Read Deadly Wands Page 42


  Blade woke up in pain and found herself carried on someone’s shoulder. The burly sergeant followed the general past the golden mules into the dungeon. They paused when they heard blasting in the courtyard, which soon moved inside. The firefights sounded much too loud and continued for much too long.

  "It's him," the sergeant confidently said. "The Red Baron. The captain thought it was the big guy leading a squad into the trees.”

  The awe in his tone woke Blade up.

  “He’s attacking us alone?” the general asked in disbelief.

  His fear gave Blade goose bumps.

  “Yes. He abandoned his friends to get her back, so she must be special.”

  That the Baron would leave Princess to save her she found stunning.

  "Fix it," the general ordered the mercenary, making Blade walk in front of him, her upper body exposed to the lusty stares of one hundred men. The sergeant resented the general for cutting him out of the action, but couldn’t counter it.

  "Halt!" the leader of the money transport company ordered. "Take that woman elsewhere." His job was to guard the gold they delivered until they could leave.

  "The Red Baron has invaded the castle. The captive has vital information on him, and the dungeon is the safest place to question her."

  The general didn't fool anyone. Everyone knew he was gonna rape her. They could see it in the old bastard's eyes. They didn’t even blame him -- she was, obviously, delicious, with curves that porn stars had to pay for. They just didn’t want her to complicate their job. Let the mercenaries deal with the Baron. That’s why they earned all the heavy coin the mules risked their lives to bring to Spain.

  The commander stood his ground, so the general offered an incentive. “After I question her, you and your men will be free to interrogate her as often as you wish, provided she does not leave here alive.”

  The commander now studied the prisoner like she was a fine steak. First, his eyes widened. Then his nostrils flared. Finally, he pitched a tent in his pants big enough to hide a battalion. Blade cursed her attractiveness as the leader of the golden mules leered down at her.

  “It seems I have a question for her after all,” he said loudly to great cheers as he moved out of the way. “My boys will get answers out of her if it takes them all night!”

  After the shouting peaked, Blade corrected him: “You’ll all be dead before nightfall. That’s the Red Baron up there.”

  She didn’t know why she said it with such confidence, but she could tell they believed her.

  “The Baron is just one man,” the general insisted.

  “Is he? Then why does Genghis Khan need a thousand of the world’s best quads to get him?”

  When Blade woke a few minutes ago, she almost shat herself. Now these elite troops looked about to shit themselves. The Baron turned them into jelly, and Blade couldn’t help but love it.

  With her hands tied, she kicked the general hard in the nuts, jackknifed her body to split his nose with her forehead, then kicked him so hard in the chest that he flew down the stairwell like a spear. Someone levitated her after him, and the two of them bounced down the steps like balls.

  When they reached the bottom, the general sat on her, slapped her until exhaustion, then forced her out of her pants. But then another firefight broke out, this one just up the stairs. Blade heard the terror in the leader’s voice as he ordered some troops to follow him up. Instead of abating, the firefight intensified. A cacophony of painful screams echoed down to the dungeon.

  “He killed the commander!” someone upstairs yelled in shock.

  Concentrating hard, Blade thought she heard the leader screaming in agony. There were so many crying out from burning flesh, it was hard to tell.

  “You’re next,” Blade told the rapist sitting on her titties.

  Swearing fiercely, the general pulled his pants up, tucked himself back in, opened the vault, and shoved her inside before running up the stairs to take control.

  Blade found herself surrounded by tons of gold and silver stacked for easy counting. Wearing nothing but panties and her remaining dignity, she couldn't even pocket any. Or could she?

  Just as suicidal thoughts returned after so many years, she heard a huge explosion, even through the thick steel door. And that's when it hit her: that crazy bastard isn't going to leave without her. It was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. He not only invaded an enemy fortress alone, but apparently had more lives than a cat. The only man Genghis Khan feared was gonna die rescuing her. Despite everything bad that happened to her, and would probably soon happen to her, Blade smiled.

  Since her serial rape, Blade nursed a hatred of men. All men. But now she felt an exception open in her heart, and tenderness spill out like intestines from a stomach wound.

  All the desperate yelling she heard through the stone walls started to turn her on. Blade had no idea how one guy could battle one hundred in a narrow hallway, but somehow Red did it. He had them in a panic, and their fear thrilled her.

  Blade heard them turn the key, so she inserted a gold brick to jam the mechanism so they couldn’t open the door. They blasted the mortared stone upon which the heavy door swung. Their rage generated more heat than an incendiary. The more they cursed her, the wetter she became.

  She remembered fondly the first time she rode the Baron, Princess sucking her tongue to distract her. Red was the first man she had sex with since those monsters forcibly took her virginity so long ago. Blade had no idea it’d feel so good. She started with the intention of just getting it over with, so her orgasm took her completely by surprise. But, then, Red was full of surprises. Still, it felt like her body betrayed her.

  “Traitor!” she accused her vagina. Red couldn’t figure it out, but Princess couldn’t stop laughing.

  The second time, Blade went down on Princess while Red entered her from behind. Princess always tasted so delicious. Then her body betrayed her again. She didn’t like a man being able to pull her trigger, so Blade told Red to not make her cum anymore. The Baron acted shocked: “Women can cum?”

  The third time, Red took her missionary while Princess straddled her face, and this time she came twice. First from the Baron, then from Princess licking his juices out of her. Blade had never seen Princess so excited, so the next morning they repeated their 69, but after Red came inside Princess. And Blade exploded like a fireball. It was the most amazing thing she had ever tasted. It quenched her thirst like a good ale.

  Blade questioned her sexuality so much that she let Prince kiss her for what seemed like eternity. “I guess I really am lesbian,” she sadly concluded, ignoring his raging boner, desperate need, and stunned expression.

  Frantic fists started pounding on the vault door. She heard them ask her to let them in, and realized those lecherous perverts were begging for their lives. Wondering how Red made so many so scared, she slipped a gold coin into her slit. The cold metal felt wonderful in her burning hot tunnel as she slid it ever deeper. Plus another, and a third, then a fourth, until she pocketed a full kilo up her vagina like a golden smuggler. Walking around with ten coins inside her woke feelings that most people could only dream of. She saw this done once in a porn and didn’t believe it any more than sex while flying.

  “Let us in,” she heard the general cry out, fear infecting his voice like smallpox.

  “Yes!” Blade yelled out, so horny she could burst. She knocked down the carefully stacked piles so she could lay down next to the door on a bed of gold. Writhing naked made the coins clink like a musical instrument, and their cries of agony played music for her ears.

  “You’ll let us in?” he asked, coughing so close she could smell his bad breath.

  “Yes! Yes!”

  This orgasm snuck up on her like a surprise attack. Every muscle tensed up. Then she came so hard a coin shot out of her vagina like a musket, making a sharp “ping” noise as it bounced off the va
ult door. Blade arched her back so much she buried her blond hair in gold.

  “Then hurry, bitch! Or we’ll all die,” the general demanded, throwing gunpowder on her fire and triggering another bomb.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  Her fingers spent years training as demolition experts, so the explosion shook her entire body as she convulsed on the floor. The clinking coins played a passionate symphony. Their pleas took on a whiny tone that detonated another orgasm. Without even being in the room, the Red Baron ignited the nastiest orgasm of her life.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  Puffs of smoke sneaked in through the tiny holes caused by their blasting. Laying on her back, they looked like beautiful clouds floating in the sky.

  “Open the door or you’ll kill us all!”

  The screams from dozens of would-be rapists echoed in her head. The terror in their voices, pressed in the tiny door opening, filled the vault like an aphrodisiac. Their imminent death made her soar higher than any wand as one orgasm fed another until coughing replaced their screams. With so much death just a door away, Blade had never felt more alive. The general’s final whimper made her cum so hard she almost died.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”