Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 91



  "Not long now," called Estallion as they passed the freshwater stream flowing across the trail. "We should see the walls of Precedin within moments."

  Thibalt smiled and felt the anxiety wash from his mind. The final trek through the Beon Ranges had been exhausting and dangerous, but they had made the journey. He looked forward to a cold mug of ale and a warm feather down bed.

  The rocky passage they travelled had long ago been paved by the founders of Precedin to hold a quick entrance into the mountains. To either side of them loomed rough walls that then joined the sides of the two small peaks, Car'thei and Derun Un.

  The way began to slope upwards and Christill brought his mount up next to Esree. He nudged Thibalt and asked, "So what happens to you when we arrive in Precedin?"

  Thibalt thought for a long moment. "I will see if I am needed in the city. Then I will depart for the City of Skiye," he replied.

  "Why the capital?" asked Christill.

  Thibalt's face blushed slightly red and he shuffled nervously in his saddle. "I am to be married."

  Christill paused for a moment in shock, then shouted out a cheer and slapped his brother on the back. "That is wonderful, Thibalt. Why did you not tell me this before?"

  "Well, I had other things on my mind," he responded, sheepishly. " To be honest until you asked me I had almost forgotten. Her name is Miera. You must come with me and join us for the wedding."

  "I would not have it any other way," replied Christill. "And you, Estallion. Will you join us?"

  Estallion looked over with a childish grin and replied, "I am not sure that I should. You might find your future wife running off with me on the night of the wedding."

  Thibalt raised his brow mockingly. "More likely she will be running away from you, Estallion." They shared a chuckle and for the first time in a long while the mood in the company was elated.

  At the head of the group Errollan and Ludvic rode with Kilthies. They spurred their horses to move quicker and began to head up a rise that blocked the view to the north.

  "I am glad to once again hear the sound of laughter amongst our men. It has been long overdue," commented Kilthies.

  "Yes, there has not been much to be merry about of late," agreed Errollan.

  "At least when we get back to Precedin we will be able to rest our sore backs and feast upon some freshly roasted boar," added Ludvic, licking his lips in anticipation. "Like the feasts we used to have. Remember, Errollan?"

  Errollan's lips curved into a smirk as he remembered his time as army general in Precedin. Many times they had feasted and held tournaments and banquets and balls. But that time was gone. His smile slowly disappeared as reality once again took hold.

  Fliethu and Luss, who where riding with Queen Triel, stopped their horses and held up their hands. The company halted and remained completely still. Kilthies moved up to Fliethu and nodded. "I sense it as well."

  "The smell of fire and ash. The stench of death," muttered Fliethu.

  Luss closed her eyes to concentrate and then seconds later gasped out aloud, nearly falling from her saddle. She held her hand to her heart and tried to calm her breathing.

  "What did you see?" asked Errollan.

  "Precedin," she breathed.

  Kilthies motioned for the company to draw their weapons. He then began to ride up the rise followed by those able to fight. Christill remained with Queen Triel and two injured Feldonians. The company raced to the top of the rise, but slammed their heels to halt at the sight before them. Most were left breathless, yet some cried out in anger and disbelief.

  Errollan gazed out upon the City of War. His stomach cramped as he peered down upon the charred remains of the mighty bastion of the Feldonian army. The fishing village was no more, burnt to ashes during the start of the siege. Beyond the great eastern wall the inner city lay in ruins, with the broken shells of buildings left standing amongst a sea of blackened ash. The army of Dargon walked through the city, clad in their dark armour and even now still bearing the bodies of fallen Feldonian soldiers to a great pyre.

  The bile rose in Thibalt's throat as he looked upon the pile of human bodies that the Dargonians had erected in the city centre. He turned his eyes out to the skeletal bridge that loomed ominously over Lake Moonsong and saw contingents of men marching over the bones to enter Feldom. "Even more of them enter as we watch," he whispered.

  Ludvic looked out at the bridge with watery eyes and clenched his fists in anger as he watched the ranks of the Dargonian army bolster. "A great crime has been committed here. Zephra will suffer for this," he vowed.

  Errollan switched his vision to the Guardhouse of Oril which still stood unscathed in the midst of Precedin. Upon its roof hung a massive banner, almost twenty foot in height, bearing a white bear upon a black and scarlet background. On the bears forehead was a ruby carved in the image of the star of Gushkall. "Great did this happen?" he exhaled.

  Kilthies, realising they were standing out in the open, came about and waved for them to head back down the rise. They turned and returned to Christill and the Queen. "It seems as though Dargon's army is greater than we had anticipated," indicated Kilthies. "To have taken Precedin that quickly they must have indeed fought a mighty battle. Hopefully enough people were able to flee the city before it was overrun."

  "By the look of that pyre, it seems that most of our men stood and fought," said Guard Captain Harrinus sombrely.

  "I cannot believe it," said Errollan softly. "Precedin has never fallen. It is the City of War. The unwavering stronghold...We should have been there."

  "Don't speak nonsense," scolded Ludvic. "If Guthrum could not hold the city, we would have made no difference. We would be lying amongst the fallen on that horrid pile of bodies."

  "The Council of Elders must have known that this would happen," said Errollan. "That is why they insisted that the Honour Guard join the rescue and leave Precedin."

  "They may have had their suspicions, but they could not have known that the city would fall so quickly," retorted Fliethu.

  "What happens now?" asked Harrinus, who felt lost now that his city had been sacked.

  "We have only one choice," answered Ludvic. "We must ride to the King. From there we can make our plans. We still have to bring Triel to safety."

  Kilthies agreed. "That seems the wisest choice." They turned their mounts and made their way south, following a trail that would lead them out into the fields east of Dunhelm.

  Once the grasslands came into view and they had escaped the shadows of the snow capped mountains, Kilthies called a halt. "Make your way to Dunhelm, then from there head back to the capital," he said. "Unfortunately, my friends, this is where our assistance stops. The Thaldun Blades must return to the forest, for Karmena's soldier's number few and we are much needed there. If Precedin has fallen then our borders are no doubt under siege as well."

  "Then I thank you dearly for your help, Kilthies," whispered the tired Queen. "I will never forget what you and your men have done for me. Junn Fielre and Oeroph Niim will be honoured forever more," she promised, speaking of the departed Blades.

  Kilthies and the other Blades bowed low in their saddles and said their goodbyes. Fliethu approached Thibalt and grabbed his hand. "Farewell Thibalt, I am glad to have met you."

  "The honour is mine," replied Thibalt, feeling humbled.

  "I sense an air of destiny around you and your brother. It is no coincidence that your lives have become intertwined with the fate of our Alliance. Keep safe and watch your back. I pray to Nyrune that we may meet again under less dire circumstances," finished Fliethu. riding off to join Utith who was waiting for the others.

  Estallion approached Luss before she rode off to join Fliethu. "I will greatly miss one as beautiful as you," he said reaching down to kiss her hand. Luss laughed and grabbed Estallion's hand in her own.

  "Never has a man won my heart Estallion, I am a warrior, I do not find the time
to love," she said kindly.

  "And I have always been one to enjoy a challenge," replied Estallion smugly. Luss let out a soft laugh and pulled Estallion's head to her own. She kissed him on the cheek then pulled away with a grin on her face. "Until the next time our paths cross, Estallion."

  As she rode off to join the other Blades, Estallion called out hastily. "How do I know that there will be a next time?"

  Luss turned in her saddle. "You will have to make sure of it," she replied.

  Thibalt moved over to Estallion trying to hold back his laughter. "Well, it appears as though the charming Estallion Bastion has met his match."

  "Never!" replied Estallion defiantly. "There is no women that can have power over me." Thibalt and Christill smiled as the Blades waved one final time then rode off. Estallion could not take his eyes off Luss and felt a deep regret once she had passed from his view.

  Errollan addressed those remaining. "Well, let us ride. We must reach safety by nightfall."

  What remained of the company then moved southwest along the Beon Ranges headed for the City of Skiye.