Read Deadline Page 21

Caroline didn't know what to think. The skeptic in her immediately assumed other possibilities. "We don't know if someone else came in here and turned it on while we were downstairs."

  His tone was more frustrated now. "Caroline, how would anyone else in this house know the one thing we asked the gho—uh, Rachel, to do? There's no way! We had the door closed and I was talking softly."

  "April could have been listening outside the door. That's totally something her type would do."

  Caroline crossed her arms punctuating the frustration in her voice. "I can tell she doesn't like me or trust me. She's just waiting until I do something she can report to my dad."

  "Why are you hellbent against believing a ghost could be stuck in between worlds if they have unfinished business?" His incredulous tone revealed far more than his words did.

  "Because it's ridiculous, for one thing. I believe what the Bible says about death and the afterlife. There's nothing in there that says if someone dies before they clean up loose ends then they'll be stuck wandering the earth haunting the living." Her tone came out a little harsher than she wanted it to sound, but she needed to make her point as well.

  "Look, this may be easier for you living out here in the swamps, but this goes against everything I've ever believed in. You can't expect me to just throw all that out the window because a stupid flashlight turned on." She all but screeched the last few words.

  Caroline worried she might have offended him when he sat on the bed and didn't respond. Not thinking, she brushed her fingers through his sun-kissed curls, absently wondering if his hair was always this long or if he needed a trim. When she noticed the intensity in his eyes studying her, the liquid gold of his irises, she sucked in a breath, quickly snatched her hand back and took a step away from him.

  Shocked and a little ashamed by how perfect and natural that felt, she scolded herself. What the heck was she doing? She hardly knew this guy and had accepted a marriage proposal from someone else! She loved Trevor and shouldn't care if she offended someone who obviously held no regard for her relationship status. Caroline wiped her face and mentally formed her apology.

  "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to take this out on you. I realize you are just trying to help me, and I sincerely appreciate it."

  He smiled. "I'll be honest, it does intrigue me, but I'll take whatever excuse I can to spend more time with you." Cade stood and ran his own hand through the soft golden locks she had caressed only moments ago. "You're right, I may be from the swamps, and I'm not a consistent church goer, but I believe the two are entwined. She has a reason to be here. I don't know how, exactly, but she needs you."

  Cade stepped closer and raised his hand to tuck a stray piece of her hair behind her ear, mimicking her previous action. "She's not the only one here who needs you."

  Flattery. Caroline smiled. "Thank you. You really know how to make a girl feel good, but you don't know anything about me." She glanced around her room, nervously wringing her hands. "I probably won't be able to sleep tonight because, I have to admit, I'm a little freaked out right now."

  Without missing a beat he said, "You're welcome to come sleep with me. . .I mean, sleep in my bed. . ."

  She giggled. He was too cute.

  "No wait, that didn't come out right. I mean you're welcome to come to my place and sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on my couch."

  "Thanks. That's a very generous offer, but I don't think my dad would like it so much." Though she wanted to, badly. Sleeping in a haunted room alone was not something people generally enjoyed doing, plus Trevor would have a coronary if he knew she even considered that. He would definitely not understand, nor would any man if he knew his fiancée shared a room with another gorgeous, virile man. He'd blow his top. She enjoyed his company, though, and he made her feel safe.

  "Well, maybe I could stay here tonight. I mean, this house has plenty of rooms, I'm sure Eddie wouldn't mind letting me crash in one of them."

  "That sounds great, but if you're in a different room, how is that going to help me sleep? I'm still going to be in here by myself with. . .whatever this thing is that's moving stuff and pulling my hair."

  He smiled and caressed her face. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, and then I'll go to my own room."

  Caroline liked that idea. It sounded innocent enough. "All right, I'll go talk to my dad. You can stay in here if you'd like and, I don't know, try to contact the ghost again or something."

  He laughed. "Yeah, we'll have a party while you're gone. If I'm not here when you get back you'll know who did it." He laughed again.

  This time she glared. "I'm not laughing. That's not funny, so don't even talk like that."