Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 35

Thibalt was standing in a particularly well kept inn. In front of him was a pretty, red haired bar maid that he found quite charming. He walked over to her and she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close. Without a word she moved in for a kiss. Thibalt, overjoyed, also moved in, but to his surprise he felt her wet kiss touch his eye. The maid then began to kiss all over his face. He did not know what to do, this girl was clearly mad. Then he realized.

  He awoke with a start to find Esree brushing his face with her mouth.

  "Esree, get off me!" he yelled in annoyance. "What is it with me and animals?" he said, pushing Esree away. He sat up and wiped his face on his blanket. "Just like Jin...can't give me a moments rest."

  The sun had already risen and the birds were once again singing their morning tune. Thibalt let out a long yawn and stopped midway. Sitting against a tree opposite him was a young man. The man was obviously asleep, his head leaning against his shoulder. Instinctively Thibalt drew his dagger from his pack. The man stirred and, seeing Thibalt holding his dagger in front of him, stood up.

  "Oh, hello there. Good to see you up and about," he said in a strangely cheerful tone.

  Thibalt took in the man's appearance. He was one of the oddest looking men that he had ever seen. He had very short black hair and was wearing a bright yellow and blue shirt. His pants were an off green in colour and he wore a pair of very fancy brown boots. He was thin, yet muscular, and the expression on his face was pleasant, but somehow suspicious. It also seemed to Thibalt that the man had a permanent smirk stuck on his face.

  "Who are you?" asked Thibalt.

  "Well, how very rude of me," said the man quickly. "Not introducing myself...I tell you the world has gone mad when the ever delightful Estallion Bastion forgets to introduce himself to a stranger."

  Thibalt was having trouble keeping up with what Estallion was saying. Though he spoke eloquently, the speed with which he talked was phenomenal. It was astounding that this man could think and talk at such speed. "Well, what are you doing here?"

  "Now that is an interesting story," he replied with a chuckle. "I was heading back to Precedin on my trusty steed, Falgo, when my stomach and I had a sudden disagreement. In a rush I leapt from my horse and raced into the woods to relieve my gut of its painful cramps...Mind you that was not a pleasant experience." He paused for a moment. "Now where was I...that's right! So being done with that rather awkward escapade, I marched out of the forest victorious over my stomach, only to find that I had lost my horse. So you see the pickle that I am in."

  Thibalt looked at Estallion without blinking and said, "But that still doesn't explain why you are in my camp."

  "Your camp!" protested Estallion. "Do you have the deeds for this portion of the forest?"

  "Well no," replied Thibalt, hesitantly.

  "My point exactly. There is no law stating that I cannot sleep in the middle of a forest. Though it wouldn't surprise me if there was. There are laws against everything these days. You know I was arrested just last month for picking flowers from the General's garden. I tell you, I don't know what they were thinking when they made it a crime to pick flowers. Though come to think of it, they did mention something about trespassing," he noted, scratching his chin.

  "What has this got to do with the matter at hand?" Thibalt interrupted, angrily. He was beginning to lose his temper and the fact that Estallion had kept that cheerful smile on his face the whole time only frustrated him further.

  "Well I never!" exclaimed Estallion, the smile disappearing from his face. "It is quite rude to cut in whilst someone is talking. Now, I have no quarrel to pick with you, I just thought that being an honest man you might be able to help a fellow such as myself in their hour of need." He then gasped out aloud. "Great gods, you haven't even introduced yourself. How very rude of you." Estallion began shaking his head and muttering to himself.

  Thibalt sighed and lowered his dagger. The man was obviously mad. "Thibalt Steelfist is my name and I had no intention of being rude. It's just that you gave me a shock."

  The jolly smile appeared once more on Estallion's handsome face. "Pleasure to meet you, Thibalt. I like you. I can always tell whether I like a person by the way they introduce themselves...and you did well. Though it was rather untimely. I say, I may have never learnt your name if I didn't ask for it. Never mind, back to the real business now."

  "What real business?" asked Thibalt, who was now more confused than he had ever been in his entire life.

  "You're just full of questions aren't you? Well the business of me losing, Falgo," Estallion said.

  "Did you go and look for him?"

  "Of course I went and looked for him. He wouldn't be lost if I wasn't looking for him, would he?" replied Estallion, shaking his head in disbelief.

  Thibalt thought about it for a moment then said, "No, I guess not."

  "Ah, I knew it, you're not that thick. Now when are we off?" asked Estallion cheerfully.

  "Off where? And what do you mean we?" replied Thibalt.

  "Well off to Precedin of course, and by we, I mean you and me. Unless you've got someone else hidden under that blanket. I need a ride and you need some company. Everything's worked out perfectly. Except of course that my sword was on Falgo's saddle."

  Thibalt looked at Estallion suspiciously. "What do you need your sword for?"

  "You're getting close to the Beon Ranges, Thibalt. You do not travel the highway without ample protection, and I somehow believe that we are going to have trouble protecting ourselves with that knife of yours," pointed out Estallion. "Oh well, there's not much we can do about that. Shall we be off then?"

  Thibalt stared at Estallion, who was waiting for his reply. It was true that the road had been lonely and that some company would be nice, but could he trust this man? Looking once again at Estallion's hilarious outfit, Thibalt dismissed any dangers that this man presented. "Very well, you are in luck as I am on my way to Precedin. I warn you though, one false step and I will leave you lying in a ditch."

  "Excellent!" shouted Estallion happily.

  Thibalt packed his gear and made Esree ready for the journey. He climbed onto her back and reached down to help Estallion up.

  "No need. I am quite capable of getting up myself," Estallion said. He then leapt up onto Esree's back and made himself comfortable behind Thibalt.

  "Should we have another look for your horse first?" asked Thibalt.

  "No need," said Estallion. "He's always managed to find his way back in the past."

  Thibalt turned in his saddle. "You mean to say that this has happened to you before?"

  "Thibalt, my friend," laughed Estallion. "This happens to me all the time."



  Two days riding brought the new companions another smaller bridge, crossing a stream. Thibalt had found Estallion's company pleasing, though he continued to talk without pause.

  He was explaining one of his many adventures in Precedin, most of which seemed to involve the local guards, when they reached the foot of the bridge.

  Estallion abruptly stopped talking.

  Thibalt instantly stopped and peered around. Something important must have occurred for Estallion to cease talking.

  "This means trouble," Estallion said in a voice less jovial than usual.

  "What is it?"

  "Up on the other side of the bridge. It's the Honour Guard," replied Estallion.

  Thibalt had heard of the Maloreichar. From what he could remember, the Honour Guard were a powerful force in the Kingdom. They were soldiers of such proven skill and expertise that in times of war they could overthrow the King himself. All had proven themselves in some way that had earned them the right to be appointed into the famed order. Their duty was to the Feldonian people and none other.

  On the other side of the bridge rode the four heavily armoured figures. Behind them came a large group of mounted soldiers. The Honour Guard all wore identical suits of impressive armour. Such ornate detail had been placed
into their suits that Thibalt could only shake his head. Each and every inch was etched and moulded into a fantastic design of intertwined leaves and symbols. Their breastplates were emblazoned with a beautiful rendition of the symbol of Skiye in what appeared to be silver and brass. They wore equally impressive helmets with open faced visors and coloured feather plumes. The only thing that distinguished the four riders from each other was the colour of their garments. Each rider held a specific colour that their plume, cape and padding were dyed in.

  "It's strange to see them all together at once. Usually they are out and about in separate parts of the kingdom, solving disputes and such," muttered Estallion, obviously unimpressed by the Honour Guard. "Mind you, Thibalt, they are essentially the highest ranking people in all of Feldom, so we would do well to show some sort of respect."

  Thibalt gulped. The highest ranking men in Feldom heading towards him. What should he do? He started to sweat uncomfortably as they approached. He straightened himself in his seat and cleared his throat, then waited.

  The Maloreichar rode up to the two men and stopped their horses. The soldiers following them halted their own mounts and waited. Thibalt marvelled at the steeds the Honour Guard rode and could see that they were a rare breed. One by one they removed their helms. They were a lot older than he had expected, however each held an aura of power that demanded respect.

  Estallion motioned his hand towards the riders. "Thibalt Steelfist, may I present to you the Honour Guard of Feldom. Errollan Dune in green, Azbaar Ingel in red, Ludvic Hammerfell in yellow, and the ever mysterious Mandigal in purple."

  Thibalt bowed as well as he could in the saddle and said, "I am honoured to meet you, my lords." Thibalt took note that the man named Mandigal did not have the symbol of Skiye on his breastplate.

  "Oh, quit your insolent prattle, boy!" replied Ludvic through his thick grey beard. His tone was deep and rugged and his face puffy with reddened cheeks. Ludvic's frame was larger than the rest, and it appeared as though his armour had been made some time ago, measured for a leaner, younger man. "We all know you care less about us than you do a horse's arse."

  Thibalt was totally shocked. This was not what he had expected.

  Errollan moved his horse a little closer and said, "Do not mind him young man. He is from the North and let's just say that he will never be rid of those Northern manners." His speech was much more regal and matched Thibalt's expectations of such high ranking soldiers. He also seemed to be the youngest of the four with short black hair that was greying in only a few spots. Azbaar and Ludvic, whose hair had long ago turned completely grey, showed their age in the deep lines on their faces.

  "Estallion Bastion, you lout," yelled Ludvic. "We saw that useless horse of yours running down the road yesterday. Probably trying to get away from your incessant yapping. You'd best watch out, before that new friend of yours catches on and follows your horse's example," he added, laughing heavily. It was a deep forceful laugh that was contagious and Thibalt soon found himself laughing as well. He quickly stopped laughing however when he noticed Mandigal staring at him intently. The Honour Guard in purple trimmings was a mysterious figure, with hauntingly dark, deep set eyes and strangely pale skin.

  "What are you doing out here anyway?" asked Azbaar. As he asked the question he seemed exhausted, but not the kind of exhaustion that came from exertion, it was the type that came with old age. Visibly the oldest of the group, Azbaar had a face that had seen many troubles. A large scar marked his right cheek and dark shadows showed the signs of many sleepless nights.

  "Well, I'm on my way home. Isn't that blatantly obvious," replied Estallion, astonished that he was being asked such a ridiculous question.

  "Nothing is blatantly obvious with you. That is the entire problem," Errollan noted. "The amount of mischief that you get up to in Precedin is beyond imagination. Do you know how many times General De Lamina has asked permission to banish you from the city?"

  "Were it not that your father, rest his soul, was a good friend of ours, you would be exiled from every city in the East," added Ludvic with a chuckle.

  Estallion laughed. "Oh Ludvic, don't joke. You and I know very well that without me the city... nay, the entire East, would crumble and fall apart. By all rights I should have your post, so I could actually do something good for the people. Not just sit on my rump, drinking the day away."

  "Do some good!" Ludvic blurted, laughing uncontrollably. "You would cause the downfall of our entire civilization."

  The entire company broke into laughter, even the hard faced Mandigal. Estallion himself couldn't help but giggle. Once the laughter had subsided Estallion asked, "So where are you off to then? Running from battle as usual."

  "Our business is our own, Bastion," Errollan added solemnly. "You would do well to keep your nose out of it. Trouble is brewing quicker than we had expected. Preparations must be made, and made hastily if we are to keep Precedin safe."

  Estallion nodded, his smile disappearing. All those Thibalt met in the East showed their concern regarding the struggle with Dargon. It made him question the attitude of the Westerners. Being on the other side of the nation, the people of the West had grown ignorant of the danger that Dargon presented. The deep hatred between the nations had begun the very moment that Dargon was separated from the rest of Kovi. The East had carried the burden of this hatred for as long as any could recall, whilst the West had come to know a life of relative peace and prosperity.

  "How long do you think we have before Zephra begins?" asked Estallion.

  For the first time Mandigal spoke. "You fools, it has already begun. Enemy troops enter Karmena as we speak and it will only be weeks until an assault is launched on Precedin."

  "How is it that Karmena is under attack? Does Nyrune herself not protect its borders?" Thibalt queried.

  "You are right Master Steelfist," replied Errollan. "The goddess has protected the Misty Forest in the past. But the Dargonians have found a way to enter the forest unchallenged. The Karmanian Council of Elders are attempting to once again raise Nyrune's defences, but from what we have heard they are having great trouble doing so."

  "Will Precedin be evacuated then?" asked Estallion.

  "Not the entire city," Ludvic answered. "We do not want to cause widespread panic. At the moment we are removing as many of the families as we can. It is slow work, but we will have half the city out within the month."

  "Fools!" interrupted Mandigal again, keeping his gaze on Thibalt. "You think it will matter if we evacuate the city. If Zephra manages to take Precedin, he will send legions over the river. Like a tide of darkness the armies of the Dargon will consume Feldom to the last inch of ground."

  Mandigal's speech silenced the entire group. Estallion was the first to break the silence. "You're a charming fellow, aren't you Mandigal."

  Mandigal smiled an awkward smile, one that was out of place on his stern face. "Unlike some, Bastion, I talk the truth and do not lace it with honey so that others might feel better for a brief moment, later realizing that death is inevitable."

  "Is there a heart underneath that breastplate? You really know how to suck the life out of the air don't you?" said Estallion, with a shake of his head.

  "You are not one to point the finger," butted in Ludvic. "I have seen you talk so much that your ramblings have sent men to their graves in search of peace." Ludvic was once again laughing uncontrollably.

  "I'd watch out old man," warned Estallion. "This much mirth could cause you some harm. You know your body is not as young as it used to be, back...what...some seventy...eighty years ago."

  "That's done it boy," roared Ludvic. "I believe you're already acquainted with Crunch and Crack." Ludvic continued, unhooking two axes from his horse's saddle; a small hatchet, that he had named Crunch, and a long hand axe named Crack.

  Errollan moved his horse in front of Ludvic's. "Alright now boys, enough play." It appeared to Thibalt that Errollan was a leader of sorts in the group, although as Maloreichar the
y all held equal rank.

  Estallion nudged Thibalt with his shoulder and with a smile whispered, "He loves it when you talk about his age." Thibalt was speechless. He could not believe that Estallion was casting fun at the most respected figures in the kingdom.

  Mandigal suddenly interrupted, "Thibalt Steelfist, listen to me."

  Thibalt almost jumped out of his saddle.

  "Two days past I had a unsettling dream," the pale Honour Guard continued. "Oddly enough I saw your face in it. I warn you it is no coincidence that we meet today. In my dream I saw great pain and sorrow in the eyes of many. I could not make sense of it, but I know that something will happen that will bring distress to us all. I do not know when, but I am sure that it will occur. Know this, the last thing that I saw was your face, stricken with great anguish and fear."

  Thibalt sat motionless, his heart beating rapidly. He felt a lump build in his throat and sweat bead on his forehead. There was a chilling presence about this man that made him extremely uncomfortable. Looking into Mandigal's eyes he felt lost in a labyrinth of darkness. A prison of endless twists and turns. Thibalt found himself thinking, Why is this man one of the Honour Guard? What good could he have possibly done for Feldom?

  Errollan broke the uncomfortable silence. "We have wasted too much time, let us be off. Farewell Estallion. Farewell Master Steelfist."

  The Maloreichar put on their helmets and rode off the bridge, heading down the road and towards the woods.

  Once the soldiers following them had passed Estallion turned to Thibalt and said, "There's an interesting story I have about them. I was on one of my routine visits to the market when a spice merchant accused me of having an account outstanding with him. Well I was sure that I'd never met the man before, and I argued my case quite thoroughly. Somehow though I don't think it helped. A sudden brawl broke out. Luckily I escaped unharmed, and I got away with a few bags of mint as well. A rather fruitful day really."

  Thibalt waited a moment, but Estallion had finished his story. "What does that have to do with the Honour Guard?" he asked.

  "The what?" replied Estallion. "Oh know come to think of it...I'm not quite sure."

  Thibalt simply let out a long sigh and urged Esree over the bridge towards Precedin. Estallion quickly resumed his stories.