Read Deadly Silence Page 33

  “Madison lost more than half her Protect troops in the little battle we just fought,” Ryker said evenly. “We had to have taken out some of her personal soldiers, too.”

  “Yep, but that doesn’t mean she won’t keep coming. And she’s with Sheriff Cobb, so you have to vacate, brother.” Matt eyed the softly falling snow outside. “We’re the only ones left here. Our brothers went to move all of your stuff to a different location. Probably Montana.”

  “No.” Ryker stood. “Not Montana. Not now.”

  Matt’s jaw clenched. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  The whir of helicopter rotors broke through the storm.

  Greg paled. “They’re here. My brothers. Um.”

  Ryker crossed the room to stand by the kid, taking Zara with him. “I’m taking it you called your brothers.”

  “Yes,” Greg whispered. “Matt called them, and they jumped on another helicopter.”

  Ryker held him close. “They’ll be so happy to see you.” He eyed Matt. “What’s the plan?”

  Matt rubbed his chin. “We told the kids. Couldn’t keep it a secret. So as soon as they arrive…”

  Greg moved toward the wide patio doors, and Ryker stopped him with a hand on the shoulder. “Reunion happens inside, Greg. Just wait a couple of minutes.”

  Matt nodded. “I think the place is secure, but I agree. We all stay contained inside while we’re here.”

  “It’s my fault,” Greg whispered, his gaze wide on the doors.

  Ryker frowned. “What’s your fault?”

  “Failing on the mission. Getting left behind.” Greg’s voice cracked. “Having them think I’m dead. It’s my fault.”

  “No,” Matt said softly. “It was the commander and Dr. Madison’s fault. Not yours. Your brothers won’t blame you.”

  The pain radiating from the kid dug deep under Ryker’s skin, and he moved closer to provide a shield, just in case.

  “They should blame me,” Greg said, his lips twisting in fear.

  Snow scattered outside, and a helicopter dropped onto the field. A second later, the back door slid open, and a large kid leaped out into the snow and ran straight for the deck.

  Greg breathed out heavily.

  The door burst open, and the kid stood there, gray eyes, black hair, rigid jaw. His hands were clenched, and his chest heaved. He looked just like Matt. He stared at Greg. “Greg?” he whispered.

  “Chance.” Tears filled Greg’s eyes.

  Then they moved. Both kids leaped across furniture, catching each other like two bucks clashing horns. A table lamp smashed to the wood floor, scattering shards of glass.

  “You’re not dead.” Chance laughed even while tears flowed down his hard face. “Shit, man, you’re not dead.” He hugged his brother. “God. Wade and Kyle.” He turned, and two other boys ran into them, knocking them all over the couch onto the coffee table, which crashed down.

  There was a flurry of hugs, laughs, and lots of tears, and more broken furniture.

  Ryker grinned even as tears pricked the backs of his eyes.

  “Should we help them?” Zara asked, her face wet, staring at all the broken glass.

  Ryker shook his head. “Not in a million years. Let them break everything.”

  Two more men loped inside and stood next to Matt. Ryker’s breath caught, and he studied them.

  “Whoa,” Zara whispered. “The second guy could be your twin.”

  Ryker nodded.

  Matt cleared his throat. “Ryker? Meet Shane and Nate.”

  Nate. Ryker and Nate had very similar bone structure. Did they share genetic material? He moved across the room, taking Zara with him, and held out a hand.

  Nate grinned and yanked him in for a hug. These guys sure liked to hug.

  Ryker turned and nodded at Shane before peering closer. “Heath has the same birthmark below his left ear,” he muttered.

  Shane paled. “I need to track him down, then.”

  The enormity of Dr. Madison’s experiments dropped onto Ryker’s shoulders, and he steeled himself for a moment. How far had her studies gone?

  It took nearly two hours and seven pizzas to calm everyone down and catch everyone up on Greg’s life, Ryker’s life, and the rest.

  Finally, the boys headed for a bunk bed loft upstairs, and Zara excused herself for the master bedroom.

  Ryker found himself in front of a crackling fire, bourbon in his hand, facing three men who could relate to his creation and past. “So,” he said.

  Nate just looked at him. “You sure are good looking.”

  Matt snorted.

  Nate cleared his throat. “Ah, just to catch you up a little since there seems to be no doubt we’re genetically linked. I married Dr. Madison’s daughter, and she’s pregnant.”

  Ryker’s mouth dropped open.

  Matt snorted. “Audrey is a sweetheart who’s nothing like her mother. She’s due in two months.”

  “You’re gonna be an uncle,” Nate said with a grin.

  Ryker lifted his eyebrows. An uncle? He smiled. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” Nate sipped his glass.

  Wow. Ryker tried to make sense of his past. “Heath just checked in. He finished helping in Cisco and then headed out to work on a case. I’m following him after I get Zara settled somewhere.”

  “Speaking of which—” Matt started.

  “No.” Ryker took a deep drink. “Not right now.”

  Nate lifted an eyebrow. “You two fighting already?”

  “No,” Ryker said, pausing when a figure paused at the bottom of the stairs.

  Chance moved into the room, all grace, all young muscle, to reach Ryker. He held out a hand. “I’m Chance. I guess we’re all family.”

  Ryker stood and studied the kid. He had gray eyes and Matt’s jawline. What the hell. Ryker drew him in for a hug. “It seems like we all hug.”

  Chance hugged him back. “You get used to it. Sometimes they get a little girly, but what are you gonna do?” He leaned back. “Thank you for keeping Greg safe.”

  “He’s family.” Jesus. Now Ryker sounded like Matt.

  Chance snorted. “He’s good, too. Just asked if I was gonna give him some space or spoon him to sleep.”

  Ryker grinned. “Smart-ass.”

  “Yeah.” Chance sobered. “He likes you, and he really likes your lady.”

  Ryker paused. “We like him, too.”

  “But he’s coming to Montana and not staying with you. Period.” Chance’s gaze hardened, and he looked exactly like Jory.

  Ryker slowly nodded. “Agreed.” Based on the security measures he’d just heard about, the Montana ranch was the safest place for the kids, especially since Dr. Madison was still gunning for them.

  “Maybe you should relocate there?” Chance said.

  “I’m working on that,” Matt chimed in.

  “Good.” Chance turned and headed for the stairs. “I think I’ll go spoon the smart-ass.” He disappeared.

  Jory chuckled. “We may hear more furniture breaking soon.”

  Matt shrugged. “It’s just furniture.”

  Ryker sat back down and swirled his drink in its glass. “First, I have to tell you that Madison said she has genetic material she’s digging up to use in a new lab that’s almost ready.”

  The men around him went still.

  He winced. “Thought you should know.” They had to stop her.

  “We have to take her down,” Matt breathed. “Fast.”

  “Yeah,” Ryker said quietly. “Second, right now the kids are our top priority, and I know you agree with me.”

  Matt’s brows drew down. “Sure. What’s your point?”

  “Madison and Cobb are coming for us as soon as they regroup, and as soon as we catch the serial killer Heath is chasing, I think it’s time we went after them.” Ryker sat back, calculating the odds. “I’m tired of running. Our company, Lost Bastards Investigative Services, finds lost people, and I want to put all of our resources into finding Cob
b and ending this once and for all.”

  Shane leaned forward from an overstuffed chair, his elbows on his knees. “You can’t do that from Montana?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “There’s a chance we’ll be discovered and they’ll track us. You know that. We can’t be located at your ultimate safe house at that time. It’s too dangerous for the kids.” He took a deep breath. “And your women, one of whom is pregnant.” Plus, Denver and Heath still needed to trace their pasts before settling in a safe place. “I’m not saying no forever, but for now, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Where will you be?” Jory asked while the other two remained silent.

  “Somewhere safely away from Montana.” Ryker finished his drink and stood.

  Matt eyed him. “What’s your plan with Zara?”

  Ryker took a deep breath. “I’ll let you know.” He turned and headed across the living room toward the master bedroom.

  “Good luck, man,” Matt said. “She’s one hell of a woman, jumping into the helicopter to save Greg like she did. He told us the whole story while you were out cold.”

  Ryker paused before opening the door. He turned around toward his new family. “I’m glad we found you guys.” Without waiting for a response, he turned and opened the door, shutting it quietly behind himself.

  Zara sat cross-legged on the bed, her phone by her side. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulder, and her pretty eyes showed intelligence and a softness he wanted to drown in forever. “What a day, huh?”

  He grinned. “That’s the understatement of the century.”

  “Yeah.” She lifted her chin toward the phone. “Talked to Brock Hurst. He said he’s my lawyer now and that charges have been dropped against me. Also, he’s in love with a nurse.” She smiled.

  “He just met the nurse.”

  She shrugged. “Love happens quickly for some people. I told you he was a good guy.”

  “Yeah, you did.” Ryker stalked across the room and set a knee on the bed. “I’m sorry you were taken.”

  She plucked at a loose thread on the dark bedspread. Her long black hair sat atop her head with tendrils spilling down, looking so damn feminine his chest hurt. Fresh bruises were scattered across her smooth skin but did nothing to detract from her beauty. Sitting there, so soft, she looked nearly fragile. “I wasn’t exactly taken.”

  He crossed his arms. “I should throttle you for jumping out of a window and into a helicopter.”

  She grinned. “I had the phone, and I couldn’t let them take Greg like that.”

  Ryker moved toward her. The woman was never going to take the safe route, but perhaps that worked for him. “My life is dangerous, and it’s going to become more so before I fix everything. I totally understand if you want to take a break and wait for me to do what I have to do.”

  She lifted her face. “Which is?”

  “Take down Cobb and Dr. Madison.” It was the only solution at this point. If he wanted a normal life, if any of his brothers were ever going to have safe lives, it was time to stop running and hiding. “I thought I could keep going forward, but it’s time to finish with the past.”

  “That makes sense,” she murmured.

  “But here’s the whole story: I love you, Zara. Every single inch of you. If you stay with me, it’s not gonna be easy, but I’ll keep you safe.” No matter what, he’d protect her, and he’d let all of his love show in the only way he knew how. “Either way, you and I end up together. That’s a vow.”

  * * *

  Zara studied the only man she’d ever love. Strong jaw, muscled body, tumultuous blue-green eyes that showed love. Real love. “If you think I jumped into a helicopter just to go sit quietly in a corner now, you’re crazy.” She smiled. “I love you, Ryker Jones. No matter what we have to do, I’m with you the entire time.”

  He stretched over her, flattening her to the bed. “I’m not sure where we’re going next, but we have to leave Cisco.”

  She nodded and then paused. “What about Grams?”

  “Well, I was thinking she might like to relocate to Montana for a little while.” Ryker smoothed tendrils away from Zara’s face, his touch beyond gentle. “It sounds like the kids have a few grandparents already, and I know she’d be a huge help. In case we need to run again, I’d rather she was already somewhere safe.”

  “I’ll ask her what she wants to do,” Zara said, glancing down at his lips. “I’m sure she’d love Montana.”

  Ryker wandered his lips over hers, sending all sorts of electric jolts through her body. “I’m tired of taking things slow and being so cautious. It’s time to jump in with both feet, baby.” His breath heated her mouth.

  She breathed out and wiggled her butt to get more comfortable, rubbing against his obvious erection. “With both feet?” she asked.

  “Marry me.”

  She blinked. Her rambling rebel had just used forever words. “What?” she whispered.

  “Marry me. Take my name, be my wife, promise eternity.” He kissed her, long and deep, so much emotion in his touch she felt him deep inside. Finally, he released her mouth. “Well?”

  She blinked again. “I never thought to hear those words from you.”

  “You’re the only woman I’d ever say them to,” he said, his eyes swimming. “We suddenly have family around, a lot of it, and now at least I know where I came from. The past is gone, and I have a future, and I want it with you. Only you.”

  Her heart expanded until she could barely breathe. “Ryker.”

  He grinned. “Well? Marry me.” It wasn’t even remotely worded as a question.

  She looked into those dangerous eyes and saw her future. Her very good, surrounded by family, slightly wild…future. “Yes.”

  Anya Best won’t rest until the serial killer who murdered her sister is caught. And she’ll do absolutely anything to take him down—even offer herself up as bait to lure him in.

  FBI Agent Heath Jones works alone. The last thing he wants is to babysit the beautiful—and infuriating—woman who has inserted herself into his investigation, no matter how irresistible he finds her. But it’s soon clear that the Copper Killer won’t rest until Anya is his prized possession. And Heath will do anything to keep her safe—even risk his own life…

  A preview of Lethal Lies follows.



  A flash of red caught Heath’s eye as he was about to shut down the computer. He sat back down and squinted at the center monitor on the makeshift desk. Damn it. His instincts humming, he maneuvered the jewelry store camera he’d hacked until the red bloomed into shimmering highlights beneath the weakened sun. Son of a bitch. What the hell was she doing there?

  He rapidly tapped keys to scan the street with a multitude of cameras—some he’d hacked and others he’d planted. “Anya,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  She drew a black wool coat tighter around her slender figure, stopping directly in front of the door to his former, short-lived detective agency. Drawing a card from her pocket, she read it and glanced at the now-scraped-clean window. Her shoulders hunched, and a winter wind lifted her hair.

  “Go away, Anya,” Heath whispered to the computer monitor, his body tensing.

  She frowned and looked around the quiet street before pressing her face to the glass and cupping her eyes.

  “It’s empty.” Heath punched up the camera feed from above the door, which he hadn’t wanted to use, just in case others were surveying the area. It’d let out a signal they’d find at some point. But now he had no choice.

  She backed away from the window and read the card again.

  Heath zoomed in on her face. Delicate bone structure, green eyes, pale skin, and dark red hair. Oh yeah. And a black eye and bruises down her neck. They had faded since he’d last seen her—the only time he’d ever met her—but they were still visible.

  Seeing them again pricked his temper just like last time.

  A black sedan pulled to the curb, and two men jumped out, spraying snow

  Fuck. He’d known they were still watching the building. Heath reached for a Glock on the desk and tucked it into his waistband. He was three blocks down from the detective agency and could be there in minutes.

  If necessary.

  He turned up the volume on the camera.

  “Can I help you, miss?” The first guy had brown eyes and wavy dark hair. His smile was charming, and he walked like he could handle himself. A jacket covered his large frame, and a slight bulge showed at his waist.

  Anya turned and took a step backward. “Um, I’m looking for the detective agency that was here last week.” Her voice was low and tentative.

  The guy looked at the blank window. “I think they moved.”

  She nodded, her gaze darting down the street. “The inside is empty.”

  The other man, a shorter black guy with adult acne, gave her a frown. “Do you know the detectives?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide. “Not really. But I heard they were well trained, and I need a detective.”

  The first guy smiled again, seeming to relax back against his car while motioning his buddy to cool it. The guy was good. “I’ve heard excellent things about them, too. Who did you talk to about them?”

  Anya frowned as if knowing something wasn’t quite right but unsure what. “Who are you?” Her chin lifted.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” The guy laughed and dug out a badge holder to flip open. “U.S. Marshal D.J. Smithers. We’re trying to find the detectives in connection with a current case.”

  Anya’s eyes widened. “I hadn’t known they worked with the FBI. I’m so glad. Do you have any idea where they’ve gone? Why they’ve left?”

  Fuck. Heath groaned. The badge was a good one, but even through the camera he could see it was fake. Anya’s sister was FBI Special Agent Loretta Jackson, and she’d been kidnapped by a serial killer nearly five days ago.

  Smithers didn’t miss a beat. “No, we don’t. In fact, we’re concerned about them. It looks like they’ve gotten caught up in a dangerous case with Colombian drug cartels, and we’re concerned for their safety.”