Read Deadly Secrets Page 33

  Chapter 29

  Heath slowly came awake. The first thing he noticed was the pain. It was white hot and seemed to be spreading out from his chest. He wanted to scream at the agony of it, but he couldn’t speak. Hell, he couldn’t even open his eyes. God, it hurt to even breathe! Then the memories replaced that thought, and he remembered that Miranda was dead. Why bother to fight this pain? Why suffer for each breath? There was no longer any reason, so he let go. He just let go.

  Now he was in mist and sky. Was this heaven he wondered? Not really what he had expected. And then there she was moving through the mists toward him, Miranda. He tried to call out to her, but even in this place, he could not find his voice. But it didn’t matter; she must have seen him because she came closer to him with each step. But as the distance between them narrowed, he realized something was wrong. This wasn’t his Miranda. She had Miranda’s face, but her eyes were not the same. This woman felt differently to him. “Who are you?” he thought.

  She smiled a smile so like Miranda’s and yet so foreign. “My name is Cara. As to who I am, let’s just say that I’m a friend.”

  Heath shook his head in confusion, “I don’t understand; I don’t know you.”

  She looked at him with kind eyes. “Perhaps this will help.” She reached out for someone. Heath sensed it then; there was someone else in the mists. A figure moved to stand beside the woman.

  Heath stared. He shook his head in denial. It couldn’t be! The man had his face! He was panicked now as he cried out, “What’s going on? Who is that? What’s happening to me?”

  The man with his face answered. “You’re dying…or not. It’s really up to you.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean - it’s up to me? Just who are you?”

  The man grinned. “Like Cara said, consider us friends…friends of the family.”

  Heath was still fighting his confusion, “What family?”

  The woman, Cara, answered. “Why yours and Miranda’s, of course.”

  Heath felt pain in his heart that burned like a brand into his very soul. “That can’t be! She’s dead! He killed her! We can never have a family!”

  Then the most extraordinary thing happened; they smiled. This time when she spoke, her voice was harder to hear as if she was moving away from him. “No, she didn’t die.”

  Heath struggled fighting her words, her lies. “Don’t lie to me! I heard the shot. How could she be alive?”

  Cara voice was now like a whisper, pleading with him. “Heath, just listen. Listen and you will hear her calling for you!”

  Heath wanted to believe, but this was madness. Whatever was going on here was crazy. Maybe he was in hell. But then he heard something….It sounded like crying. Then he felt that searing pain in his heart again.

  As the pain ebbed, he heard that sound again. Then he heard her, “Heath! Heath! Please don’t leave me! Heath stay with me, darling! I love you! Stay! Heath,” she pleaded.

  He looked back at the man and woman standing in the mists. He couldn’t be sure, but it seemed that the mist was pulling them in deeper. His voice was shaking as he called out to them, “How do I get back to her?”

  The woman answered, calling out to him “You’re already on your way. Love her, and your love will take you where you need to go.”

  Beep. Beep. Beep went the machines. I sat by the metal bed in a hard, plastic white chair. It seemed that being stuck in hard chairs was my destiny of late. Why did everything in a hospital room have to be so white? My gaze lingered on the man in the bed; Heath looked white himself, like death. A sob racked my chest as I fought a losing battle for control. Strong. I needed to be strong for Heath.

  I closed my eyes and prayed. “Lord, please send him back to me. I need him so much; please let us have more time.”

  Then with my eyes still closed, I called out to Heath willing him to live with all the love inside of my heart. “Heath! Heath! Please don’t leave me! Stay with me! I love you! Stay! Heath, please.”

  I felt it, the smallest touch on my hand. My eyes flew open, and for a moment, I stared at my hand lying there on the stark white sheet and burst into tears.Heath’s hand held mine in a gentle clasp. My eyes flew to his face. His eyes were open.

  “Oh, Heath,” I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around him gently. “Thank you, God! Thank you.”

  My tears rained down on Heath’s face as I held him close. I kissed him softly on the lips unable to keep my need for him at bay.

  It was heart-breakingly beautiful to the couple who watched over them. Then they turned and walked together toward the softly beckoning light…finally they were together, and they were going home. Tonight was a night for miracles and for love.

  Two days later, Heath was still bedridden in the hospital, hooked up to machines and IV lines and getting fed up with the fussing of the doctors and the nurses.

  A steady stream of visitors had poured into his room. His parents had been by twice a day every day. He had not seen them this much in years. Miranda and Sam had been by several times and at other times, private times, Miranda came by herself.

  It just so happened that today finally, they were all here together: Heath, Miranda, Adrian, and Dana. Dana had been the last to arrive and had bristled instantly when she saw Adrian.

  “What, now you show up?” she demanded.

  Adrian simply flicked a glance at her and then dismissed her. Dana marched over to the bed. “Damn it, Heath, I know he’s your boss, but you can’t possibly want him here!”

  Heath started at her and then looked over at Adrian. After a moment, he looked back at Dana. “You don’t know what you’re talking about Dana. Adrian has more right to be here than anyone.”

  I looked at Adrian. I didn’t know how Adrian fit into the story, but the fact that he belonged was undisputed in my mind. I knew his face; I had seen it before in a dream. For now, I kept this information to myself and simply said. “What happened that night, Adrian? I know you were there.”

  Adrian looked at me, his face a blank mask. I was sure this was some skill he had learned; no one could be this unreadable naturally. Then he spoke to Heath, “My friend, I think this one will keep you on your toes.”

  Heath looked at me and smiled. “I’m counting on it.” He nodded to Adrian. “Tell her.”

  Adrian walked over and shut the door to Heath’s room, what was going to be said was need to know and as far as Adrian was concerned no one needed to know, but if this was what Heath wanted, he trusted him. It was too late now to change that.

  He sighed and leaned back against the door frame, further assurance that they would not be disturbed without warning. After all, they could not have the police find out the truth, now could they?

  “Miranda, have you ever been out on Heath’s boat?”

  It was my turn to look confused, “Uh, no. I didn’t know that he had one.”

  Adrian nodded. “Oh, yes. It’s a very nice little cabin cruiser.” He jabbed a finger toward Heath, “Fishing is in his blood. He has to get out on the water at least once a month, or believe me you don’t want to be around him.”

  I smiled, “I’ll remember that. Um, but what does that have to do with the other night.”

  “Well, if you do take the boat out, you’ll need to gas it up. I used quite a bit the other night? “

  I finally began to see where this conversation was going. “I see. Let me guess; you took a ride on the river, maybe all the way down to pier 53?”

  Adrian nodded and looked at Heath again for the go ahead. Heath just nodded. He was getting tired again. That happened too easily still.

  Adrian changed tracks then, “I don’t suppose Heath has told you how we met, did he?”

  I was getting whip lash from the choppy conversation. “No, I can’t say it’s come up in the last 48 hours. Why?”

  Heath volunteered, “It’s kind of important.”

  All eyes turned to Heath. He muttered, “Go ahead, Adrian.”

  “All right, about five years ago, we both joined the Drug Enforcement Agency.” He paused. “We were placed on the same team with two other members. All of us were recruited for our special talents.”

  Dana asked, “What talents?”

  Adrian shrugged. “Well, there was Marcus Hayes, an ex-ranger, who was an explosives expert. The second member of our team was Heath. He was recruited for his weapons knowledge. He’s quite deadly, our Heath.”

  Dana looked at Heath with new respect. “Cool. You might come in handy around here after all.”

  Heath just signaled for Adrian to go ahead. “The third member of our team was a woman, Sarah Strickland; she was former CIA counter intelligence.”

  Dana butted in, “And I suppose you were the last member?”

  Adrian just nodded. Dana pushed, “So what’s your special skill?”

  When Adrian didn’t answer, Heath spoke up for him, “Former Special Forces,” he paused, pulled in a painful breath and continued, “Sniper.”

  My face blanched, and I gasped. “The shooter the police are looking for is Adrian!”

  Adrian nodded, “I’m sure you can see why we are being so discreet.”

  Both women nodded. Dana sputtered, “How did you manage that…from a boat?”

  Adrian waggled his eyebrows, “I’m just that good, honey.”

  Adrian looked at his watch, “I’ve got to go, Heath. We’ve still got a few loose ends to tie up.” His eyes paused meaningfully on me and then slid back to Heath.”

  What the hell was that? “Uhm, okay guys, what was that look about just now?”

  Adrian chuckled, “See I told you she would keep you on your toes.”

  I turned the full force of my gaze on Heath. “What is going on here?”

  Heath’s eyes darted to Dana. “Maybe you should tell her.”

  I turned my face now livid with anger and confusion. I pinned Dana with my stare. “Just what the hell does everyone in this room know that I do not!” I demanded.

  Dana signed. “Thanks guys, leave it to little old me to why don’t ya.”

  They both grinned at her, Adrian had the gall to add, “Thanks, we will” as he opened the door and escaped.

  I looked at Heath momentarily distracted from the topic at hand. “He saved us. He saved you. I will be indebted to him for the rest of my life.”

  Heath answered gruffly, “Yes, saving you was his mission. That I lived was a good bonus.”

  “Don’t be glib; under the circumstance, it’s not funny,” I demanded.

  I heard the door creak, and I glanced to see who was coming in, but was chagrinned to see it was Dana making an attempt to sneak out.

  I threw up my hands, “What the hell, Dana! You’re supposed to be enlightening me about where the hell Adrian just went, not sneaking off to join him!”

  Dana turned back to face me, “I wasn’t going to join him. He doesn’t need any help, or at least that’s what he said.”

  I heard the miffed tone of her voice. It seems like Dana finally ran across someone as arrogant as herself about their abilities. “Dana, please tell me what is going on. Believe me, I can take it. You should know that after everything that I have been through.”

  Dana sighed, “Okay, Okay ‘Randa. It’s not that I don’t think you can handle it. It’s that I would rather not have you worry. My vote was to keep silent about this until we were sure. However, it seems that I have been overridden and railroaded into this by your man here and his accomplice.”

  “Just split it out, Dana. I get the idea, you’re telling me this against your better judgment.”

  “All right, it seems that the investigation I have been running about your Grandmother’s death and your near miss at the courthouse steps a few months ago may in fact be linked in some bizarre way to this man, Devon.”

  Heath pulled me down to sit on the edge of his bed. I was grateful. My knees were weak, and I was sure my face had lost all of its color. “How do you know that?”

  Dana shrugged. “We don’t know that for sure. However, we do know that this man, Devon, was a serious dealer in drugs and guns. Heath and the DEA have been tracking his movements for over a year now. As far as they were able to tell, Savannah was not part of his usual territory. He relocated his operations here less than week before your mishap.”

  “You think he came here for me?” I asked with more control than I believed possible.

  It was Heath who answered, “We don’t know, Miranda, but we are going to find out. It just seems like too much of a coincidence.”

  I nodded and took a steadying breath. “Okay, so what do we do?”

  Heath sighed, “You let me worry about that.”

  Dana cleared her throat loudly. Heath chuckled, “And Dana, of course.”

  Dana nodded, “That’s better. Especially since, I am point man on this until you are up and around again.”

  Heath winced, “Yeah, kick me while I’m down; why don’t you, Dana?”

  She chuckled, “You know how it is with us hard asses; we can’t pass up an opportunity.”

  Dana’s eyes moved to me, “I think I’ll head out and let the two of you get some rest. I’ll call you later, Miranda.”

  I looked up at her in question. There was something there in her eyes, something only meant for me. I played it cool. “Sure, I’ll be home later. Just ring me up, or call me on my cell. Bye, Dana.”

  The door clicked softly shut behind her. Heath waited for a moment and then asked, “So what do you think she needs to tell you that I can’t hear?”

  I laughed. It was good to be able to laugh again. “I haven’t a clue, but I’m sure I’ll find out later. Right now, I just want to concentrate on you and me.”

  Heath sighed and pulled me close, “Well, that makes two of us, my love.”

  His lips found mine, and all else ceased to matter. I was finally home.

  Epilogue: 1 year later

  I stood looking into the backyard. A year had passed since my kidnapping and the night that Heath had almost died. Just thinking about that day still gives me chills. But a lot has happened in this last year. Heath retired from the DEA and was now the successful owner of a private security company.

  Less than a month after his release from the hospital, Heath surprised me with a ring and a proposal. The afternoon light winked off the diamond on my finger. The ring was a family heirloom that had once belonged to Heath’s great-grandmother. It seemed that family would always play a part in our life together, family both past and present.

  Cara had vanished. I no longer felt her presence or saw her in the house. I don’t dream of them anymore. Sometimes I wish I could still see Jacob, Claire, Douglas, and Cara to know more about the people that they once were and to say “Thank you for saving us.” Since that was impossible, Kelly and I still searched through records trying to learn more about the lives of these remarkable people. While my ancestors may have returned to the past, my family was out in the backyard carousing around.

  Heath and Sam had set up the backyard for a barbeque earlier, and now they were playing football in the yard and driving poor Tub wild with happiness. Even though the danger had long passed, it had been decided that today was a day for family and friends to be together. Adrian had called this morning from South America; he was working a case and was sorry he could not be here. He would be missed, but everyone else would gather: my parents, Kelly, Marcus, Heath’s parents, and even Dana.

  Despite all of her best efforts, she was still trying to uncover why Devon had suddenly picked up and moved his drug operations to Savannah. Though she had not found any connection to tie him to my near miss at that courthouse, no one was willing to stop looking for answers.

  A secret smile painted my lips despite the continued turmoil unanswered questions caused in my life. Who would have thought it, a year later and a baby on the way, a Christmas baby no less? I smiled; I could not seem to stop smiling. It seemed that miracles were abound
ing these days.

  The doorbell rang. I went to answer it and was pleased to see it was Kelly. “Hey, Kel! Come on in. Looks like you’ve got your hands full.” Kelly juggled a large brown paper wrapped package and a plate of delicious looking cream puffs.

  Kelly laughed, “Thanks. Can you take this plate?”

  “Sure.” I grabbed the plate before it could pitch into the floor and give Tub the treat of a lifetime. “Come on in. We’ll put these in the kitchen where Sam and Heath can’t see them. That way there will actually be some left when we eat.”

  Kelly laughed, “Sounds great.”

  After I stowed the food, I turned to Kelly and gestured to the package. “What’s that?”

  Kelly grinned, “Just a little belated wedding gift for you.”

  I rubbed my hands together, “Ohhhh. Gemme,”

  Kelly laughed again and handed it over. I ripped the paper off and gasped. “Where did you find this?

  Kelly shrugged, “Well, I’ve never stopped looking into the lives of Cara, Jacob, and Claire. You know that, and I came across this in my research recently.”

  I looked at Kelly in shock, “Why didn’t you say something to me?”

  Kelly looked a bit sheepishly at me, “Well, you’ve been busy lately, and I didn’t want you think I was obsessed with their story.” She paused, “Plus, I wanted this to be a surprise.”

  I raised my eyebrow, “Why would I think that you were obsessed?”

  Kelly sighed, “Because I can’t leave Jacob behind.”

  I just hummed and then finished opening the gift. Inside was a painting, “How, Kelly?”

  “The name the artist gave the picture was Douglas and Cara Makinna. From the name and the date on the painting, I’m guessing it was a wedding portrait. It was painted in January just a month before he died.”

  I sniffled, “That explains the why of the picture; but how did you find it?”

  Kelly grunted, “Just plain luck. I’ve been looking around in the town records searching for details on Jacob’s death and Claire’s disappearance. So far nothing, but what I did come across was a listing for a little gallery outside of Shannon. They had this painting.”

  I looked at Kelly in horror. “You bought me a painting from a museum! How can you afford that? I can’t accept this.”

  Kelly waved me off, “Don’t blow your top. I can afford it. I’m rich.”

  I just stared at her. “Look,” she continued, “would anyone in their right mind major in history if they weren’t wealthy?”

  I shrugged.

  Kelly nodded, “Trust me; they wouldn’t. So, take it. It’s a gift. It belongs with you and Heath.”

  I was spellbound by the woman and man in the painting with faces so like Heath’s and my own. Then I looked at Kelly. “Thank you.” I hesitated before making my choice. “I have something that I need to show you as well.”

  Kelly look confused, “What?”

  I pulled out my cell phone and pulled up a picture in the gallery. I turned it around so she could see. Kelly’s hand flew to her mouth, “Oh, my God! That’s Jacob!”

  I shook my head, no, “That’s Adrian.”

  Kelly looked at me in dawning horror and excitement, “That can’t be! This can’t be happening again. This isn’t over?”

  I looked back at her with the same emotions, “I think it’s only just beginning.”


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading Deadly Secrets. I hope you enjoyed meeting the characters contained within these pages. If you loved them as much as I do, then don't despair! These friends have more Deadly Secrets to uncover before the truth can be revealed. If you enjoyed the book, please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer.

  Thank you!

  Laura M. Tyler

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