Read Deadline Page 24

Caroline peered out the window at the duck pond. Strategically placed lights in the water casted a faded glow across the ripples from rain drops. Her focus shifted to the etching of Rachel's initials in the glass. Her initials. She wondered exactly how long those had been there, perfect as if they'd just been done.

  There were just too many crazy similarities for all this to be a simple coincidence. She'd wondered if Trevor knew about Rachel before sending her down here, but he'd sounded as shocked as she was when she'd told him about sharing her full name and birthday with her G3 grandmother. Caroline hadn't told Trevor about the ghost stuff, though. He'd have laughed her right into a raging fit, and her annoyance with his defensive, abrasive attitude recently already tipped the anger scale. Enough so that she allowed herself to kiss another man. . .and it terrified her how much she enjoyed it. Caroline gently rubbed her finger across them and softly spoke. . .to her.

  "If your ghost is here, and you're really stuck, you have to tell me why. I don't take hints well so try to find some way to explain it for me, or show me. I want to understand, I do. This is all new to me and goes against everything I've ever believed."

  A knock rapped on the door and Caroline whirled around.

  "Hey, Claire. You surprised me."

  Claire timidly smiled. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to sneak up on you."

  "No, it's okay. I just thought about you earlier this evening. I haven't seen you or Remy in a few days. What's up?"

  "We've been hanging out with our friends since school got out. You know how it is, once summer break gets here, it's like a rush of slumber parties and stuff."

  "Yeah, I remember those days."

  "I need some advice and I don't really want to talk to April about it. I don't think she would understand."

  She hid her excitement that her little sister came to her for advice. "Sure, sweetie. What's on your mind?"

  "There's a guy at my school I like named Brad. He's a senior which is why I can't talk to April about this because she'd freak out. Anyway, he plays football for the high school and he's gorgeous. My friend Tracey said he heard Brad talking to some of his friends in the field house about me. He said Brad mentioned I was hot and that he planned to ask me out."

  Caroline nodded, already having an idea of where this was headed. "The only thing is, Tracey said they asked him if he was going to try anything with me, you know, sexually, and he said, probably."

  Caroline groaned. She'd been in this situation plenty of times.

  "I've never done anything big. But I really like this guy and I'm afraid if I don't let him then he won't ask me out again. I don't know what to do. I don't want a bad reputation. If I do anything with him he might brag to his friends. But if I don't, and he starts rumors, then it's all for nothing. Not to mention I'll feel like a cheap, used whore."

  "I've been exactly where you are right now. First, if you're worried about him spreading rumors he clearly doesn't deserve you. From my experience, if he really likes you for who you are and not simply for bragging rights, then he will not try anything you aren't comfortable with. Especially on the first date. If he respects you, he will appreciate you more if you stop him before he starts. Just be straightforward with him.

  "You'll develop a good reputation for being a girl who values herself and doesn't give it up to the first hot guy she dates. Better to be the prude girl than the easy girl."

  Claire stared down at her hands twisting her hair tie. She seemed disappointed with Caroline's answer.

  Just as she looked up, Cade walked into the room. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and she looked at Caroline, bewildered.

  "Claire, have you met Ca—er, Beau?"

  "Not officially. You're the gardener, right? I think you're always here during the day when I'm in school. I've heard about you, though." She smiled and stuck out her hand.

  He grinned and shook her hand. "Hello, Claire. It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't realize Mr. Fontenot had two beautiful daughters." She studied the baseboards, her face red as a cherry. Caroline smiled, glad she wasn't the only one he affected.

  Cade's amusement beamed in the tilt of his smirk. "You two are very similar in some ways." He winked as Caroline glared playfully.

  "Claire, I couldn't help but overhear a portion of your conversation. Forgive me for eavesdropping, but do you mind if I offer a guy's perspective?"

  Embarrassed rather than angry, she nodded. "Um. . .sure. That would probably help." Impressed by his genuine concern, Caroline eagerly awaited his perspective as well.

  "You are a beautiful girl, so any guy who gets a date with you should feel privileged. This guy may try something with you because his friends are pressuring him to do it. If you do like Caroline says and make your intentions clear before he ever gets a chance to try anything, it will save you both the embarrassment of rejection later. However, if he ever tries to force you to do something, then he's a dog who truly doesn't respect you and you should stay as far away from him as you can. He'll only hurt you in the long run." He glanced at Caroline. "A genuinely good guy doesn't mind waiting for someone he truly wants." Caroline's face blazed alongside Claire's.

  "Um, thank you, Beau. You've both helped me a lot, and I appreciate it more than you know. It'll be way hard to say no to this guy. He's super hot, but I'll do my best."

  Cade leaned in and kissed Claire's cheek. "You won't be sorry, cher. You'll see." Now a beautiful shade of magenta, Claire giggled the whole way down the stairs.

  "You get a kick out of doing that, don't you?"

  He looked hurt. "What? You don't think I helped her?"

  "No, I'm talking about kissing her just to watch her blush."

  He smiled and dropped his head. "Guilty."

  Caroline sighed. "I hate when guys use their extreme sex appeal to their advantage."

  "You think I have extreme sex appeal?"

  "Oh, please. Like you don't know."

  "It's always nice to hear. . .especially from you." Cade looked out the window before turning to face Caroline. He cradled her jaw in his hands just as he had earlier tonight before they kissed. "Caroline, I am not trying to push you to do something you don't want to do. I just want you to know how I feel about you. I am painfully aware of the short amount of time we've known each other, but I can also tell you with an honest heart that I've never felt with anyone the way I feel with you. Especially not this quickly. The kiss we shared earlier was. . .magical." She reached up to hold his hands, the guilt crippling her.

  "Caroline, I need to ask you for something. A favor." She attempted to step back to put some space between them, but he wouldn't let her. He dropped his embrace and wrapped his arms around her small waist. "No, please don't walk away."

  He pressed his forehead to hers and spoke tenderly with his eyes closed. "Would it be okay if I kissed you again?" When she didn't answer, he pulled back a bit to look at her, to study her reaction. His eyes were sincere. Genuine. "I just want to see if that magic is still there or if it was a one-time thing. You know, because we were caught up in the moment."

  She really did want to kiss him again, but she worried how she'd feel afterwards. Afraid she'd want more. She shouldn't want more, but she just knew she would.

  He sighed. "I mean, I don't—"

  She placed one finger over his lips. "Just stop talking and kiss me."

  His face exploded with happiness and then quickly darkened with sheer passion. Slowly, he ran his fingers through her hair at the temples to cradle her head again. He pressed his supple lips to hers and the forbidden excitement and naughty desire filled her with spirited emotions. Her body tingled and became buoyant with a floating sensation. Her hands grazed his smooth face before she tangled her fingers into his hair, clutching the thick waves and squeezing tightly. A satisfied rumble escaped from him as she deepened his kiss. He tasted delicious and their lips fit perfectly together. She moaned when he slipped his mouth from hers down her neck. Her head was suddenly too heavy to support.

de's gentleness and passion aroused all the senses in her body. Aware of every touch, sound, taste and smell, when she closed her eyes she could still see his beautiful amber-colored gaze cherishing her. He moved back to her lips, and with one hand pulled her hips closer to his revealing his desire. His other capable hand gently gripped and tugged her hair kindling a completely new, undiscovered brand of desire within her. He was a phenomenal kisser. He made Trevor look like an amateur.

  His kisses culminated back to her forehead and then he hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head. She hugged him tightly against his heaving chest, her pounding heart and heavy breathing in sync with his. He hadn't lied about his feelings for her. She could tell what she did to him. Caroline was a selfish, greedy wench doing this with Cade, leading him to believe he had a chance with her. All while knowing she would marry and spend the rest of her life with someone else. It would break his heart, and that made her very sad. She was a horrible person.

  Caroline pulled away and looked up at him. His somber smile didn't reach his eyes. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, sweet Caroline." He cringed and pulled her close again, kissing the crown of her head. "I'm lying. Don't marry him," he whispered. "Please." He tightened his hold on her, but didn't press for a response, for which she was thankful. "Just think about it. That's all I ask."

  Caroline knew she should run and never look back, but she couldn't bring herself to let go of him. Glutton. Don't be such a hypocrite. You'd kill Trevor if he did this to you. She ignored her conscience and nuzzled deeper into the crook between his jaw and shoulder. Breathing in his heady scent, she wrapped her arms around his toned waist and changed the subject. "Still magical?"

  Cade let out a breath. "Indubitably."

  "Wow. I'm gonna have to look that one up later." She laughed.

  He held her tightly. "Unmistakably, unequivocally, unquestionably, irrevocably, entirely, and completely magical. How's that for a definition?" He smiled, genuinely this time, and kissed the tip of her nose.

  She embraced him again, unable, or unwilling, to disengage from his delectable body. "Yeah, it was pretty magical for me, too."

  He exhaled a sigh of relief and held her tighter as they swayed back and forth. "Thank you. For saying that. Now maybe I'll be able to get some sleep."

  She laughed. "Well, at least one of us needs to sleep well tonight."

  "Sweet Caroline, my mission is to see that you sleep like a baby until the sun comes up, even if I have to camp out on the floor next to your bed."

  "Oh, no way! If I wake up and find you on the hard floor I'm going to feel horrible."

  He beamed. "Darlin', after that kiss I won't even touch the floor 'cause I'm on a cloud right now."

  "You know, I don't get you. You met me less than a week ago, but here you are willing to do all these sweet things for me. And make sacrifices, like ghost hunting or sleeping on a hardwood floor just to make sure I sleep well. Why? Why are you being so good to me when I'm engaged to marry someone else in a completely different part of the country? You should be angry with me for leading you on. The last thing you should want to do is kiss me and go out of your way to help me. Why? How can you be so perfect? Tell me what a shameful person I am and that you can't believe how selfish I am. I'm a pitiful, trifling, shameful woman. Why won't you tell me you never want to see me again?"

  I'm ranting. Why am I ranting? Shut up, Caroline!

  Cade walked backwards, pulling her with him, until he got to the bed. He sat on the mattress straddling her legs in front of him. Now nearly eye to eye.

  "You want to know why? It's because I believe in this life there is one person God made especially for me. . .and for you. If we're lucky, we come across that one special person, express our love for her. . .or him in your case. Then, we vow before God to spend the rest of our lives together. I believe I found my one special someone. You."

  The traitor tears involuntarily streamed down her cheeks and her stomach twisted with split feelings. How could she let this happen? Was it possible to be in love with two guys at the same time? How could she be in love with someone she's only known a week? It all happened so fast and now, on top of being torn between two amazing guys, she apparently had the ghost of her G3 grandmother desperately trying to tell her something so she can rest in peace.

  "Please don't cry. I wasn't trying to make you sad. Like we both advised Claire, I just want to be open and honest with you so there's no confusion. I mean, of course I want you to give the ring back and admit your feelings for me so I can spoil you for the rest of our lives, but, come on. I'm a typical guy, and it breaks my heart to see you cry."

  His infectious charm and sincerity baffled her and she doubted her once stable semi-charmed life. She didn't know what would happen between them, but she knew she never wanted to lose him. Even if he only remained her friend.

  "Cade, you are anything but a typical guy. You are completely the opposite of typical. You're very infinitely unique, and I'm lucky enough to have met you." This time, she leaned in to kiss him. It was a soft delicate affection, more of a thank you rather than a heated passionate kiss. She ended their contact and excused herself to the bathroom. At the threshold, she paused and glanced over her shoulder. Cade flopped back on the bed, defeated.

  Caroline's phone rang from inside the antique jewelry box, and she recognized Trevor's ringtone. Why in the world would he call at one in the morning? She ignored it knowing the fragility of her frame of mind. Caroline was completely exhausted, in shock about a possible ghost in her room, and excited that her new sister had come to her for advice. Never mind the sea of endorphins she drowned in caused by the amazing kiss from that beautiful man lying in her bed right now.

  She hurried to wash up and dress for bed. Just outside her room she heard Cade talking softly. She tiptoed the rest of the way and stopped just short of the doorway to listen.

  "I know you're trying to tell her something through her dreams about the life you led here in this house. Please, Rachel. Don't scare her off. I care a lot about Caroline, and I. . .I don't want her to leave."

  Ready to go in, Caroline coughed before rounding the corner into the room to alert him of her presence.

  Having been in the warm bathroom, her bedroom felt like a meat locker. "Man, the air conditioning must work overtime in this old house. Maybe because I'm the only warm body on this side."

  Cade smirked and she assumed he'd thought of a witty comeback but decided not to share. "Have you decided which room you want?" Another smirk.

  "No, not yet. But I'm sure I'll find one. I'll start with the one warm body and go from there." He smiled playfully. "I'll probably take the room closest to yours."

  It didn't take her long to fall asleep with Cade lying beside her. Respectfully above the covers of course. It couldn't have been long before the exhausting dream began. Rachel didn't waste any time, that was for sure.
