Read Dead Letters: In The Ruins Of Hope Page 4

cry, but he quickly grabbed her by the throat. While choking back her noises, the Kanako explored the new space her sagging pants had opened. Mary kept her thighs tight as he roamed his hands along them, pawing at her mound of curly dark hair.

  “You like to take.” He tore and pulled down what remained of her pants before stepping back a bit to undo his own belt. “Maybe I’ll take too.” Mary hadn’t truly been afraid throughout his assault. She wasn’t a stranger to unwanted advances. You frequent enough bars and taverns and before long you’ll have your fair share of them. But she’d always manged to beat back the odd drunk who decided to get frisky.

  Even tied up and bottoms down she’d remained calm. She thought of the small knife they had forgotten in her boot. Tried to judge how much struggling that damn rope would need. That calmness ran away when he dropped his trousers.

  Mary knew there were vast differences between the Gooya and Humanity despite how many features they shared. She’d heard that the winged Aluieen had bones as hollow as a bird's. That the seldom seen Gilmer could see in the dark as well as a man could see in the light. She had not known, however, that the Kanako had hooks along their dick.

  His member was covered in sharp looking barbs that ran all the way from the base to an angry hooked tip. Mary jerked the rope as hard as she could despite the increased pressure on her throat. She's never been with a man before. While the prospect wasn’t entirely unpleasant to think about, taking that spiny rod was.

  Her panic excited him. He ran his hands over the dark skin of her legs before forcing them apart. His grip didn’t let up and Mary struggled just to get a breath. So caught up in his conquest, her unwanted lover failed to hear the clatter rushing toward him. He was then quite surprised when a hoof collided with the side of his head. He was gone before he even hit the ground, a bit of blood ran from his mouth.

  “Oats!” Mary couldn’t help but shout as her horse nuzzled her forehead with a big wet nose. She continued to struggle with the rope as she watched a few of them start to roll around. After watching her master pulling at her bonds, Oats began stomping and kicking at the wheel. It wasn’t long before the extra noise roused someone.

  With a drunken shout, one of the women got to her feet and stumbled toward Mary. She had nearly made it to the captive before the wood gave way and the spoke broke. Mary pulled her arms free and jumped up. Her ruined pants were still stuffed into her boots and as a result tied up her legs so the jump was more of a desperate hop. She manged to throw herself sideways onto the saddle so that she was hanging half on, half off. Oats took off immediately.

  The two of them rushed through the woods. Mary was in an awkward position, but try as she might she was unable to right herself. With her pants still down and her hands still tied she was forced to lean more forward to stay balanced. This put her bare ass high in the air. Soon they rushed though a weigh station and the guards on duty at the gate just stood slack jawed.

  As they rounded the stables of her hometown, the miller’s boy nearly fell over. He'd caught sight of more than he had ever imagined. After she slid off into the dirt in front of her house, it took quite some time to wiggle her way inside. Fortune showed mercy on her dignity. In a pleasant turn of fate, no one had manged to catch a glimpse of her face. So while it was a hot topic in the town for weeks, none knew the true identity of the Bare Maiden. The town crier had been rather pleased with that title.

  Mary never did find out what became of her employer. Winters never came back to the town, so she suspected he was still out there stealing women in the night. She became much more discerning of her clientele after that, no matter how empty the coffers were.