Read Dead Angels Page 20

Chapter Twenty

  Desperate to see Melody again, I waited for her. I wanted to know that she was okay. I prayed that her mum hadn't made her suffer for what she had done at school. When Melody arrived, I would tell her that she didn't have to return home, that she could come to The Hollows with me. I waited at the bush for hours, and just when I thought she would never show, I saw a figure heading along the shore towards me. With my heart leaping in my chest, I raced towards her. But as I drew closer, I knew it wasn't her. It was Ray, and I prepared myself for some childish taunts.

  "Isidor, I need to speak to you!" he shouted, hurrying towards me.

  "I'm not in the mood, Ray. Have you forgotten our agreement?" I hissed at him.

  "It's about Melody. I've got some news about Melody," he persisted.

  I stopped in my tracks, turned, and eyed him suspiciously. "This better not be the build-up to some kinda sick joke, because if it is. . . "

  "No, no, it's not, I promise," he pushed, sounding out of breath.

  "Okay," I said. "What do you know?"

  "Melody's mum is sending her away!"

  "Sending her where?"

  "Dunno. I just know that after that incident at the pool, her mum has decided to send her away. "

  "How do you know all this," I quizzed, still suspicious that what he was telling me was a lie.

  "My mum goes to the same prayer group as Melody's mum. Apparently, they've all been talking and praying about it. They say she's evil and must be sent way!"

  My stomach somersaulted at hearing this and I began to panic. "When's she going? Do you know when?" I pleaded.

  "Right now," Ray gasped, still drawing breath.

  I turned on my heels and began to set off, then looking back at Ray I said, "Why would you help me like this? You hate me and Melody. "

  "I've kinda been thinking a lot lately, especially since Melody did her thing at the pool today. She ain't all bad, I guess. I was hoping we could put all that other stuff behind us - if you wanted to, that is?"

  "You surprise me, Ray," I said, genuinely shocked. "I thought you were a dumbass, but maybe I was wrong about you, too. Thanks for your help. I owe you one. "

  "No, you don't. I think that makes us even. Now get out of here, before you miss your friend. "

  I ran as fast as I could to Melody's house.

  I turned into the road that led to her home and nearly got mowed down by Melody's mother as she sped towards me in her car. I pressed myself against the bushes, and as she passed, I caught a glimpse of Melody sitting motionlessly in the backseat. Her face was grey and I could see that her long, pink hair had all been shaved off. Melody had no hair left; she looked like a prisoner of war. The car slowed as it neared the bottom of the track and I ran alongside it, banging on the window to get Melody's attention.

  "Melody! It's me, Melody!" I shouted.

  She looked at me through the window and her face was expressionless. I banged again with my fist against the side of the car.

  "Melody! Melody!"

  The car reached the end of the track, then sped up as it turned onto the main road. I knew that I could keep up with the car; If I released my wings, but I couldn't risk being seen. The humans didn't like different, my mother had told me that. With all the air that I had left in my lungs, I shouted one last time at the disappearing car.


  I saw the taillights glow an angry red as the car slowed at the stop-lights up ahead. I thought about chasing after it again, but I knew in my heart that by the time I had drawn level with it, the lights would have changed to 'GO' and the car would be gone again. Then suddenly, I saw the back door fly open and Melody jumped out. She started to run as fast as she could towards me. I raced forwards like a runner flying out of the starting-blocks. I ran as fast as I could towards her, down the centre of the road. I was aware of the sound of cars breaking hard and the wailing sounds of car horns as drivers honked at me.

  "Get out of the road!" someone shouted.

  I blocked these sounds out and ran towards my friend. We reached each other and Melody fell into my arms.

  "She's sending me away, Isidor. She's sending me away!" Melody panted.

  "Where's she sending you?" I asked desperately.

  "I don't know," she said and I could see the fear in her eyes.

  "When will you be back?"

  "I don't think I ever will. She's sending me away for good!"

  "Come with -" I started, but Melody was being yanked away from me.

  "Keep away from her!" Melody's mum yelled, pulling at her.

  "Let her stay," I begged.

  "It's because of wicked boys like you that I'm sending her away!" she seethed.

  She began to wrestle with Melody as she pulled her back towards the car, which was now completely blocking the road with a queue of cars behind it, all blasting their horns. Melody managed to break free from her mum and came running back towards me again. She threw her arms around me and whispered in my ear.

  "I love you, Isidor. Thank you for being my friend. "

  "I love you too, Melody. Please don't go!" I said, beginning to feel the burning sensation of tears on my cheeks. "Stay. I'll miss you. . . come with me. . . "

  Her mum was on us again. This time she was trying to wedge herself between us and prise us apart.

  "Leave my daughter alone, you evil boy!" she seethed.

  "But she's my friend. . . " I tried to reason with her through my tears.

  "She doesn't need a friend like you!" she screamed, pulling at the both of us.

  I looked at Melody and her eyes were red and streaming with tears.

  "I'm so glad I got to meet you, Melody" I cried as I let go of her hand.

  The sleeve of her dress rode up her arm and I could see purple coloured rope burns eating into her wrists. It was then I realised I had to let her go. Wherever her mum was sending Melody, it had to be better than being stuck with her.

  I watched without moving, as she dragged Melody back to her car, bundling her onto the backseat. I stood and cried as I watched Melody peering at me through the rear window. I didn't move from that spot until she disappeared into the distance and out of my life. It was then, as I stood alone, I realised there was something wrapped around my fingers. I looked down and saw Melody's rosary beads swinging from my hand. Unwinding them, I placed them around my neck and have never taken them off.