Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 93

"This way, please," motioned the Squire. Christill followed the young page through the furnished corridors and up to a darkened door. He wore a simple green shirt and leather breeches that the King's servants had provided. After a warm bath, Thibalt had departed from their temporary quarters in the palace to find his future wife. Christill had sat in silence for most of the day, revelling in the chance to rest his exhausted body. Then, before the sun had fully set, the young squire had arrived at his door and requested his presence. The boy had not told Christill who had sent for him and had merely insisted that Christill follow him.

  The Squire motioned for Christill to open the door and left him alone. Christill stood for a moment and then turned the small brass handle. The room he walked into was decorated with heavy drapes that blocked out the windows, and around the room light flickered from scented candles that were sending streams of pungent spice into the air. Three chairs faced a small round table in the centre of the room and from the only occupied seat Christill's host rose.

  "It is a blessing to see you alive my young pupil," greeted Dievu.

  Christill looked upon Dievu in utter surprise. He had no idea that Dievu was in the city, but now that he did he was overcome with a feeling of warmth towards his master. He walked over to Dievu and embraced his arm in a friendly greeting. "It is good to see you," replied Christill.

  Dievu inclined his head and gestured for him to take a seat. Once they both were comfortably seated Dievu spoke. "I thought I would give you some time to rest before I called you."

  "I wish that you had summoned me earlier, for I would have liked to know that you were here, and in good health," replied Christill. "I am glad no harm came to you after your fight with Novokai." Christill almost spat the name.

  "I almost died in that fight," said Dievu. "Luckily I was able to make it back to Vithanu and Polthus before Novokai had finished me off."

  "Is Polthus alive?" queried Christill.

  "Yes he is," said Dievu. "And also in good health. I am sure he will be ecstatic to see you once more."

  Christill rested back in his chair and for a while they sat in silence. "I must thank you for getting word about my capture to the Honour Guard . Were it not for you, my brother would have not known of my peril and would have likely fallen in Precedin."

  "The world moves in strange patterns, Christill. Your brother was one of the lucky few. But for now onto other matters. We need not worry about the past, for it has happened and we can do little to change it. We must worry only about the present and the future."

  "What kind of a future is there in times like these? Where monsters walk the land and savage armies kill our loved ones," replied Christill.

  "Your future has not changed, Christill. Though this war will affect us all, you will play no part in it for the time being."

  "Why not?" questioned Christill, feeling that Dievu was patronising him.

  "Because you are coming with me to Karmena. Do not think that you have avoided your training in the Academy because of this slight obstacle," answered Dievu.

  "Slight obstacle!" blurted Christill. "I almost died, twice!"

  "Nevertheless, I still wish for you to accompany me and enter the Academy of Nyrune," Dievu replied.

  Christill suddenly found himself questioning Dievu's motives. Maybe Novokai was right and Dievu was trying to manipulate him. He had never mentioned anything about the Children Valerious. "Why are you so eager to place me into the Academy?"

  "Because I believe you have what it takes to become a disciple of Nyrune. I have seen it within you," responded Dievu.

  "What did you see?" asked Christill. "A Be'Ruchta?"

  Dievu's face clearly displayed his amazement at hearing Christill refer to this piece of arcane knowledge. "It seems that Novokai has told you a few things about the Valiant."

  "He told me you must have known all along that I was one of the Children Valerious. Why did you not tell me this?"

  "What good would it have done?" responded Dievu swiftly. "Your current knowledge of magic is so miniscule that you could not even begin to grasp what this means."

  Christill moved to the edge of his seat, gripping the chair tightly. "From what Novokai told me I have been chosen by the gods to become a disciple. The Be'Ruchta allows my body to adapt to magic with ease."

  "Yes Christill, you are one of the rare Valiant. You have been chosen by the gods to become a disciple. But what does that mean to you now?" shot back Dievu. "I did you a favour by keeping this information from you. When Karmanians enter the Academy of Nyrune, and it is found that they are of the Children Valerious, they are not told that they hold the Be'Ruchta. Firstly because they do not have the knowledge to fully comprehend what this means, and secondly because it would only make them arrogant."

  Christill fell back into his chair, finding himself beaten by Dievu's logic. "You are right, Master. I am sorry I burst out like that. I don't take kindly to people keeping secrets from me and I thought that you were just using me for your own good."

  "You must control your feelings," said Dievu, softening his tone. "You were played for a fool by Novokai, who was trying to use your emotions against you. He likely believed that by promising you power and telling you that I have deceived you, he would be able to sway your loyalties. Once again your past came back to haunt you."

  "I should have known better...I am honestly sorry," replied Christill, feeling ashamed of his outburst.

  "Do not worry. When you begin your studies in Karmena things will begin to become clearer. You must remember that the four races have very different views on the laws that govern this world and the magic that flows through it. Even though Silphuras Hilke found many answers, there are countless things that we do not know and many things that are constantly under debate."

  Christill took in Dievu's advice and was startled by a knock on the door. Dievu called for the person to enter and the door slowly swung open. Christill recognized the woman who walked into the room. He had seen her talking with the Queen in the King's Throne room.

  "Ah Thee, take a seat," bade Dievu. "Christill I would like to introduce you to Elephtheria Oliseh, member of the first order of Skiye, loyal advisor to the King, and a very dear and old friend."

  Christill stood and bowed courteously. As he rose he found himself admiring her graceful figure and realized on closer inspection that she was far more beautiful than he had originally thought. Despite the obvious difference in age, he found himself completely captivated by the elegant aura that surrounded her.

  "Queen Triel speaks highly of you, Christill," said Elephtheria.

  "She is too kind," he replied. "I hope that she is well."

  "She is as well as could be expected considering what she has been through."

  Christill shuddered as he recalled Novokai's torture of Queen Triel. He had been so powerless to help her, yet he felt somewhat responsible inside. Dievu and Elephtheria began to talk about the court and many issues that were unknown to Christill, so he sat quietly and listened in on their discussion. The conversation slowly moved to Dievu and Elephtheria's childhood and he joined in.

  Christill and Elephtheria spoke well into the sunset. She was wise beyond her age and a bond quickly grew between them. She was the first person that he could talk to as a friend without any self consciousness or fright, and he found himself telling her many things that he never would have shared with anyone else. After a long while the candles began to wane and Christill realized that the hours had passed much quicker than he had thought.

  "I must retire, Dievu," announced Christill. "I have enjoyed this conversation more than you could imagine. This is the first time in a long while that I have been able to talk openly amongst friends, with no spite or doubt in my mind."

  "I am glad, Christill," replied Dievu. "I will be returning to Karmena in eight days. I suggest you make the most of your remaining time here."

  "And what will you be doing during your last days in Feldom?" asked Elephtheria.

  "My b
rother Thibalt is to be wed," said Christill happily. "I am sure that I will be busy celebrating."

  "Well if you find a spare moment, pay me a visit before you leave. Your company would be much appreciated," replied Elephtheria with a warming smile.

  "And where would I find you?" asked Christill.

  "Ask for me at the Academy. One of the disciples will show you to my room," she answered. "Oh and Christill, call me Thee. All of my friends do."

  Christill smiled and walked out of the room. As he made his way back to his own quarters his mind lingered on Elephtheria. "Maybe I will pay her a visit before I leave," he said softly to the empty corridor.