Read Dead End (english version) Page 2

Iveth: Yvonne come here, I want to brush your hair before you go to sleep.

  I yawn while I nod my head.

  Iveth decided to sit in the middle of her bed and after I sat in front of her, she takes my hair and start combing it with her soft hands.

  Iveth: Of what were you running away when I found you?

  That question takes me by surprise and I respond...

  Yvonne: Listen, I'll stay only for a few days, I do not wish to be a problem for you or your family.

  Iveth insists and asks me again...

  Iveth: Of what were you running away when I found you?

  I just smile.

  Yvonne: You have a nice family.

  She tells me...

  Iveth: If my parents would trust more in me, we would be a really nice family.

  And I say it...

  Yvonne: Trust is earned through our actions.

  She asks me...

  Iveth: Where are you from Yvonne?

  And I answer.

  Yvonne: I'm from a beautiful and green place.

  When Iveth perceives that I've no intention of talking about myself she tells me that she was born in the city and lived all her life in that house, I reply that I've changed my house so many times that I hardly remember where is my home.

  She believes that this is only a metaphor and laughs.

  Back to the top.


  A hard night.

  Iveth and I are lying in the same bed, with the room in complete darkness, Illuminated only by a ray of light that filters through window’s frame.

  I can’t stop thinking about the ritual which I managed to escape, I hear noises and each noise brings a different memory: In my mind I’m in that place again and they are putting me on a stone bed. There are a lot of people surrounding me, I feel dizzy, and then somebody says…

  Someone: From the union of the moon and the sun something very beautiful will be born, please don't resist.

  What does that mean??

  Someone: Of the merging between fire and water a new item will born.

  You are scaring me, stop saying those things please.

  Someone: Meat is an element which when mixed results in very beautiful creations.

  Oh my god, where am I and who are these people?

  Suddenly, out of the house I clearly heard someone laughing in the street, and I remember a silhouette laughing next to me, who said...

  Silhouette: Your sacrifice will be just the beginning of many good things for our brother’s cult.

  I can’t forget that voice.

  The memory is so intense that suddenly I get up sweating.

  Iveth, next to me, ask me...

  Iveth: Are you all right? Do you need to go to the bathroom?

  I just answer...

  Yvonne: No, I'm sorry, go back to sleep.

  And I fade away.

  Back to the top.


  Fight between brothers.

  Iveth: No way.

  John: I hate you.

  Iveth: ¿Really? Then eat cake you little Japanese Beaver.

  ¿What was that, who is shouting, don’t you see I want to sleep a little bit more?

  John: I’ll not help you when you come back home late after seeing your boyfriend -smooch- -smooch- who loves you so much.

  I noticed a certain sarcastic tone in that last sentence.

  ¡What the hell¡ now that I woke up I must get up.

  I yawn and I stretch in bed.

  I was sleeping so comfortably.

  I don't have a choice but to rub my eyes and to whisper a few things, until a pillow smashes into my face and I can hear Iveth's voice saying...

  Iveth: See what you did? You woke the woman.

  John: Leave me alone.

  John goes to his room very upset.

  I think to myself, don't go John come back. So I follow him to his room and ask him...

  Yvonne: What happened?

  John seems to be extremely annoyed.

  John: My sister does not respect my personal space and all the time force me to do things I do not want to do.

  I tell John that I have 2 brothers who treat me same and I tell him that we have never resolved our differences fighting but talking like brothers.

  Yvonne: And you know what is best of all? Now they treat me better.

  John: well.

  John leans his head on the pillow.

  Yvonne: John, when I feel sad in the morning, I take a bath to feel better.

  John with his head on the pillow, says he will bathe in a few minutes to see if he can feel better.

  I say goodbye to John and I head to the kitchen where Iveth’s parents are.

  Dad: Hello.

  Mom: Did you sleep well?

  Yvonne: Yes, thanks for asking.

  Dad: Sorry for the screams of our children.

  Yvonne: No need to worry, I have brothers too and sometimes also we discuss among us.

  Dad: Okay, bye my love, I'm going to work. Yvonne, you stay in your home.

  Yvonne: Thanks, you're very kind.

  Mom: Bye sweetie.

  Dad gives a big kiss to mom and leaves.

  Back to the top.


  A day like any other.

  Iveth's mother turns to me to let me know that breakfast is ready, I tell her that she shouldn't bother because I could have helped her to cook it, but she just smiles back and says I shouldn't worry but enjoy all the attention and tell him how much I liked her food.

  I sit at the table with a big smile while the lady brings my breakfast.

  Then John appears bathed and changed and he sits at the table.

  Yvonne: I see you've followed my advice, feel better now?

  He smiles and says...

  John: Yes.

  Almost immediately Iveth comes to the table to have her breakfast.

  She sits on the table and says...

  Iveth: Today I have to do several things.

  And I say...

  Yvonne: You've already done so much for me; if you like I can accompany you.

  Iveth happily says...

  Iveth: It would be nice if we do the shopping together.

  After having served breakfast, mom finally sits at the table, and says...

  Mom: Looks like you are getting used.

  I smile at her and tell her that everyone has treated me very well and have been very kind to me. She asks me.

  Mom: Do you want to go shopping with my daughter because otherwise I could accompany her?

  But I tell her.

  Yvonne: Don't worry, your daughter and I have become good friends nothing would give me more pleasure than to help her do the shopping.

  Back to the top.


  In the store.

  Later, Iveth and I go shopping at a clothing store near her house.

  Iveth: It’s been a long time since I wanted to try a few dresses I saw on this store.

  I smile to her and say.

  Yvonne: Then let’s go, what are we waiting for?

  Iveth takes my hand and takes me to the store because she is so excited.

  Outside the store, we do not realize but we are being spied by a complete stranger.

  While we were visiting the store, Iveth stopped me and told me …

  Iveth: Yvonne act normal, outside there is a stranger who has been following us.

  From the outside it looks like Iveth lifts an article to show it to me, but inside while she holds the article in the air, she says…

  Iveth: Look to the window, if you see to the trees in front of the store you’ll see a man hiding behind them, we must keep pretending that we are shopping.

  I act as if we were talking about clothes while on the sly I turn my head to see the trees and I see the man who’s spying us.

  Then we leave the store and Iveth’s cell phone rings, and while she answers it, I go to the trees in front of the store with my head up high.

Upon reaching them I stop and suddenly I ask the man is following us...

  Yvonne: ¿Can I know why are you following us?

  The man shows himself confused, thinking we hadn't noticed his presence.

  Man: I was… looking the clothes because I’m thinking about making a gift to my girlfriend.

  I scream…

  Yvonne: ¡Don’t lie to me! We’ve noticed that you’ve been following us all over the place, so if you don’t tell me what is what you want I’ll call a police to arrest you for harassing us.

  The man got scared.

  Man: No, please don’t call the police.

  Yvonne: Ok, then you’d better start talking sir.

  Man: I don’t know how to say it…

  Yvonne: Just say it, ¡Talk!

  Man: I am a member of the sect who wanted to use you to perform a ritual.

  Yvonne: Oh my god, ¡They’re here! Leave me alone please; I haven’t done anything, leave me alone. Go away.

  Man: You have nothing to worry about; I’m just here to warn you.

  I’m relieved to hear that and I ask…

  Yvonne: ¿Warn me about what?

  Man: Listen to me, my sect is looking you through the entire city, so if you want to escape and have a normal life, you must do what I say.

  I sigh and turn my head to see what do Iveth has to say but she continues answering her phone call.

  Back to the top.


  A little explanation.

  Iveth’s still talking in the phone while I’m feeling helpless in front of that man.

  My body tightens by the tsunami of emotions that run through it.

  The air becomes heavier.

  I feel as if I’m shrinking, and while that man looks like he’s getting bigger, I start to feel very small.

  Man: Listen, my sect is actively looking for you, so you better watch out. Don’t trust anyone.

  I cover my face with my hands.

  Suddenly a woman appears greeting us and asking for the hour.

  I check my cell phone and I tell her an hour.

  She just says thank you and keeps walking.

  Man: Right after I joined the sect I realized its flaws and that’s why I want to help you.

  Yvonne: Everything was a lie since the beginning and when I least expected a group of crazy insane people wanted to offer me as a sacrifice!

  Man: ¿Still have the artifact my sect put in your body during the ceremony?

  Yvonne: Indeed and I’ll give it to the police.

  Man: The society around my sect is very powerful and very well connected; from now on I tell you that you can’t trust the police because many of its members work there.

  I’m confused.

  Yvonne: ¡I knew it!

  Suddenly Iveth finishes her call and returns with me.

  Iveth: Are you all right?

  Man: Yes, I was leaving. I will contact you Yvonne, take care of yourself.

  But I ask...

  Yvonne: How will you contact me if you do not know my phone number?

  The man looks to the sides.

  Man: I have my ways, you should not worry.

  Iveth begins to feel very afraid.

  Iveth: Are you threatening us?

  The man smiles and says.

  Man: On the contrary.

  …And leaves.

  Iveth: ¿Who was that man?

  Yvonne: Nobody special, How about if we continue scouring the shops?

  To my good fortune she claims to have finished shopping and says.

  Iveth: I want to go home.

  Yvonne: Let's go, I am a little tired too and my feet hurt.

  At that time at the distance, a group of people seems to be talking to the stranger who asked me for the time moments ago.

  I stare at them, and while Iveth explain to me that she found everything she was looking for, I realize they’re talking among them while they’re looking us and pointing us.

  Back to the top.


  A strange chase.

  The group of people watching us consists of 4 persons.

  While Iveth tells me excited how she managed to find an article she was looking for a long time, I touch her shoulder and say…

  Yvonne: Let’s go to the bus stop.

  She is not even listening, because she's excited telling me how hard it was to find the product she was looking for.

  I realize that the group of strangers is directed toward us.

  But they don’t know I have a few tricks under my sleeve.

  Yvonne: Iveth let's follow this street; over here we can get faster to the bus stop.

  She keeps talking but she follows my advice, well, it means she hasn’t noticed.

  When turning around the corner we face a group of teens talking among them and immediately I think about something.

  Yvonne: Guys, listen, one of the men who come behind us is a famous movie star.

  The young people get excited.

  Young woman # 1: I will ask for an autograph.

  Young woman # 2: I'll take a picture with my phone.

  Young man # 3: I will ask for a souvenir.

  Meanwhile the young people comment on what they will do when they see the alleged movie star, Iveth and I we kept walking.

  Later Iveth ask me...

  Iveth: Why did you say that?

  And I reply...

  Yvonne: Because I want to play a joke to those people.

  While we talk, the strangers are stopped by the group of young people looking for a photograph and an autograph of an alleged covert film star who walks among them.

  ¡They saw us!

  I see another street and we turn the corner, as we walked around the sidewalk I see a large department store ahead.

  I noticed that the men are watching us in the reflection of the huge glasses of the buildings, and I invite Iveth to follow me again…

  We get in the department store, and when we got in, I tell an employee ….

  Yvonne: Excuse me, a group of people who will get in after us is looking to furnish their houses and require professional help.

  Employee: All right, when they get in I’ll offer to guide them through the store.

  Yvonne: That would be great, now if you excuse us we would like to see the store.

  The poor employee got excited just thinking about making a sale and the juicy commission that he will take, so he carefully waits for the group of people to offer them his help.

  Iveth and I walked towards the exit of the department store.

  Later the group of people following us gets into the store. They are stopped by the employee who claims to know what they're looking for while he talks about the store’s offers.

  Employee: Gentlemen…

  While the employee talks to them, we quickly left the store through the front door.

  Iveth ask me now...

  Iveth: Where are we going?

  And I tell her...

  Yvonne: We are looking for someone.

  To our luck we spotted a police patrol and stop to express to the police officer that several men are following us.

  Yvonne: As soon as we leave several men will go through here, and you must stop them.

  The police officer is shown attentive to me and tells me that there is nothing to worry about.

  Iveth: Ha, ha, ha, yes, you're a prankster Yvonne.

  Yvonne: In this life you have to laugh, Iveth.

  We retreated quickly, and a minute later, we see how the men are stopped by the police officer while they watch us take the bus.

  On the bus, Iveth check out what she purchased...

  Iveth: I will use my new clothes at the next party at my university.

  Yvonne: You'll look beautiful.

  ... As I watch through the window of the bus, the four men reach the bus stop frantically looking for us everywhere, while one of them kicks a trash can.

  Back to the top.


p; Home sweet home.

  Inside Iveth’s house her mother is finishing up cleaning the house and is about to turn on the TV.

  ¡Oh! Somebody’s knocking at the door and she got up to see who it is.

  Mom: ¿Who could be now?

  She said.

  When she opens the door she sees that it is a neighbor who happened to say hello.

  Neighbor: How have you been neighbor?

  Mom: Everything is OK, my husband went to work very early and I'm finishing up cleaning the house.

  Neighbor: Is your daughter alright?

  Mom: She went shopping with a woman who we are helping.

  The neighbor, looking for a juicy gossip, got interested in the mystery woman and ask...

  Neighbor: And who is she?

  Mom: My daughter found her somewhere in the city and immediately wanted to help her.

  Neighbor: Aren't you worried about this woman?

  Mom: This woman could communicate with John, who seems to have become more expressive after talking to her.

  The gossipy neighbor shown surprised by the news, and says…

  Neighbor: ¿Really? Your son is so absorbed that he usually doesn't chat with anyone and now you’re telling me that he is becoming very communicative; great news my friend. Anyway you need to be cautious of that woman, you never know.

  Mom: I know. She is temporarily staying with us while she solves a few personal things.

  Neighbor: Ok, I’m super busy, I just wanted to come to say hello to you.

  Mom: I am also very busy finishing organizing the house.

  Both say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, and while the neighbor withdraws Mom ends up cleaning her house.

  Suddenly the phone rings and Mom runs to answer it.

  When answering the phone, a strange man is looking for Yvonne.

  Mom: Which Yvonne are you talking about sir? I do not get it.

  Man: I'm talking about the woman your daughter helped in the street.

  Mom hangs up the phone worried.

  Then the phone rings again but mom hesitates to answer it.

  The phone rings several times and mom starts to panic.

  Mom answers the phone yelling...

  Mom: Leave me alone, I won't say anything, it's none of your business sir.

  In the other side of the phone....

  Dad: Relax; I'm just calling to see if everything is fine.

  Mom: I'm sorry honey; I just had a difficult morning.

  Dad: What happened?

  Mom: Everything had been fine until an unknown man called asking for Yvonne.

  Dad: Was he talking about the same Yvonne our daughter helped?

  Mom: Apparently.

  Dad: That's weird; she’s probably not as good as we had believed.

  Mom: What should we do baby? Do you think we should ask her to leave our home?

  Dad: Maybe that is the best or perhaps the only solution, if anything the least you can do for her is to talk with her so she can tell you who was that man asking for her.

  Mom: Okay. We will give her the benefit of doubt.