Read Deadline Page 17

  Part of her wanted to surrender and escape back to Chicago with her tail tucked safely between her legs, but the other part, the moronic curious one who constantly made bad decisions, wanted to stay and further investigate this new facet of her life.

  Caroline wanted to know more about Rachel and the mystery surrounding her tragic death. More importantly, she needed to understand how and why she'd dreamed of this exact place, and possibly an ancestor about whom she'd never known, all before stepping foot on the marshy soil.

  No, she wasn't ready to leave yet. Her relationship with Eddie was blossoming, even with the small amount of time she'd been allowed to spend with him. She hadn't had a chance yet to bond with her new siblings, and of course she wanted to know more about the incredibly handsome Cade and his charming personality.

  Caroline turned off the faucet when the water finally ran cold. Her tense shoulders hadn't seemed to loosen at all. Although, thinking about her upcoming evening with Cade had taken the edge off the scare from earlier. She dressed quickly, brushed her teeth, and left her hair loose and wavy, towel drying it as much as possible. She applied mascara and lip gloss, and after April's not-so-subtle insult, Caroline added a touch of blush to her pale cheeks. Her stomach growled furiously now, scolding her for skipping lunch. She hoped whatever Cade had planned for dinner would satisfy her monstrous appetite.

  Remembering exactly where his log cabin was since the first time she'd been there would be tricky. She had cut through a few trails trying to follow a path from a silly dream, and then ran back in a tizzy, distraught about getting caught in his cabin and seeing. . .what she saw. Her dad drew a map to the cabin while grinning the whole time. Obviously not upset she wasn't spending the evening with him.

  "He's having you over for dinner at his place? He must really like you."

  "What? Why do you say that?"

  Eddie smiled and looked in her eyes. "As long as he's lived here, I don't think Beau's ever had a girl in his cabin. Guys don't like to show a girl where they live unless they don't mind them coming back sometime. It's kind of like showing your hand in a poker game."

  She didn't mention that she'd already been in the cabin—uninvited—and got way more than she'd bargained for. "Well, Cade knows that I'm engaged, so I'm sure he's just being cordial since I'm a visitor." She cringed, hoping her pathetic poker face didn't reveal her lie. She knew better.

  "Cade, huh? He also doesn't tell too many people his real name. He usually goes by Beau. I only know his real name because he's on the payroll." She smiled inside knowing he'd not only told her his first name, but his middle name as well.

  "You kids have a good time tonight and you be sure to tell Cade, if he messes with you he's got to deal with me."

  She nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

  The last time she asked him a question like that she dropped the bomb on him about why he left her. She could see he was a little more apprehensive this time. He squinted, "Sure."

  "Why does April hate me so much?"

  A pained expression creased his brow, clearly hoping she hadn't noticed or come to that conclusion. "She doesn't hate you, sweetheart. I think she's more jealous of you because you're in my life now. You see, I beat myself up for a long time whenever I would think about what I had done to you and your mother. You were always the missing piece in my life. She enjoyed being able to fill that void, to an extent, because it made her feel like the most important person in my world. Now that you are in my life and she knows how badly I wanted this, she's having a difficult time. . .sharing. I know it sounds really petty and immature, but I'm working on her. Just hang in there. She'll come around."

  Caroline smiled and patted his face gently. "Well, aren't you just the most desirable man in town? Everybody wants a piece of Eddie Fontenot."

  He grinned. "You have no idea, love. No idea."

  She wasn't sure what he meant by that, but it was cool to see him blush. At least she knew where she inherited that annoying trait.

  Caroline nervously twirled a lock of hair. "Can I ask you one more thing?" He nodded, concern masking his expression. "Have you ever. . .well, has anything weird ever happened around here?"

  "Weird like how?"

  "Like, things moving or disappearing. . ." his eyes reflected amusement and he fought back a smile. She immediately regretted mentioning it. "You know, I'm being silly. Never mind." She started to walk away but he grabbed her hand.

  "No, wait. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to discount your concern. No, I've never noticed anything strange or weird, but I'm gone a lot. When I'm here, I'm usually in my office and focused on work, so I don't pay much attention to my surroundings. Is anything wrong? Has something happened?"

  Caroline shook her head. "No, it's nothing. I'm just tired is all. New place, new people, you know?"

  He eyed her warily. "You're sure?"

  Embarrassed for even bringing it up, she wanted out of this awkward moment so she nodded and kissed his cheek on her way out of the kitchen.

  Before she headed to Cade's cabin, she gave Trevor a call. She didn't know if it was to ease her conscience or so he wouldn't call her later and interrupt her evening. She laughed at herself while dialing his number. Talk about getting in way over your head.

  "Hey, baby."

  "Hey! How are you doing?"

  "I'm okay," she lied. She still felt uneasy and her emotions threatened to bubble over. "I just wanted to call and check in. . .you know, see how you were doing?"

  "Apart from missing you terribly, I'm okay. You miss me?"

  "Of course. How's business?"

  "Business? You're really asking me how work is going?" He chuckled but sounded annoyed. It annoyed her in return.

  "Yeah, I guess I am. Everything with your dad going well?" Suddenly his tone got defensive and sharp.

  "Things are just fine. Why, what have you heard?"

  What the heck is his problem? "Nothing, I haven't heard from you much, so I figured you've been busy, that's all. Geez, chill out."

  "Sure, I get it. I've been fine. My dad's been riding me pretty hard, but things are fine. How are things with your dad? Has he accepted you yet?"

  A shot of anger fired through Caroline and she frowned. "Accepted? Um, yeah. . .whatever that means. He hasn't added me as a beneficiary, if that's what you're implying."

  "Easy, babe. I was just asking if he's treating you like a daughter now or like the kid he abandoned years ago?"

  Okay, seriously, she wanted to hang up on him and flush his ring down the toilet. What was his deal? "Things are going great. Eddie never treated me like the kid he abandoned years ago. He's been nothing but accepting and hospitable since I showed up on his doorstep."

  "Great. It shouldn't be long now and you'll be a part of his family."

  "Trev. . .what in the world are you trying to say that you're not just spitting out? I am already a part of his family. It's like nothing ever happened. We're getting along great and I'm loving it down here. Isn't that what you wanted?" Angry now, she stomped up the stairs to her room, completely forgetting the episode from earlier.

  "Oh, don't be so dramatic. I was only asking a simple question. Listen, I gotta go. I'll call you later tonight."

  Oh, the nerve of him.

  "Don't bother, my phone is almost dead and I can't find my charger," she lied again. "I'll call you after I find it." Her phone was fully charged and she looked straight at her charger on the dressing table as she said it. Caroline fumed. What was his problem? Why was he being such a jerk? She'd started to really doubt her decision to accept his ring. Nearly perfect in every way, Trevor's mood swings were killing her. She still hadn't completely recovered from his twenty-five sexual partners that he could remember.

  She angrily slipped the engagement ring off her finger and left her phone in her room. Already she felt somewhat better, a secret counterblow to his disregard. She put them both inside the antique wooden jewelry box so she would know where they were this time.

Caroline was about to leave, the skies opened. Without a backward glance she grabbed her rain jacket from the closet and the map her dad had drawn and darted down the porch steps.

  She sprinted to Cade's cabin, partially to stay as dry as she could, but also from anger toward Trevor. She needed to burn off some frustration.

  She arrived on Cade's doorstep early because when he opened the door he didn't have on a shirt. A beautiful sight. She immediately noticed a scar on his chest. No, not just a scar, a brand. But she could not make out the design.

  "Caroline! You're early!" He wore a larger-than-life smile. "Come in, come in. I didn't realize it was raining, I'm sorry. I should have come and picked you up so you wouldn't have to walk in the rain."

  "It's okay." Out of breath, she panted. "I ran. . .it's good for me. . .I need the exercise."

  He chuckled. "Exercise is good, but no need to run in the rain. Your mascara is running." He dabbed her face with a tissue and helped take off her rain coat. Quite suddenly, she collapsed in his arms and started bawling on his shoulder.

  He hugged her tightly, soothing her. "Hey, hey. . .what's wrong? Are you okay? I know I'm ugly but you don't have to cry and make me feel worse."

  She laughed and looked up at his face—just to make sure he was joking. There was no way he didn't know how hot he was, especially with that twitchy tilt in the right corner of his mouth.

  She backed up and straightened her clothes, fluffing the waves in her hair. "I'm sorry. Oh, good grief, I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess. I'm just. . .well. . ." She sighed and fidgeted with her fingernails. The last thing she wanted to talk about at the moment was Trevor. She wanted to relax and enjoy her evening, and dwelling on their argument would disrupt that. "You must be thinking I'm one screwed up puppy." He didn't answer which caused her to stop and look at him. He appreciatively ran his eyes up and down her body, thoroughly checking her out and causing her pulse to race.

  "I like puppies." He flashed a heart-stopping, double-meaning smile and Caroline felt her knees start to buckle.

  "By the way, Mr. Beauregard, if you ever call yourself ugly again, I'm afraid I will have to punch you. Every girl we crossed in this town the other day practically had their tongues hanging out as you walked by. Therefore, since I know you are aware of your extreme hotness, any further comments like that will be assumed you are fishing for compliments."

  He smiled now, but it didn't reach his eyes. He obviously still worried about her sudden break down. "Right. My bad. Thank you. . .for the compliment." She smiled and he walked down the hall to his bedroom. She flinched remembering why she knew that was his bedroom. He came back out fully clothed this time, and put on some soft jazz music. "I hope you're hungry."

  "I'm starving."

  The delicious smell ravaged her senses triggering hunger pangs. "Where'd you get the yummy food I smell? What is it? My mouth is watering!"

  He looked offended, shocked even, but smiled. "Say what? I didn't pick this up at any restaurant. I killed it, cleaned it, cut it up, packaged it and cooked it myself. We're having deer steak. Hope you don't mind eating Bambi's daddy." She felt bad for assuming he couldn't cook and offending him.

  "Are you kidding? I'm from Arkansas, I love venison!"

  His head snapped up. "Wait, I thought you were from Illinois?"

  She tilted her head and winked. "That's what you get for thinking."

  He looked intrigued, but rolled his eyes. "Okay, my turn to bite. How long did you live in Arkansas?"

  "I lived there from the time I was a baby until I went to Chicago for college."

  "You don't sound like you're from Arkansas."

  "I've lost most of my southern accent from living in Illinois for nearly five years."

  Cade was impressed, almost relieved, to find out she was a southern girl rather than a Yankee. "So, why did you choose to go to college in Illinois?"

  "My best friend Kristy decided to go there and I wanted to be there with her."

  "Arkansas, huh? I'll admit, you just gained a few points in my book." He grinned.

  "You're keeping score?" Caroline's never ending curiosity flared again. So much to learn about this mystifying man.

  "Metaphorically, yes."

  She cringed. "So how many points did I lose from sneaking into your cabin and catching you in your birthday suit?" She blushed again, so she closed her eyes and waited for his answer. He cupped her face and she kept her eyes closed for fear of what he might do. . .what she might do. His large, warm hands cradled her jaw perfectly and she instantly relaxed. She slowly opened her eyes to see him admiring her.

  "Bumping into you that day was one of the coolest, strangest things I've ever experienced. Of course, after I put some clothes on, surveyed the area, and established nothing was broken or missing." He smiled, then his eyes sparkled. "But seeing your genuine reaction when you realized it was me you had bumped into. . .I will remember that for the rest of my life." Caroline swallowed hard in an attempt to hide her continued embarrassment and kindling desire.

  "I realize I haven't known you very long, but I pride myself in being a great judge of character. You are the most compelling, genuine, sincere, amazing person I've ever met. I'm thankful for that raging curiosity that led you to me, even if it was one of my most embarrassing moments. I'm not easy to embarrass, so congrats." He chuckled.

  "Anyway, I believe everything happens for a reason. It was no coincidence that you came to the library during the one four hour shift I work there each week."

  His face only inches from hers, she couldn't help but focus on his mouth. She wanted him to kiss her. To feel if his lips were as soft as they looked. To taste the mint she faintly smelled on his breath. She found herself leaning forward slowly with her lips slightly parted. She closed her eyes, and he pressed his cheek against hers.

  He whispered softly, sending shivers throughout her body. "The food is ready, cher. I hope you brought your appetite."
