Read Deal With the Devil Page 4

  There was really no excuse to dress up for a vampire but I’d bought the outfit ages ago to wear on dates and then it had just languished in my closet. Even though I knew that tonight was about a business deal, I couldn’t help putting it on. Feeling pretty made me more confident and at that moment I needed all the confidence I could get just to walk into Jude’s house.

  He shut the door so gently I didn’t even hear it close. I was too busy looking around, anyway. The large house was decorated in turn of the century antiques, at least the parts that I could see. Polished parquet floors gleamed in the dim light from the miniature chandelier overhead.

  “You have a lovely home,” I said, feeling stilted and awkward.

  “Nothing is as lovely as you are tonight. I am so glad you wore your hair down—I had hoped you would.” Jude brushed a few stray curls away from my neck and I shivered at the touch of his large hand against my sensitive skin.

  “Thank you.” I felt suddenly shy which made me uncomfortable enough to get irritated. “So where are we doing this?” I asked, lifting my chin.

  Jude raised an eyebrow. “All business, are you?”

  “Why not?” I gave him a challenging look. “This is a business deal, right?”

  His eyes hardened. “Indeed it is. Very well then, please follow me and I’ll show you where I’d planned for us to be tonight.” He turned and walked away noiselessly and I had no choice but to follow him deeper into the huge house.

  We passed by lots of rooms until he gestured me courteously into one at the end of a long hallway. I went in rather reluctantly and saw that it was decorated as a study. Bookshelves lined the walls and there was a desk at one end of the room with a closed laptop on it. Hmm, a vamp who kept up with modern technology—interesting. Many of them didn’t, preferring to live in the past. Apparently Jude liked to look ahead—a point in his favor as far as I was concerned. Not that I would ever be interested in a vampire, but still.

  At the other end of the dimly lit room was a long, low brown leather couch in front of a stone fireplace. Somewhat to my surprise, I saw there was a small fire flickering there—it was the source of most of the light in the room. My first thought was that it was way too hot this time of year for a fire, even a small one. But then I realized that it really wasn’t. Jude must have turned the AC way down because the room was a very comfortable temperature inside.

  “Please.” He gestured to the couch and waited until I sat down before he settled himself beside me. I could feel the heat of the fire against my knees and bare lower legs and had a moment to wish that I’d worn pants instead of a skirt. But then I would have had to take them off completely when he bit me whereas with the skirt, I could just push it up.

  Just thinking about having him down between my thighs with my skirt pushed up to my waist made me nervous. I took a few deep breaths, trying to relax. It’s business. This is just business, I reminded myself sternly. He just wants to taste your blood. There’s nothing even remotely erotic about it.

  Yeah, right. That line of thought went flying right out the window when I looked up and met Jude’s eyes in the firelight. They were half lidded with lust and he was gazing at me with an intensity that made me blush and look away.

  I cleared my throat nervously. “Um…now what?” I said, trying not to sound as flustered as I felt. Yeah, I’m one tough cookie but I had very little experience when it came to this kind of thing. And none of the experience I’d had was good.

  “Now, this,” Jude murmured. Leaning down he cupped my face in his hands and pressed a gentle, barely there kiss to my lips. It felt so good and I was so hungry for physical contact that I might have let him go on. Except this was supposed to be a business deal—not a make-out session. Or so I tried to tell myself.

  “Wait a minute.” I pulled back from him before he had a chance to kiss me again. “What…why are you kissing me?”

  He caught my gaze with his. “Firstly because I want to. And secondly, because I’m trying to get you warmed up, so to speak. Taking blood is a great deal like sex. You wouldn’t want to make love without a little foreplay first, would you?”

  “I wouldn’t know, remember?” I crossed my arms over my breasts protectively. “Look, I thought you said this didn’t have to be sexual.”

  Jude’s eyes flashed. “We can treat it in a clinical manner if you like but I’m afraid there will still be some elements that may remind you of sex.”

  “What elements? You’re just going to bite me—end of story.” I lifted my chin and frowned at him.

  “But that’s not the end of the story. Think about it, Luz.” His voice was soft and deep. “You will be spreading your legs for me—opening yourself. And I…I will be penetrating you.” His eyes flickered down to where I had my hands clenched together in my lap and I knew he was thinking about my thighs. My inner thighs. I had another mental image of his mouth on me there, licking, sucking…biting.

  God, I was getting hot and wet all over again, thinking these forbidden thoughts and listening to his deep, soft voice describing what we were going to do. What was wrong with me? I can’t give in to this feeling, I told myself firmly. I can’t. I took a deep breath.

  “Look, let’s just get down to it, shall we?” I said as briskly as I could. “You wanted to drink my blood—okay, so drink some. I don’t have all night.”

  Jude shook his head. “A pity. I could spend all night, every night admiring and exploring your lovely body. Very well.” He slid off the couch and suddenly he was on his knees in front of me. “Spread your legs for me, Luz.”

  Those words spoken in his deep, sensual voice made me shiver as I did what he said. Goose bumps jumped out all over my skin, despite the heat of the fire. But this was what I had come here for and I was determined to go through with it.

  That was until Jude pushed up my skirt and asked me to remove my underwear.

  They were black lacy boy shorts that covered me completely and I had thought myself very smart for wearing them. There was no way he would be able to catch even a glimpse of my pussy with those in the way, which was a very good thing since I didn’t want him to know how aroused he was making me. Right now I was so hot and wet and nervous that I could barely concentrate on what he was saying. So I had to ask him to repeat himself twice before I understood his request.

  “I’m sorry?” I said, looking at him blankly.

  “I said I need these to come off.” Jude tugged at the stretchy lace material of the shorts. “They’re in the way.”

  “How?” I demanded, looking down at my legs in the firelight. I mean—you have plenty of thigh to work with there. How are my…my underwear in the way?”

  “I prefer to bite at the inguinal crease—the place where your thigh meets your body. It’s easier to find a blood vessel there.”

  I looked at him suspiciously. “You sure you’re not just making that up so you can get me out of my underwear?”

  “I promise you, Luz, that I will treat this as a business deal and not take advantage of you,” he said dryly. “Unless, of course, you wish me to do more than bite you?” He raised an eyebrow at me questioningly.

  “No, no,” I said hastily, feeling my cheeks heat. “I just…it’s embarrassing, that’s all. I don’t…I’m not used to having a man down there.”

  “Of course not.” He ran one large hand over my thigh slowly. “But I have promised not to take what isn’t offered, remember?”

  “How can I trust you?” I demanded.

  He shrugged. “Have I betrayed your trust so far? Don’t you think I could simply take what I wanted instead of arguing with you if I was so inclined?”

  Fear sent an icy finger down my spine. “I suppose.”

  “But I won’t.” Jude’s voice was suddenly softer. “I may be many things, Luz, but I am no rapist.”

  “All right.” I don’t know why but for some reason I believed him. He might be a vampire but he had behaved like a gentleman so far.

  “Just keep telling yoursel
f this is only a business deal. The sooner we exchange blood, the sooner you can go.” Jude’s voice was almost bored but his eyes were strangely intent.

  Since it was either trust him or lose my chance at controlling my panic through his blood, I decided to do what he asked. Despite my pounding heart I nodded. “Fine, I’ll take them off.”

  Standing from my half-reclined position, I reached under my skirt. Hooking my thumbs in the sides of the stretchy black lace, I pushed the boy shorts down to my ankles. There was a little problem getting them over the black strappy heels I’d worn with my outfit but Jude assisted me without a word and soon I was completely bare under my flirty skirt.

  “Good.” He looked up at me intently. “Now I can reach you.”

  “Yeah, just great,” I mumbled. Feeling incredibly self-conscious, I sat back on the couch and slid back into position on the slippery leather. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this, couldn’t believe I was going to spread my legs and let him… I couldn’t think about it anymore. I closed my eyes tightly. “All right, I’m ready.”

  “Relax.” He lifted my skirt and then his large, warm hands stroked over my knees, parting them gently. I clenched my hands into fists as I felt him move between my legs, his broad shoulders spreading my thighs much wider than I would have liked. I wondered if he could see how aroused I was, how wet I’d become and I winced in shame. He was a vampire—as a self-respecting were there was no way I should have allowed myself to get turned-on by him. And yet, the feel of his hands on my body, his soft, deep voice as he murmured to me to relax and let myself be open to him, the warm, spicy scent of his skin with its faint trace of expensive cologne—it was all adding up to be the most sensuous experience of my life.

  How sad is that? Letting a vamp bite you is the best sex you’ve ever had, I taunted myself uneasily. I could feel my pussy opening as he pressed forward, seeking to find the inner crease of my thigh. Could he see how slippery and wet I was by the dim light of the fire? Could he scent my arousal? Scent is a big deal to weres. You can’t fake it, either, so it’s obvious if you’re into sex or not if your partner is a were. I wasn’t sure if it was the same with vampires or not. If it was, at least Jude was gentlemanly enough not to mention it. I was glad for his old-world courtliness. It was embarrassing enough to be so turned-on without him saying anything about it.

  Don’t think about it, I told myself. You’re fine. It’s going to be fine. Just a quick bite on the thigh and then it’ll all be over. I guess I should have been concerned over whether those razor-sharp fangs I’d seen in his mouth would hurt when they pierced my skin. But somehow I didn’t care about that. All I could think about was how incredibly embarrassed, hot and nervous I felt.

  Then I felt his breath against my inner thigh.

  Suddenly, I froze. Up until that point I had believed I could go through with this. That I could let him touch me, drink from me, even in such an intimate place, with no problem. But now that it was about to happen I felt blind panic setting in.

  My desire turned to ashes—burnt away by the force of my fear. My throat seemed to close and I couldn’t breathe—couldn’t get a deep enough breath even though I felt my lungs pumping like bellows, pulling in the air in ragged gasps. Cold sweat broke out across my forehead and my heart felt like a sledgehammer, trying to pound itself out of my chest.

  Oh God, I can’t. I can’t! I thought incoherently. My mind raced back to that night—to the drunken human so heavy and unyielding on top of me. To the rank stench of his sweat and his whiskey breath against my cheek as he fumbled between us, trying to get himself inside me. And then it raced even further, to another night. A time when I had been too young, too weak to defend myself… No! Can’t think about that. I can’t. I can’t!

  Though I tried to hold still, I began trembling uncontrollably. It was happening again and there was no way to stop it. I couldn’t breathe…couldn’t breathe.

  “Luz, stop.”

  I opened my eyes to see that Jude was sitting beside me on the couch again. My legs were together and my skirt was smoothed primly around my knees. I stared at him uncertainly. “What…?” I asked, unable to form a more coherent question when my heart was still beating about a hundred miles a minute.

  “Luz…” He cupped my cheek, his eyes dark with concern. “I think perhaps it would be better if you drink from me before I drink from you.”

  He raised his wrist to his mouth and bit. Then, before I could say anything, he pressed his bleeding wrist to my mouth.

  I opened my mouth to protest and his blood flowed in, rich and warm and surprisingly sweet. It didn’t taste like blood at all—at least no blood I’d ever tasted. In fact, the closest thing I could equate it with was dulce de leche—the warm, creamy caramel sauce I’d grown up eating on various Latin desserts.

  I know it sounds weird but honestly, it was pretty damn delicious.

  Forgetting my half-formed protests, I latched on to his wrist and sucked for all I was worth. The taste reminded me of home. Of the safety and security of childhood until that one horrible night I never allowed myself to think of. Of the love I’d felt from my parents before it became clear I would never be able to change under the full moon and claim my birthright.

  I felt calm washing over me. Peace and contentment. I could breathe again and little by little my heart stopped its panicked pounding. Safe…I was safe.

  Feeling sated, I stopped sucking and released his wrist. Without a word, Jude pulled me into his arms and held me close. My arms went around his waist and the top of my head fit under his chin perfectly. I snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of being held in strong, masculine arms. There was no more discomfort or nervousness at all—it was as though I’d known him for a hundred years.

  “How did you do that to me?” I asked, nuzzling my cheek against his broad chest. “Why did your blood calm me down?” Somewhere in the back of my head was the thought that I was a little too calm but I was feeling entirely too comfortable for it to bother me just then.

  “You feel what I feel when you drink from me,” Jude murmured. “I was trying to project calm and relaxation. Did it work?”

  “It’s…amazing,” I said. “That was the same way I always feel when I’m in the middle of a really important or scary situation but you…you stopped the panic in its tracks.” I looked up at him. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “It was the blood.” He stroked my cheek with one long finger, his gaze holding mine. “It will remain in your system for a while. All you need do to access its power is remember how you’re feeling now.”

  “So I might be able to pass the Bar exam,” I said, half to myself. “Finally.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “If you’re scheduled to take it relatively soon. The effects of my blood will wear off eventually.”

  “Next week.” I stretched and sat up, smiling at him. “I’m scheduled to sit for it again next week.”

  “Excellent. You should have no problems. If you start to feel panicked, just close your eyes, relax, and remember this moment with me and the taste of my blood on your tongue.”

  “It tastes like dulce de leche. Like caramel—is that normal?” I asked, frowning a little. “I mean, I know that sounds strange…”

  “Not at all. My blood is whatever flavor you want it to be. Or rather, whatever flavor your brain assigns to it. Which is usually something you associate with safety and calm.”

  I thought of my good associations with dulce de leche and how the flavor always brought back my childhood. “I do like that taste,” I admitted. “I, uh, know you wanted to taste my blood because of its flavor but I don’t see how mine can taste any better to you than yours did to me.”

  “Trust me—it can.” Jude smiled, the sharp points of his fangs gleaming in the firelight. “Although the tasting your blood isn’t the only thing that would bring me pleasure.”

  “What else?” My heart was speeding up again but in a pleasurable way. I liked the way he was looking at me, wi
th his eyes half lidded and filled with desire.

  “Looking at you—seeing how wet and hot you are. And your scent.”

  “Really?” I could feel my cheeks getting warm but I wasn’t upset—not really. So scent was as important to vamps as it was to weres. Interesting.

  “Yes.” Jude nodded and gave me a lazy smile. “The scent of an aroused woman is a beautiful thing. Almost as beautiful as her taste.”

  “You don’t just mean the taste of my—of her—blood, do you?” I was getting hot and wet again between my thighs and I was glad we weren’t touching anymore.

  He shook his head. “Blood is a great pleasure. But the feel of a beautiful woman opening herself and trembling with bliss as I taste her is even greater.”

  I looked down at my hands. “We shouldn’t be talking about this.” But somehow I didn’t want to stop. “I-I’ve never had a guy…do that to me,” I admitted.

  “That is a great pity. It can be very pleasurable for both parties if the chemistry is right.”

  “And do…do you think the chemistry is right between us?” I couldn’t believe I was asking him this but the words seemed to come out on their own and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

  Jude stroked a strand of hair away from the side of my face, his fingertips brushing my skin. “Can you deny it?”

  “I…” I looked down at my hands, which were clasped in my lap again. “I don’t know. You’re a vamp and I’m—”

  “A beautiful woman whose needs have gone unsatisfied for far too long,” Jude finished for me. “I’ll tell you what, Luz—let me drink from you, as was our original agreement. Then, if you’ll allow me, I would love to taste you in another way.”

  “You really want to—”

  “Go down on you?” Jude’s eyes were luminous in the firelight and his hair shone like dark gold. “Spread open your sweet, wet pussy and kiss and lick and taste until you come for me?” He gave me a slow, hot smile that seemed to melt things inside me. “Yes, Luz, I would like that very much.”