Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 63

Dievu lowered himself down into the cushioned chair and let out a long yawn. He was so exhausted. The trip to the City of Skiye had been a long and painful one. He had tried to rest as little as possible and it showed. Dark bags loomed under his eyes and the pale skin on his face was drawn over his cheeks. Most of the serious damage caused by Novokai's attack had healed, but his body still ached immensely.

  Upon arriving in the capital he had gone straight to see the King. However Dieter had shown little sympathy and asked Dievu to talk with his advisors. Dievu had been so outraged at Dieter's lack of concern for his own wife that he had been on the brink of a physical outburst when the King had excused himself. So now he sat in the room of one of the King's advisors, waiting for her arrival.

  The door to the small room opened and a tall lady entered. She was wearing elegant robes of blue, black and white, marked at several spots with the symbol of Skiye. Though close to her fortieth summer on this world, she still carried with her a grace that could enchant most men. She held her light brown and blonde hair in a series of bundles behind her head, with one section flowing freely down her back from within the bundles. Dievu stared at the intricate detail in her dress and hair and shook his head. He could only imagine how long it would have taken her to prepare herself.

  "Dievu has been too long," she said in a kind voice.

  Dievu stood up and embraced her in a gentle hug. "A single day away from you is too long, Thee."

  Elephtheria Oliseh, member of the first and highest order of the disciples of Skiye and advisor to the King, smiled and sat down in a chair facing Dievu. The room was small but well decorated, with fine silks hanging on the walls and lush cushions scattered on the floor. It was meant to be a council room, but had been converted by Elephtheria into a room to entertain her guests in.

  She poured two glasses of scented wine from a small bottle sitting on a table next to her and handed one to Dievu. Dievu drank and closed his eyes as he felt the satisfying flavours caress his tongue. He looked at Elephtheria and remembered the days that they had spent together in the past, learning, discussing and simply enjoying each others company. Both had been top students in their academies and had become quick friends after Dievu's appointment as the Karmanian emissary.

  "You must be exhausted. You have been riding for days," said Elephtheria, with genuine concern in her words.

  "It is not as bad as it could have been. After I left the Ranges I managed to contact the Elders in Duathnin. Once I was assured that they would call for help I used what power I had to heal myself and reach the river," he replied. "I was lucky to find a ferry that was heading down river. It carried me here much more swiftly than I had envisioned. But I must ask you, Thee, has a rescue party been sent."

  "I am sure that it has been. I believe Kilthies has taken his Blade's to Precedin."

  Dievu sighed with great relief. "I am glad that the Council sent Kilthies to aid the Honour Guard."

  "On the contrary," said Elephtheria. "Kilthies took his men against the Council's wishes. He was supposed to relay the message and return to his duties, but instead he left and took the Blade's with him."

  Dievu placed his wine glass on the table next to him. "That is interesting news. Why would Kilthies go against the wishes of the Elders? He holds more authority with them than even I... But that is not important now. As long as a rescue is under way, I can rest slightly more assured."

  Elephtheria smiled. "You look like you need it. Yet I wish to talk with you before you take your much needed rest."

  "Of course, Thee."

  Elephtheria's face turned grim. "Some days ago you must have seen the storm that covered our world?"

  "Yes, I not only saw but felt its great power," replied Dievu.

  "The storm was no natural event, you would know this. We all felt a strange force within it, but have no knowledge of how it came to be." She turned her gaze away and took a sip from her glass. "I do not know whether you know, but on the night of the storm a vast bridge rose from the ground of Lake Moonsong... a vile creation made of bone."

  Dievu's hand went to his head. "I knew something had happened. I could feel it. I can still feel it."

  "We can all feel it, Dievu. But there is something beyond that ghastly bridge that has changed. We have talked with Skiye but we have not gained any understanding from her. She has begun to speak in riddles."

  "I also had trouble contacting Nyrune after the storm," commented Dievu.

  Elephtheria nodded. "We will continue to talk with Skiye to find some answers, but the bridge remains our biggest concern at the moment. We have tried everything that we can think of to destroy it, but there is a foul magic that holds it together. All attempts have failed." Her voice faltered as she finished.

  "What is it?" asked Dievu softly, recognizing the anguish in his friends face.

  "On the night of the storm our disciples launched an attack on the bridge. The attempt failed and they were all killed by the bridge's own power," Elephtheria began to cry. Dievu walked over to her and held her in his arms. Through a muffled voice she added, "My brother was amongst them."