Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 101

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  Letting the book fall to the floor, Christill moved from the desk and fell ungracefully onto the bed. His new quarters in the Academy where small but adequate as he spent little time in them. They held a small desk, piled with books, an ordinary bed and a small chest to keep his clothes.

  The Council's test had taken nine days and Christill's relief was immense now that they were finally over. Dievu had approached him at the end of the final day to congratulate him on a spectacular performance. Each day they had probed him with questions that fifth year students would have known and asked him to perform tasks that they would have completed in their earlier years. The Elders were astonished at Christill's depth of knowledge and ability to perform the non magical tasks with a high standard.

  Finally at the end of the ninth day the Council agreed that he had the required skills necessary to speak with Nyrune and, with Dievu's help, Christill was given permission to speak with the goddess.

  Now Christill lay on his bed waiting for the moment that Dievu would knock on his door to take him to the Shrine of Nyrune. The last week had passed so quickly that Christill had had little time to worry about what he would actually say once he found himself face to face with Nyrune. Apprehension brewed in his mind and he felt the familiar sensation of fluttering in his stomach that came with it.

  Then came a gentle knock on the door and Dievu stepped into his room. Christill sat up quickly and noticed that his former master was wearing a silken gown of green and purple hues and upon his head rested a silver circlet fashioned to resemble a blend of leaves.

  "Are you ready, Christill?"

  Despite his anxiety, he nodded and rose from the bed. Dievu handed him a plain green robe which he quickly wrapped around his body and then they moved out of the Academy and into the garden that led to the shrine itself. As they walked through the enchanting garden, full of the sweet scent of flowers, Christill began to have second thoughts. Now that he reflected on what he was about to do, he truly realized how daunting the task ahead was. The oak shaped building came into view. Now there was no turning back. They were mere footsteps from the entrance.

  Dievu led Christill up the stairs that led to the back entrance of the building. Here a guard opened the door and allowed Christill to pass through the portal. They then walked through a labyrinth of corridors until finally coming to a large open room decorated with rich tapestries and banners. In here they found Kiril, Sielvu and Velski waiting for them in front of one of the most wondrous doors Christill had ever set eyes on. Carvings of forest animals and flowers, that had been masterfully painted, were etched into its middle, and around its frame lay studded jewels that glimmered in the candlelight.

  "This is your final chance to turn away, Christill," announced Kiril.

  Christill shook his head firmly. "I wish to continue."

  Kiril nodded and stepped away from the door. Velski cleared her voice and spoke next. "If you enter this room and are successful, you are pledging yourself to the Academy. We will have the power to make decisions for you and if necessary punish you."

  "I accept the guidance of the Academy," said Christill, rehearsing what he had been told to say by Dievu.

  Velski moved from the door allowing Sielvu to speak. "Listen carefully," he said in a harsh tone. "When you enter the shrine you will walk along the path to its centre. Do not stray from the path at any stage. In the centre of the shrine you will find a small bottle. Sit down and take one sip from this bottle. Do not take more than one sip for you shall die," Christill's heart began to flutter. "You will then find yourself fading from this plane and it is at this moment that you must call out to the goddess. Do you understand?"

  Christill nodded and replied, "I do."

  Sielvu cast a final antagonistic look at Christill and then stepped aside. Christill let out a long breath then moved towards the door. He slowly pushed it open. Once he had stepped through, the door closed behind him and he let out gasp. The shrine was not what he had imagined. Around him, the room was filled with flowers, plants and shrubs, all glistening with moisture. A path made of smooth pebbles led to a small patch of grass sitting before a large tree that was a replica of the building itself. Now that Christill thought on it, the building must have been built around the shrine and in turn fashioned to resemble the strange tree that grew in its centre.

  He began to make his way slowly along the path. Looking up he saw that the room had no roof and that the stars shone brightly in the night sky above. He would never be able to fully describe the shrine to anyone who had not seen it with their own eyes. He finally came to the small patch of grass and found on it a glass bottle filled with a murky blue liquid. Christill sat down gently and looked up at the tree that rose up to the sky in front of him. A fluorescent orange light was emanating from a patch on the trees trunk. Christill leaned in and saw that the glow came from an odd fur that was growing around a carving in the tree. It was too hard to make out though, as the fur had obscured most of the carving.

  This is it, he thought to himself. Taking a deep breath, Christill picked up the bottle and took a sip of the blue liquid. The taste was absolutely horrendous and as it passed down his throat he felt as though his insides were melting away. He clutched at his chest and began to cough violently. The liquid settled in his stomach and cramps ran through him, nearly causing him to faint. Then with one final pulsating cramp Christill felt the liquid move through his body up into his head and turn into a numb throbbing. Christill opened his watery eyes and now saw the orange fur on the tree glowing intensely. Even though his eyes were watery from the pain, he could now make out the carving; it was Nyrune's symbol. The droplet of water was no longer obscured, but clearly outlined by the exotic orange mould.

  He did not have long to think on it as his head began to pulsate painfully. Each throb caused him anguish and he felt himself losing his grip on reality. Then he was gripped by fear. He knew what this feeling was. He had felt it once before, and that time he had died.

  Christill's heart began to beat with fury and the throbbing in his skull kept pace. Had he been betrayed by the Karmanians? Was it their plan to kill him all along? These questions raced through Christill's mind as he felt himself passing from life once more. The last time that this had happened Dievu had just managed to bring Christill back from the dead. But Dievu would not be able to help him now. Then the pain became too much to handle and with one final breath he called out, "Nyrune!"