check.”

  Valek tucked his knives away as he sorted through the Commander’s comments. “Why did you let me believe you planned to invade?”

  “Because I wanted to see what you would do.”

  Shocked, Valek searched for a proper response. All he managed was, “I almost killed you.”

  “But you didn’t. And now I can trust you again.”

  Anger boiled up his throat. “Another test?”

  “Partly. It was also for peace of mind. I know you won’t be coming after me in the future. I’m not getting any younger, and don’t wish to be constantly worrying about assassination.”

  “I’m not the only assassin.”

  “No. You’re the only assassin that can beat Onora, and now me. In my mind, you’re the only one who is a threat.”

  Valek had used two very desperate moves to win both fights. Moves he would be unable to utilize again against either the Commander or Onora, because they would be ready for them. His upper arm throbbed, and a dozen or more stinging cuts seeped blood that soaked his sleeves. Plus his magic and immunity were gone.

  Valek certainly didn’t feel like a threat.

  Now that he didn’t need to rush off to warn Sitia of an impending attack, Valek walked over to the armchairs. The Commander’s comments had generated a number of unanswered questions. “Have you heard any news from Sitia? There’s no guarantee the Sitian Council and the others will defeat Bruns and his Cartel.”

  The Commander gave him a flat look. “Who planned the attack?”

  “I did.”

  “Who did you leave in charge?”

  “All right, I get it. There’s a pretty good chance of success if everything goes well.”

  “I’ve received a report that the Sitian Council and Master Magicians have regained power and are rallying the troops to counter our invasion. I suspect they’ll have a number of soldiers disappointed over the lack of action.”

  Valek gripped the back of the empty chair as relief threatened to turn his legs into mush. “Yelena?”

  “She’s been spotted in the Citadel, aiding the Council.”

  Unable to remain upright, Valek sank into the chair and rested his head in his hands for a moment.

  “Onora was seen in her company. Please tell Onora to report back to Ixia immediately.”

  Valek lifted his head. “Ari and Janco?”

  “If they wish to return, they’ll be welcome. No charges will be filed against them or the agents who helped you escape a few days ago.”

  Good to know. “And if Ari and Janco want to stay in Sitia?”

  Smiling, Ambrose raised his glass. “Good luck.” He drank.

  Valek laughed as six months of worry, tension and fear melted away. He grabbed his drink and took a long swig. The smooth white brandy slid down his throat, trailing fire. “The good stuff?”

  “I thought the situation warranted it.”

  “You were that confident I wouldn’t kill you?”

  “Not at all. If this was going to be my last night, I didn’t want to drink inferior brandy.” He raised his glass again. “Here’s to your new life in Sitia.”

lek clinked and took another swallow. He considered his future. Being with his family would be a highlight, but what else would he do? The vial of his blood might not return his magic. “I’m not sure that the Sitians trust me enough to put me in charge of security, or that I would even accept the position if they offered. My priorities have shifted.”

  “They’d be fools not to.” The Commander sipped his drink. “Would they trust you more if you still had your magic?”

  “Probably.” Valek leaned back in his chair as fatigue washed through him. If not for his injuries, this could have been any night during the past twenty-four years. He realized with a pang that he was going to miss this.

  “I’m not sorry for injecting you with the Harman sap,” Ambrose said. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve done you a favor.”

  “I know. I’m well aware of your views on magic.” They shared a smile. It was an old argument.

  “And you know I’ve been a hypocrite about it ever since I’ve learned my mother’s soul shares my body. Something that is only possible because of magic.”

  Valek straightened. This was new.

  “If Yelena’s powers return, and she doesn’t hate me, can you ask her to visit me? I’d like her to send my mother to the sky.”

  “I’m sure Yelena would be happy to help you if she’s able.” Valek tapped a finger on his glass. “What if her powers don’t return? Would you be more accepting of magicians?”

  “In that case, I will use the Harman sap on myself.”

  It seemed drastic. “That might kill your mother.”

  “She’s already dead.”

  “No. That might destroy her soul, and she won’t find peace in the sky. She’ll cease to exist.”

  “Is your soul dead because of the Harman sap?” Ambrose asked.

  “I...” Valek recalled Yelena’s description of souls and how she influenced them. A body without a soul was like an empty cup—it lived, but had no awareness or emotions or personality. “No. I’m”

  “Exactly. The Harman sap will remove the magic that is holding my mother here.” He tapped his chest. “That’s the theory. But I’d rather Yelena do it, so I know for sure my mother is at peace.” He smoothed a hand over his pants leg. “Speaking of peace, do you think Yelena will be willing to be the Liaison again?”

  Good question. “I don’t know, but I’ll ask her. What if she says no? Who else would you accept?”


  Valek’s laugh died in his throat—it would be an interesting job. “I doubt the Sitian Council would agree.”

  “I’ll also work with Ari, but if Janco is assigned the position, I’m declaring war.”

  Amused, Valek imagined Janco pouting from the insult. “I’ll make sure to include that in my report.”

  They talked late into the night, healing the rift that had grown between them. The Commander then insisted Valek see the medic, and even escorted him to the infirmary. On the way, they stepped over the still forms of Gerik and his partner. Valek wondered what Gerik thought, seeing the two of them together. He guessed Gerik would pretend to sleep until the other man woke.

  Medic Mommy’s professional demeanor didn’t alter when the Commander roused her from sleep and explained.

  “I’ll leave you in good hands. Good luck, Valek. You and your family are welcome to visit at any time.” Ambrose shook his hand and left.

  As soon as the door closed, Medic Mommy grinned. “I’m glad you two are friends again.” Almost gleefully, she peeled off his shirt and cleaned and then sealed the cuts on his arms. But when she finished and Valek stood to leave, her jovial manner changed in a heartbeat.

  She jabbed a finger at a bed. “Sleep.” When he hesitated, she stepped closer. “Do I need to secure you?”

  An empty threat, but Valek decided right there and then that his future would not include being captured, chained, manacled, jailed, beaten, stabbed or knocked unconscious ever again. And while he was dreaming, he included a future in which he spent his days locked in a tower with Yelena and their children. “No, sir.”

  “Good. Give me eight hours, and then you can leave.”

  His stiff and sore muscles protested the movement, but he managed to lie down and pull the blanket up before he fell into an exhausted sleep.

  * * *

  When he woke, Sergeant Gerik stood next to his bed. Valek reached for his knives, but the big man held up his empty hands.

  “I’m here to escort you to the Citadel,” Gerik said. He tried to keep a stern expression, but a glint of cheerfulness shone in his gaze. “The Commander’s orders.”

  Ah. Gerik would see his sister sooner. “And escort the new Chief of Security home?”


  The cuts on his arms flared to painful life as Valek pushed into a sitting position. His entire body ached. “Do your orders include carrying the ex-chief to Sitia?”

  “If that’s what it takes, sir.”

  “Good to know.” Valek stood, although his body threatened to revolt and send him reeling back into bed. He needed at least a couple more years of sleep.

  Medic Mommy hurried over to inspect Valek’s injuries before she discharged him from her care. “Send me a message with your new location. I’ll come to deliver the baby.”

  He was about to remind her of Sitia’s capable healers, but remembered the baby’s magic-sucking abilities. If anything unexpected happened, they couldn’t use magic to heal Yelena or the baby. “I will. Thank you.”

  They swung by Valek’s hiding spot. Valek retrieved his pack and changed into a clean shirt. Then they left the castle.

  “Horses?” Gerik asked as they crossed the complex.

  “Not this time. Getting into Sitia is going to be tricky, even without horses. The Sitian army is prepared for an invasion, so they will attack anyone or anything exiting the Snake Forest.”

  A crowd of people waited by the southern gate. The guards on duty saluted Valek as he approached. Pasha and Adrik stood with Valek’s other agents. Smiles shone in the bright morning sunlight. It appeared the Commander had orchestrated his rescue. Figured.

  “We would have busted you out regardless,” Adrik said.

  “What if I decided to go to Sitia instead of remaining here?” he asked.

  “Then we would have escorted you to Sitia,” Pasha said. “But Adrik would have lost a couple of golds to the captain of the watch.”

  No surprise they’d been betting on him. He shook hands with everyone, thanking them for their years of loyal and excellent service. “Onora is more than capable. I’m sure she’ll earn your respect in no time.”

  Maren waited for him outside the gate. She stood with her arms crossed, blocking the path. Gerik rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, but Maren ignored him.

  Instead she asked Valek, “So this is it? You’re done?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think you broke your pledge to the Commander.”

  Valek considered. Was she trying to force a reaction? He kept his tone neutral. “I retired.”

  “Onora’s not ready.”

  “Do you think you should be in charge?”

  Maren dropped her arms. “Hell, no. No one can do that job.”

  “I’m flattered.”

  She huffed. “You’re leaving all of us vulnerable. Onora’s bound to make mistakes.”

  Gerik gripped his weapon. Valek put a hand on his arm, stopping the man from drawing the sword. Maren’s comment explained quite a bit. “Yes, she will make mistakes,” Valek said. “Just like I did when I first started. Just like I did a few days ago. You’re right. No one can do the job on his or her own. Not even me. I built a support network to help me, and she will, too. She’s already learned how valuable even Janco can be. And you’ll be here to hel
p her.” Unless... “That is, if you want to stay. You’re always welcome to come with me to Sitia.”

  “Not interested. I pledged my loyalty to the Commander.”

  Okay, then. “If you change your mind—”

  “I won’t.” She stepped aside. “Tell Ari and Janco to get their asses back up here. Their vacation is over.” Maren strode away without saying another word.

  Gerik watched her go. “Does Onora need to worry about her?”

  “No,” Valek said. “Maren has a temper. She’ll settle down.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  “Onora can handle herself.” Valek met Gerik’s concerned gaze. “Right now, your sister is the best in Ixia and Sitia.”

  “Right now?”

  “There will always be a young hotshot eager to prove himself or herself. Part of the job. Someday, one of them will best her, but I don’t think you need to worry about that happening anytime soon.”

  Gerik smiled. “You lasted twenty-four years.”


  * * *

  Valek calculated. He and Gerik would arrive at the Citadel right at the hot season’s midpoint. The day the Firestorm had been scheduled—and a day longer than it should have taken, because he was unable to avoid the Sitian army. The soldiers had blanketed the land south of the Ixian border. The only way to get through without causing an incident was to creep into the encampment at night and find an officer to explain things to. The fact that the Snake Forest had emptied of all but a few border guards helped support his news of the canceled invasion. However, the unit he’d surrendered to didn’t have a magician who could communicate with the people in charge.

  Since they still didn’t quite believe him, the captain sent him and Gerik to the Citadel with an armed escort. Valek longed to retrieve Onyx and reclaim his vial of blood, but as soon as he spotted the white marble walls of the Citadel in the distance, his focus and energy and thoughts all turned to one goal—holding Yelena in his arms.



  “What do you mean, the forest is empty?” I asked Ayven, sure I’d heard wrong.