Read Dead College (Horror, Zombie Apocalypse, Walking Dead, Drama) Page 1

Dead College


  Kent Reaper

  Copyright © 2013 by Kent Reaper

  * * * * *

  A college football quarterback on his way back to class stumbles upon his zombie classmate feasting on their dead professor and realizes that the world as he knew it has been completely destroyed.

  Zack Holloway's scared. He's confused, he's disoriented. He asks himself what's going on. But he doesn't know. It's not like anyone's alive to tell him anyway. Just a short trip to the bathroom, a welcome break from the geology class that puts him to sleep and his world is turned upside down. He sees things that defy explanation: His classmate eating his professor, his professor getting up, shrugging off fatal injuries and coming for him.

  Zack knows he must get out of this nightmare. But when he's inadvertently trapped in the faculty building by a fellow survivor, he soon discovers that the living may be even more dangerous than the monstrous undead.

  If you like this story, I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a review or email me at [email protected] with your comments and critique! Spread the word about my work. It helps me so much more than you know. :)

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the seller website and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  More Stories by Kent Reaper

  About Kent Reaper

  Chapter 1

  * * * * *

  Zack Holloway stood at the doorway. He willed his legs to move, to carry himself away from the mess of blood and his professor's entrails in front of him. But he just, couldn't, budge.

  His arm shot out and grabbed the wooden frame of the open doorway for support. Zack's legs were trembling like they were made of jelly, and he knew he might collapse from fear at anytime. But the second he did, he would be vulnerable. Vulnerable to the jaws of the undead monster in front of him.

  He watched, shocked as what was once his geology classmate devoured the raw flesh of his professor like it was the tastiest thing in the world.

  Its victim lay on the ground, eyes up, staring blankly towards the ceiling, devoid of life. His entrails spilling out like no tomorrow.

  Was it instinct? No, it was pure madness. Zack's heart leapt to his mouth as he tried to will himself to leave this ghastly sight. But for some reason (maybe because the zombie hadn't noticed him yet), he couldn't.

  He was more curious than anything about this strange and rapid transformation of events that happened so far today.

  Zack's morning started out like most other mornings, with him oversleeping and being late for class. Chemistry was boring enough, but then he had geology after which added to his dread of miserable Monday. Still, the sight of his dead geology professor had changed everything.


  His zombie classmate dropped the piece of flesh he held in his hands onto the ground. Blood dripping from the side of his mouth. Grotesque. Disgusting.

  Like an unwanted miracle Zack's eyes widened in horror as his professor slowly sat up, as the life of some twisted creature filled its eyes and gave it the driving motivations of evil.

  This is bad, real bad, worse than I’ve ever imagined!

  A million frantic thoughts raced through his mind.

  How was this even scientifically possible?! All notions of reality were shattered in an instant. Could the dead actually come back to life? Is Prof. Hadley going to do unto others what that zombie had done unto him?

  Professor Hadley sat up slowly. His once fluid movements were now stiff from a premature onset of rigor mortis.

  Zack let out an audible gasp before immediately covering his mouth and berating himself mentally for his stupidity. Sure, this was too much for him, for anyone to handle, in fact. But he simply didn't have time to ponder whether he had the stomach or heart for whatever lay ahead of his life.

  Professor Hadley turned its head towards Zack. It was at an odd angle, like it was already broken. But that didn't stop the cannibalistic impulses that drove its black heart wild with lust for Zack's living flesh.

  "Mwarrrgh!" Professor Hadley let out a slow groan of hungry motivation, alerting the zombie that ate his guts towards the prospect of a fresh meal.

  "Fuck, fuck me!" Zack whimpered. He knew he should have left when he had the chance to. From when there was one distracted zombie feasting upon a fresh corpse, now there were now two zombies with an insatiable hunger for his living flesh.

  The idea of painful death and eternal suffering after didn't really sit well with Zack. Strength rapidly came back into his legs as he took off, bolting down the corridor in a desperate bid to seek help.

  He turned round, watching as the two zombies shambled singularly after him. While he was thankfully pulling away from them, and fast, his fists reminded him of the unsettling fact that in a crisis like this, he simply wasn't ready.

  "Help!" He screamed as he dashed past the door to a classroom.

  The door burst open.

  Zack turned his to check who - oh god, there's more of them!

  Another three zombies trudged into the corridor and began their creeping pursuit.

  Fuck, I shouldn't have done that.

  But it was too late. Zack could only keep his eyes and ears peeled for the next corner or door that seemed to promise him salvation. As far as he could tell, yelling wasn't going to help his bid for survival. In fact, it seemed like he was the only one alive in the Faculty of Geological Sciences.

  How could this even have happened so quickly? Zack thought as he made strides towards the building's main entrance, turning at every corner he saw whenever there were loitering zombies in sight ahead of him.

  Geology was boring, as usual. It was obvious why he was the one out of the only nine students that signed up for that class. Coming out from the bathroom after washing his face to perk himself up, Zack didn't know any better until he pushed open the lecture theater door to find his professor dead and his classmate… undead.

  He wanted to scream, to cry. He desperately wanted to live. But he couldn't do them all at once. Hell, he didn't even have time to grab his bag before leaving. But at the very least, in this moment, he was still alive.

  Zack turned a last corner. The faculty's main entrance was in sight!

  Yes! He could almost shriek in joy, only that such an expression of the living would definitely attract more of the undead, more undead than he ever thought could exist.

  There were only two zombies between him and freedom. With any luck and his football training, he could sidestep both zombies and make his way to -

  "Who're you?! Help me!" Zack couldn't help but mouth as the figure of a stranger suddenly leapt out of the door nearest to the entrance. A knot of long, blonde hair bobbed behind her as she took the three necessary steps out the main entrance.

  "Wait!" Zack called out. He didn't care that the zombies in front of him had noticed, not when there was another survivor, someone who could tell him what
was going on.

  He dodged the first zombie, easily sidestepping its lazy attempt to tackle him down… only to see the entrance doors being swung shut.

  "NO!" Zack cried. He shoved the second zombie to the side, not bothering to see how it fell against the wall with a dull thud.

  He had reached the doors, crashed to them even. But they stayed shut, refusing to budge.

  "No! What the fuck! Who're you! Why would you do this to me!"

  Zack pressed his face against the tiny glass panel on the double doors, his eyes furiously darting about at the culprit that had just foiled his escape and condemned him to death.

  "Who're you! Show yourself!" Zack screamed, pounding his fists furiously on the door's heavy wooden surface.

  A face suddenly showed up at the panel, causing Zack to step back in shock.

  Her dirty blonde hair didn't mar her acute feminine features. But apart from the fresh scratch on her cheek, her eyes betrayed a horror that Zack understood and shared.

  "Help me! Open the door! Let me out! Please!" Zack pleaded wildly.

  Through his haze of panic, he recognized her at last. It was Kelly, the demure blonde girl that sat a few rows in front of him at Professor Hadley's class.

  If anybody knew what had just transpired in that cursed lecture theater, it would definitely be her.

  "Help me! Why won't you help!" Zack mouthed again, a look of desperate rage was written all over his face.

  The girl shook her head sadly and took a step back.

  Sorry. She mouthed. Shuffling back, she broke his hopes with each further step before turning and dashing away.

  "Wait! Please! Fuck!" Zack cried. This bitch had sealed his fate. For a second, he briefly thought about all the nasty things he would do to her if he turned into a zombie.


  That haunting voice of the death forced him into attention in an instant. This was no time to plot revenge. Reality had come knocking.

  Zack turned to see the two zombies slowly shambling towards him. Far off, down the corridor, what Zack saw almost made him piss his pants.

  A literal horde of fucking undead was coming for him, a horde so thick he simply couldn't see the end of the corridor through them.

  "Great, just great." Zack muttered under his breath.

  He turned round and peeked through the panel once more, seeing a mop jammed between the door handles of the double doors on the other side, trapping him in here. If he could summon more strength that he had, maybe he could kick his way out.

  But with seconds to spare and the focus of his vision rapidly narrowing at the wall of moaning undeath coming for him, he simply had no time to even think.

  I'm so fucked!

  Chapter 2

  * * * * *