Read Deadly Distractions, A Stan Turner Mystery Vol 6 Page 18



  Rain pelted the windows as we began to accelerate down the runway. Lightning flashed and thunder shook us as we picked up speed. We took off in only mild turbulence but, once airborne, felt the full brunt of the approaching hurricane. The pilot tried to get over the storm, but the small Lear jet didn’t have the ability to go above 15,000 feet. The plane lurched then suddenly dropped quickly. My stomach felt like it was being ripped from my torso. Cox screamed as we plunged into the darkness below. I smiled at her but she didn’t seem to be amused. As we got farther away from the storm, the ride became much smoother and everyone seemed to relax. It occurred to me that the hurricane would be another way the FBI could get rid of Monty and me. They could simply say our plane went down trying to pass through the storm.

  Several hours later I looked down and saw that we were approaching the Texas coast. I spotted Galveston and the Houston ship channel. Relief came over me like a cool breeze. We were actually being taken home. Forty-five minutes later, we landed at Addison Airport and deplaned. As I walked down the stairway, I spotted Jodie and Paula running toward us. When I stepped on the tarmac, Paula ran into my arms. She squeezed me hard and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Finally she let go and gave Monty a hug. Jodie and I embraced and I noticed she was crying too.

  “Oh, Stan, I’m so relieved you are home,” Paula said smiling broadly. “I couldn’t believe it when they called and said you were at the airport.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “They just called us thirty minutes ago. Jodie and I jumped right in the car and came straight here. We didn’t even have time to pick up Rebekah. She’s waiting anxiously for you at home.”

  “Let’s go. I’m anxious to see her too.”

  Paula nodded. “Sure. We’ll drive you two home.”

  We got our luggage after it was unloaded from the plane, and followed Paula to her car. As we approached, I noticed two men standing in front of her BMW holding shotguns.

  “Who are those men?” I asked.

  “Oh, they are my CDA bodyguards.”

  “Your what?”

  Paula explained how the CDA had used my disappearance to bolster their case of a government conspiracy to deny Dusty Thomas a fair trial. As we got to the car, several cars pulled up, followed by the Channel 5 News van. Reporters quickly scampered out of their vehicles and surrounded us.

  “Mr. Turner, did you just get back?” a reporter asked.

  I replied. “Yes, just a few minutes ago.”

  “Where have you been all this time?” another reported asked.

  “Well, it’s a long story. I don’t have time to go into it right now other than to say that Monty and I are fine and glad to be home.”

  “Were you being held by the FBI?” the first reported said.

  I smiled as I saw Logan and Cox watching us. “Ah. . . . I have no comment on that at this time. Thank you.”

  We all got in the car. I sat in the front passenger seat so I could talk to Paula. She eased us slowly out of the growing crowd and then accelerated onto the main road out of the airport. As we drove home, I gave Jodie and Paula a brief synopsis of our adventure. Monty filled-in the details I left out. Then Paula updated us on the Dusty Thomas case.

  When she was done, I smiled and shook my head. “I’m sorry I deserted you. I bet it’s been a nightmare working on the case alone.”

  “It’s been hard, but Jodie’s been helping out some. I’m just glad you’re back so we can talk about what I’ve turned up so far and decide what to do next.”

  “Me, too. I’ve had enough of Ecuador and the Caribbean.”

  We dropped Monty off at his apartment and finally made it to my house. Rebekah and the kids poured out the front door as we drove up. It was pandemonium as Rebekah smothered me with hugs and kisses, and the kids danced around us laughing and giggling in delight. Paula watched us in amazement. Finally when the excitement died down, I thanked her for driving me home and she left.

  “Daddy, where have you been?” Marcia asked. “We’ve missed you.”

  “I had to go try to find a friend who was lost down in Ecuador,” I replied.

  “Where is Ecuador?”

  “It’s in South America three or four thousand miles from here, on the equator.”

  “What’s the equator?’ Marcia asked.

  “It’s the middle of the Earth. Go get your globe and I’ll show you.”

  Marcia left and Rebekah shook her head and said, “I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again. You read all the time about corporate executives and diplomats getting kidnapped and held for ransom. Rarely do they escape alive. Every time the phone rang I cringed in fear expecting it to be a call telling me you had been killed.”

  “I know it must have been hard. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I guess it was foolish of me to go to Ecuador.”

  “Every day I went to Mass and prayed you’d be returned to me safely. Father Bob’s gotten to know me pretty well.”

  “Well, your prayers worked. When we were taken from our hotel, I had my doubts as to whether we’d ever make it out of there alive. But every time I lost hope something miraculous would happen. God must have answered your prayers.”

  Rebekah came over to me and held me tightly. “Don’t ever leave me again, okay? No more rescue missions.”

  “Okay,” I said as our lips met and we kissed passionately. When we stopped to catch our breath, Rebekah’s eyes lit up.

  She said, “Are you hungry? When did you eat last? Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  Rebekah led me to the kitchen and I sat down at the table while she worked. It felt good to be back home. There was so much love here. I had taken it all for granted and almost lost it. While Rebekah was fixing me something to eat, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and said a silent prayer. Thank you, Lord, for watching over me and bringing me home safely. Thank you for protecting and comforting Rebekah and the kids while I was away. Guide me these next few perilous days so that I can bring Tex home safely. And if Dusty Thomas is innocent, show me the way to prove it. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  Rebekah looked up and gave me a worried smile. She seemed to sense my fear and anxiety. We had been married a long time and gone through so much adversity that we had learned to feel each other's inner emotions. Our eyes met and she said sadly, “It’s not over yet, is it?”

  I shook my head and replied, “No, it isn’t.”