Read Deadline Page 26

As usual, the sun poured in her window at daybreak. Remembering what happened last night, she jumped up quickly to see if Cade was still in the bed with her. He'd already gone. Caroline frowned. Disappointed, she leaned over the bed checking, hoping, to see him crashed on the floor. Nothing. He must've woken up before her and decided to get in the clear before Eddie walked in and caught him in bed with his daughter.

  She laughed quietly and ran her fingers through her shaggy hair. She hadn't brushed her hair or her teeth, so she hurried to get her things, glanced quickly around the room for any sign of disorder, and rushed to the bathroom. When she came back Cade was sitting on her bed. Where'd he come from?

  "So, beautiful, what's your plan for today?"

  "Well, it's Saturday." She walked to the window to see the morning haze blanketing the duck pond and she sensed Cade behind her. "I'm sure my dad will want to hang out with me. We haven't had a chance to hang out much since I got here. I have no idea what he will want to do, but I'm excited about spending time with him." She turned to face him. "What are you doing today?"

  "My band is playing at Dupree's tonight."

  "Dupree's? Oh, yeah. I remember him asking you that. Wow, that's tonight?"

  He smiled and wrapped his arms around her neck. "Yes, it's tonight. Will you be able to come by?"

  "It depends on what all my dad has planned, but I promise I'll try. I love live music and I'd love to hear your band play."

  "Great! It's a date then!" He clasped his hands and eagerly rubbed his palms together. "Well, tentatively. . .depending on Mr. Fontenot." His eyes practically sparkled with excitement. She didn't think she'd ever known anyone so content just sitting in the same room with her.

  "So, thank you for, um, sleeping with me last night." A sandblaster couldn't remove the grin from his face.

  "Whoa, cher. You have no idea what those words coming from your mouth just did to me. I think I'm blushing this time," he teased and playfully brushed her chin with his knuckle. "Seriously though, it was all my pleasure, I assure you." He winked and kissed her cheek.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. The feeling of security this man instilled overpowered every wall or façade she tried to obtain. His arms gripped her soundly, encasing her in strength, comfort, and desire. It was incredible. In the midst of their embrace a man cleared his throat. She closed her eyes, her view of the door blocked by Cade's broad shoulders. "My father's standing in the doorway isn't he?"

  Cade turned to look. "Yep."

  She responded without looking. "Hey, Dad." When she peeked around Cade's body to greet him, he smiled brightly.

  "Good morning, darling. Did you have a good evening?" His tone surprisingly not suggestive.

  "Yes, I did. Thank you for letting Cade crash here. It was helpful knowing he was. . .nearby."

  "You bet. Beau, what do you have going on today?"

  "Nothing during the day today, sir. Only this evening." Cade stood next to Caroline commanding her attention with his consistent respect to whomever he spoke. She couldn't remember ever hearing Trevor properly address anyone.

  Eddie's forehead creased. "You have plans for this evening?"

  By now Caroline's curiosity was piqued. "What's going on, Dad?" She'd only known him just under a week but she sensed his hesitancy to spit out whatever he had to say.

  "Well, April wants to spend the night in New Orleans, just the two of us, and I wanted to see if Beau could. . .entertain you for the weekend." He smiled and Cade literally cheesed back at him. This annoyed Caroline.

  "Seriously? I don't need a babysitter. I can take care of myself just fine. Thank you for the thoughtful gesture, but I will find something interesting to occupy my time." Eddie's pained expression reflected his realization that he'd indirectly offended her. He probably meant it as a genuine favor, but it backfired on him. "Besides, what are Claire and Remy going to do while you're gone?"

  "They are both staying with friends this weekend. I gave Delia and Delphine the weekend off, and I feel awful expecting you stay in this big house all by yourself." A chill crept up her spine thinking about staying in this house alone. Cade noticed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  "Sir, if Caroline isn't comfortable staying at my place, I could stay here in the same room I slept in last night." He glanced down at her and winked.

  Eddie looked more apprehensive now and seemed to be reconsidering his trip to New Orleans. That's all she needed, another reason for April to hate her. Caroline had to think of something before he changed his mind. "Dad, really, it's okay. Cade already invited me to Dupree's tonight to listen to his band play. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I'll probably go to church and then come home and relax. Go have fun and treat April the way she wants you to. Maybe she'll like me better if you do."

  He grinned vaguely. "Are you sure about this, sweetheart? I can take April to New Orleans anytime. It doesn't have to be the first weekend you're here. She just went there last weekend. She's probably doing this—" He stopped before he said something he'd regret. Caroline finished his sentence for him.

  "To get you away from me to show me how much more important she is to you than I am. Yeah, I gathered that myself. As much fun as it would be to see her not get her way, it's okay. I get it. I'm your estranged daughter, and she's your wife. Take her out, wine and dine her, and treat her the way she longs to be treated. I'll be here when you get back, and we can spend next weekend together. I promise. Please, go have fun."

  He shook his head. "You must get your intuition from your mother because I never would've seen through—well, seen any of this coming."

  "You're not a woman. Women are catty and can be very manipulative and conniving." Especially that one, Caroline thought. April was good, she had to give her that much. "I'll be okay, don't worry about me."

  He turned to Cade. "I assume you'll see that she's taken care of while you're busy playing in your band tonight?"

  "Yes, sir. I promise I will take good care of her."

  "Good. I'm still gonna keep an eye on you, zinger. Even if it's a borrowed eye, so watch yourself, got it?"

  Cade approvingly smiled. "Understood, sir. No offense, but I have a feeling Caroline can take care of herself." He winked at her causing her to blush—again. Punk.

  Eddie noticed her blush and smiled. "Sorry, sweetheart. You get that trait from me. It doesn't happen much anymore, but in my younger days, I frequently transformed into a wide spectrum of rosy shades."

  "It's all good. Apparently some guys dig it." Her eyes cut to a very amused Cade. "We'll be fine, Dad. Go have a great time."

  "All right, che—uh, darling. You have a great time this weekend. Give me a call if you need me."

  Before he turned to walk out, he gestured the I'm watching you sign to Cade.

  Cade went back to his cabin to get cleaned up and dressed for the day while Caroline did the same at the house. Thanks to the unexplainable security vibe he emitted, her unease had fizzled some and at least she wasn't so spooked anymore. They'd agreed to meet for lunch at his place. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail to deal with the June humidity in southern Louisiana. She was not used to it.

  She opened the antique jewelry box to retrieve her cell phone and engagement ring and nearly screamed. The ring was in there but her phone was not. She knew she'd left them both in there, especially the phone. Trevor's ringtone reminded her of its location around one o' clock that morning.

  She slipped the ring on her finger and slammed the jewelry box closed before storming out of the room.

  Something freaky was going on in this house.
