Read Deal With the Devil Page 3

  He was hauling her toward the door. “Call for Holly,” he threw the order at Connor. “Get her to meet us in exam room two.”

  Holly. The name chilled Ella. She knew Holly was the pretty doctor who’d done all of the experiments on her after Ella had been brought to the facility. Holly had been incredibly kind, incredibly professional—and Ella really wanted to never see the other woman again.

  But I don’t have a choice. Not if my plan is going to work.

  “No.” She dug in her heals. After all, she had to play this part. “The wounds will be gone soon. I’ll be okay.”

  “Your hands are broken,” he rasped. “Your blood…” He was lightly holding her hands now. Her blood had dripped onto him. “I didn’t mean—you need medical treatment.”

  That was the least of what she needed.

  But…Non-drugged blood will help me. In fact, it’s exactly what I need.

  A few moments later, Ella found herself seated on an examining table. Holly was in front of her. The woman’s thick hair had been pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck, and her dark gaze was serious as she carefully patched Ella’s hands.

  Eric watched every movement from his position not two feet away. Every time that Ella so much as hissed in pain—mild pain, because she’d had so much worse in her life—Eric swore. What was up with that? The guy was acting as if he actually cared.

  “You were the one throwing a stake at me not long ago,” she groused at him.

  Holly gave a little jerk.

  “Now you’re mad because I’m bleeding a bit?” Ella shook her head. “You’re an odd man, Eric Pate.”

  “The stake was never going to touch you,” he muttered. “We both know that. You shouldn’t have been hurt.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Didn’t get that memo. Maybe you should start sending the memos out to prisoners, too, and not just your guards.”

  He growled at her.

  It was a rough, animalistic sound.

  Deep inside, a part of her…liked it.

  That wasn’t good. She didn’t need to like anything about her jailer.

  “You’re a vampire,” Holly said softly as she took a step back, finally seeming to finish her work. Ella hadn’t really been paying much attention to what the woman was doing to her hands. “So your bones should mend soon—”

  “Yeah, they’d mend faster if I was given some non-drugged blood.” That wasn’t a subtle hint. She didn’t feel subtle. Her gaze slid to Eric. “So why don’t you give me the good stuff? I mean, if you really don’t want me in pain.”

  He gave a grim nod.

  Wait, what? He was going to give it to her? Yes!

  “Give her the blood.”

  Ella tried to hide her surprise. She’d figured that request was a serious long shot, but since it had worked, maybe she’d try pushing a bit more… “It would be ever better,” Ella said, staring into Eric’s gaze, “if I could take from a live source.”

  Holly hurriedly backed away. Ella figured the doctor was going for some bagged blood. Hurry up with that, please.

  But when Holly retreated, Eric stepped forward. He leaned in close, putting his hands on either side of her body, caging her on that exam table. “Are you asking for a bite?”


  He smiled at her. A dangerous but tempting smile. “I know what happens with a vampire’s bite. Are you trying to get inside my head? Control me?”

  Absolutely. That was the benefit of biting prey. Mind control. And as soon as she could control him, then she’d be home free.

  “Holly,” Eric called out, but he kept his gaze on Ella. “I’ll take care of Ella. You don’t have to worry about the bagged blood.”

  “Eric.” Okay, that was absolute horror in the other woman’s voice. “You can’t!”

  He shrugged and undid the button on the cuff of his sleeve. “Sure I can. I’m the director. I can do anything.”

  This wasn’t happening. Was it?

  Still staring at her, Eric slowly rolled up his sleeve, revealing a wide, thick wrist. Tanned skin.

  He turned his wrist toward her, and Ella could see the faint tracing of his veins. Hunger hit her, sharp and hard. She hadn’t tasted from prey directly since—

  She immediately shut down that thought.

  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  “You know what a vampire’s bite can do,” Holly said, her voice sharp. “You know, Eric.”

  Ella couldn’t take her eyes off his exposed skin. Her teeth had sharpened, her fangs more than ready to taste him.

  “I know exactly what I’m doing,” Eric responded. He didn’t even sound mildly concerned. His mistake. It was good that he was the one making mistakes now and not her. “Thanks for checking her out, Holly. You can leave us alone now.”


  Then…the pad of Holly’s footsteps as she headed for the door. The clang as that door closed seemed incredibly loud.

  Ella became aware that her breath was coming far too fast. She dragged her gaze off his wrist and back up to his face. His eyes glittered at her. “Is this some kind of trick?”

  He shook his head. “I handled you wrong. My apologies.”

  Handled her?

  “Containment was for your protection, though you may not believe that.” He inclined his head toward her. “Now I must insist that you heal because I really don’t like to see you in pain.”

  That was a new one. Her hand reached for his. She lifted his wrist toward her mouth. Her fangs were fully extended—not as long as a normal vamp’s, but still more than sharp enough to get the job done. Staring into his eyes, she brought her mouth to his wrist.

  His lips parted. His nostrils flared.

  A vampire’s bite could be painful. Humiliating. It could bring agony to the vamp’s prey.

  Or it could bring pleasure.

  Her teeth sank into him. Eric hissed out a sharp breath and his blood flowed over her tongue. Rich and warm and heady. The rush that his blood gave her was immediate. Far too powerful. Her head spun and she felt dizzy. Wanting more. Needing more.

  Wanting to take…all.

  “Ella…” He whispered her name, desire roughening his voice.

  I won’t be a monster. No matter what the stories say. I won’t.

  Her tongue licked over his skin and she forced herself to pull back. His blood was different, but, then, she’d known he wasn’t human. She just hadn’t expected to feel that burst of raw power rushing through her whole body.

  It felt as if she’d been guzzling champagne. And some serious, hard core energy drinks.

  She needed more.

  “Thank you,” Ella whispered.

  A muscle jerked in his jaw. “Trust me, the pleasure was all mine.” His cheeks had flushed and his voice was a sexy rumble.

  He didn’t back away from her. She found that she couldn’t move at all. “What are you?” Ella asked him. Then she licked her lips, still savoring his taste. She’d been walking the earth for a long time, but she’d never hungered for more the way she did with him.

  His lips curled. “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “Vampire,” she threw back at him. That was an easy enough—and the most obvious—response for her.

  “And what else?” He wanted to know.

  That part, she wouldn’t tell.

  Her hand lifted. Her bones were already snapping back into place.

  Eric swore. “Damn, that was—”

  “Fast. You’d be amazed at what fresh blood can do for me.” The healing was just the start. She was about to bust out of that place and never look back.

  There was a reason that sick twisted freak Keegan had kept her starved in that basement. He’d known that if he gave her any fresh blood, he’d never be able to control her. She was too strong.

  Eric was about to see that strength.

  It had been a risky plan. Acting all crazy and slamming her fists into the glass. She’d had to be careful. And she’
d had to wager that Eric wouldn’t let her just bleed all over him. But…but there had been something between them in her cell.

  She’d seen a softening in his gaze when he looked at her. Eric should have known better. You could never soften when an enemy was near.

  Unfortunately, it would seem they were meant to be enemies. He was one side. The good side. And she—


  So she’d broken her hands. Cut herself deeply on the glass and waited for Eric to play knight in shining armor. Men with hero complexes were so incredibly predictable, even when they tried to play the role of the bad boy. She could see right through them.

  She’d just needed fresh blood to get stronger. She’d never imagined the guy would actually be crazy enough to offer himself up as her prey. “You should have listened to the doctor,” Ella told him a bit sadly.

  “She’s my sister.”


  “Step-sister…my family. So I’ll take it pretty personally if anything ever happens to her.”

  She got the message. He was warning her not to hurt the doc. “I can understand family.” For a moment, grief pulled at her, but she shoved the emotion back. Now wasn’t the time to let that particular ghost loose. “Your sister was right though, letting a vampire have your blood is a terrible mistake.”

  “Is it?”

  She stared into his eyes. “I want you to back away from me.”

  Jaw clenching, he did.

  That dizziness she felt got a little worse. His blood had given her a serious head rush. She’d gone way too long without the good stuff. And his blood was very, very good.

  Ella jumped off that exam table. For an instant, her knees wobbled.

  He reached for her.

  “Don’t!” Ella snapped.

  He froze.

  She straightened. “I’m fine.” More than fine now. He was obeying her every command. That was the way of it. When a vampire took from prey, the vamp could control that victim. Mind control wasn’t normally her favorite tool of choice. It made her feel…bad. But right then, she didn’t care how morally ambiguous it was.

  She’d be getting out of that place. And Eric would be her escort so no other guards or agents or whatever the hell they were tried to stop her. “You’re going to escort me to the exit. You’re going to make sure no one tries to put me in a cell again.”

  He exhaled. “You aren’t going back to containment.”

  “Damn right, I’m not.” She smiled at him. “Take me out of here.”

  His hand curled around her waist. The move was unexpected, but she didn’t stop him. Ella figured they might look more natural—definitely chummier—this way. They left the med area. Two guards and Holly started to approach them as they swept into the hallway, but Eric waved them back.

  Yes! Satisfaction poured through Ella. This was awesome. Absolutely fantastic.

  Their steps were in sync as they headed down a long corridor. Her heart beat faster. Freedom was so close. So incredibly close.

  They passed more of those rather intimidating men in their black uniforms. Their guns were way too close for comfort.

  “Tell them to stand down,” Ella said immediately.

  She thought Eric sighed, but then he said, “Stand down.”

  Her body relaxed against his. A few more minutes and—yes! She thought they were in front of the exit door. He waved the guards away there, too. But before Ella could grab that door and race away, Eric was in her path.

  “There’s something you should know.”

  She didn’t really want to know anything else. “Just get out of my way…and…and forget you ever so much as saw me.” She focused hard on him while she gave that final command.

  But he didn’t get out of her way. Instead, he gave a sad shake of his head as he said, “I don’t think it’s easy to forget a woman like you.”

  Something was wrong. “You aren’t supposed to say that.”

  He shrugged.

  “Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”

  Eric crossed his arms over his broad chest and just stared back at her. “There are a few things you need to be aware of, Ella.”

  “You’re not under my control.” She barely breathed those words as shock sent icy tendrils over her skin.

  “What? Oh, no. I’m not. Sorry. Did you think I was?”

  The jerk! Yes, she’d thought—

  “I’m not exactly susceptible to a vampire bite, at least not the control part.” For an instant, desire glinted in his eyes. “I wasn’t quite expecting it to feel so good though.”

  What the hell? He was talking as if her bite had been some kind of science experiment!

  Eric leaned in closer. “You were right before. When you said I wasn’t human. Nice of you to notice.” His voice carried only to her. “Most others don’t.”

  The door was so close. Freedom was steps away.

  “I want to make a deal with you,” Eric said.

  “No, you just want to play games with me. Screw with my head.” She could actually smell the night. It was calling to her. Taunting her now.

  “You were in containment for your protection, but I realize now, I should have…handled you differently.”

  And they were back to the ‘handling’ bit. “Your social skills need so much work it isn’t even funny.”

  He blinked.

  Her hands curled into fists. Maybe the blood bond between them didn’t give her control because of whatever the guy was. But his blood had given her some rather desperately needed strength. “I don’t want to hurt you.” That was actually true. If she’d wanted to hurt him, she would have shoved that stake into his throat. Instead, she’d held back. “But I am getting out of this place. No more tests. No more poking and prodding. No more watching me all the time. I’m leaving.” Her shoulders straightened. “So get out of my way before you see my really dark side.”

  One brow shot up. “The deal will be open for twenty-four hours.”

  Had she not just told him to move?

  “We didn’t find a body.” After that flat announcement, Eric finally stepped aside.

  She took a fast lunging step forward. Her hands touched that door.


  Ella glanced back at him. “Body?”

  “Um. Remember that hellish place Keegan kept you in?”

  Her eyes turned to slits.

  “Right, of course you do. Well, it burned to the ground. And maybe Keegan burned with it.”

  Escape had been her only goal one moment before. Now she was rooted to the spot.

  “His remains weren’t found,” Eric said grimly.

  “Maybe the fire was too hot. Keegan—he was part wolf, part vampire.” Because the bastard made me change him. “Vampires burn fast. Everyone knows that.” Well, everyone who realized vampires actually existed knew that.

  “I haven’t seen one of his…type die before,” Eric allowed. “So maybe you’re right. But what I do know is that when alpha werewolves actually survive a transition and become both beast and vamp, they seem to develop all of the strengths of each paranormal, and none of the weaknesses.”

  She pushed open the door. The night air whispered over her skin. She had absolutely no idea where this building was located, and she didn’t care. Ella planned on just running until she was far, far away. Vamp speed would come in handy for her.

  “If he is alive, aren’t you afraid he’ll come after you?” Eric asked.

  Ah, so that was what his deal was about. He thought to offer her protection. In exchange for what? She glanced over her shoulder, giving him a cold smile. “I’m not the one who needs to be afraid. He won’t catch me off-guard again. If Keegan is still alive, then he’s the one who needs to fear me.” Because she would make him pay for all that he’d done to her.

  “He controlled at least one pack. There could be more. You have to watch—”

  “Good-bye, Eric Pate. I hope our paths never cross again.”

  Then she ran into the night. Faster, faster, f


  It tasted even better than his blood.


  She seemed to vanish in a blink. One moment, she was there, staring at him with her unforgettable gaze, seeming to see right into him, and the next…

  Ella was gone.

  Eric figured it would have been an easy enough matter for her to clear the tall, eight foot wall that surrounded the facility. She’d probably been able to do it in one bound.

  Fast. So very fast.

  “I don’t like this plan, Eric.”

  He rolled back his shoulders when he heard Holly’s voice. For most of their lives, Holly had pretty much been his moral compass. Mostly because his own sense of right and wrong could be skewed the majority of the time.

  She was his sister, not by blood, but that hardly mattered to him. Their parents had married long ago, and she was the only family he had.

  One brutal night, a vampire had tried to take Holly from him. He’d held her as she bled out on the street. And he’d seen what a real monster was.

  It was me.

  She’d survived that attack. She’d become a vampire, and now she worked with him at the Para Unit. After all, who better to patch up the monsters they brought in than a doctor who understood them so fully?

  He sighed and said, “Did you slip the tracking chip beneath her skin?”

  It had been a risky move. He’d planned to insert that chip before he released Ella, but he’d just been trying to figure out how to implant it without arousing her suspicion. Another trip to the med unit for more testing with Holly would have been met with resistance, so he’d been trying to bide his time.

  Then an opportunity had presented itself so perfectly.

  “You know,” Holly mused, “when you first burst into the med unit, I actually bought that you were worried about her.”

  He was still staring into the night. It was strange, but he could have sworn Ella’s scent lingered in the air. It was a nice scent. Sweet. “Lilacs.”


  He cleared his throat. “I’m glad you understood what needed to be done.” Holly had caught his eye when he’d burst in with Ella, and he’d given her the barest of nods. It had been an easy enough matter for Holly to slip that incredibly tiny device into one of Ella’s open wounds, and then when he’d given her his blood, the wounds had just closed up right around it.