Read Deadly Desire Page 9

  When she was finished, she drained the tub and then pulled herself up enough to be able to sit on the side of the tub. Her towel and clothes were within reach. She grabbed the towel and dried off then put on her under garments. Amber had already bought her some new bras and panties from the sizes of the clothes that had been taken off of her in the hospital. She had also bought pajamas for lying around the house as she recovered, but didn't want to impose and buy regular clothing.

  So, Kristin dressed in new undergarments, and then pulled on the borrowed jeans. Except for a couple of inches in height difference the girls were both similar in size. Dressed but unable to get back into the wheel chair, Kristin rang the bell Amber had left for her.

  Amber had just let Mary in the front door when she heard the bell ring from Kristin's room.

  "Let me check on her and then I will come and get you. She may be a little nervous having company," Amber said to Mary as she walked toward Kristin's room.

  Mary nodded and sat down on the couch in the living room while she waited.

  Amber walked into the bathroom to find Kristin already dressed. "How did you manage to get out of the tub," she asked her friend.

  "Very carefully," Kristin laughed. "I used my upper body like you suggested and just sat here on the side of the tub while I dried off and got dressed. Now we just have to get me into the chair."

  "Well done. I actually called in reinforcements and you go and get it done on your own," Amber chuckled.

  Kristin's heart skipped a beat. "Please tell me you didn't call Matt," she pleaded.

  Now it was Amber's turn to laugh. "Of course not; I called Mary."

  "Mary," Kristin asked.

  "She's your receptionist. I thought she would be able to help get you out of the tub a little easier than I got you in," Amber explained.

  "Is she here," Kristin asked.

  "Yes, in the living room. She has wanted to visit but was afraid to in case you didn't remember her. She didn't want to add any extra strain. But I thought we would need the help and eventually you need to talk to your girls before you go back to work."

  "You're right. She might as well join the party," Kristin said grinning.

  Amber left to get Mary. Kristin braced herself. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings because of the blank wall in her head but she knew it was inevitable if she did not regain her memory soon.

  She was looking at the doorway of the bathroom when an auburn haired lady with beautiful green eyes walked in. Still the black wall remained. Kristin felt as if she was meeting a stranger for the first time. Kristin smiled.

  Mary hugged Kristin. When she stepped back, Kristin could see the tears in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry. I know you don't remember me but I have missed you. I'm so glad you're alright. When Amber told us what happened, I wanted to come over right away and check on you myself, but I knew you needed time..." Mary suddenly quite talking after rushing through those first sentences.

  She took a deep breath, let it out slowly and started again. "I'm sorry. You don't need me crying all over you," Mary whispered.

  Kristin's heart went out to the girl. She gave Mary's hand a squeeze.

  "It's alright, Mary. I'm not sure how I would react if one of my friend's had been through what I have and they couldn't remember me. We'll get through this." Kristin smiled again.

  "I should be saying that to you," Mary replied but she also smiled.

  Amber watched the exchange silently. She admired the way Kristin handled the situation and she liked the young doctor even more. She had strength of character that is normally hard to find in people today.

  "Let's get Kristin into the wheel chair and I will bandage her feet back up. The two of you can catch up while I work," Amber stated.

  Together, Amber and Mary lifted Kristin off the bathtub and into the wheel chair. Amber pushed the chair into Kristin's room. As she gathered the supplies she needed to tend the Kristin's feet, Mary started talking to Kristin.

  Amber listened as she worked. Mary described Kristin's office to her, explained how she had gotten the property, and talked about the many hours they both had put into painting and decorating the building. She talked about their favorite patients and the staff. Mary talked until Kristin felt she would be able to pick out many of her patients and her staff if she ran into them somewhere. She knew in her heart Mary was a good friend.

  Two hours later, Kristin thanked Mary for coming over to help her. She asked if she would be willing to come back before she had to go back to work. Mary agreed. The girls hugged and Amber showed Mary out.

  "Well that went better than I had imagined," Amber stated as she walked back into Kristin's room.

  "Tell me about it," Kristin replied. "It started to get really awkward there for a minute, but I think Mary must have sensed that."

  "I think so too. She really loves you. The two of you went to school together and have been the best of friends for a long time. I'm sure it hurts a little to know you don't remember that," Amber said.

  "It was nice of her to give me all of that information. I feel better equipped to face my staff and patients after the lesson she gave," Kristin chuckled.

  Amber smiled. Mary had divulged a wealth of information today. Kristin would be able to recognize and converse with most of her patients as if nothing had happened. She knew Kristin appreciated that. Now, on to the next challenge.

  "I'm going to get supper started. Matt may be bringing your parents by this evening," Amber reminded her. "Do you want to rest until they get here?"

  Kristin nodded. She was a little tired after all of the excitement of the afternoon. Amber helped her into bed and left to start supper.

  ♥ Chapter 9 ♥

  Matt was pacing when Derek escorted Paul and Margaret Young into his office. Matt took a split second to analyze the faces of the people claiming to be Kristin's parents. It didn't take long to see the family resemblance or note the anxiety in the eyes of the couple facing him.

  "Please have a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Young," Matt said as he indicated the chairs facing his desk. The Young's sat down without saying a word. Derek silently left the office.

  Matt sat down behind his desk and again looked at the aging couple. He took a deep breath. This was his least favorite part of the job. Facing the family of a victim. Thankfully, in this case, the victim was still alive. She would carry scars, emotionally and physically, but she was alive.

  Unable to take the silence any longer, Paul asked, "Please, Mr. Stevenson, do you know what happened to our daughter? Her mother and I are very worried."

  "Kristin is fine. She's staying with my sister-in-law. You can see her in about an hour," Matt replied.

  "Oh, thank God," Margaret responded.

  "What happened to her? Why is she staying with your sister-in-law and not at her own home? You said she had an accident," questioned Paul.

  "I'll explain everything as best as I can but please be prepared. It will not be an easy story to listen to," Matt replied.

  The couple nodded their heads.

  Matt told the Young's about the serial killer terrorizing Georgia and how he had been tracking him. He explained how he had found Kristin. He watched as her mother sobbed into her father's chest. It took almost an hour but he gave them all of the information he had so they would understand Kristin's delicate condition.

  "You do understand your daughter may not recognize or remember either of you," he said softly.

  Kristin's father spoke up. "We'll do whatever is needed to help her back to herself," he stated. "If she needs time, we will give it. If she needs space, we will give it. Whatever she needs, we will give it." Paul sobbed this last sentence.

  Matt felt like a hundred pounds had been placed on his shoulders. He could tell the Young's loved their daughter very much and could only imagine how hard this must be for them.

  "Is she willing to see us, Mr. Stevenson," Paul as

  "She is. Amber, my sister-in-law, has supper on the table. Let me grab my brother and you can follow us to his house," Matt said.

  "Thank you, Mr. Stevenson," Margaret replied.

  "Please, call me Matt," he answered.

  "I will, thank you," Margaret smiled at the young man who seemed to have so much concern for her daughter. She hoped she wasn't reading too much into the way he spoke Kristin's name, but she couldn't help but feel he cared for her. She would see when they were all together. For now, she needed to see her baby.

  The Young's followed Matt and Derek to Derek's home. Amber had already been warned they would be there soon and she relayed the message to Kristin.

  Kristin was fidgety and nervous. How could she deal with not remembering her parents? How would they respond, knowing their daughter had no memories of the many years spent together? She had so many questions for them. She didn't know if she had siblings or if she was an only child. She had forgotten to ask Mary when she had been at the house earlier.

  What did they look like? Did she resemble them? There were so many questions floating in her head and she didn't know how to calm them. She heard the front door open and Amber greet the visitors as she sat in her room. She didn't know if she should go out there or wait. She was still debating when Matt walked into her room.

  Matt could see the strain on her face. He had been worried about this. He could only imagine what she must be feeling. He walked across the room and took her hands into his.

  Kristin immediately calmed. Matt's touch had a powerful affect on her.

  Matt looked into Kristin's eyes. "You have wonderful parents, Kristin," he said.

  Kristin let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding.

  "Are you sure," she asked.

  "Yes, they love you very much and want to help you in any way you need. They are even willing to give you time before you meet them if that is what you prefer. They understand." Matt continued to hold Kristin's hands in his own as he talked to her about her parents.

  "I want to meet them, Matt. I want to talk to them. Can you take me in there? I think I'm ready now," she said.

  "Okay. If you're sure," Matt questioned

  Kristin nodded and braced herself as Matt wheeled her into the living room where her parents were quietly talking with Amber.

  Tears came to her mother's eyes when Kristin came into the room. She rushed over, fell on her knees and hugged her daughter.

  "Oh, Kristin. I was so worried about you. I have never been so scared in my life," Margaret sobbed into Kristin's neck. "Please tell me you're alright."

  "I'm okay," Kristin said feeling a little uneasy. There was no recognition, no memories flooding back, nothing but that blank wall. Kristin felt like screaming but her mother needed her right now.

  Kristin hugged her mother back and kissed her cheek. "I'm alive. That's what matters right now," she said.

  "Matt told us what that monster did to you," her father said as he walked over to stand beside her. He had noticed the slight withdrawn look that told him his daughter had not recognized him or her mother. It made him sad but he had meant what he said to Matt. He would do whatever it took to help his baby. He took his wife's hand and pulled her to her feet. He didn't want Kristin feeling uncomfortable.

  "I will heal," Kristin said smiling slightly.

  "I know, Kitten. You always were a fighter," her father answered.

  Not knowing what else to say, Kristin and her parents got quiet. Amber filled the awkward silence by suggesting they eat dinner. Derek escorted the Young's to the dining table while Matt followed pushing Kristin's wheel chair.

  As they ate Kristin asked questions. Her mother jumped at the chance to answer her while her father studied her in silence.

  "You have two sisters, Nicole and Amy. Both married with children," her mother told her.

  For an hour her mother talked about their family, her childhood, and her determination to become a doctor. Kristin remembered none of it. She tried. She listened to her mother's voice, tried to recall the same memory her mother was talking about, but just could not bring anything to the surface. She tried not to show the frustration she was feeling.

  Amber noticed the strain on Kristin's face. She excused herself from the table and under the pretense of clearing the dishes, slipped Kristin some aspirin for the headache she knew must be just under the surface. Kristin continuously got headaches whenever she tried to force her memory. Kristin mouthed a silent thank you as Amber continued to clear off the table.

  Paul, also noticing the strain in his daughter's face, decided it was time to find a hotel close by. Kristin tried not to let the relief she felt show in her face when her father made that announcement. Matt and Derek walked the Young's to the door. Matt gave Paul directions to the hotel they had made reservations at for the couple and directions back to his office.

  Margaret and Paul said their goodbyes and left feeling secure in their daughter's surroundings. They felt she was well protected and cared for by the young couple she was staying with and the nice FBI agent in charge of her case. Paul liked the young agent. On the drive to the hotel the older couple talked about the way their daughter looked at Matt and how protective he was of her.

  "There's a romance brewing, Margaret," Paul said to his wife.

  "I hope so, Paul. It's about time that young lady met a nice man and settled down," Margaret responded.

  Paul reached over and took Margaret's hand in his. It had been hard on both of them realizing their daughter did not recognize or remember them, but the electricity they felt between Kristin and Matt made their hearts glad.

  Matt watched from the doorway of the kitchen as Kristin helped Amber clean up. She couldn't do much in a wheel chair, but she tried anyway.

  "I've got this Kristin," Amber said. "You should go lie down."

  "I want to help you," Kristin replied. "You've got to be just as tired as I am."

  "I appreciate the help, Kristin, really, but I saw what you just went through. You should rest. If you don't lie down, your head is just going to hurt worse."

  "You've been on your feet all day, Amber, and I can tell that baby is putting a strain on you, also. I'm going to help you and then we will both lay down when the kitchen is cleaned up," Kristin argued stubbornly.

  Amber didn't have much of a response to that. Her back was aching and her feet hurt. She needed to rest but she knew she would not be able to sleep if the kitchen did not get cleaned up first. She smiled tiredly at Kristin.

  "Deal," she said. "But only if you promise to rest as soon as we are done."

  "Not gonna happen, Ladies," Derek said strolling into the kitchen and sweeping Amber off her feet. "You're both going to bed and resting now. I'll clean up the kitchen."

  Amber started to protest but Derek stopped her with a stern look.

  Matt wheeled Kristin's chair back to her room while Derek carried Amber upstairs.

  "Will he really clean up the kitchen, Matt, or was he just saying that," Kristin asked.

  "He'll clean it up after he gives his wife a massage. He noticed her discomfort also," Matt said.

  "Are you going to help him," Kristin asked.

  "Yes, after I see to your comfort," Matt responded.

  He gave Kristin a clean pair of pajamas and left the room while she changed into them. When she was finished, he helped her into bed and sat down beside her. They talked about her parents while he rubbed her forehead where he knew she was hurting. Kristin didn't like to complain about her aches and pains but she really appreciated the thoughtfulness that led Matt to try to rub away her headache. A few minutes later, Kristin was sound asleep.

  Matt joined Derek in the kitchen and both men cleaned up the dishes and made sure everything was put back in its place.

  When they were finished, Matt returned to Kristin's room and climbed in the bed beside her. It had felt so good the night be
fore just being there with her, he couldn't resist the urge to sleep with her again.

  As he got comfortable, Kristin rolled toward him and threw her arm over his stomach. Matt smiled. Even in her sleep, Kristin was a beautiful, provocative lady.

  Matt drifted off to sleep holding the beauty beside him, promising in his heart to protect her forever.

  She was running. She wasn't sure why, she just knew in her mind she had to get away. From whom, she didn't know, but her heart was pounding and her brain was screaming. "Run, run, run." So she ran.

  She could hear the pounding behind her that told her someone was running, chasing her. She tried to run faster but it felt like she was running in quicksand.

  There was laughter. The kind of maniacal laughter you would hear in a horror movie. Only this was not a movie. He was gaining on her and she could do nothing about it.

  Suddenly she fell. She could feel the burn in her hands and knees as she scraped them. She looked and she was bleeding. In fact, there was blood everywhere. She wasn't running in quicksand. She was running through blood. The blood of his many victims?

  "There you are my pretty," she heard the monster say from behind her. "I've got you now. It's no use running, I will find you where ever you try to hide from me."

  She turned over on her back and tried to scoot away. He was coming closer. She couldn't see him. She stopped struggling. She needed to see him. If she saw his face, she could tell someone who it was terrorizing the young girls.

  She struggled. She could feel pain coming from her feet, but she still could not see him. Why couldn't she see him? Come closer she willed while still trying to find a way to escape after she had what she needed.

  Suddenly there was a flash of light. She saw the wicked blade in his hand. It wasn't down by her feet or ankles; it was pointed at her heart. As he lunged at her, she screamed trying quickly to get away.

  Matt sat straight up in bed. Kristin was screaming, clearly terrified of something. He gathered her in his arms, trying to wake her gently.

  "Kristin," he called. "Hey, baby. Wake up. It's just a bad dream," he soothed.