Read Dead College (Horror, Zombie Apocalypse, Walking Dead, Drama) Page 4

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  "Please help me. He's crazy, he's asking -"

  "Shut upp!" The janitor growled, drawing out that last syllable and silencing her instantly.

  "Now," the janitor turned to Zack. "I let you live already. Hell, I even gave you something to defend yourself with, which, I might add, judging by how bloody it already is, has saved your life many times over."

  Zack nodded, noting with much trepidation the massive shotgun the janitor now held in his hand.

  "M-Max, am I right?"

  The janitor scowled instantly.

  "How'd you know my name?!" He snarled, bringing the shotgun up to his shoulders and taking aim at Zack.

  "No! No! Please, wait!" Zack raised his hands in surrender once more, unable to shake off that dreadful sense of déjà vu. "It was the guy you shot in front of me. He called you Max as he pleaded for his life. I swear, that's how I know."

  "Jesus, he killed someone already? This guy is nuts, I tell you! Please, just stop him!" Kelly pleaded.

  The janitor swiftly trained his aim right back on her who immediately shut her eyes and stifled a squeal of horror.

  "One more word out of you, bitch, and I'll make sure you never rise again, dead or alive!"

  She nodded hastily, pleading with Zack with her eyes once more, beseeching him for her very life.

  "Now, boy." Max started, lowering his shotgun slightly. "You know I have to check if she’s bit. Seeing as you're as healthy as can be, you're probably not bit yet. Good, I guess I was right in giving you that wrench after all. Step away now, and we can both forget this ever happened."

  Zack was stunned speechless. This Max character was clearly suited to survive this zombie apocalypse. Cunning, athletic, resourceful, brutal, Max had done well under this circumstances, so well that even Zack found it hard to resist.

  For a split second, the thought of leaving this scene as it was crossed his mind.

  This is the same girl that left me to die after all. Isn't it simple human nature to let her feel how I felt when she abandoned me?

  But the same annoying conscience that egged him to abandon escape was there once more, like the desperate plea for help in that girl's eyes, it ate away at his insides.

  If he were to leave now, he would leave a changed man. If he were to stay and risk his life for the girl that just left him for dead an hour ago, assuming he survived, he would end up a changed man too. And who's to say that she won't just run off and leave him to die once again?

  He didn't know if he could trust Kelly. But what he knew for sure was that with someone as unstable Max holding onto the most intimidating weapon in the room, he definitely couldn't trust this janitor's words.

  "Step away, boy. I'll count to three. If you're still here…" His voice trailed off, leaving nothing but menace in his eyes.

  "Please…" Kelly whispered.

  Max turned his aim back towards her. "I warned ya, you stupid bitch! I'll teach you what happens when you don't listen!" He snarled.

  This window of distraction was all Zack needed. He leapt on instinct, his football training served him well as he tackled Max to the ground.

  Bang! The shotgun went off with an earsplitting crack.

  Zack tensed up, stunned for a split second.

  "I'm all right!" She cried.

  This was all the good news he needed. He must have thrown off Max's aim in time.

  They rolled on the ground, grappling, punching, fighting each other like their lives depended on it.

  Zack couldn't think, he wasn't much of a fighter. He only played football. But his build and youth gave him an advantage over the much older janitor. His hand brushed against the janitor's pocket. The hard lump of metal in the shape of an 'L' sent him into a fit of excitement.

  If only I can reach it…

  He grappled with purpose now, reaching for the janitor's pocket the best he could.

  In a sudden burst of strength, Max threw Zack off of him without warning, leaving the football quarterback crashing against the floor, stunned.

  Zack struggled to keep his wits about him. Stars flashed in and out of his vision.

  No, I can't black out now, keep it together man!

  The chilling sound of the shotgun expunging its prior shell rang in his ears, the one sound he didn't ever want to hear.

  He looked up, only to see Max pointing it directly in the dead center of his forehead, execution-style.

  "I should have shot you when I had the chance before. Well… not going to make that mistake again." Max muttered.

  Zack shut his eyes.


  Zack opened his eyes.

  A split second later, he was tackling Max back onto the ground, only this time, he was on top and in control.

  Max swung wildly, clocking Zack in the jaw. Zack returned the favor with a well placed head butt.

  The janitor fell back. A couple of shotgun shells spilled from his pocket out onto the floor.

  Zack dug his hand into the janitor's pocket. Never did the feeling of a revolver give him so much hope, so much security, so much power.

  Zack thanked god for his reflexes as he aimed the gun at the janitor's head this time.

  "Not making any mistakes with you either - Ow!" Zack cried out in pain as he dropped the revolver.

  In a shock move, Max had lashed out, sinking his teeth into Zack's wrist and refusing to let go.

  Zack didn't know what to do. Pain shot up his wrist as he punched Max's head in a futile attempt to relieve himself of the pain.

  Just as suddenly as before, Max let go.

  Zack recoiled, clutching his bitten wrist with his other hand. He looked at Max, only to the find himself on the wrong end of the revolver once more.

  "Welcome to hell." Max smirked.

  Zack stared. The reversal of fortune was his greatest hope and now his biggest disappointment. He wanted to shut his eyes, to tell himself that this wasn't happening, that everything was all right. But that was just silly.

  He was staring death in the face after all.

  Chapter 5