Read Dear Diary... Page 30

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  I couldn’t open my eyes, but I could hear voices. Where was I? I remembered…what did I remember…think CeeCee; think…well at least I knew who I was, so it wasn’t amnesia.

  The last thing I remembered, I’d been out running, actually walking would be more accurate, and I was trying to open the door to the apartment. I was tired, but that wasn’t unusual, I was always tired. My head started spinning then…nothing.


  I heard my name, but the voice wasn’t familiar. No one was talking to me…they were talking about me. I tried to open my eyes, but failed miserably so I left them shut as I attempted to concentrate on understanding the words: dehydration…malnutrition…over-exertion.

  Were they talking about me?

  “We’ll keep her overnight on an IV to begin replacing the fluids she’s lost as well as for observation,” the voice was saying, “but she should be okay to go home sometime tomorrow. I’ll make sure you get a list of instructions to follow. She’s in pretty bad shape, but luckily we caught it before it turned severe.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” that was definitely Mom’s voice.

  I heard the doctor go out and Mom came over to me and took my hand. Again, I tried to open my eyes and say something but I was so tired…