Read Deadline Page 59

Caroline stared hard at the painted face looking back at her in the mirror. Marriage. Married. Mrs. Caroline Callahan. It's happening, for real. The suffocating pressure compacting her chest knocked the wind from her lungs as she peered at her unfamiliar reflection in the full length mirror. Her heart threatened to explode in the steel cage supporting her shoulders. A panic attack was most unwelcome today.

  Is this what she really wanted? She believed in the sanctity of marriage, and loved Trevor, but was marriage the answer right now? Am I truly in love with Trevor, or am I more in love with the idea of having a wedding and the security of being married? Trevor was a great person inside and out. Everything a girl could ask for. Well-educated, fun, athletic, successful in his career and, not to mention, undeniably gorgeous.

  I'm overreacting, that has to be it. Trevor will give me a wonderful life and be a great husband and hopefully someday a wonderful father. The white chiffon blinded her in the reflection, but the beautiful flow of the material hugged her curves. She looked incredible.

  Kristy interrupted Caroline's thoughts as she complimented her own work. She smiled proudly as she pinned the veil on Caroline's head full of cascading curls that effectively disguised the shaved area of her head where she'd cracked her skull.

  "Are you sure you're ready for this, Mrs. Callahan? No going back once you say those magic words." She shivered and closed her eyes, allowing that to sink in. Kristy noticed and honed in on Caroline's strange behavior. "Listen to me, Caroline Fontenot. If you're not 110% sure this is what you want to do, you need to let me know right now. It's okay, you know. Trevor will be upset, but I'm sure he would appreciate you backing out before you say your vows. After all, a divorce can be a lot more expensive than a wedding."

  Caroline sighed. In her white wedding dress, symbolizing her purity and innocence, she was finally about to have her happily ever-after. Right? Was this really happening?

  "Caroline? Seriously, are you okay?"

  "Yes. . .yes, I'm fine. It's just. . .something doesn't feel right and I can't pinpoint what it is. Nerves, I'm sure. Let's do this."

  "Please hurry," Kristy mumbled under her breath. But she didn't seem to be talking to Caroline.
