Read Dear Mr. Darcy: A Retelling of Pride and Prejudice Page 14

  He is a man of foresight, for he prepares elegant compliments with which to compliment Lady Catherine and her daughter, Anne, when the chance arises.

  He is also a man of great perspicacity, for he looked with disapproval on Kitty’s novel and chose to read from Fordyce’s Sermons instead.

  As befits his calling as a clergyman, he is full of the milk of human kindness and Christian charity, for when Papa apologised to him for Lydia’s inattention, he remarked that he bore her no ill will.

  If I were ever to abandon the ways of Intellect and embrace the Fleshpots of Matrimony, I believe it would be with a man such as Mr Collins.

  Your sister in the pursuit of learning,


  Miss Lucy Sotherton to Miss Mary Bennet

  Bath, November 19


  The clarion call of alarm sounded in my bosom when I received your last epistle. Although it was written in no less erudite a style than that which I have come to expect from you, it showed a disturbing wavering in your devoutly held principles, never to forsake the path of Learning and succumb to the Lure of the World. Take succour from me, dear friend, and let the strength of womanly sisterhood flow into your veins from a fellow ardent supporter of Athena. The owl sees all but flies alone. Pray reassure me that Mr Collins has not ensnared you with his masculine charms.

  Your ardent friend,


  Miss Mary Bennet to Miss Lucy Sotherton

  Longbourn, Hertfordshire,

  November 19

  Most noble Friend,

  Your letter made me think, for I must own that I was considering whether or not it might be my Duty to forsake the path of spinsterhood in order to spread my gifts amongst the parishioners of Rosings. But your remark about the owl gave me pause, for it was very well expressed; indeed, I have copied it into my book of extracts. With your help, dear friend, I have seen that I can best spread my wisdom by helping Mr Collins to write his next sermon. I have given him the benefit of my thoughts on the Iniquity of Frivolity and the Wickedness of Vanity. My sister Lydia could gain much by such a sermon. It would prevent her from running after the officers, a habit which has grown worse since the arrival of Mr Wickham, a handsome young man from London. But as I said to Lydia, a handsome face does not always auger a handsome heart. She only laughed and continued to trim her new bonnet, but Mr Shackleton said the thought was well expressed.

  If not for the fact that he is a man, I would invite him to join our exclusive group of Learned Women.

  Your dearest friend,


  Mr Darcy to Colonel Fitzwilliam

  Netherfield Park, Hertfordshire,

  November 19

  Dear Henry,

  Wickham is here! In Hertfordshire—indeed, in Meryton! I saw him not an hour ago. It was an unpleasant shock, and I cannot help wondering what mischief he is planning. He has never forgiven me for denying him the living, though he knows he should never have had it, and he has hated me even more since I frustrated his attempts to elope with Georgiana. After that, I was sure I would never see him again, and yet here he is, in my very neighbourhood. I cannot think it is an accident, it must be by design, yet he seemed as shocked as I was at our meeting. What can it mean?

  It happened like this. Bingley and I were riding over to Longbourn to see how Miss Bennet did, when we saw the Miss Bennets walking to their aunt’s house with a small party. They were all talking together with perfect ease until we came upon them, when they stopped to talk to us. Bingley enquired after Miss Bennet’s health and I was in the act of turning away from her sister when I saw Wickham. He saw me at the same moment and went red, and then touched his hat with the coolest impudence I have ever seen. Does he mean to torment me with his presence? Is that his idea in coming here? Is it his revenge, to force himself into my company, knowing that if he is with the officers there is nothing I can do about it?

  I cannot say. And yet I wish I knew.

  Our meeting lasted only moments but it has left me feeling unsettled and I find myself worrying about Georgiana. Perhaps Wickham is hoping she will join me here, and perhaps he thought to make himself agreeable to her again, and relied on being able to escape my notice. Or perhaps he wanted to assure himself that I was really settled in the country, so that he could arrange a meeting with her in London whilst I was away.

  I am perhaps being overly cautious, but I am writing to Philip, as he is presently in London, and I have asked him to visit Georgiana. He does not know what happened at Ramsgate and I have no intention of telling him; it is not at all necessary, as he will think my concern is nothing more than brotherly interest. If anything is amiss, I am sure he will tell me.

  I will write to you again tomorrow. We are dining with the officers tonight and I hope to learn more from them. I only hope that Wickham is not with them.

  I dare say this all seems very trivial to you, caught up as you are in the war. Tell me everything you can, without compromising your troops; I rely on you for news. The papers are full of such conflicting reports it is impossible to know what is really going on. Half of them are motivated by patriotic fervour and promise us that victory is imminent, and the other half are motivated by a desire to ridicule the government and its handling of the war and write daily of the certainty of our being invaded before the year is out.

  Your cousin,


  Mr Darcy to Mr Philip Darcy

  Netherfield Park, Hertfordshire,

  November 19

  Mr dear Philip,

  I know you are in town and I would be much obliged if you would call on Georgiana and let me know how she goes on. I had to dismiss her last companion, as you know, because the woman did not know what company was suitable for Miss Darcy, and although I have every confidence in Mrs Annesley, I think it does no harm to keep a brotherly eye on things.

  Your cousin,


  Mr Wickham to Mrs Younge

  Meryton, Hertfordshire,

  November 20

  Belle! I miss you! The women of Hertfordshire are nothing to you. I have met them all, and not one of them can hold a candle to you. I wish I was in town with you, but London is too hot to hold me, and many other towns as well. I had an uncomfortable feeling yesterday that Meryton was going to be too hot for me as well, not because I have run up a mountain of debts already, but because Darcy is here! Can you believe it? Was there ever a man plagued by such d——d bad luck as I am? I saw him whilst out walking with one of the officers here. We had just fallen into conversation with a family of young ladies—not a patch on you, Belle, none of them—when who should ride up but Darcy. He was with his friend Bingley, and the two of them were evidently acquainted with the ladies, for they stopped to talk to them. I thought Darcy was going to have an apoplexy! I was none too comfortable myself. I knew he could make things very difficult for me if he chose, and though in order to destroy me he will have to destroy his sister, I am not certain he will not do it. He hates me enough, I am sure. He went white when he saw me and his hands clutched the reins of his horse so tightly I thought he would tear them in two. I went red. How could I help it? But I quickly recovered myself and touched my hat. He was incensed. He did not want to acknowledge me. But rather than make a scene, he saluted me in return. Our greeting would have passed unnoticed, but for the glance of Miss Elizabeth Bennet, which happened to notice all. I saw her surprise, and on learning that her sister is shortly to become betrothed to Darcy’s friend—for her aunt told me so—I was afraid that Miss Elizabeth might have the whole story out of her future brother-in-law. I could do nothing about it at the time, but being invited to a party at her aunt’s house, I sought her out and sat next to her, hoping to discover what she knew. And then at last I had a stroke of good luck, for a change, as I quickly discovered that she did not like Darcy. Moreover, half the town did not like him, for his superior airs had given them a disgust of him. Thank God for Darcy’s d——d snobbishness. It has served me well.
I was able to give Miss Elizabeth an account of my dealings with Darcy which, you may be sure, were favourable to me: how his revered father left me a living, which Darcy chose not to give me; how he was jealous of me, because of his father’s love for me; how I was not meant for a military life, but meant to make the best of it. I tempered it with remarks on his liberality to his tenants and his affection for his sister, but I took care to portray Georgiana as proud, so that if word ever reaches Miss Elizabeth about that unfortunate affair, she will put it down to malicious gossip.

  I had an uncomfortable moment when she said that he deserved to be publicly disgraced, for if my lies came out, then Darcy would not hesitate to refute them, but I recovered quickly and said that I should never breathe a word of it, out of respect for his father.

  Although quick-witted enough in other respects, Miss Elizabeth believed me, without it ever occurring to her that I had just breathed a word of it, indeed many words of it, to her. I wonder what he has done to her, to give her such an immoveable dislike of him? Insulted her, no doubt. Not deliberately, but in that superior way he has of making everyone else feel that they are beneath his notice.

  So now I am firmly established in her good opinion, and in the good opinion of the rest of the town. A handsome face and a charming manner will always win friends for the man who puts himself out to win them. A bit of flattery thrown into the mix and it is soon done. Whether or not I will stay here I do not know. Much depends on Darcy. I do not know at present how long he intends to stay here. If it is only for a few weeks, then it will be worth my while to stay, but if he intends to stay here for months, then things might become uncomfortable. I am still undecided. But I must live somewhere, and until anything better offers, in Meryton I must stay.


  Mrs Younge to Mr Wickham

  London, November 21

  Ah, Georgy, you don’t fool me, it’s your Belle you’re talking to. You’ve been charming the young ladies of Meryton and you’ve singled out Miss Elizabeth as your flirt. She must be pretty, then, and lively, and witty, for you wouldn’t waste your time on her otherwise. You’ll leave a mountain of debts and a string of broken hearts behind you when you leave the neighbourhood, I dare say.

  Fancy you seeing Darcy there, of all places. That was a piece of bad luck, but I don’t suppose he will be there for long; he will be wanting to see his sister again soon and he will be riding back to town.

  Hurry up and find an heiress. We’ve had a lot of good times, you and me, and will have some more before we’re done, but we need money to do it with.


  Mr Darcy to Colonel Fitzwilliam

  Netherfield Park, Hertfordshire,

  November 22

  My dear Henry,

  You will be relieved to hear that Philip has been to see Georgiana and that he has found nothing to alarm him. I mentioned that Georgiana’s last companion allowed her to mix with unsuitable people and, being a brother himself, he understood my concern and made minute enquiries. He found out what letters were received and sent from the house and they were all unexceptionable. He spoke at length with Mrs Annesley and found her to be as reliable and trustworthy as I had found her, and he spoke to Georgiana and found her happy and intent on painting Ullswater. He then spoke to the groom and discovered that Georgiana never spoke to anyone in the park who could be considered undesirable and that she was attended at all times.

  So my worst fears were ungrounded.

  Indeed, it seems now certain that Wickham’s presence in the neighbourhood is pure chance. I dined with the officers again and discovered that Wickham came here at the invitation of Mr Denny. The two were already acquainted and Denny persuaded Wickham that a life in the militia would suit him. Wickham, as always, has pockets to let, and so he is to purchase a lieutenant’s commission. Where he will find the money I do not know, nor do I care, as long as he does not ask me for it, and after our unfriendly greeting I have no fear of it.

  If not for the fact that I will have to accustom myself to seeing him from time to time, I would not think of him again. Unfortunately, Bingley has invited him to a ball at Netherfield—not him especially, but as one of the officers. I could not very well ask Bingley to make an exception of Wickham, at least not without arousing curiosity, and so I said nothing. Caroline, though, suspects something, but I believe she has put my aversion down to pride, and thinks that I do not wish to mix with the son of my father’s steward. It is better than her discovering my real reason for hating him—and hate him I still do. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.

  Your cousin,


  Miss Charlotte Lucas to Miss Susan Sotherton

  Lucas Lodge, Hertfordshire,

  November 22

  Dearest Susan,

  We have two new additions to Meryton society. The Bennets have a cousin staying with them, a Mr Collins, and there is a new officer—or soon-to-be officer—Mr Wickham. My brothers and sisters are all hoping that one or other of the gentlemen will make me an offer, but I think it unlikely. It is a pity, for I would certainly accept. My feelings on this matter have brought home to me what a very great difference there is between twenty-seven and one and twenty. Jane is the object of Mr Bingley’s attentions, but she does nothing to encourage him. Such reticence is very sweet at her age, but if she does not have a care, she might find herself having to encourage someone far less agreeable in another five years’ time.

  Elizabeth is meanwhile the object of her cousin’s attentions. I think she has only just begun to suspect it and is mortified. To be sure, he is not a sensible man, and has nothing in the way of personal virtues to recommend him, but he has a good living, a comfortable establishment and the patronage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh. His wife will be respectable and respected, and I must confess that if such a man were to appear interested in me, I would encourage him in every way available to me. But Elizabeth is yet young enough and romantic enough to think that true love still awaits her. As for myself, I have never been romantic. I have no belief in love, true or otherwise, but I would be glad of my own home and my own life, away from my family, no matter how much I love them.

  I am invited to a ball at Netherfield and there I will no doubt dance with all the officers, make myself agreeable, and hope that one of them will be as unromantic as I am and decide that he needs a sensible wife.

  But what of you? Are you still liking Bath? Is your father any better? Is your mother any happier? Have you any prospects?

  Write to me soon,


  Mr Wickham to Mrs Younge

  Meryton, Hertfordshire,

  November 22

  Ah, Belle, how strange a thing is life, one minute up, one minute down, and then up again! After my recent holiday in debtors’ prison it was balm to my spirit to find myself invited to a ball at Netherfield Park. That is an arena in which I can shine. I am not asked there for my own sake, but that is not important; I have an invitation and that is all that counts. As Mr Bingley did not make an exception of me when he invited all the officers, he evidently does not know what happened in Ramsgate last summer. Darcy must have been too proud to tell him, for which I am grateful. Bingley will be useful to me as long as he stays in ignorance. He can give me an entrée into the best society here and, better yet, he has a wealthy sister. The gossip is that Caroline Bingley has her sights set on Darcy, but I know him too well to think that he will ever marry her, for she has no pedigree and her money comes from trade. Sooner or later she will realise that she is wasting her time and then she will be vulnerable to a handsome charmer and there might be a chance for me.

  In the meantime, I am keeping my wits about me. There are bound to be some wealthy young women in the neighbourhood and they are bound to be at the Netherfield ball. I am looking forward to seeing the look on Darcy’s face when I walk in! No matter what his true feelings, he will have to be polite to me, as a guest of his friend. I am looking forward to it.

  Mrs Younge to Mr Wickham

  London, November 23

  I think you would do better to avoid the ball; it might provoke Darcy into revealing something you would rather have concealed. The people of Meryton believe you to be a good, honest citizen at the moment. They give you ready credit and you have friends who will be useful to you, but all that will change if Darcy lets slip something about your habit of running up debts, let alone your habit of trying to run off with rich young girls.

  Your own,


  Mr Wickham to Mrs Younge

  Meryton, Hertfordshire,

  November 25

  Perhaps you are right. I will say that I have business in town. It is as good an excuse as any. Expect me tomorrow at midday.


  Miss Lydia Bennet to Miss Eleanor Sotherton

  Longbourn, Hertfordshire,

  November 26

  You will never guess what we have been doing all week: getting ready for the Netherfield ball. Lizzy has been telling Mama that my dress is too low and Mama has been busy telling her that it is not! Mama says that Mr Bingley’s giving a ball is a compliment to Jane but I think it is a compliment to me since I am the one who asked him for it, and you may be sure I intend to tease everyone else in the neighbourhood into giving a ball as well, just as soon as this one is over.

  Kitty and me have been wanting to walk into Meryton a dozen times since Miss Bingley brought us the invitation but it has been raining so hard we have not been able to go once. It is wet enough for a river in the lane. Mary says that it is a punishment on us for being so frivolous and she has been writing about it in her book. La! You never saw such nonsense.

  If we all take a soaking on our way to the ball, I wonder if we will all have to stay at Netherfield until we are well again? Lord! What fun it would be, especially if Mr Wickham had to stay there, too. Me and Kitty are going to dance with him half the night apiece, and the other half we are going to dance with the rest of the officers. We both intend to marry a man in a red coat.