Read Deadly Desire Page 11

  Matt's head snapped up at that statement. "That's several deviations from the original method of operation." Matt looked at Derek. "We need the coroner to confirm if this is indeed the work of The Georgia Terror or a copycat."

  Derek nodded and got his cell phone out to make the call.

  The Sheriff looked questioningly at Matt. "Let's step inside and I'll explain. We like to get any feedback we can from local law enforcement."

  Sheriff Parker nodded, put his cigarette out, and showed the men inside the station. Stepping into his office, he waved the agents into the two chairs facing his desk.

  "TGT, as far as we know, only takes one victim at a time. He spends weeks torturing his victims, not hours. He has never left anything behind, not even a hair. If these girls are victims of The Georgia Terror, then he is either playing with us or he has finally snapped. The bodies could start piling up quickly if it's the latter." Matt continued to explain the many dissimilarities of this case versus the other girls.

  "Copycat or TGT finally snapping, God help us all," the Sheriff responded as he sat back in his chair.

  Both Matt and Derek nodded quietly.

  The men interviewed the deputies that found the bodies and noted their first impressions and opinions regarding what they found and what they knew of the serial killer called TGT.

  Finishing their questions, Matt and Derek shook the Sheriff's hand and got back into their vehicle. Matt drove to the county the girls live in to notify the parents and ask questions. It was a long, difficult day for the brothers.

  When they finally made it back to Atlanta, Dale was there waiting for them. He read Matt his report and findings.

  Matt then visited the coroner who was just finishing up with one of the victim's and was about to move on to the other. He told Matt that he believed these girls were victims of the serial killer he was looking for and not a copycat. As he pointed out his reasons for this belief, Matt had no choice but to agree. Now it was time to see if they were dealing with an angry, controlled serial killer or one who has lost all control as well as his grip on reality.


  "Kristin," Amber called out several hours later as she was watching the evening news. "Can you come in here?"

  Kristin, trying to walk again had managed to get about five steps from her wheelchair without falling. Hearing the strange sound in Amber's voice had her turning and walking back to her chair.

  "Sure," she called out as she reached her chair. Kristin wheeled herself into the living room as Amber began rewinding the television.

  "Brace yourself," she said as she played back what she had seen.

  "Two more victims of the dreaded Georgia Terror have been found along this roadside ditch today by DeKalb County sheriff deputies," came the voice of the blond bombshell reporter. "On the scene earlier with Sheriff Parker were FBI agents in charge of investigating this vicious killer. The FBI agents and the sheriff's office have declined giving statements, but we have learned the identities of TGT's latest victims." The pictures of two young girls flashed on the television as the reporter continued with her story.

  "Oh my God," Kristin cried. "That's why they got the call earlier. That's where they've been today."

  "I was afraid that was what it was when all three cell phones went off this morning," Amber replied.

  Kristin looked at her panic stricken. "I have to remember. I saw his face. I have to identify him so he will stop torturing those young girls," she sobbed.

  Amber went to her friend. "Calm down, Kristin, this is not your fault," she said soothingly.

  "I know what he looks like. Amber, those girls are just babies," she continued as tears streamed down her face. "I have to stop this."

  Amber took Kristin by the shoulders and shook her gently. "Kristin, listen to me. You are not responsible for this. You cannot force your memory to return. If you do, you may do more damage and never get your memory back."

  Amber gathered Kristin in her arms and hugged her as the young doctor continued to cry. The pictures of those girls today combined with the pictures of the other victims she had seen this morning really got to her. She couldn't stop crying.

  Amber wheeled Kristin back to her room and put her to bed. She gave her something to help her sleep and returned to the living room. She called Derek and explained what happened.

  "I'm so sorry. It was my fault. If I hadn't shown her the news story she wouldn't have broken down like that," Amber said, tears streaming down her own face.

  "Don't worry, Honey," Derek soothed his wife. "Kristin is strong. She will be just fine."

  "I hope so, Derek. She was so distraught," Amber said.

  "Look, go lay down for awhile. Matt and I will grab some fast food on the way home. You said she's sleeping now so you get some rest too. We will be home to check on both of you soon," Derek replied.

  Amber agreed. She hung up the phone and climbed the stairs to her bedroom. There was a low ache in her back that had been nagging at her all day.

  When Derek and Matt arrived at Derek's house a couple of hours later, the women were sound asleep. It was still early but the men had had a long day. Derek joined his wife in bed and Matt went to Kristin's room. He could see the signs that said she had been crying and his heart went out to her. He climbed into bed beside her and pulled her against his chest. In her sleep, she snuggled further into his body and sighed.


  Kristin woke the next morning to the sound of Matt getting ready to go to the office. She didn't want to face him so she pretended to remain asleep. She felt the bed sag as he leaned over and kissed her forehead before heading out the door.

  She could tell by the rumble of voices that Derek was up as well. Hearing the front door open and close, Kristin sat up. She swung her feet off the bed and tried to stand. She had done this several times yesterday and each time was able to take an extra step. Now that she had been asleep for awhile, she hoped she would be able to walk a little farther.

  Kristin had walked about seven steps away from the bed when Amber walked into the room. Kristin looked up guiltily.

  "I should have known you wouldn't stay down long. How long have you been doing this," Amber asked.

  "You're not going to scold me," Kristin asked as she turned and headed back to the bed.

  "No, I would have done the same thing," Amber replied. "How long," she repeated.

  "On Tuesday, I tried to stand but it was too painful. Then I was able to soak in the tub and clean them really well. Yesterday, I was able to stand with minimal pain but when I tried to take a step, it was painful again. I tried several times yesterday and had just walked five steps when you called me into the living room," Kristin told her.

  "So the soak in the tub helped," Amber asked.

  "It seemed to," Kristin replied.

  Well, let's get you back into the tub. You haven't had a bath since Tuesday anyway so it will feel good for you to soak. Your face is looking much better. The bruise is almost gone," Amber observed.

  "Really, I haven't seen a mirror in days."

  "I'll bring you a small hand mirror."

  "Thanks, Amber," Kristin said. "For all you've done."

  "What are friends for," Amber asked.

  She gave Kristin a hug then stepped past her into the bathroom to run some hot water. "I'll bring you some clean clothes. Are you up for some company today?"

  Kristin cringed. "What company," she asked.

  "Your mother called. She wanted to know if it was okay to visit again. She said she would understand if you didn't want to see her just yet. I told her I would ask and call her back."

  "I don't want to hurt her feelings. Tell her it will be okay," Kristin said.

  "Alright, I'll call her while you're in the bathtub," Amber told her. We can have lunch together. I also have a friend coming over, but if it will make you uncomfortable, I can visit with her later."

  "Do I know her," Kristin
asked. She was watching the tub fill up with bubbles.

  "You do but probably won't remember her. She works at the hospital with me and has worked with you before. She has been my best friend since high school, kind of like you and Mary," Amber replied.

  "Olivia, the one you stayed in touch with even when you were hiding," Kristin remembered.

  "Yes, I haven't seen her since Matt found you. She wanted to check up on me and the baby. I've tried to keep her involved as much as possible since she lost her own baby girl," Amber said.

  "I understand. I wouldn't mind the company. If you want, you could call Mary also. We can have a girl's day," Kristin said. "It might take my mind off the horror for a little while."

  "That's a great idea. I'll call Mary right after I call your mother. I'll go throw some brownies in the oven," Amber said as she left the room.

  Kristin stepped into the hot, soapy water. She sighed. The bath felt so good. It relaxed her body and her soul. There had been too much darkness lately. She agreed with Amber that she could not force her memory. She decided she would concentrate on walking and let her brain work as it wanted to. As soon as her memory came back, she would give the information it contained to Matt. Hopefully, no more young girls would have to die.

  Her cuts no longer stung when she submerged them which told her they were healing well. It was still strange to her how she knew some things but had forgotten others. She knew how to walk and talk, she had a fair amount of knowledge about babies and medical terminology, but she just didn't remember how she had gotten any of that knowledge. The brain can be a funny thing sometimes.

  Soaking until the water started to get cold Kristin washed quickly, and then climbed out of the tub to dry off. She was able to stand the entire time she was dressing but collapsed into her wheel chair as soon as she was finished. She took the brush she had been borrowing from Amber into her room and sat on the bed as she brushed her long, dark, hair.

  When she was finished, she sat back in the wheelchair, and wheeled herself to the kitchen in search of Amber. The rumbling in her stomach reminded her she had not had breakfast yet.

  Amber looked up as Kristin came into the room. "Did you have a good bath," she asked as she pulled the brownies from the oven.

  "I did. Wow, that took a long time to bake. I must have been in there at least an hour."

  "I made them from scratch."

  "Seriously, you cook and bake," Kristin asked incredulously.

  "Yeah, I love to cook. I learned from my mother before she passed away. It was something we did together," Amber answered.

  "My idea of chocolate chip cookies is taking a bite out of the raw cookie dough you find in the grocery store."

  Amber looked at her curiously. It took a second for it to sink in, and then Kristin gasped.

  "I remembered that," she exclaimed. "I actually remembered that I like raw cookie dough."

  If she had not already been sitting down, Kristin would have had to find a chair. She was bowled over by the memory. It was small, but it was a start. When she looked up, Amber was smiling.

  Trying not to get too caught up so Kristin wouldn't push it, she instead changed the subject. "What would you like for breakfast," she asked.

  "One of those piping hot brownies would be awesome," Kristin replied with a grin.

  "So, the doctor who is going to be looking after my child apparently does not eat healthy herself," Amber replied. "These are for after lunch."

  Kristin laughed. "I believe I'm a junk food junkie," she said.

  "Well, while you're in this house, you will eat better than that, Missy," Amber said in her best old lady imitation.

  Both of the girls giggled and Amber made Kristin some bacon and eggs while she started mixing up some cookie dough. They were having a wonderful time talking together as Amber baked. By the time their first guest rang the doorbell, Amber had the dining table set with all types of petit sandwiches, cookies, brownies, and even a cake.

  She had set it with her best china and wine glasses. They would celebrate life, family, and friends today. Each of them deserved a little happiness and some time away from the horrors plaguing them.

  Olivia was the first to arrive. Hugging her friend, she asked how she was doing. "How's the baby," Olivia asked walking into the dining room.

  "Active," Amber responded. "Olivia, you remember Doctor Young."

  "Yes, it's so good to see you again, Doctor. You look well after the last time I saw you," Olivia said.

  "Thank you," Kristin replied. "Please, call me Kristin. When was the last time you saw me," she asked curiously.

  "When you were in the hospital, I checked in on Amber while she was sitting with you. I saw the bruises and your swollen face. It looks so much better now," Olivia answered.

  "I feel better now. Amber has taken very good care of me."

  The girls talked some more while waiting on the others to arrive. Mary and Margaret both arrived at the same time. Amber introduced everybody and they all sat down to eat.

  "Yesterday, I cleaned this house from top to bottom as if it had never been cleaned before," Amber was saying. "It was the strangest thing. I cleaned stuff I had just cleaned. I felt like I should open all the windows and do my spring cleaning."

  "Nesting," all four women said at the same time then laughed.

  "What is that?"

  Kristin responded. "As you get closer to your due date, your motherly instincts kick in. You want your house to be clean and safe for the new baby. All women go through the phase but usually closer to the due date."

  "But it can vary," Margaret spoke up. I went through it at different times with each of my girls.

  The women continued to talk about babies and families as they ate and drank their wine. It was a wonderful afternoon for the ladies and a reminder to Kristin of the types of memories she was missing.

  Her mother acted just like one of the girls, just a friend, no pressure to remember her childhood or her family. When everyone left, she realized how thankful she was for that. It also told her just how much her mother loved her.


  The following day, it was time for Kristin to go back to the doctor. Matt decided to go with her because he could easily lift her in and out of the car. Kristin was so excited to be getting out of the house, even if for a doctor's visit.

  As they drove to the hospital, Kristin couldn't help but smile. Soon she would have the go ahead from the doctor to try to walk although she would not be telling him she had started early. She would be able to go back to work. She couldn't explain why, but she missed her office, her staff, and her patients. She was ready to go back to work.

  Once at the hospital, Matt wheeled Kristin to Doctor Peter's office.

  "How is the patient today," he greeted Kristin in a friendly voice.

  "I'm doing much better than when I last saw you, Doctor Peters. How are you today," Kristin asked in return.

  "I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How's the memory," he questioned as Matt sat her on an examining table.

  "Not so good. I have had a few minor breakthroughs but nothing major. My parents are here and I can tell it hurts them that I don't know who they are," Kristin responded.

  "You must be patient. It will all come back to you in time. Sometimes it takes days, sometimes weeks, but with your type of amnesia any breakthrough is a good sign of a full recovery."

  "That's good to know," Kristin sighed.

  "Let's have a look at those feet," Doctor Peters said as he pulled out a board at the end of the examination table. He removed her slippers and slowly unwrapped the bandages Amber had put on that morning.

  He studied her feet, applied a little pressure, and then looked at Kristin. "How long have you been walking on your feet, Doctor Young," he asked.

  Matt's head snapped to Kristin. She looked guiltily at her feet. "Two days," she mumbled.

  "Well, they look good, so I'm not goin
g to fuss. You certainly are a much better doctor than I am so, even though you don't remember much, I believe you know what you're doing. Your feet have healed nicely. You face and hands look much better as well. Do you want to remove those stitches yourself or do you want to come back and see me in a couple of weeks," the doctor asked.

  "If I feel capable, I will do it myself, but if not, I'll give you a call. Thank you, Doctor Peters, for all your help," Kristin said shaking the doctor's hand.

  "You are welcome young lady. I hope to see you running around the hospital again soon. And I hope you are taking care of our favorite nurse. We sure do miss both of you."

  Kristin smiled at the older doctor. He turned and left the room as Matt put Kristin's house shoes back on her feet. She could feel the heat of his stare.

  "When were you going to tell me you had been trying to walk," he asked.

  "I wasn't" she replied.

  Matt gritted his teeth. She definitely could be stubborn, but he had to admit he would have done the same thing. He would be willing to bet Amber knew about Kristin's escapades and had kept her secret.

  Matt wheeled her to his car and placed her in the vehicle carefully. He decided to take a detour he had not told her about. Her staff was at her office and he was going to take her by to see them. He knew she wanted to get back and he thought it would be good for her to see her office before she came back on Monday.

  When Matt pulled up to the back door of her office complex she looked over at him questioningly. "Where are we?"

  "I thought you might like to see where you work and visit your staff before you see patients on Monday," he answered.

  "Really, this is my office," she asked.

  "It is," Matt answered. "Do you want to see it?"

  "Absolutely," Kristin said with an excited look on her face.

  Matt got out of the car and walked around to her door. He scooped Kristin out of the car and walked to the back door of her office building. Mary had been waiting for them. She opened the door and greeted the couple warmly. Matt deposited Kristin in Kimber's office where the rest of her staff was gathered. He waited outside the door while the ladies got reacquainted.

  "Kristin," they all cried as soon as he walked into the room.

  "How are you," Kimber asked.