Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 55

They tied the horses to a sturdy tree trunk using a special knot that Dievu had learnt as a child. It would slowly unravel itself over a week, ensuring that the horses would not remain restrained were their owners not to return. They left Vithanu and Polthus within reach of the small stream flowing down the slope, in an area that contained enough grass for them make it through the week. Christill took what he deemed he would need from Polthus' pack and gave the horse one final appreciative scratch behind the ears. "Thank you my loyal friend. Let's hope that I make it back to you."

  "Do not worry about the horses," said Dievu, as he was strapping on the last parts of his armour. "Be assured that they will be much safer than we are about to be."

  Christill nodded gravely. What chance did they have of rescuing the Queen? Two men against thirty, not even Dievu's magic could even odds that great.

  He looked up the rise to the rough path that cut through the footsteps of the Beon Ranges. The vicious mountains that spread out before him with their jagged peaks warned Christill of the dangers they faced. Even if they were to make it to the other side, they would be passing into Dargon.

  Dievu saw the desperation in Christill's eyes. "I do not wish to take you with me, Christill, but I have a duty to Triel and to be honest I may require your help to rescue her," he said softly.

  "I would go with you even if you commanded me not to," replied Christill. "Feldom is my home, and I also have a duty to Triel that I cannot run from. We must save her."

  Dievu smiled. "I truly hope that we will survive this adventure, Christill. You have the makings of a great disciple in you. It would be a crime to take you from this plane before you reach your full potential."

  "Well let's make sure that I survive," Christill added with a note of concern in his tone.

  Dievu heaved his pack onto his shoulder and began to march up the trail. Christill took a long hard look back towards the countryside of Feldom. Would he ever again walk amongst the mighty oaks and beautiful trees that dotted the landscape? His instinct led him to doubt, yet he would not linger on such concerns. If it was his time to die, then so be it.

  Dievu was already at the base of the mountain. The track rose up in between two of the larger mountains and then crept steeply up onto the side of the left peak. Christill lifted his pack and shouldered his bow. He then ran up the track to catch up to Dievu.

  "They followed this path," said Dievu as he looked at the marks left by the Dargonian assassins. "And they took their horses."

  "Then they are foolish," Christill remarked. "The horses will surely not survive the climb."

  "You are right, but the Primals are heartless and will use any means available to them to get out of Feldom quickly."

  Christill thought of the horrible things the assassins would be doing to the Queen and felt disgusted. He dismissed his thoughts and kept walking up towards Dargon. He had to hope.